Deuteronomy 10:18 Cross References - Bishops

18 He doth right vnto the fatherlesse and wydowe, and loueth the straunger, to geue hym foode and rayment

Exodus 22:22

22 Ye shall trouble no wydowe nor fatherlesse chylde

Psalms 68:5

5 He is a father of the fatherlesse, and the iudge of widdowes: [he is] the Lord in his holy habitation

Psalms 103:6

6 God executeth iustice and iudgement: for all them that are oppressed with wrong

Psalms 145:9

9 God is good vnto euery man: and his mercie is ouer all his workes

Psalms 146:9

9 God taketh strangers into his custodie, he releeueth the fatherlesse and the widdowe: as for the way of the vngodlye he turneth it vpsyde downe

Isaiah 1:17

17 Learne to do well, applie your selues to equitie, deliuer the oppressed, helpe the fatherlesse to his ryght, let the widdowes complaynt come before you

Jeremiah 49:11

11 Thou shalt leaue thy fatherlesse chyldren behynde thee, and I wyll kepe them, and thy wydowes shal take their comfort in me

Hosea 14:3

3 Asshur shalbe no more our helper, neither will we ride vpon horses any more, neither wyll we say any more to the worke of our handes, Ye are our gods: for in thee the fatherlesse findeth mercie

Matthew 5:45

45 That ye may be the chyldren of your father, which is in heauen. For he maketh his sonne to aryse on the euyll, and on the good, and sendeth rayne on the iust, and on the vniust

Acts 14:17

17 Neuerthelesse, he left not hym selfe without witnesse, in that he shewed his benefites from heauen, in geuyng vs rayne and fruitefull seasons, fillyng our heartes with foode and gladnesse

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.