Acts 14 Cross References - Bishops

1 And it came to passe in Iconium, that they went both together into the synagogue of the Iewes, & so spake, that a great multitude both of the Iewes, & also of the Grekes beleued 2 But the vnbeleuyng Iewes, stirred vp, and corrupted the myndes of the Gentiles agaynst the brethren 3 Long tyme therfore abode they there, and quyt them selues boldely, with the helpe of the Lorde, which gaue testimonie vnto the worde of his grace, and graunted signes & wonders to be done by their handes 4 But the multitude of the citie was deuided: and part helde with the Iewes, and part with the Apostles 5 And when there was an assault made both of the gentiles, and also of the Iewes, with their rulers, to do them violence, and to stone them 6 They were ware of it, and fled vnto Lystra & Derbe, cities of Lycaonia, and vnto the regio that lieth rounde about 7 And there preached the Gospell 8 And there sate a certayne man at Lystra, weake in his feete, beyng a creple from his mothers wombe, and neuer had walked 9 The same hearde Paul speake: which beholdyng hym, and perceauyng that he had sayth to be whole 10 Sayde with a loude voyce: stande vpryght on thy feete. And he start vp, and walked 11 And when the people saw what Paul had done, they lyft vp their voyces, saying in the speache of Lycaonia: Gods are come downe to vs in the lykenesse of men 12 And they called Barnabas Iupiter, and Paul Mercurius, because he was the chiefe speaker 13 Then Iupiters priest, which was before their citie, brought oxen and garlandes vnto the doore, and woulde haue done sacrifice with the people 14 Which when the Apostles, Barnabas & Paul heard of, they rent their clothes, and ran in among the people, crying 15 And saying: Sirs, why do ye these thynges? We are mortall men lyke vnto you, and preach vnto you, that ye shoulde turne from these vanities, vnto the lyuyng God, which made heauen and earth, and the sea, and all thynges that are therin 16 The which in tymes past suffred all nations to walke in their owne wayes 17 Neuerthelesse, he left not hym selfe without witnesse, in that he shewed his benefites from heauen, in geuyng vs rayne and fruitefull seasons, fillyng our heartes with foode and gladnesse 18 And with these sayinges, scarce refrayned they the people, that they had not done sacrifice vnto them 19 Then thyther came certayne Iewes from Antioche and Iconium: which, whe they had perswaded the people, and had stoned Paule, drewe hym out of the citie, supposyng he had ben dead 20 Howbeit, as the disciples stoode round about hym, he arose vp, and came into the citie: And the next day, he departed with Barnabas to Derbe 21 And when they had preached to that citie, and had taught many, they returned agayne to Lystra, and to Iconium, and Antioche 22 And strengthed the disciples soules agayne, and exhorted them to continue in the fayth, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kyngdome of God 23 And when they had ordeyned them elders by election in euery Churche, and had prayed, with fastyng, they commended them to the Lorde, on whom they beleued 24 And when they had gone throughout Pisidia, they came to Pamphylia 25 And when they had spoken the worde in Perga, they descended into Attalia 26 And thence departed by shippe to Antioche, from whence they were committed vnto the grace of God, to the worke which they fulfylled 27 And when they were come, and had gathered the Churche together, they rehearsed all that God had done with them, & howe he had opened the doore of fayth vnto the gentiles 28 And there they abode long tyme with the disciples

Genesis 1:1

1 In the beginnyng GOD created ye heauen and the earth

Genesis 11:6

6 And the Lorde sayd: Beholde, the people is one, and they haue all one language, and this they begin to do: neither is there any let to them from all those thinges whiche they haue imagined to do

Genesis 19:9

9 And they sayde, stande backe: And they said agayne, he came in as one to soiourne, and wyll he be nowe a iudge? we wyll surely deale worse with thee then with them. And they preassed sore vpon the man [euen] Lot, and came to breake vp the doore

