3 And he went before them, and bowed him selfe to the grounde seuen tymes, vntill he came to his brother
Genesis 33:3 Cross References - Bishops
Genesis 18:2
2 And he lift vp his eyes and loked, and loe, three men stoode by hym: And when he sawe them, he ranne to meete them from the tent doore, and bowed hym selfe towarde the grounde
Genesis 42:6
6 And Ioseph was gouernour in the lande, and solde to all the people of the lande. And Iosephes brethren came and bowed them selues with theyr faces downe to the grounde before him
Genesis 43:26
26 When Ioseph came home, they brought the present into the house to hym, whiche was in their handes, and bowed them selues to the grounde before him
1 Samuel 2:5
5 They that were full, haue hyred out them selues for bread, and they that were hungry, ceasse, tyll the barren hath borne seuen, and she that had many children, is waxed feeble
Proverbs 6:3
3 Therfore my sonne do this, and thou shalt be discharged: When thou art come into thy neyghbours daunger, go thy wayes then soone, humble thy selfe, and with thy frendes intreate [thy creditour.
Ecclesiastes 10:4
4 If a principall spirite be geuen thee to beare rule, be not negligent then in thine office: for he that can take cure of him selfe, auoydeth great offences
Luke 14:11
11 For whosoeuer exalteth hym selfe, shalbe brought lowe: And he that humbleth hym selfe, shalbe exalted
John 10:4
4 And when he hath sent foorth his owne sheepe, he goeth before them, and the sheepe folowe hym: for they knowe his voyce
John 10:11-12
John 10:15
15 As the father knoweth me, euen so, knowe I also the father: And I geue my lyfe for the sheepe