Acts 1:16 Cross References - Bishops

16 Ye men and brethren, this scripture must needes haue ben fulfylled, which the holy ghost by the mouth of Dauid spake before of Iudas, which was guide to them that toke Iesus

2 Samuel 23:2

2 The spirite of the Lorde spake by me, and his word was in my tongue

Psalms 41:9

9 Yea besides this, euen myne owne friende whom I trusted: which dyd also eate of my bread, hath kicked very much agaynst me

Psalms 55:12-15

12 Truely he was not mine enemie that hath done me this dishonour, for then I coulde haue borne it: neither was he one that seemed to hate me that dyd magnifie hym selfe against me, for then I woulde haue hyd my selfe from him 13 But it was euen thou whom I esteemed as my selfe: my guyde, and myne owne familier companion 14 We delighted greatly to conferre our secretes together: we walked deuoutly in the house of God felowe lyke 15 Let death sodainly come vpon them, let them go downe quicke into hell: for wickednes is in their dwellinges and among them

Matthew 26:47

47 Whyle he yet spake, loe Iudas, one of the twelue, came, and with hym a great multitude, with swordes & staues, from the chiefe priestes and elders of the people

Matthew 26:54

54 But howe then shall the scriptures be fulfylled? For thus must it be

Matthew 26:56

56 But all this is done, that the scriptures of the prophetes myght be fulfylled. Then all the disciples forsoke him, and fledde

Mark 12:36

36 For Dauid hym selfe, inspired with the holy ghost, sayde: The Lorde saide to my Lorde, sit on my right hande, tyll I make thyne enemies thy footestoole

Mark 14:43

43 And immediatly whyle he yet spake, commeth Iudas, which was one of the twelue, and with hym a great number of people, with swordes & staues, from the hye priestes, and scribes, and elders

Luke 22:47

47 Whyle he yet spake, behold [there came] a company, and he that was called Iudas, one of the twelue, went before the, & preassed nye vnto Iesus to kisse hym

John 10:35

35 If he called them Gods, vnto whom the worde of God was spoken, and the scripture can not be broken

John 12:38-40

38 That the saying of Esaias the prophete myght be fulfylled, which he spake: Lorde, who shall beleue our saying? And to whom is the arme of the Lorde declared 39 Therfore coulde they not beleue, because that Esaias sayth agayne 40 He hath blynded their eyes, and hardened their heart, that they shoulde not see with their eyes, & lest they should vnderstande with their hearte, & should be conuerted, and I should heale them

John 13:18

18 I speake not of you all. I knowe whom I haue chosen. But that the scripture may be fulfylled: He that eateth bread with me, hath lyft vp his heele agaynst me

John 18:2-8

2 Iudas also whiche betrayed hym, knewe the place? For Iesus oft tymes resorted thyther, with his disciples 3 Iudas then, after he had receaued a bande of men, and officers of the hye priestes & pharisees, came thyther with lanternes, and torches, and weapons 4 And Iesus, knowing all thinges that shoulde come on hym, went foorth, and sayde vnto them, whom seke ye 5 They aunswered him: Iesus of Nazareth. Iesus sayth vnto them, I am he. Iudas also whiche betrayed hym, stoode with them 6 Assoone then as he sayde vnto them I am he, they went backewarde, & fell to the grounde 7 Then asked he them agayne, whom seke ye? They said: Iesus of Nazareth 8 Iesus aunswered, I haue tolde you that I am he: Yf ye seke me therefore, let these go their way

John 19:28-30

28 After these thynges, Iesus knowyng that all thynges were nowe perfourmed, that the scripture might be fulfylled, he sayth, I thirste 29 So there stoode a vessell by, full of vineger: Therefore they fylled a sponge with vineger, and put it vpon Isope, & put it to his mouth 30 Assoone as Iesus then receaued of the vineger, he saide, it is finished: and bowed his head, and gaue vp the ghost

John 19:36

36 For these thynges were done, that the scripture shoulde be fulfylled: Ye shall not breake a bone of hym

Acts 1:20

20 For it is written in ye booke of psalmes: Let his habitation be desert, and no man be dwellyng therein: And his bishopricke let another take

