2 Then spake he to hym that had the lynnen rayment vpon hym, and sayde: Crepe in betwene the wheeles that are vnder the Cherub, and take thine hand full of hotte coales out from betwene the Cherubims, and scatter them ouer the citie. And he crept in, that I myght see
Ezekiel 10:2 Cross References - Bishops
Exodus 9:8-10
8 And the Lord said vnto Moyses and Aaron: take your handes full of asshes out of ye furnace, & Moyses shal sprinckle it vp into the ayre in ye sight of Pharao
9 And it shalbe dust in all the lande of Egypt, and shalbe swelling sores with blaynes both on man & beast throughout all the lande of Egypt
10 And they toke asshes out of the furnace, and stoode before Pharao: and Moyses sprinkled it vp into the ayre, and there were swellyng sores with blaynes, both in men and in beastes
2 Kings 25:9
9 And burnt the house of the Lord, and the kinges house, and all the houses of Hierusalem, and all great houses burnt he with fire
Psalms 18:12-13
Psalms 140:10
10 Let hotte coales be burnyng vpon them: he wyll cast them downe into the fire into deepe pittes, that they may neuer rise vp agayne
Isaiah 6:6-7
Isaiah 30:30
30 And the Lorde shall cause his glorious voyce to be hearde, and shall declare his stretched out arme with a terrible countenaunce, & with the flambe of a consuming fire, with noysome lightening, with a showre, and with hayle stones
Jeremiah 24:8-10
8 And like as thou knowest the naughtie figges whiche may not be eaten they are so euyll: euen so wyll I, saith the Lorde, cause Zedechias the kyng of Iuda, yea and all his princes, and the residue of Hierusalem that remaine ouer in this lande, and them also that dwell in Egypt, to be vexed and plagued in all kyngdomes and landes
9 And I wyll make them to be a reprofe, a common byworde, a laughing stocke and shame in al the places where I shall scatter them
10 I wyll sende the sworde, hunger, and pestilence among them, vntyll I haue cleane consumed them out of the lande that I gaue vnto them and their fathers
Ezekiel 1:13
13 And the fashion of the beastes, their appearaunce was lyke coales of fire, burning like the appearaunce of cressets, it ran among the beastes, and the fire gaue a glister, and out of the fire there went lightening
Ezekiel 1:15-20
15 When I had considered the beastes, beholde a wheele vpon the earth nye to the beastes, to euery of the foure before his face
16 The fashion & worke of the wheeles was lyke the colour of Tharsis, and they foure had one fashion, and their fashion & their worke [was] as though it were a wheele in ye middle of a wheele
17 When they went, they went vpon their foure sides: they returned not backe when they went
18 They had ringes, and heyght, and were feareful to beholde: & their ringes were full of eyes rounde about them foure
19 When the beastes went, the wheeles went also by them: and when the beastes were lift vp from the earth, the wheeles were lyft vp
20 Whyther soeuer the spirite [was] to go, they went, and thyther [was] the spirite to go, and the wheeles were lyft vp before them: for the spirite of the beastes were in the wheeles
Ezekiel 9:2-3
2 And beholde, then came there sixe men out of the streete of the vpper gate towarde the north, and euery man a slaughter weapon in his hande: There was one amongest them that had on hym lynnen rayment, and a writers inckhorne by his syde: these went in and stoode besyde the brasen aulter
3 And the glorie of the Lorde of Israel was gone from the Cherub whervpon it was, to the doore of the house: and he called to the man that had the lynnen rayment vpon hym, and the writers inckhorne by his syde
Ezekiel 9:11
11 And beholde, the man that had the lynnen rayment vpon hym and the writers inckhorne by his syde, reported the matter, and sayde: As thou hast commaunded me, so haue I done
Ezekiel 10:7-13
7 Then one Cherub reached foorth his hande from betwene the Cherubims vnto the fire that was betwene the Cherubims, and toke therof, and gaue it into the handes of hym that had on the lynnen rayment: which toke it, and went out
8 And vnder the wynges of the Cherubims there appeared the likenesse of a mans hande
9 I loked also, and behold foure wheeles beside the Cherubims, one wheele by one Cherub, and another by another Cherub, and the wheeles were to loke vpon after the fashion of the precious stone Tharsis
10 As touchyng their appearaunce (they were all foure of one fashion) as yf one wheele had ben in another
11 When they went foorth, they went vpon their foure sides, not turnyng backe in their goyng: for which way the [head of the] first loked, after it they went, so that they turned not backe in their goyng
12 And their whole bodyes, their backes, their handes, and wynges, yea and the wheeles also were full of eyes rounde about the foure wheeles
13 And to the wheeles, he cryed to them in my hearyng, O wheele
Ezekiel 10:16
16 Nowe when the Cherubims went, the wheeles went by them: and when the Cherubims lyft vp their wynges to mount vp from the earth, the same wheeles also turned not from besides them
Ezekiel 20:47-48
47 And say to the forest of the south, Heare the worde of the Lord, thus saith the Lorde God, Beholde I wyll kindle a fire in thee, that shall consume all the greene trees, with all the dry: the continuall flambe shall not be quenched, and euery face from the south to the north shalbe burnt therin
48 And all fleshe shall see that I the Lorde haue kindled it, and it shall not be quenched
Ezekiel 24:9-14
9 Wherefore thus sayth the Lorde God: O wo be vnto the bloodthirstie citie, for whom euen I my selfe wil make a great fire
10 And set much wood, and kindle the fire, and seeth the fleshe, & spice the pot, so that the very bones shalbe brent
11 Moreouer, I will set the pot emptie vpo the coales, so that the brasse thereof may be hot and burnt, and the filthynesse of it may be molten in it, and the scum of it shalbe consumed
12 She hath weeried her selfe with labour, yet her great scum is not gone of her, in the fire her scum [must be consumed.
13 In thy filthynesse is wickednesse: because I would haue purged thee, and thou wast not purged, from thy filthynesse thou shalt not be purged any more, till I haue caused myne indignation to rest in thee
14 Euen I the Lorde haue spoken it: yea it is come therto all redy that I will do it, I will not go backe, I will not spare, I will not repent: but according to thy wayes and imaginations shall they iudge thee, sayth the Lorde God
Revelation 8:5
5 And the angel toke the senser, and fylled it with fire of the aulter, and cast it into the earth: and voyces were made, and thundrynges, and lyghtnynges, & earthquake