Genesis 41:16

16 Ioseph aunswered Pharao, saying: Not I, but God shall geue Pharao an aunswere of peace

Exodus 20:11

11 For in sixe dayes the Lorde made heauen and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seuenth day: wherfore the Lorde blessed the seuenth day, and halowed it

Exodus 32:21-23

21 And Moyses said vnto Aaron: What did this people vnto thee, that thou hast brought so great a sinne vpon them 22 And Aaron aunswered, Let not the wrath of my Lorde waxe fierce: thou knowest the people that they are [euen] set on mischiefe 23 For they sayde vnto me: Make vs goddes to go before vs, for we wote not what is become of Moyses, the man that brought vs out of ye land of Egypt

Leviticus 26:4

4 I wyll sende you rayne in due season, and the lande shall yeelde her increase, and the trees of the fielde shall geue their fruite

Deuteronomy 5:26

26 For what fleshe hath it ben that euer hearde the voyce of the lyuyng God speakyng out of the middes of the fire (as we haue done) and yet dyd lyue

Deuteronomy 8:12-14

12 Yea, and when thou hast eaten and filled thy selfe, and hast buylt goodly houses and dwelt therein 13 And when thy beastes and thy sheepe are waxen many, and thy siluer and golde is multiplied, and all that thou hast is encreased 14 Then beware lest thyne heart ryse, and thou forget the Lorde thy God, whiche brought thee out of the lande of Egypt, and from the house of bondage

Deuteronomy 11:14

14 I also wyll geue rayne vnto your lande in due season, the first rayne and the latter, that thou mayest gather in thy corne, thy wine, and thyne oyle

Deuteronomy 28:12

12 The Lorde shall open vnto thee his good treasure, euen the heauen to geue rayne vnto thy land in due season, & to blesse all thy labours of thy hande: And thou shalt lende vnto many nations, but shalt not borowe thy selfe

Deuteronomy 32:21

21 They haue angred me with that which is no god, and prouoked me with their vanities: And I also wyll prouoke them with those whiche are no people, I wyll anger them with a foolishe nation

Joshua 3:10

10 And Iosuah sayde: Hereby ye shall knowe that the liuing God is among you, and that he will without fayle cast out before you the Chanaanites, and the Hethithes, the Heuites, the Pherezites, the Gergesites, the Amorites, and the Iebusites

1 Samuel 12:21

21 Neither turne ye away, for [then ye go] after vayne thinges, which are not able to profite you, nor deliuer you, for they are but vanitie.

1 Samuel 17:26

26 And Dauid spake to ye men that stoode by, and sayd: What shall be done to the man that killeth this Philistine, and taketh awaye the shame from Israel? And what is this vncircumcised Philistine, that he shoulde reuile the hoast of the liuing God

1 Samuel 17:36

36 And so thy seruaunte slue both the lion, and the beare: And trulie this vncircumcised Philistine shalbe as one of them, seing he hath rayled on the hoast of the liuyng God

1 Kings 16:13

13 For all the sinnes of Baasa and sinnes of Ela his sonne which they sinned, and made Israel to sinne and angre the Lorde God of Israel with their vanities

1 Kings 16:26

26 For he walked in all the way of Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat, and in his sinnes, that made Israel sinne, to anger the Lorde God of Israel with their vanities

1 Kings 18:1

1 After processe of many dayes, the word of the Lord came to Elias in the third yere, saying: Go shewe thy selfe vnto Ahab, and I wyll sende rayne vpon the earth

2 Kings 5:7

7 And it fortuned, that when the king of Israel had red the letter, he rent his clothes, and saide: Am I God, that I should slay, and make a lyue? For he doth send to me that I should delyuer a man from his leprosie: Wherefore consider I pray you, & see how he seeketh a quarell against me

