1 The wordes of the preacher ye sonne of Dauid kyng of Hierusalem
2 All is but most vayne vanitie saith the preacher, & all is most vayne [I say] and but playne vanitie
3 For what els hath a man of all the labour that he taketh vnder the sunne
4 One generation passeth away, another commeth: but the earth abideth styll
5 The sunne aryseth, the sunne goeth downe, and returneth to his place, that he may there ryse vp agayne
6 The wynde goeth towarde the south and turneth vnto the north, fetcheth his compasse, whirleth about, and goeth foorth, and returneth agayne to his circuites from whence he dyd come
7 All fluddes runne into the sea, and yet is the sea it selfe not fylled: For loke vnto what place the waters runne, thence they come to flowe agayne
8 All thinges are so harde to be knowen, that no man can expresse them: The eye is not satisfied with sight, the eare is not fylled with hearyng
9 The thyng that hath ben, commeth to passe agayne, and the thyng that hath ben done, shalbe done agayne: There is no newe thyng vnder the sunne
10 Is there any thyng wherof it may be sayde, lo this is newe? for it was long ago in the tymes that haue ben before vs
11 The thyng that is past is out of remembraunce: euen so the thynges that are for to come, shal no more be thought vpon among them that come after
12 I my selfe the preacher was kyng of Israel at Hierusalem
13 And dyd applie my mynde to seke out & searche for knowledge of all thynges that are done vnder heauen: Such trauayle and labour hath God geuen vnto the children of men, to exercise them selues therin
14 Thus haue I considered all these thynges that come to passe vnder the sunne: and lo, they are all but vanitie and vexation of mynde
15 The croked can not be made straight, nor the imperfection of thynges can be numbred
16 I communed with myne owne heart, saying: lo I am come to great estate, and haue gotten more wisdome then all they that haue ben before me in Hierusalem
17 Yea, my heart had great experience of wisdome & knowledge: for thervnto I applied my mynde, that I myght knowe what were wisdome and vnderstandyng, what were errour and foolishnesse: and I perceaued that this was also but a vexation of mynde
18 For where much wisdome is, there is also great trauayle and disquietnesse: and the more knowledge a man hath, the more is his care
Ecclesiastes 1 Cross References - Bishops
Genesis 3:19
19 In the sweatte of thy face shalt thou eate thy breade, tyll thou be turned agayne into the ground, for out of it wast thou taken: For dust thou art, and into dust shalt thou be turned agayne
Genesis 5:3-31
3 And Adam lyued an hundreth and thirtie yeres, and begate a sonne in his owne lykenesse, after his image, & called his name Seth
4 Al the dayes of Adam after he had begotten Seth, were eyght hudreth yeres, and he begat sonnes and daughters
5 And all the dayes that Adam lyued were nine hundreth and thirtie yeres, and he dyed
6 Seth lyued an hundreth & fyue yeres, and begat Enos
7 And Seth lyued after he begat Enos eyght hundreth and seuen yeres, and begat sonnes and daughters
8 And all the dayes of Seth were nine hundreth & twelue yeres, and he dyed
9 Enos lyued ninetie yeres, and begate Kenan
10 And Enos lyued after he begate Kenan eyght hundreth & fiftie yeres, and begate sonnes and daughters
11 And all the dayes of Enos were nine hundreth & fyue yeres, and he dyed
12 Kenan lyued seuentie yeres, and begate Mahalaleel
13 And Kenan liued after he begate Mahalaleel eyght hudreth & fourtie yeres, and begate sonnes and daughters
14 And all the dayes of Kenan were nine hundreth and ten yeres, and he dyed
15 Mahalaleel liued sixtie and fiue yeres, and begate Iered
16 And againe Mahalaleel liued after he begate Iered eyght hundreth & thirtie yeres, and begate sonnes & daughters
17 And al the dayes of Mahalaleel, were eyght hundreth ninetie and fiue yeres, and he dyed
18 Iered lyued an hundreth sixtie & two yeres, and he begate Henoch
19 And Iered liued after he begat Henoch, eyght hundreth yeres, & begate sonnes and daughters
20 And all the dayes of Iered were nine hundreth sixtie and two yeres, & he died
21 Henoch lyued sixtie and fiue yeres, & begate Methuselah
22 And Henoch walked with God after he begate Methuselah three hundreth yeres, and begate sonnes & daughters
23 And al ye dayes of Henoch were three hundreth sixtie and fiue yeres
24 And Henoch walked with God: and he was no more seene, for God toke him away
25 Methuselah also lyued an hundreth eyghtie and seue yeres, and begate Lamech
26 And agayne Methusalah lyued after he begat Lamech seue hundreth eightie and two yeres, and begate sonnes and daughters
27 And all the dayes of Methuselah were nine hundreth sixtie & nine yeres, and he dyed
28 Lamech liued an hundreth eyghtie & two yeres, and begate a sonne
29 And called his name Noah, saying: This same shall comfort vs as concerning our worke, & sorowe of our handes about the earth, which God cursed
30 And Lamech lyued after he begat Noah, fiue hudreth ninetie & fiue yeres, and begate sonnes and daughters
31 And all the dayes of Lamech were seuen hundreth seuentie and seue yeres, and he dyed
Genesis 8:22
22 Yet therefore shall not sowyng tyme and haruest, colde and heate, sommer and wynter, day and nyght, ceasse all the dayes of the earth
Genesis 11:20-32
20 And Reu liued two and thirtie yeres, and begat Serug
21 And Reu lyued after he begat Serug two hundreth and seuen yeres: and begat sonnes and daughters
22 And Serug liued thirtie yere, and begat Nachor
23 And Serug liued after he begat Nachor, two hundreth yeres: and begat sonnes and daughters
