Acts 6:14 Cross References - Bishops

14 For we hearde hym say, that this Iesus of Nazareth shal destroy this place, & shall chaunge the ordinaunces which Moyses gaue vs

Isaiah 65:15

15 Your name shall ye leaue accursed among my chosen: for God the Lorde shall slay you, and call his seruauntes by another name

Isaiah 66:1-6

1 Thus saith the Lorde: Heauen is my seate, and the earth is my footstoole: Where shall nowe the house stande that ye wyll builde vnto me? And where shalbe the place that I wyll dwell in 2 As for these thynges, my hande hath made them all, and they are all created saith the Lorde: which of them shall I then regarde? Euen hym that is poore and of a lowly troubled spirite, and standeth in awe of my wordes 3 For who so slayeth an oxe [for me, doth me so great dishonour] as he that killeth a man: He that killeth a sheepe for me knetcheth a dogge: He that bryngeth me meate offerynges, offereth sivynes blood, who so maketh me a memorial of incense, prayseth the thyng that is vnryght: Yet take they such wayes in hande, and their soule delyghteth in these abhominations 4 Therfore wyll I also haue pleasure in laughyng them to scorne, & the thyng that they feare will I bring vpon them: For when I called, no man gaue aunswere, when I spake, they woulde not heare: but did wickednesse before mine eyes, and chose the thynges that displeased me 5 Heare the worde of God all ye that feare the thyng which he speaketh: Your brethren that hate you and cast you out for my name sake, say, The Lorde is heynous agaynst vs: but you shall see hym in ioy, when they shalbe confounded 6 Then shalbe hearde a great noyse from the citie and the temple, the voyce of the Lorde, that wyll rewarde and recompence his enemies

Isaiah 66:19-21

19 Unto them shall I geue a token, and sende certayne of the that be deliuered among the gentiles, into Cilicia, Affrica, and Lydia, where men can handle bowes, into Italie, and also Greeke lande: The Isles farre of that haue not hearde speake of me, and haue not seene my glorie, shall preache my prayse among the gentiles 20 And shall bryng all your brethren for an offeryng vnto the Lorde out of all the people, vpon horses, charettes, and horslitters, vpon mules and cartes, to Hierusalem my holy hil saith the Lord: lyke as the children of Israel bryng the offeryng in cleane vessels to the house of the Lorde 21 And I shal take out certayne of them for to be priestes and Leuites, saith the Lorde

Jeremiah 7:4-14

4 Trust not in false lying words, saying: Here is the temple of the Lord, here is the temple of the Lord, here is the temple of the Lorde 5 But rather in deede amende your wayes and counsels, and iudge right betwixt a man and his neighbour 6 Oppresse not the straunger, the fatherlesse, and the widowe, shed not innocent blood in this place, cleaue not to straunge gods to your owne destruction 7 Then wyll I let you dwell in this place, yea in the land that I gaue afore tyme to your fathers for euer 8 But take heede, ye trust in lying tales, that beguile you and do you no good 9 For when ye haue stollen, murthered, committed adultrie and periurie, when ye haue offered vnto Baal, folowing straunge and vnknowen gods: shall ye be vnpunished 10 Yet then come ye and stande before me in this house (whiche hath my name geuen vnto it) and say, tushe, we are absolued quite, though we haue done all these abhominations 11 What, thinke you this house that beareth my name, is a denne of thieues? And yet I see what you thinke, saith the Lorde 12 Go to my place in Silo, wherevnto I gaue my name aforetyme, and looke well what I did to the same place for the wickednesse of my people of Israel 13 And now seing ye haue done all these deedes saith the Lorde, and I my selfe rose vp euer betimes to warne you and to commune with you, yet would ye not heare me, I called, ye would not aunswere 14 Therefore, euen as I haue done vnto Silo, so wyll I do to this house that my name is geuen vnto, and that you put your trust in, yea vnto the place that I haue geuen to you and your fathers

Jeremiah 26:6-9

6 Then wyll I do to this house as I did vnto Silo, and wyll make this citie to be abhorred of all the people of the earth 7 And the priestes, the prophetes, and all the people hearde Ieremie preache these wordes in the house of the Lorde 8 Nowe when he had spoken out all the wordes that the Lorde commaunded hym to preache vnto the people, then the priestes, the prophetes, and all the people toke holde vpon hym, and sayde, Thou shalt dye 9 Howe darest thou be so bolde as to say in the name of the Lord, it shall happen to this house as it did vnto Silo, and this citie shalbe so waste that no man may dwell therin

Jeremiah 26:12

12 Then sayde Ieremie vnto the rulers and to all the people, The Lorde hath sent me to preache agaynst this house, and agaynst this citie, all the wordes that ye haue hearde