2 Kings 6:8-12

8 But the king of Syria warred against Israel, and toke counsell with his seruauntes, and sayde: In such and such a place shalbe my campe 9 And the man of God sent vnto the king of Israel, saying: Beware that thou go not ouer to such a place, for there the Syrians are lurkyng 10 Therfore the king of Israel sent to the place which the man of God tolde him and warned him of, and saued him selfe from it, not once, nor twyse 11 And the heart of the king of Syria was troubled for this thing, and he called for his seruauntes, and said vnto them: Wil ye not shewe me, whiche of our men [betrayght me] to the king of Israel 12 And one of his seruauntes sayde, None my lorde O king: But Elisa the prophet that is in Israel, telleth the king of Israel, yea euen the wordes that thou speakest in thy priuie chamber

2 Kings 18:37-19:2

37 Then Eliakim the sonne of Helkia, which was the steward of the houshold, and Sobna the scribe, & Ioah the sonne of Asaph the recorder, came to Hezekia with their clothes rent, and tolde him the wordes of Rabsakeh

2 Kings 19:4

4 Peraduenture the Lorde thy God will heare al the wordes of Rabsakeh, who the king of Assyria his maister hath sent to rayle on the lyuing God, & to rebuke him with wordes which the Lorde thy God hath hearde: And lift thou vp thy prayer for the remnaunt that are left

2 Kings 19:16

16 Lorde bowe downe thyne eare, and heare: Open Lorde thyne eyes, [I besech thee,] and see: and heare the wordes of Sennacherib whiche hath sent [this man] to rayle on the lyuing God

Ezra 9:3-5

3 And when I heard this saying, I rent my clothes and my garment, & pluckt of the heere of my head & of my beard, and sate mourning 4 And there resorted vnto me all such as feared the wordes of the God of Israel, because of the transgression of the [people] of the captiuitie: And I sat mourning vntill the euening sacrifice 5 And about the euening sacrifice I arose vp from my heauinesse, and rent my clothes and my rayment, and fell vpon my knees, and spread out my handes vnto the Lorde my God

Nehemiah 9:25

25 And they wanne their strong cities, and a fat lande, and toke possession of houses that were full of all maner of goodes, welles digged out, vineyards, oliue gardens, & many fruiteful trees: and they did eate, and were filled, and became fat, and liued in pleasure through thy great goodnesse

Job 5:10

10 He geueth rayne vpon the earth, and powreth water vpon the streetes

Job 37:6

6 He commaundeth the snow, and it falleth vpon earth: he geueth the rayne a charge, and the showres haue their strength and fall downe

Job 38:26-28

26 To cause it to rayne on the earth where no man is, and in the wildernesse where none inhabiteth 27 To satisfie the desolate and waste grounde, and to cause the budde of the hearbe to spring foorth 28 Who is the father of the rayne? or who hath begotten the droppes of the deawe

Psalms 2:1-3

1 Why do the Heathen so furiously rage together? and why do the people imagine a vayne thing 2 The kynges of the earth stande vp: and the rulers take counsell together against god, and against his annointed 3 Let vs breake [say they] their bondes a sunder: and cast away their cordes from vs

Psalms 19:1-4

1 The heauens declare the glorie of God: and the firmament sheweth his handy worke 2 A day occasioneth talke therof vnto a day: and a night teacheth knoweledge vnto a nyght 3 (19:3a) No language, no wordes, no voyce of theirs is hearde 4 (19:3b) yet their sounde goeth into all landes, and their wordes into the endes of the worlde. (19:4a) In them he hath set a tabernacle for the sunne

Psalms 31:6

6 I haue hated them that obserue superstitious vanities: and my trust hath ben in God

Psalms 33:6

6 By the worde of God are the heauens made: and all the hoastes of them by the breath of his mouth

Psalms 36:5-7

5 Thy mercy O God reacheth vnto heauen: [and] thy faythfulnes vnto the cloudes 6 Thy righteousnes is like the mountaynes of God: thy iudgementes are a great deapth, thou sauest both man and beast O God 7 How excellent is thy mercy O Lord: therefore the chyldren of men shall put their trust vnder the shadowe of thy winges