24 And Nachor lyued nyne and twentie yeres, and begat Tarah
25 And Nachor liued after he begat Tarah an hundreth and nineteene yeres: and begat sonnes and daughters
26 Tarah liued seuentie yeres, and begat Abram, Nachor, and Haran
27 These are the generations of Tarah: Tarah begat Abram, Nachor, and Haran: Haron begat Lot
28 And Haran dyed in the presence of his father Tarah, in the lande of his natiuitie, euen in Ur of the Chaldees
29 Abram & Nachor toke them wiues: the name of Abrams wife [was] Sarai, and the name of Nachors wyfe, [was] Milcha, the daughter of Haran, the father of Milcha, & the father of Iischa
30 But Sarai was baren, and had no chylde
31 And Tarah toke Abram his sonne, and Lot the sonne of Haran his sonnes sonne, and Sarai his daughter in lawe his sonne Abrams wyfe, and they departed together from Ur of the Chaldees, that they myght go into the land of Chanaan: and they came vnto Haran, and dwelt there
32 And the dayes of Tarah, were two hundreth and fiue yeres, and Tarah died in Haran
Genesis 36:9-19
9 These are the generations of Esau, father of the Edomites in mount Seir
10 And these are the names of Esaus sonnes: Eliphas the sonne of Ada, the wyfe of Esau, and Rehuel the sonne of Basemath the wife of Esau
11 And the sonnes of Eliphas, were Theman, Omar, Sepho, and Gatham, and Cenaz
12 And Thimna was concubine to Eliphas Esaus sonne, and bare vnto Eliphas Amalec: and these be the sonnes of Ada Esaus wife
13 And these are the sonnes of Rehuel: Nahath, and Zerah, Samma, and Mizza: these were ye sonnes of Basemath Esaus wyfe
14 And these were the sonnes of Aholibama the daughter of Ana, daughter of Sebeon Esaus wife: and she bare vnto Esau, Iehus, and Ialam and Corah
15 These were dukes of the sonnes of Esau. The children of Eliphas the first borne sonne of Esau were these
16 Duke Theman, duke Omar, duke Sepho, duke Cenaz, and duke Corah, duke Gatham, & duke Amalec: these are the dukes that came of Eliphas in the lande of Edom, and these were the sonnes of Ada
17 These also are the children of Rehuel Esaus sonne: duke Nahath, duke Serah, duke Samma, duke Mizza. These are the dukes that came of Rehuel, in the lande of Edom: and these are the sonnes of Basemath Esaus wyfe
18 These were the chyldren of Aholibama Esaus wyfe: duke Iehus, duke Ialam, duke Corah: these dukes came of Aholibama the daughter of Ana Esaus wyfe
19 These are the chyldren of Esau, and these are the dukes of them, whiche Esau is Edom
Genesis 47:9
9 Iacob sayd vnto Pharao, The dayes of my pilgrimage are an hundred and thirtie yeres: Fewe and euill haue the dayes of my life ben, and haue not attayned vnto the yeres of ye lyfe of my fathers, in the dayes of theyr pilgrimage
Exodus 1:6-7
Exodus 6:16-27
16 These also are the names of the chyldren of Leui in their generations: Gerson, and Cehath, and Merari: Leui liued an hundred thirtie and seuen yere
17 The sonnes of Gerson: Libni, and Simi by their kinredes
18 The chyldren of Cehath: Amram, & Ishar, and Hebron, and Uziel. And Cehath liued an hundred thirtie and three yere
19 The children of Merari: Mahli, and Musi: these are the kinredes of Leui by their geuerations
20 Amram toke Iochebed his fathers sister to wyfe, and she bare hym Aaron and Moyses: and Amram liued an hundred and thirtie and seuen yeres
21 And the chyldren of Ishar: Corah, Nepheg, and Sichri
22 The chyldren of Usiel: Misael, Elzaphan, and Zithri
23 And Aaron toke Eliseba, daughter of Aminadab, and sister of Nahason to wyfe, whiche bare hym Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar
24 The chyldren of Corah: Assir, and Elcanah, and Abiasaph: these are the kinredes of the Corahites
25 Eleazar Aarons sonne, toke him one of the daughters of Putiel to wyfe, whiche bare hym Phinces: and these are the principal fathers of the Leuites throughout their kinredes
26 This is that Aaron and Moyses to whom the Lorde sayd: Leade the children of Israel out of the lande of Egypt, according to theyr armies
27 These are that Moyses and Aaron, which spake to Pharao king of Egypt, that they might bryng the chyldren of Israel out of Egypt
Joshua 10:13-14
13 And the sunne abode, and the moone stoode styll, vntyll the people auenged them selues vpon their enemies. Is not this written in the booke of the righteous? So the sunne [I say] abode in the middest of heauen, and hasted not to go downe by the space of a whole day
14 And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the Lorde hearde the voyce of a man: for the Lorde fought for Israel
1 Kings 3:12-13
12 Behold, I haue done according to thy wordes, lo I haue geuen thee a wyse & an vnderstanding heart, so that there was none lyke thee before thee, neither after thee shal any aryse lyke vnto thee
13 And I haue also geuen thee that which thou hast not asked, euen rychesse and honour, so that ther shalbe no king lyke vnto thee all thy dayes
1 Kings 4:1-19
1 And so king Solomon was king ouer all Israel
2 And these were his lordes: Azariahu the sonne of Sadoc the priest
3 Elihozeph and Ahiah the sonnes of Sisa, scribes: Iehosaphat the sonne of Ahilud, the recorder
4 Banaiah the sonne of Iehoiada was ouer the hoast: Sadoc and Abiathar were the priestes
5 And Azariahu the sonne of Nathan was ouer the officers: And Zabud the sonne of Nathan was a priest, ye kinges companion
6 And Ahisar was steward of ye houshold: And Adoniram the sonne of Abda was ouer the tributes
7 And Solomon had twelue officers ouer all Israel, which prouided vittayles for the king and his houshold: eche man his moneth in a yere, made prouision for necessarie thinges
