19 And therefore the Iewes that dwelt in the villages and vnwalled townes, held the fourteenth day of the moneth Adar with gladnesse and feasting, and kept holy day, and euery one sent preasentes vnto his neighbour
Esther 9:19 Cross References - Bishops
Deuteronomy 3:5
5 All these cities also were made strong with hye walles, gates, & barres, beside vnwalled townes a great meany
Deuteronomy 16:11
11 And thou shalt reioyce before the Lord thy God, thou, and thy sonne, thy daughter, thy seruaunt, and thy mayde, & the Leuite that is within thy gates, and the straunger, the fatherlesse, and the widdowe that are among you, in the place which the Lorde thy God hath chosen, to put his name there
Deuteronomy 16:14
14 And thou shalt reioyce in thy feast, thou and thy sonne, thy daughter, thy seruaunt, and thy mayde, the Leuite, the straunger, and the fatherlesse, & the widdowe, that are within thy gates
Nehemiah 8:10-12
10 And he saide vnto them: Go your way, and eate the fat, and drinke the sweete, and send part vnto them also that haue not prepared for them selues, for this day is holy vnto our Lorde: be not ye sory therefore, for the ioy of the Lorde is your strength
11 And the Leuites stilled all the people, and saide: Holde your peace, for the day is holy, be not sad therefore
12 And all the people went their way to eate, and to drinke, & to sende part vnto other, and to make great mirth, because they had vnderstand the wordes that were declared vnto them
Esther 8:17
17 In all prouinces and cities into what places soeuer the kinges word and commaundement reached, there was ioy and mirth, a feaste and good dayes among the Iewes: insomuch, that many of the people in ye lande became Iewes, for the feare of the Iewes came vpon them
Esther 9:22
22 As the dayes wherein the Iewes came to rest from their enemies, and as a moneth wherein their paine was turned to ioy, and their sorowe into a ioyful day: and that in those dayes they should make feastes and gladnesse, and one to send giftes vnto another, and to distribute vnto the poore
Psalms 118:11-16
11 They kept me in on euery syde, they kept me in I say on euery syde: [but I trusted] in the name of God that I shoulde destroy them
12 They swarmed about me lyke bees, and they be extinguished as the fire [made] of thornes: [for I trusted] in the name of God that I should destroy them
13 Thou hast thrust sore at me, that I might fall: but God dyd ayde m
14 The Lorde is my strength and my song: and he is become my saluation
15 The voyce of a ioyfull noyse & of saluation is in the dwellynges of the ryghteous: [saying] the ryght hande of God bryngeth mightie thynges to passe
16 The ryght hande of God is on hygh: the right hande of God bryngeth mightie thynges to passe
Zechariah 2:4
4 And saide vnto him, Runne, speake to this young man, and say: Hierusalem shalbe inhabited without any wall for the very multitude of people and cattaile that shalbe therein
Luke 11:41
41 But rather geue almes of those thynges which are within, and beholde all thynges are cleane vnto you
Revelation 11:10
10 And they that dwell vpon the earth shal reioyce ouer them, and be glad, and shall sende gyftes one to another: for these two prophetes vexed them that dwelt on the earth