3 And the Lorde sayde vnto Iacob: turne agayne into the lande of thy fathers, and to thy kynrede, and I wyll be with thee
Genesis 31:3 Cross References - Bishops
Genesis 13:15
15 For all the lande whiche thou seest, wyll I geue vnto thee, and to thy seede for euer
Genesis 21:22
22 And at the same season, Abimelech and Phicol his chiefe captayne spake vnto Abraham, saying, God [is] with thee in all that thou doest
Genesis 26:3-5
3 Soiourne in this lande, and I wyl be with thee, and wyll blesse thee: for vnto thee and vnto thy seede I wyll geue all these countreys, and I wyll perfourme the othe whiche I sware vnto Abraham thy father
4 And wyl make thy seede to multiplie as the starres of heauen, and wyll geue vnto thy seede al these countreys: and in thy seede shall all the nations of the earth be blessed
5 Because that Abraham hearkened vnto my voyce, & kept my ordinaunce, my commaundementes, my statutes, and my lawes
Genesis 26:24
24 And the Lorde appeared vnto hym the same night, and sayde: I am the God of Abraham thy father, feare not, for I am with thee, and wyl blesse thee and multiple thy seede for my seruaunt Abrahams sake
Genesis 28:4
4 And geue the blessing of Abraham vnto thee, and to thy seede with thee, that thou mayest receaue to inherite ye lande wherein thou art a straunger, whiche God gaue vnto Abraham
Genesis 28:13
13 Yea, and God from aboue leaned vpon it, and sayde: I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isahac, the land which thou sleepest vpon, wyll I geue thee and thy seede
Genesis 28:15
15 And see, I am with thee, and wyll be thy keper in all [places] whyther thou goest, and wyll bryng thee agayne into this lande: For I wyl not leaue thee, vntyll I haue made good that whiche I haue promised thee
Genesis 28:20-22
20 And Iacob vowed a vowe, saying: Yf God wyll be with me, and wyll kepe me in this iourney in which I go, and wyll geue me bread to eate, and clothes to put on
21 So that I come agayne vnto my fathers house in saftie: then shal the Lord be my God
22 And this stone whiche I haue set vp on an ende, shalbe Gods house: and of all that thou shalt geue me, I wyl surely geue the tenth vnto thee
Genesis 30:25
25 Assoone as Rachel had borne Ioseph, Iacob sayde to Laban: Send me away, that I maye go vnto my owne place, and to my countrey
Genesis 31:13
13 I am the God of Bethel, where thou annoyntedst the stone set vp on an ende, and where thou vowedst a vowe vnto me: nowe therefore aryse, and get thee out of this countrey, and returne vnto the lande where thou wast borne
Genesis 31:18
18 And caryed away all his flockes, and all his substaunce whiche he had procured, the increase of his cattell which he had gotten in Mesopotamia, for to go to Isahac his father vnto the lande of Chanaan
Genesis 32:9
9 And Iacob said agayne: O God of my father Abraham, and God of my father Isahac, Lorde whiche saydest vnto me, returne vnto thy countrey, and to thy kindred, & I will do well with thee
Genesis 35:1
1 And God sayd vnto Iacob: aryse, and get thee vp to Bethel, and dwell there, and make there an aulter vnto God that appeared vnto thee when thou fleddest from the face of Esau thy brother
Genesis 46:2-3
Genesis 50:24
24 And Ioseph sayde vnto his brethren, I dye, & God wyll surely visite you, and bryng you out of this lande, vnto the lande whiche he sware vnto Abraham, Isahac, and Iacob
Psalms 46:1
1 The Lorde is our refuge & strength: a helpe very easyly founde in troubles
Psalms 50:15
15 And call vpon me in the tyme of trouble: I wyll heare thee, and thou shalt glorifie me
Psalms 90:15
15 Make vs mery accordyng to the dayes that thou hast afflicted vs: and accordyng to the yeres wherin we haue suffred aduersitie
Isaiah 41:10
10 Be not afraide, for I am with thee: Melt not away as waxe, for I am thy God to strength thee, helpe thee, and kepe thee with the right hande of my righteousnesse
Hebrews 13:5
5 Let your conuersation be without couetousnesse, beyng content with such thynges as ye haue. For he hath sayde: I wyll not fayle thee, neither forsake thee