8 And these are their names: the sonne of Hur in mount Ephraim
9 The sonne of Dekar in Makaz and in Saalbin, and Bethsames, Elon, and Bethhanan
10 The sonne of Hesed in Aruboth, to whom parteyned Socho and all the land of Hepher
11 The sonne of Abinadab in all the region of Dor, whiche had Tapheth the daughter of Solomon to wyfe
12 Baana the sonne of Ahilud was ouer Thaanach and Megiddo, and ouer all Bethsan, whiche is by Zarthana beneath Iezrael, fro Bethsan to ye plaine of Mehola, euen vnto the place that is ouer against Iecmeam
13 The sonne of Gaber had Ramoth Gilead, and his were the townes of Iair the sonne of Manasse which are in Gilead: and vnder him was the region of Argob whiche is in Basan threescore great cities with walles and barres of brasse
14 Ahinadab the sonne of Hiddo had Mahenaim
15 Ahimaaz was in Nephthalim, and he toke Basmath the daughter of Solomon to wyfe
16 Baana the sonne of Husai was in Aser and in Aloth
17 Iehosaphat the sonne of Paruah was in Isachar
18 Semei the sonne of Ela was in Beniamin
19 Gaber the sonne of Uri was in the countrey of Gilead, the land of Sehon king of the Amorites, and of Og king of Basan, & was officer alone in the lande
1 Kings 4:30-32
30 And Solomons wysdome excelled the wysedome of all the children of the east countrey, and al the wisdome of Egypt
1 Kings 4:30
30 And Solomons wysdome excelled the wysedome of all the children of the east countrey, and al the wisdome of Egypt
31 For he was wiser then al men, yea then Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, Chalcol, and Darda the sonnes of Mahol: And his name was spoken of throughout all nations on euery syde
32 And Solomon spake three thousande prouerbes: And his songes were a thousande and fiue
1 Kings 10:7
7 Howbeit I beleued it not, till I came & sawe it with myne eyes: And beholde, the one halfe was not tolde me: for thy wysdome and prosperitie exceedeth the fame which I hearde of thee
1 Kings 10:23-24
1 Kings 11:42-43
2 Kings 5:20
20 Gehezi the seruaunt of Elisa the man of God, said: Beholde, my maister hath spared Naaman this Syrian, that he would not receaue at his hande those thinges that he offered: As the Lorde lyueth, I wyll runne after him, & take somewhat of him
2 Chronicles 1:10-12
10 Wherefore geue me now wysedome and knowledge, that I may be able to go in and out before this people: for who els can iudge this people that is so great
11 And God saide to Solomon: Because this was in thyne heart, and because thou hast not asked treasure and riches, and honour, & the liues of thyne enemies, neither yet long lyfe, but hast asked wysedome and knowledge for thy selfe, to iudge my people ouer which I haue made thee king
12 Wysedome and knowledge is graunted vnto thee, and I will geue thee treasure, & riches, and glory: so that among the kinges that haue ben before thee, or after thee, none was or shalbe lyke thee
2 Chronicles 2:12
12 And Hiram sayde moreouer: Blessed be the Lorde God of Israel whiche made heauen & earth, & that hath geuen Dauid the king a wise sonne, and one that hath descretion, prudence, and vnderstanding, to buyld an house for the Lord, and a palace for his kingdome
2 Chronicles 9:22-23
2 Chronicles 9:30
30 And Solomon raigned in Hierusalem vpon all Israel fouretie yeres
2 Chronicles 10:17-19
17 So that Rehoboam raigned ouer no mo of the children of Israel then dwelt in the cities of Iuda
18 Then king Rehoboam also sent Haduram that was ruler ouer the tribute, and the children of Israel stoned him with stones, that he dyed: But king Rehoboam made speede to get him vp to his charet, to flee to Hierusalem
19 And they of Israel rebelled against the house of Dauid vnto this day
Nehemiah 6:7
7 And hast ordayned the prophetes to preache of thee at Hierusalem, and to say, He is king of Iuda. And now shall this come to the kinges eares: come now therefore, and let vs take our counsell together
Job 11:6
6 That he might shewe thee the secretes of wysdome, howe thou hast deserued double according to right: Know therfore that God hath forgotten thee for thyne iniquitie
Job 28:28
28 And vnto man he sayd: To feare the Lorde is wysdome, and to forsake euyll is vnderstanding
Job 34:29
29 When he geueth quietnesse, who can make trouble? and when he hydeth his face, who can beholde him? whether it be vpon nations, or vpo one man onely
Job 37:9
9 Out of the south commeth the tempest, and colde out from the north winde
Job 37:17
17 And how thy clothes are warme, when the lande is stil through the south winde
Job 38:10-11
Psalms 4:4
4 Be ye angry, but sinne not: commune with your owne heart in your chaumber, and be styll. Selah
Psalms 9:6
6 O thou enemie thou thoughtest to bryng vs to a perpetuall desolation: and to destroy our cities, so that there shoulde remayne no memory of them
Psalms 19:4-6
4 (19:3b) yet their sounde goeth into all landes, and their wordes into the endes of the worlde. (19:4a) In them he hath set a tabernacle for the sunne
5 (19:4b) which commeth foorth as a bridegrome out of his chamber, and reioyceth as a giaunt to runne his course
6 (19:5) His settyng foorth is from the vtmost part of heauen, and his circuite vnto the vtmost part therof: and there is nothing hyd from his heat
Psalms 39:5-6
5 Behold thou hast made my dayes as it were an hand breadth long, & mine age is euen as nothing before thee: truely euery man is al [together] vanitie. Selah
6 Truely man walketh in a vayne shadowe, truely he [and all his] do disquiet them selues in vayne: he heapeth vp riches, & can not tel who shal vse them