Psalms 52:1

1 Why boastest thy self thou tiraunt of mischiefe? the goodnes of God dayly endureth

Psalms 65:9-13

9 Thou visitest the earth, and thou makest it ouerflowne, thou enrichest it greatly: the riuer of God is full of water, thou preparest their corne, for so thou ordaynest it 10 Thou waterest her forowes, thou breakest downe her hillockes: thou makest it soft with the drops of rayne, and blessest the increase of it 11 Thou crownest the yere with thy goodnes: and thy cloudes drop fatnes 12 They drop vpon the dwellinges of the wyldernesse: and hilles be compassed with ioy 13 The downes be couered with sheepe: the valleys stande thicke with corne [so that] they showte [for ioy] and also sing

Psalms 68:9-10

9 Thou O Lorde dydst cause rayne to fall at thy gratious pleasure: and when thine inheritaunce was weery, thou dydst hearten it 10 Thy flocke dwelleth there: for thou O Lorde doest of thy goodnesse prepare for the poore

Psalms 81:12

12 So I gaue them vp vnto the wicked cogitations of their owne heartes: and I did let them folowe their owne imaginations

Psalms 83:5

5 For they haue conspired all in one minde: & are confederate against thee

Psalms 104:24-28

24 O God howe manyfolde are thy workes? thou hast made them al in wisdome, the earth is ful of thy ryches 25 So is the sea it selfe large and wyde in compasse: wherein are thinges creeping innumerable, both small and great beastes 26 There go the shippes, and there is that Leuiathan: whom thou hast made to take his pastime therin 27 These wayte all vpon thee: that thou mayest geue them meate in due season 28 When thou geuest it them, they gather it: and when thou openest thyne hand, they are filled with that which is good

Psalms 124:8

8 (124:7) Our helpe is in the name of God: who hath made heauen and earth

Psalms 145:9

9 God is good vnto euery man: and his mercie is ouer all his workes

Psalms 145:15-16

15 The eyes of all wayte vpon thee: and thou geuest them their meate in due season 16 Thou openest thyne hande: and thou satisfiest the desire of euery thing liuing

Psalms 146:5-6

5 Who made heauen and earth, the sea and all that therin is: who mainteyneth the trueth for euer 6 Who executeth iudgement for those that are oppressed with wrong: who geueth foode to the hungry

Psalms 147:7-8

7 Syng ye vnto God with a confession: syng psalmes vpon the Harpe vnto our Lorde 8 Who couereth the heauen with cloudes: who prepareth rayne for the earth, who maketh grasse to growe vppon the mountaynes

Psalms 147:20

20 He hath not dealt so with euery nation: neither haue they the knowledge of his iudgementes. Prayse ye the Lorde

Proverbs 8:23-31

23 I haue ben ordayned from euerlasting, and from the beginning or euer the earth was made 24 When I was borne there were neither depthes nor springes of water 25 Before the foundations of the mountaines were layde: yea before all hilles, was I borne 26 The earth, and all that is vpon the earth was not yet made, no not the dust it selfe 27 For when he made the heauens, I was present, when he compassed the deapthes about 28 When he hanged the cloudes aboue, when he fastened the springes of the deepe 29 When he shut the sea within certaine boundes, that the waters should not go ouer their markes that he commaunded: when he layde the foundations of the earth 30 I was with him ordring all thinges, deliting dayly and reioysyng alway before hym 31 As for the rounde compasse of this worlde I make it ioyfull: for my delite is to be among the chyldren of men

Isaiah 5:6

6 I wyll lay it waste, it shall neither be digged nor cut, but beare thornes and briers: I wyll also forbyd the cloudes that they shall not rayne vpon it

Isaiah 22:13

13 And beholde they haue ioy and gladnesse, slaying oxen, and kyllyng sheepe, eatyng fleshe, and drynkyng wine: Let vs eate and drynke, for to morowe we shall dye