Acts 2:23

23 Hym haue ye taken, by the handes of vnryghteous persons, after he was deliuered by the determinate councell and foreknowledge of God, and haue crucified and slayne hym

Acts 2:29-31

29 Ye men and brethren, let me freely speake vnto you of the patriarke Dauid: For he is both dead and buryed, and his sepulchre remayneth with vs vnto this day 30 Therfore, seeyng he was a prophete, and knewe that God had sworne with an oth to hym, that Christe, as concernyng the fleshe, should come of the fruite of his loynes, & should syt on his seate 31 He knowyng this before, spake of the resurrection of Christe, that his soule shoulde not be left in hell, neither his fleshe shoulde see corruption

Acts 2:37

37 Nowe when they hearde this, they were pricked in their heartes, and sayde vnto Peter, & vnto the other Apostles: Ye men & brethren, what shall we do

Acts 4:25-28

25 Which by the mouth of thy seruaunt Dauid, hast sayde: Why dyd the Heathen rage, & the people imagine vayne thynges 26 The kynges of the earth stoode vp, and the rulers came together, agaynst the Lorde, and agaynst his Christe 27 And of a trueth, agaynst thy holye chylde Iesus, who thou hast anoynted, both Herode and also Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people of Israel, gathered them selues together 28 For to do whatsoeuer thy hande & thy counsel determined before to be done

Acts 7:2

2 And he said: Ye men, brethren, and fathers, hearken. The God of glorie appeared vnto our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Charran

Acts 13:15

15 And after the lecture of the lawe and the prophetes, the rulers of the synagogue sent vnto them, saying: Ye men and brethren, yf ye haue any worde to exhort the people, say on

Acts 13:26-29

26 Ye men and brethren, chyldren of the generation of Abraham, and whosoeuer among you feareth God, to you is the worde of this saluation sent 27 For they that dwell at Hierusalem, and their rulers, because they knewe hym not, nor yet the voyces of the prophetes which are read euery Sabboth day, they haue fulfylled them in condempnyng hym 28 And though they founde no cause of death in hym, yet desired they Pilate to kyll hym 29 And when they had fulfylled all that were written of hym, they toke hym downe from the tree, and put hym in a sepulchre

Acts 13:38

38 Be it knowen vnto you therfore, ye men & brethren, that through this man is preached vnto you the forgeuenesse of sinnes

Acts 15:7

7 And when there had ben much disputyng, Peter rose vp, and sayde vnto the: Ye men & brethren, ye knowe how that a good while ago, God did chose among vs, that the gentiles by my mouth, shoulde heare the worde of the Gospel, and beleue

Acts 15:13

13 And when they helde their peace, Iames aunswered, saying: Men and brethren, hearken vnto me

Acts 22:1

1 Men, brethren, & fathers, heare ye mine aunswer whiche I make vnto you

Acts 23:1

1 And Paul earnestlie beholdyng the counsell, saide: Men & brethren, I haue lyued in al good conscience before God vntyll this day

Acts 23:6

6 But when Paul perceaued that the one part were saducees, and the other pharisees, he cryed out in the counsell: Men and brethren, I am a pharisee, the sonne of a pharisee: Of the hope & resurrection of the dead, I am iudged

Acts 28:17

17 And it came to passe, that after three dayes Paul called ye chiefe of the Iewes together. And whe they were come, he sayde vnto them: Men and brethren, though I haue committed nothyng agaynst the people, or lawes of the fathers, yet was I delyuered prysoner from Hierusalem, into the handes of the Romanes

Acts 28:25

25 And when they agreed not among them selues, they departed after that Paul had spoken one worde, [that is to say] well spake the holy ghost by Esaias the prophete, vnto our fathers

Hebrews 3:7-8

7 Wherfore, as the holy ghost saith: Today yf ye wyll heare his voyce 8 Harden not your heartes, as in the prouokyng, in the day of the temptation in the wyldernesse

1 Peter 1:11

11 Searchyng when or at what tyme the spirite of Christ which was in them, shoulde signifie, which spirite testified before, the passions that should happen vnto Christe, and the glorie that shoulde folowe after

2 Peter 2:21

21 For it had ben better for them not to haue knowen the way of righteousnes, then after they haue knowen it, to turne from the holy commaundement that was geuen vnto them

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