Psalms 40:9
9 I haue declared thy righteousnes in a great congregatio: lo I wil not refraine my lippes O God thou knowest [it.
Psalms 42:1
1 Lyke as the Hart brayeth for water brookes: so panteth my soule after thee O God
Psalms 62:9-10
Psalms 63:5
5 (63:6) My soule is satisfied euen as it were with mary and fatnes: and my mouth prayseth thee with ioyfull lippes
Psalms 77:6
6 I called to remembraunce my psalme, song on the musicall instrument in the nyght tyme: I communed with myne owne heart, & searched out my spirites
Psalms 89:36-37
Psalms 89:47-48
Psalms 90:9-10
9 For all our dayes do passe in thine anger: we spende our yeres as [in speaking] a worde
10 The dayes of our yeres be in all threescore yeres and tenne, and yf through strength [of nature] men come to foure score yeres: yet is their iolitie but labour and care, yea moreouer it passeth in haste from vs, and we flee from it
Psalms 102:24-28
24 (102:21) But I say, O my God take me not away in the middest of myne age: as for thy yeres, they endure throughout all generations
25 (102:22) Thou hast before tyme layde the foundation of the earth: and the heauens are the worke of thy handes
26 (102:23) They shall perishe, but thou wylt remayne styll: they all shall waxe olde as doth a garment, and as a vesture thou wylt chaunge them, and they shalbe chaunged
27 (102:24a) But thou art, and thy yeres can not fayle
28 (102:24b) the children of thy seruauntes shal dwell, and their seede shalbe maynteyned in thy syght
Psalms 104:5
5 He hath layde the earth sure vpon her foundations: that it can neuer moue at any tyme
6 Thou coueredst it with the deepe, lyke as with a garment: the waters stande vpon the hilles
7 At thy rebuke they flee: at the noyse of thy thunder they bluster downe apace
8 The hilles mount aloft: and the valleys settle downe beneath vnto the place where thou hast layde a foundation for them
9 Thou hast set them their boundes which they shall not passe: neither shall they returne agayne to couer the earth
Psalms 104:19-23
19 He hath made the moone for certayne seasons: and the sunne knoweth his goyng downe
20 Thou makest darknes and it is night: wherein all the beastes of the forrest do go abrode
21 The Lions do roare after a pray: and in seeking their meate of God
22 When the sunne ariseth, they recoyle backe: and lay them downe to rest in their dennes
23 Man goeth foorth to his worke: and to do his seruice vntyll the euening
Psalms 107:25
25 (107:23) For he commaundeth and causeth a stormie winde to arise: and he lifteth vp on high his waues
Psalms 107:29
29 (107:27) For he maketh the storme to ceasse: so that the waues therof are still
Psalms 111:2
2 Great are the workes of God: sought out of all them that haue pleasure therin
Psalms 119:90-91
Psalms 144:4
4 Man is lyke a thyng of naught: his dayes be lyke a shadowe that passeth away
Proverbs 2:2-4
Proverbs 4:7
7 The chiefe poynt of wysdome, is to possesse wysdome: and before all thy goodes to get thee vnderstanding
Proverbs 18:1
1 Who so hath an earnest desire [to wysdome] he will sequester him selfe to seeke it, and occupie him selfe in all stedfastnesse & sounde doctrine
Proverbs 18:15
15 A wise heart possesseth knowledge, & a prudent eare seeketh vnderstanding
Proverbs 23:4-5
Proverbs 23:26
26 My sonne geue me thyne heart, and let thyne eyes haue pleasure in my wayes
Proverbs 27:20
20 Hell and destruction are neuer full: euen so the eyes of men can neuer be satisfied
Proverbs 30:15-16
Ecclesiastes 1:1
1 The wordes of the preacher ye sonne of Dauid kyng of Hierusalem
Ecclesiastes 1:12
12 I my selfe the preacher was kyng of Israel at Hierusalem
13 And dyd applie my mynde to seke out & searche for knowledge of all thynges that are done vnder heauen: Such trauayle and labour hath God geuen vnto the children of men, to exercise them selues therin
14 Thus haue I considered all these thynges that come to passe vnder the sunne: and lo, they are all but vanitie and vexation of mynde
Ecclesiastes 1:17
17 Yea, my heart had great experience of wisdome & knowledge: for thervnto I applied my mynde, that I myght knowe what were wisdome and vnderstandyng, what were errour and foolishnesse: and I perceaued that this was also but a vexation of mynde
Ecclesiastes 1:17-18
17 Yea, my heart had great experience of wisdome & knowledge: for thervnto I applied my mynde, that I myght knowe what were wisdome and vnderstandyng, what were errour and foolishnesse: and I perceaued that this was also but a vexation of mynde
18 For where much wisdome is, there is also great trauayle and disquietnesse: and the more knowledge a man hath, the more is his care
Ecclesiastes 2:3
3 So I thought in my heart to geue my fleshe vnto wine, and agayne to apply my mynde vnto wisdome, and to comprehende foolishnesse: vntyll the tyme that among all the thynges which are vnder the sunne, I myght see what were best for men to do so long as they liue vnder heauen
Ecclesiastes 2:9
9 And I was greater and in more worship then all my predecessours in Hierusalem: For wisdome remayned with me
10 And loke whatsoeuer myne eyes desired, I let them haue it: and wherin soeuer my heart delited or had any pleasure, I withhelde it not from it: Thus my heart reioyced in all that I did, and this was my portion of all my trauayle
11 But when I considered all the workes that my handes had wrought, and all the labour that I had taken therin: lo all was but vanitie and vexation of mynde, and nothing of any value vnder the sunne
Ecclesiastes 2:11-12
11 But when I considered all the workes that my handes had wrought, and all the labour that I had taken therin: lo all was but vanitie and vexation of mynde, and nothing of any value vnder the sunne
12 Then turned I me to consider wisdome, errour, and foolishnesse (for what is he among men that myght be compared to me the kyng in such workes?