Jeremiah 26:18

18 Micheas the Morasthite, which was a prophete vnder Ezekias kyng of Iuda, spake to all the people of Iuda, thus saith the Lorde of hoastes, Sion shalbe plowed like a fielde, Hierusalem shalbe an heape of stones, and the hyll of the Lordes house shalbe turned to an hye wood

Daniel 9:26

26 After these threescore & two weekes shall Messiah be slaine, & not for him selfe: and the people of the prince that shal come, shall destroy the citie and the sanctuarie, and the ende thereof shalbe with a fludde, and vnto the ende of the battel it shalbe destroyed by desolatios

Hosea 3:4

4 For the chyldren of Israel shall sit a great whyle without kyng, without prince, without sacrifice, without image, without Ephod, and without Theraphim

Micah 3:12

12 Therefore shall Sion for your sake be plowed [as] a fielde, & Hierusalem shalbe an heape, and the mountaine of the house as the hie places of the forest

Zechariah 11:1

1 Open thy doores O Libanus, that ye fire may consume thy Cedar trees

Zechariah 14:2

2 For I wyll gather together all the heathen to fight against Hierusalem, so that the citie shalbe wonne, the houses spoyled, and the women defiled: the halfe of the citie shall go away into captiuitie, and the residue of the people shal not be caryed out of the citie

Matthew 24:1-2

1 And Iesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to hym, for to shewe hym the buildynges of the temple 2 Iesus sayde vnto them: See ye not all these thynges? Ueryly I say vnto you there shall not be here left [one] stone vpon another, that shall not be destroyed

Matthew 26:61

61 And sayde: This [felowe] sayde: I am able to destroy the temple of God, and to buylde it agayne in three dayes

Mark 14:58

58 We hearde hym say: I wyll destroy this temple that is made with handes, and within three dayes I wyll buylde another, made without handes

Luke 13:34-35

34 O Hierusalem, Hierusalem, which kyllest prophetes, and stonest them that are sent vnto thee, howe often woulde I haue gathered thy children together, as a henne doth gather her young vnder her wynges, and ye woulde not 35 Beholde, your house is left vnto you desolate. Ueryly I say to you, ye shall not see me, vntyll the tyme come that ye shall say, Blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lorde

Luke 21:6

6 Are these the thynges whiche ye loke vpo? The dayes wyll come, in ye which there shall not be left one stone vpo another, that shall not be throwen downe

Luke 21:24

24 And they shall fall through the edge of the sworde, and shalbe led away captiue into all nations: And Hierusalem shalbe troden downe of the gentiles, vntyll the tyme of the gentiles be fulfylled

John 4:21

21 Iesus sayth vnto her: woman beleue me, the houre commeth, when ye shall neither in this mountayne, nor yet at Hierusalem, worshippe the father

Acts 15:1

1 And certayne men whiche came downe fro Iurie, taught the brethren, except ye be circumcised after the maner of Moyses, ye can not be saued

Acts 21:21

21 And they are infourmed of thee, that thou teachest all the Iewes whiche are among the Gentiles to forsake Moyses, and sayest that they ought not to circucise their chyldren, neither to walke after the customes

Acts 25:8

8 Whyles he aunswered [for hym selfe] that he had agaynst the lawe of the Iewes, neither agaynst the temple, nor yet agaynst Caesar offended any thyng at all

Acts 26:3

3 Namely, because thou art expert in all customes and questions, whiche are among the Iewes: Wherefore I beseche thee to heare me patiently

Acts 28:17

17 And it came to passe, that after three dayes Paul called ye chiefe of the Iewes together. And whe they were come, he sayde vnto them: Men and brethren, though I haue committed nothyng agaynst the people, or lawes of the fathers, yet was I delyuered prysoner from Hierusalem, into the handes of the Romanes

Galatians 3:19

19 Wherfore then [serueth] the lawe? It was added because of transgressions, tyl the seede came to whom the promise was made: and it was ordayned by Angels in the hande of a mediatour

Galatians 3:23

23 But before fayth came, we were kept vnder the lawe, and were shut vp vnto the fayth which shoulde afterwarde be reuealed

Galatians 4:3-5

3 Euen so we, when we were chyldren, were in bondage vnder ye rudimentes of the worlde 4 But when the fulnesse of the tyme was come, God sent his sonne, made of a woman, and made vnder the lawe 5 To redeeme them that were vnder the lawe, that we myght receaue the adoption of chyldren

