Daniel 2:39 Cross References - Bishops

39 After thee shall arise another kingdome inferior to thee, & another third kingdome shalbe of brasse, whiche shall beare rule ouer all the earth

Isaiah 44:28-45:5

28 He saith of Cyrus, he is my heardman, so that he shall fulfill all thinges after my wyll: He saith also of Herusalem, it shalbe buylded, and of the temple, it shalbe fast grounded

Daniel 2:32

32 This images head was of fine gold, his brest and armes of siluer, his belly and his thighes of brasse

Daniel 5:28-31

28 PHERES, thy kingdome is deuided, and geuen to the Medes, and Perses 29 Then commaunded Balthasar, and they clothed Daniel with purple, and a chayne of golde about is necke, and made a proclamation concerning him, that he should be the third ruler in the kingdome 30 The very same night was Balthasar the king of the Chaldees slaine 31 And Darius of the Medes toke the kingdome, being threescore & two yeres of age

Daniel 7:5-7

5 Behold an other beast, [which was] the second, was lyke a beare, and stoode vpon the one side: betwixt his teeth in his mouth he had three ribbes, and it was saide vnto him thus: Arise, eate vp much fleshe 6 Then I loked, and beholde, there was an other lyke vnto a leopard, this had winges as a foule, euen foure vpon the backe: this beast had foure heads, and there was power geuen him 7 After this I saw in a vision by night, & beholde, the fourth beast was grimme and horrible, and marueylous strong: it had great iron teeth, it deuoured & destroyed, & stamped the residue vnder his feete, it was vnlike yt other beastes that were before it, for it had ten hornes

Daniel 7:23

23 He gaue me this aunswer: That fourth beast, shalbe the fourth kingdome vpon earth, it shalbe vnlike to all the kingdomes: it shall deuour, treade downe, and destroy all other landes

Daniel 8:3-14

3 Then I loked vp and saw, & beholde, there stoode before the riuer a ramme which had two hornes: and these two hornes were hye, but one was hyer then the other, & the hyest came vp last 4 I saw that this ramme pushed with his hornes against the west, against the north, and against the south: so that no beastes might stand before him, nor defend them from his power, but he did as him listed, and became great 5 And as I considered, beholde there came a hee goate from the west, ouer the whole earth, and touched not the grounde: and this goate had a horne appeared betwixt his eyes 6 And he came vnto the ramme that had the two hornes (whom I had seene standing by the riuer) and ranne fiercely vpon him with his might 7 And I sawe him drawe nye vnto the ramme, being very fierce vpon him, yea he smote the ramme and brake his two hornes, neither had the ramme so much strength as to stande before him: but he cast him downe to the grounde, trode him vnder his feete, & there was none able to deliuer the ramme out of his power 8 Therefore the goate waxed exceeding great, & when he was at the strongest, his great horne was broken: Then grew there other foure notable ones in the steade of it, towarde the foure windes of the heauen 9 And out of one of them came foorth a litle horne, which waxed very great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the pleasaunt lande 10 It grewe vp vnto the hoast of heauen, whereof it did cast some downe to the grounde, and of the starres also, and trode them vnder foote 11 Yea, it grewe vp against the prince of the hoast, from whom the dayly [sacrifice] was taken away, and the places of his sanctuarie caste downe 12 And power was geuen vnto it ouer the dayly [sacrifice] for the iniquitie, and it shall cast downe the trueth to the grounde: and thus shall it do, and prosper 13 Upon this, I heard one of the sainctes speaking, and one of the sainctes spake vnto Palmoni, saying: how long shal the vision of the dayly [sacrifice] and of the iniquitie of desolation [endure,] to geue both the sanctuarie and the power to be troden vnder foote 14 And he aunswered me: Unto the euening and the morning, two thousand and three hundred: then shal the sanctuarie be cleansed

Daniel 8:20

20 The ramme which thou sawest hauing two hornes, is the king of the Medes and Perses

Daniel 10:20

20 Thus saide he: Knowest thou wherefore I am come vnto thee? now wyll I returne to fight with the prince of the Perses: assoone as I go foorth, lo, the prince of Greke lande shall come

Daniel 11:2-20

2 And nowe wyll I shewe thee the trueth: Behold, there shall stand vp yet three kinges in Persia, but the fourth shalbe farre richer then they all: and by his strength & by his richesse he shall stirre vp all against the realme of Greke lande 3 Then shall there arise yet a mightie king, that shal rule with great dominion, and do what him list 4 And when he shal stand vp, his kingdome shalbe broken, & shalbe deuided toward the foure windes of the heauen, and not toward his posteritie, nor according to his dominion which he ruled: for his kingdome shalbe pluckt vp, euen for others besides these 5 And the king of the south shalbe mightie, and [one] of his princes, and he shall preuayle against him, and beare rule: his dominion shalbe a great dominion 6 And in the ende of yeres, they shalbe ioyned together, & the kinges daughter of the south shall come to the kyng of the north for to make an agreement, but she shall not retayne the power of the arme, neither shall he continue nor his arme: but she shalbe deliuered [to death] and they that brought her, and he that begat her, and he that comforted her in these times 7 But out of the bud of her rootes, shal one stande vp in his steede, whiche shall come with an armie, and shall enter into the fortresse of the kyng of the north, and do with them [as he list] and shall preuayle 8 And shall also cary captiues into Egypt their gods, with their molten images, with their precious vessels of siluer and of gold, and he shall continue more yeres then the kyng of the north 9 So the kyng of the south shall come into his kyngdome, and shall returne into his owne lande 10 Wherfore his sonnes shalbe styrred vp, and shall gather together a mightie great hoast of people, & one shal come and ouerflowe and passe through: then shall he turne agayne and be stirred vp at his fortresse 11 Then ye king of the south shalbe angry, and shal come foorth to fight with him [euen] with the king of the north, for he shall set foorth a great multitude, & the multitude shalbe geuen into his hande 12 Then the multitude shalbe proude, and their heartes shalbe lifted vp, for he shall cast downe thousandes: but he shall not still preuayle 13 For the kyng of the north shall returne, and shal set foorth a greater multitude then afore, and shall come foorth (after certayne yeres) with a mightie armie and great riches 14 And at the same time there shal manye stande vp against the kyng of the south, so that the seditious chyldren of thy people also shall exalt them selues to establishe the vision, but they shal fal 15 So the kyng of the north shal come & cast vp amount, & take the strong cities: and the armes of the south shall not resist, neither his chosen people, neither shal there be any strength to withstand 16 And when he commeth, he shall handle him as he list, and no man shal stand against him: he shall stande in the pleasaunt lande, whiche by his hande shalbe consumed 17 Agayne, he shall set his face to enter with the power of his whole kyngdome, and his confederates with hym, thus shall he do: and he shall geue hym the daughter of women to destroy her, but she shall not stande [on his side] neither before hym 18 After this shall he turne his face vnto the iles, and shall take many: but a prince shall cause his shame to light vpon him, beside that, he shall cause his owne shame to turne vpon him selfe 19 For he shal turne his face toward the fortes of his owne lande: but he shalbe ouerthrowen and fall, and be no more founde 20 Then shall stande vp in his place a rayser of taxes [in] the glory of the kingdome, & after a fewe dayes he shalbe destroyed, neither in wrath nor in battel

Zechariah 6:3

3 In the third charret were white horses, in the fourth charret were horses of diuers colours, and strong

Zechariah 6:6

6 That with the blacke horse went foorth into the lande of the north, & the white folowed them, and the speckled horses went foorth toward the south

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