Ecclesiastes 2:12-12
12 Then turned I me to consider wisdome, errour, and foolishnesse (for what is he among men that myght be compared to me the kyng in such workes?
Ecclesiastes 2:15
15 Then thought I in my mynde, yf it happen vnto the foole as it doth vnto me, what needeth me then to labour any more for wisdome? So I confessed within my heart that this also was but vanitie
16 For the wise are euer as litle in remembraunce as the foolishe: for the dayes shall come when all shalbe forgotten: yea the wise man dyeth as well as the foole
17 Thus began I to be weery of my life, insomuch that I coulde away with nothyng that is done vnder the sunne: for all was but vanitie and vexation of mynde
Ecclesiastes 2:19
19 And who knoweth whether he shalbe a wise man or a foole? And yet shall he be lorde of all my laboures which I with such wisdome haue taken vnder the sunne: This is also a vayne thyng
Ecclesiastes 2:21
21 Forsomuch as a man shoulde weery hym selfe with wisdome, with vnderstandyng and oportunitie, and yet be fayne to leaue his labours vnto another that neuer sweat for them: This is also a vayne thyng, and great miserie
22 For what getteth a man of all the labour and trauayle of his mynde that he taketh vnder the sunne
23 But heauinesse, sorowe, and disquietnesse all the dayes of his life? Insomuch that his heart can not rest in the nyght: This is also a vayne thyng
Ecclesiastes 2:26
26 And why? God geueth to the man that is good before hym, wisdome, vnderstandyng, and gladnesse: but vnto the sinner he geueth weerinesse, that he may gather and heape together the thyng that afterwarde shalbe geuen vnto hym whom it pleaseth God: This is nowe a vayne thyng, yea a very disquietnesse and vexation of mynde
Ecclesiastes 3:9
Ecclesiastes 3:14
14 I considered also that whatsoeuer God doth, it continueth for euer: And that nothyng can be put vnto it, nor taken from it, & that God doth it to the intent that men shoulde feare hym
15 The thyng that hath ben, is nowe: and the thyng that is for to come, hath ben afore time: for God restoreth againe the thyng that was past
Ecclesiastes 3:19
19 For it happeneth vnto men as it doth vnto beastes, euen one condition vnto them both: as the one dyeth so dyeth the other, yea they haue both one maner of breath: so that in this a man hath no preeminence aboue a beast, but are all subdued vnto vanitie
Ecclesiastes 4:1-4
1 So I turned me, and considered all the violent wrong that is done vnder the sunne: and beholde the teares of such as were oppressed, and there was no man to comfort them, or that woulde deliuer and defende them from the violence of their oppressours
2 Wherfore I iudged those that are dead, to be more happy then those that be alyue
3 Yea him that is yet vnborne, to be better at ease then they both: because he seeth not the miserable workes that are done vnder the sunne
Ecclesiastes 4:3-4
3 Yea him that is yet vnborne, to be better at ease then they both: because he seeth not the miserable workes that are done vnder the sunne
4 Agayne, I sawe that all trauayle and diligence of labour that euery man taketh in hande, was done of enuie agaynst his neighbour: This is also a vayne thyng, and a vexation of mynde
Ecclesiastes 4:4-4
4 Agayne, I sawe that all trauayle and diligence of labour that euery man taketh in hande, was done of enuie agaynst his neighbour: This is also a vayne thyng, and a vexation of mynde
Ecclesiastes 4:7
7 Moreouer I turned me, and beholde yet another vanitie vnder the sunne
8 There is one man, no mo but himselfe alone, hauing neither childe nor brother, yet is there no ende of his carefull trauayle, his eyes can not be satisfied with riches: [yet saith he not] for whom do I take such trauayle? For whose pleasure do I thus consume away my life? This is also a vayne and miserable thyng
Ecclesiastes 4:16
16 As for the people that haue ben before him, and that come after him, they are innumerable, and they that come after him shall not reioyce in him: This is also a vayne thyng, and vexation of mynde
Ecclesiastes 5:10
10 He that loueth money, wyll neuer be satisfied with money: and he that loueth riches, shalbe without the fruite therof: This is also a vayne thyng
Ecclesiastes 5:10-11
10 He that loueth money, wyll neuer be satisfied with money: and he that loueth riches, shalbe without the fruite therof: This is also a vayne thyng
11 Wheras much riches is, there are many also that spende them away: And what pleasure more hath he that possesseth them, sauyng that he may loke vpon them with his eyes
Ecclesiastes 5:16
16 This is a miserable plague, that he shall go euen as he came away: What helpeth it him then that he hath laboured in the wynde
Ecclesiastes 5:18
18 Therfore me thinke it a better and a fayrer thyng, a man to eate and drynke, and to be refresshed of all his labour that he taketh vnder the sunne, all the dayes of his lyfe which God geueth him: for this is his portion
Ecclesiastes 6:9
9 The cleare sight of the eye, is better then that the soule shoulde walke after desires of the lust: Howbeit, this is also a vayne thyng, and a disquietnesse of mynde
10 The thyng that hath ben, is named alredy, and knowen that it is euen man him selfe: neither may he go to lawe with him that is mightier then he
