17 For howe can the seruaunt of this my Lorde, talke with my Lorde [being] such a one? And as for me, straight way there remayned no strength in me, neither is there breath left in me
Daniel 10:17 Cross References - Bishops
Genesis 32:20
20 And say moreouer: beholde, thy seruaunt Iacob also commeth after vs: for he sayde, I wyll appeace his wrath with the present that goeth before me, and afterward I will see him my selfe, peraduenture he wyll receaue me to grace
Exodus 24:10-11
Exodus 33:20
20 And he said furthermore, Thou mayest not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and lyue
Judges 6:22
22 And when Gedeon perceaued that it was an angel of the Lorde, he sayde: Alas, O Lorde God, haue I therfore seene an angel of the Lorde face to face, [that I should dye?
Judges 13:21-23
21 (But the angel of the Lord did no more appeare vnto Manoah and his wyfe:) And then Manoah knewe that it was an angel of the Lorde
22 And sayd vnto his wyfe: We shal surely dye, because we haue seene God
23 But his wyfe sayde vnto him: Yf the Lord would kyll vs, he would not haue receaued a burnt offering and a meate offering of our handes, neither woulde he haue shewed vs al these thinges, nor woulde nowe haue tolde vs any suche
Isaiah 6:1-5
1 In the yere that kyng Oziah dyed, I sawe also the Lorde sitting vpon an high and glorious seate, and his trayne filled the temple
2 And about hym stoode Seraphims, whereof one had sixe winges, with twayne eche couered his face, with twayne his feete, and with twayne did he flee
3 They cryed also eche one to another on this maner, Holy, holy, holy is the Lorde of hoastes: the whole earth is full of his glory
4 And the lintels of the doore checkes moued at his crying, and the house was full of smoke
5 Then sayd I, Wo is me, for I am lost, in as much as I am a man of vncleane lippes, and dwell among people that hath vncleane lippes also: for mine eyes haue seene the kyng the Lorde of hoastes
Matthew 22:43-44
Mark 12:36
36 For Dauid hym selfe, inspired with the holy ghost, sayde: The Lorde saide to my Lorde, sit on my right hande, tyll I make thyne enemies thy footestoole
John 1:18
18 No man hath seene God at any tyme: The onely begotten sonne which is in the bosome of the father, he hath declared hym