Hebrews 7:11-19

11 If therefore perfection was by the priesthood of ye Leuites (For vnder that priesthood the people receaued the law) what neded it furthermore that another priest shoulde rise after the order of Melchisedech, and not to be called after the order of Aaron 12 For yf the priesthood be translated, of necessitie also there is made a translation of the lawe 13 For he of whom these thynges are spoken, parteyneth vnto another tribe, of which no man stoode at the aulter 14 For it is euident that our Lord sprong out of Iuda, of which tribe spake Moyses nothyng concernyng priesthood 15 And it is yet a farre more euidet thing, yf after the similitude of Melchisedech there aryse another priest 16 Which is not made after the lawe of the carnall commaundement, but after the power of the endlesse lyfe 17 For he testifieth that thou art a priest for euer, after the order of Melchisedech 18 For there is truely a disanulling of the commaundement goyng before, for the weakenesse and vnprofitablenesse therof 19 For the lawe made nothyng perfect, but [was] the bryngyng in of a better hope, by the whiche we drawe nygh vnto God

Hebrews 8:6-13

6 But nowe hath he obteyned a more excellent office, by howe much also he is the mediatour of a better couenaunt, whiche was confirmed in better promises 7 For yf that first [couenaunt] had ben founde fautlesse, then shoulde no place haue ben sought for the seconde 8 For in rebukyng them, he saith: Beholde the dayes come, saith the Lord, and I wyll finishe vppon the house of Israel and vppon the house of Iuda a newe couenaunt 9 Not lyke that that I made with their fathers, in the day when I toke them by the hande, to leade them out of the lande of Egypt: because they continued not in my couenaunt, and I regarded them not, saith the Lorde 10 For this is the couenaunt that I wyll make with the house of Israel after those dayes, saith the Lord, geuyng my lawes into their mynde, and in their heart I wyl write them, and I wyll be to them a God, and they shalbe to me a people 11 And they shall not teach euery man his neyghbour, and euery man his brother, saying, knowe the Lorde: for all shall knowe me, from the litle of them to the great of them 12 For I wyll be mercyfull to their vnrighteousnes, and their sinnes and their iniquities wyll I thynke vpon no more 13 In that he sayth a newe [couenaunt] he hath worne out the first: For that which is worne out and waxed olde, is redie to vanishe away

Hebrews 9:9-11

9 Whiche (was) a similitude for the tyme then preset, in which were offred giftes and sacrifices, that coulde not make the worshipper perfect as parteining to the conscience 10 With only meates and drynkes, and diuers wasshynges, and iustifiynges of the flesshe, which were layde vp vntyll the tyme of reformation 11 But Christe beyng come an hye priest of good thynges that shoulde be, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with handes, that is to say, not of this buyldyng

Hebrews 10:1-18

1 For the lawe, hauyng the shadow of good thynges to come, and not the very fashion of the thinges the selues, can neuer with those sacrifices whiche they offer yere by yere continually, make the commers therevnto perfect 2 For woulde not then those [sacrifices] haue ceassed to haue ben offred, because that the offerers once pourged, shoulde haue had no more conscience of sinnes 3 Neuerthelesse, in those (sacrifices) is mention made of sinnes euery yere 4 For it is not possible that the blood of Bulles & of Goates shoulde take away sinnes 5 Wherfore when he commeth into the worlde, he saith: Sacrifice and offring thou wouldest not haue, but a body hast thou ordeyned me 6 In burnt sacrifices & sinne (offerynges) thou hast had no pleasure 7 Then sayde I, lo I come (In the begynnyng of the booke it is written of me) to do thy wyll O God 8 Aboue when he saith, that sacrifice, and offeryng, and burnt offeringes, and sinne [offerynges] thou wouldest not, neither haddest pleasure [therein] (which are offered by the lawe: 9 Then sayde he, lo I come, to do thy wyll, O God. He taketh away ye first to stablyshe the seconde 10 In ye which wyll we are made holy, euen by the offeryng of the body of Iesus Christe once for all 11 And euery priest standeth dayly ministryng, & offeryng oftentymes the same sacrifices, whiche can neuer take away sinnes 12 But this man, after he hath offered one sacrifice for sinnes, is sit downe for euer on the ryght hande of God 13 From hencefoorth tarying tyl his foes be made his footstoole 14 For with one offeryng hath he made perfite for euer them that are sanctified 15 And the holy ghost also beareth vs recorde: For after that he tolde before 16 This is the couenaunt that I wyll make vnto them after those dayes, (sayth the Lorde) geuyng my lawes in their heart, and in their myndes wyl I write them 17 And their sinnes and iniquities wyll I remember no more 18 And where remission of these thinges [is] there [is] no more offering for sinne

Hebrews 12:26-28

26 Whose voyce then shoke the earth, & nowe hath declared, saying: Yet once more wyll I shake, not the earth only, but also heauen 27 And this [yet once more] signifieth remouyng of those thynges which are shaken, as of thynges which are made: that the thynges which are not shaken, may remayne 28 Wherfore, we receauyng a kingdome which can not be moued, let vs haue grace, wherby we may so serue God acceptablie, with reuerence & godly feare

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