11 Many thinges there be that encrease vanitie, and what hath a man els
12 For who knoweth what is good for man liuing in the dayes of his vayne life, whiche is but a shadowe? Or who wyl tell a man what shall happen after hym vnder the sunne
Ecclesiastes 7:10
10 Say not thou, What is the cause that the dayes of the old time were better then they that be nowe? for that were no wyse question
11 Wysdome with inheritaunce is good, yet better is it with them that without care may beholde the sunne
12 For wysdome defendeth aswell as money, and the excellent knowledge & wysdome geueth lyfe vnto hym that hath it in possession
13 Consider the worke of God, how that no man can make the thing straight, whiche he maketh crooked
Ecclesiastes 7:16
16 Therfore be thou neither to righteous nor ouer wyse, that thou perishe not
Ecclesiastes 7:23-25
Ecclesiastes 7:24-25
Ecclesiastes 7:25
25 I applied my minde also vnto knowledge, and to seeke and searche out science, wysdome, and vnderstanding, to knowe the foolishnesse of the vngodly, and the errour of doting fooles
Ecclesiastes 7:25-25
25 I applied my minde also vnto knowledge, and to seeke and searche out science, wysdome, and vnderstanding, to knowe the foolishnesse of the vngodly, and the errour of doting fooles
26 And I founde that a woman is bitterer then death, the whiche hath cast abrode her heart as a net that men fishe with, and her handes are chaynes: Who so pleaseth God shall escape from her, but the sinner wyll be taken with her
27 Beholde (saith the preacher) this haue I diligently searched out and proued: One thing must be considered with another, that a man may come by knowledge
Ecclesiastes 8:9
9 All these thinges haue I considered, and applied my mynde vnto euery worke that is vnder the sunne, howe one man hath lordship vpon another to his owne harme
Ecclesiastes 8:15-17
15 Therfore I commende gladnesse, because a man hath no better thing vnder the sunne, then to eate and drinke, and to be merie: for that shall he haue of his labour, al the dayes of his life which God geueth hym vnder the sunne
16 And so I applied my minde to learne wysdome, and to knowe the trauayle that is in the worlde, and that of suche a fashion, that I suffred not mine eyes to sleepe neither day nor night
17 I vnderstoode of all the workes of God, but it is not possible for a man to attayne vnto the workes that are done vnder the sunne: and though he bestowe his labour to seeke them out, yet can he not reach vnto them: yea though a wyse man would vndertake to know them, yet shall he not finde them
Ecclesiastes 9:3
3 Among all thinges that come to passe vnder the sunne, this is a miserie, that it happeneth vnto all alike: This is the cause also that the heartes of men are full of wickednesse, and madde foolishnesse is in their heartes as long as they liue, vntyll they dye
Ecclesiastes 9:5
5 For they that be liuing knowe that they shall dye: but they that be dead knowe nothing, neither deserue they any more, for their memoriall is forgotten
6 Also their loue, and their hatred, and their enuie is nowe perished, neither haue they any more part in the worlde in all that is done vnder the sunne
Ecclesiastes 9:13
13 This wysdome haue I seene also vnder the sunne, and me thought it a great thing
Ecclesiastes 11:5
5 Nowe like as thou knowest not the way of the spirite, nor howe the bones do growe in the wombe of her that is with chylde: Euen so thou knowest not the workes of God, which is the workmaster of all
Ecclesiastes 11:8
8 If a man lyue many yeres, and be glad in them all, let hym remember the dayes of darknesse whiche shalbe manye, and that foloweth: Al thinges shalbe but vanitie
Ecclesiastes 11:10
10 Put away displeasure out of thine heart, and remoue euill from thy body: for chyldhood and youth is but vanitie
Ecclesiastes 12:8-10
8 All is but vanitie (saith the preacher) all is but playne vanitie
Ecclesiastes 12:8
Ecclesiastes 12:12
12 Therefore beware my sonne of that doctrine that is beside this: for to make many bookes, it is an endlesse worke, and to muche studie weerieth the body
Ecclesiastes 12:12-13
Isaiah 10:7-14
7 Howbeit, his meaning is not so, neither thinketh his heart on this fashion: But he imagineth howe he may roote out and destroy muche people
8 For he saith, Are not my princes all kynges
9 Is not Chalno as easie to winne, as Charchamis? Is it harder to conquer Hamath, then Arphad? or is it lighter to ouercome Damascus, then Samaria
10 [As who say] I were able to winne the kyngdomes of the idolaters and their gods, but not Hierusalem and Samaria
11 Shall I not do vnto Hierusalem and her images, as I dyd vnto Samaria and her idols
12 Wherefore it shall come to passe, that assoone as the Lorde hath perfourmed his whole worke vpon the hill of Sion and Hierusalem, then wyll I visite the fruite of the stoute heart of the kyng of Assyria with his proude lookes
13 For he standeth thus in his owne conceipt, This do I thorowe the power of myne owne hande, & thorowe my wysdome: for I am wyse, I am he that remoue the landes of the people, I rob their treasure, and haue pulled downe the inhabitauntes like a valiaunt man
14 My hand hath found out the strength of the people as it were a nest: and like as egges that were layde here and there, are gathered together, so do I gather all countreys, and there was none [so bolde] as to moue the winge, that dare open his mouth, or once whisper
Isaiah 40:4
4 All valleys shalbe exalted, and euery mountayne and hyll layde lowe: what so is croked shalbe made strayght, and the rough shalbe made playne
Isaiah 41:22-26
22 Let them bring foorth their gods, and let their gods tel vs what shall chaunce hereafter, yea let them shewe vs the thinges that are past what they be, let them declare them vnto vs, that we may take them to heart, and knowe them hereafter
23 Either shewe vs thinges for to come, and tell vs what shall be done hereafter, so shall we know that ye are gods: do something either good or bad, so wyl we both knowledge the same, and tell it out
24 Beholde ye are gods of naught, and your making is of naught: yea abhomible is the man that hath chosen you
25 Neuerthelesse, I haue waked vp one from the north, and he shall come from the east, he shal call vpon my name, and shall treade vpon princes as vpon clay, and as the potter treadeth downe the mire
26 Who declared this from the beginning, and we will knowe hym: or from the olde times, and we wil confesse and say that he is righteous? but there is none that sheweth or declareth any thing, there is none also that heareth your wordes
Isaiah 42:9
9 Beholde olde thinges are come to passe, and newe thinges do I declare, and or euer they come I tell you of them
Isaiah 43:19
19 Beholde, I shall make a newe thing, and shortly shall it appeare, and shall you not knowe it? I wyll make a way in the desert, and riuers of water in the wyldernesse
Isaiah 55:2
2 Wherfore do ye lay out any money for the thyng that feedeth not, and spende your labour about the thyng that satisfieth you not? But hearken rather vnto me, and ye shal eate of the best, and your soule shall haue her pleasure in plenteousnesse
Isaiah 61:1
1 The spirite of the Lord is vpon me: for the Lord hath annoynted me, and sent me to preache good tidinges vnto the poore, that I might binde vp the wounded heartes, that I might preache deliueraunce to the captiue, and open the prison to the that are bounde
Jeremiah 22:14
14 Who thinketh in hym selfe, I wyll buylde me a wyde house and gorgious parlours, who causeth windowes to be hewen therin, and the seelinges and ioystes maketh he of Cedar, and painteth them with Sinoper
Jeremiah 31:22
22 Howe long wilt thou go astray O thou shrinkyng daughter? for the Lorde wyll worke a newe thyng vpon earth: A woman shall compasse a man
Jeremiah 33:20
20 Thus saith the Lorde: May the couenaunt whiche I haue made with day and night be broken, that there shoulde not be day and night in due season
Lamentations 3:37
37 What is he then that saith, there should some thing be done without the Lordes commaundement
Ezekiel 38:10-11
10 Moreouer, thus sayth the Lorde God: At the same time shall thinges come into thy minde, so that thou shalt thinke euyll thoughtes
11 And say, I will vp to the lande of vnwalled villages, I will go to them that be at rest, whiche dwell safely, all dwelling without walles, they haue neither barres nor gates
Daniel 4:30
30 And the king spake, & sayd: Is not this great Babylon that I haue buylt for the house of the kingdome by the might of my power, and for the honour of my maiestie
Daniel 4:35
35 And all they that dwel vpon the earth, are to be reputed as nothing, and according to his will he worketh in the armie of heauen, among the inhabitours of the earth: and there is none that may resist his hand, or say vnto him, what doest thou
Jonah 1:4
4 But the Lorde sent out a great winde into the sea, and there was a mightie tempest in the sea, so that the shippe was in daunger of splitting in sunder
Jonah 3:2
2 Aryse, and go to Niniue that great citie, and preache against it the preaching which I speake vnto thee
Habakkuk 2:13
13 Behold, is it not of the Lord of hoastes that the people shall labour in the very fire? the people shall euen weery them selues for very vanitie
Habakkuk 2:18
18 What profiteth the image? for the maker therof hath made it an image and a teacher of lyes, though he that made it trust therin when he maketh dumbe idoles
Habakkuk 3:11
11 The sonne [and] moone stoode still in [their] habitation, at the light of thyne arrowes they went, [and] at the bright shining of thy speares
Zechariah 1:5
5 What is nowe become of your forefathers? & do the prophetes liue for euer
Matthew 5:6
6 Blessed (are) they, which do hunger and thirste (after) righteousnes: for they shalbe satisfied
Matthew 5:12
12 Reioyce, and be glad: for great is your rewarde in heauen. For so persecuted they the prophetes, whiche were before you
Matthew 6:27
27 Which of you, by takyng of carefull thought, can adde one cubite vnto his stature
Matthew 7:24
24 Therfore, whosoeuer heareth of me these sayinges, and doeth the same, I wyll lyken hym vnto a wyse man, which buylt his house vpon a rocke
Matthew 7:27
27 And the rayne descended, and the fluddes came, and the wyndes blewe, and beat vpon that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it
Matthew 11:28
28 Come vnto me all ye that labour sore, and are laden, and I wyll ease you
Matthew 16:26
26 For what doth it profite a man, yf he wynne all the whole worlde, and lose his owne soule? Or what shall a man geue for a raunsome of his soule
Matthew 23:30-32
Matthew 24:35
35 Heauen and earth shall passe away but my wordes shall not passe away
Mark 8:36-37
Luke 17:26-30
26 And as it was in the dayes of Noe: so shall it be also in the dayes of the sonne of man
27 They dyd eate, and drynke, they maryed wiues, and were maryed, euen vnto the same day that Noe went into the Arke: and the fludde came, & destroyed them all
28 Lykewyse also as it was in the dayes of Lot: they dyd eate, they dranke, they bought, they solde, they planted, they buylded
29 But euen the same day that Lot went out of Sodome, it rayned fire and brimstone from heauen, and destroyed them all
30 Euen thus shall it be, in the day when the sonne of man shalbe reuealed
John 3:8
8 The wynde bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sounde therof: but canst not tell whence it commeth, and whither it goeth. So is euery one that is borne of the spirite
John 6:27
27 Labour not for the meate whiche perisheth, but for that whiche endureth vnto euerlastyng lyfe, which [meate] the sonne of man shall geue vnto you: For hym hath God the father sealed
Acts 7:51
51 Ye styfnecked and of vncircumcised heartes and eares, ye haue alwayes resisted the holy ghost: as your fathers dyd, so do ye
Acts 27:13-15
13 And when the south wynde blewe softly, they supposyng to obtayne their purpose, loosed vnto Asson, and sayled past Candie
14 But not long after, there arose against their purpose, a flawe of wynde out of the northeast
15 And when the shippe was caught, and coulde not resist the wynde, we let her go, and were dryuen with the weather
Romans 8:20
20 Because the creature is subiect to vanitie, not wyllyng, but for hym which hath subdued the same in hope
Romans 8:22-23
1 Corinthians 3:18-20
18 Let no man deceaue him selfe. Yf any man among you seeme to be wise in this worlde, let hym be a foole, that he may be wyse
19 For the wisedome of this worlde, is foolishnesse with God. For it is writte: He compasseth the wise in their own craftynesse
20 And agayne The Lorde knoweth the thoughtes of the wyse, that they be vayne
1 Thessalonians 2:14-16
14 For ye brethren became folowers of the Churches of God, which in Iurie are in Christe Iesus: for ye haue suffred lyke thynges of your countreymen, as they haue of the Iewes
15 Who both kylled the Lorde Iesus, and their owne prophetes, & haue persecuted vs: and God they please not, and are contrarie to all men
16 And hynder vs to speake to the gentiles that they myght be saued, to fulfyll their sinnes alway. For the wrath [of God] is come on them to the vtmost
1 Thessalonians 5:21
21 Examine all thynges, holde fast that which is good
1 Timothy 4:15
15 Haue a care of these thinges, and geue thy selfe vnto them, that it may be seene howe thou profitest in all thynges
2 Timothy 3:8
8 For as Iannes and Iambres withstoode Moyses, so do these also resist the trueth: Men of corrupt myndes, reprobate concernyng the fayth
Hebrews 5:14
14 But strong meate belongeth to them that are perfecte, euen those whiche by reason of vse, haue their wittes exercised to discerne both good and euyll
James 3:13-17
13 Who is a wise man, and endued with knoweledge among you? let him shewe his workes out of good conuersation with mekenesse of wisdome
14 But yf ye haue bitter enuiyng & strife in your hearte, glorie not, neither be lyers agaynst the trueth
15 For such wisdome descendeth not fro aboue: but is earthlie, sensuall, and deuelishe
16 For where enuiyng and strife is, there is sedition & all maner of euyll workes
17 But the wisdome that is from aboue, is first pure, then peaseable, gentle, and easie to be entreated, full of mercie and good fruites, without iudgyng, without simulation
2 Peter 2:1
1 There were false prophetes also among the people, eue as there shalbe false teachers among you, whiche pryuyly shal bryng in damnable heresies, euen denying the Lorde that hath bought them, and bryng vpo them selues swyft damnation
2 Peter 2:5
5 Neither spared the olde worlde, but saued Noe the eyght [person] a preacher of ryghteousnesse, and brought in the flood vpon the worlde of the vngodly
2 Peter 3:10-13
10 Neuerthelesse the day of the Lorde wyll come as a theefe in the nyght, in the which the heauens shal passe away with a noyse, and the elementes shall melt with heate, the earth also and the workes that are therein shall burne
11 Seyng then that all these thynges shall perisshe, what maner persons ought ye to be in holy conuersation and godlynesse
12 Lokyng for, and hastyng vnto the comyng of the day of God, by whom the heauens shall perishe with fire, and the elementes shall melt with heate
13 Neuerthelesse, we accordyng to his promise, loke for a newe heauen, and a newe earth, wherein dwelleth ryghteousnesse
Revelation 7:16-17
Revelation 21:1
1 And I sawe a newe heauen & a new earth: for the first heauen & the first earth were vanisshed awaye, & there was no more sea
Revelation 21:5
5 And he that sate vpon the throne, said: Beholde, I make all thynges newe. And he sayde vnto me, write: for these wordes are faythfull and true