Isaiah 35:3

3 And therfore strength the weake handes, and comfort the feeble knees

Isaiah 35:6

6 Then shall the lame men leape as an Hart, & the dumbe mans tongue shall geue thankes: for in the wildernesse there shall welles spryng, and fluddes of water in the desert

Isaiah 44:9-10

9 All caruers of images are but vayne, and the carued images that they loue can do no good: they must beare recorde them selues, that seeing they can neither see nor vnderstande, they shalbe confounded 10 Who dare then make a god, or fashion an image that is profitable for nothing

Isaiah 44:19-20

19 They ponder not in their mindes, for they haue neither knowledge nor vnderstanding to thinke thus: I haue brent one peece in the fire, I haue baked bread with the coales thereof, I haue rosted fleshe withall, and eaten it: and I wyll nowe of the residue make an abhominable idoll, and fall downe before a rotten peece of wood 20 Thus doth he but lose his labour, and his heart whiche is deceaued doth turne hym aside, so that none of them can haue a free conscience to thinke, Do not I erre

Isaiah 45:18

18 For thus saith the Lorde, Euen he that created heauen, the God that made the earth & fassioned it, and set it foorth, he dyd not make it for naught, but to be inhabited, euen I the Lorde, without whom there is none other

Isaiah 45:20

20 Gather you and come together, drawe nigh hither you that escaped of the people: they haue no vnderstanding that set vp the stockes of their idols, and pray vnto a god that can not helpe them

Isaiah 46:7

7 Yet must he be taken on mens shoulders and borne, and set in his place, that he may stande, and not moue out of his place: And if one crye vnto hym, he geueth no aunswere, and deliuereth not the man that calleth vpon hym from his trouble

Jeremiah 5:24

24 They thinke not in their heartes, O let vs feare the Lord our God, who geueth vs raine early and late when nede is, whiche kepeth euer still the haruest for vs yerely

Jeremiah 8:19

19 For lo, the voyce of the crying of my people is hearde, [for feare of them that come] from a farre countrey: Is not the Lord in Sion? Is not her king in her? Wherefore then haue they greeued me [shall the Lorde say] with their images, and foolishe straunge fashions of a forraine god

Jeremiah 10:3-5

3 Yea all the customes and lawes of the gentiles are nothing but vanitie: They hewe downe a tree in the wood with the handes of the workeman, and fashion it with the axe 4 They couer it ouer with golde or siluer, they fasten it with nailes and hammers, that it moue not 5 It standeth as stiffe as the Palme tree, it can neither speake nor go one foote, but must be borne: Be not ye afraide of suche, for they can do neither good nor euill

Jeremiah 10:8

8 They are altogether brutishe and vnwise in this one thing: wood is the teaching of vanitie

Jeremiah 10:10-11

10 But the Lorde is a true God, a liuing God, and an euerlasting kyng: if he be wroth, the earth shaketh, all the gentiles may not abide his indignation 11 [As for their gods] thus shall you say to them, they are no gods that made neither heauen nor earth, therfore shall they perishe from the earth, and from all thinges vnder heauen

Jeremiah 10:14-15

14 His wisdome maketh all men fooles, and confounded be casters of images: for that they cast, is but a vayne thing, and hath no life 15 The vayne craftesmen with their workes that they in their vanitie haue made, shall perishe one with another in time of visitation

Jeremiah 14:22

22 Are there any among the gods of the gentiles that sende rayne, or geue the showres from heauen? Art not thou thy selfe our Lorde God? we wyll trust in thee, for thou doest all these thynges

Jeremiah 22:19

19 But as an asse shall he be buried, corrupt, and be cast without the gates of Hierusalem

Jeremiah 32:17

17 O Lorde God, it is thou that hast made heauen and earth with thy great power and hye arme, and there is nothing hid from thee

Jeremiah 36:24

24 Yet no man was abashed therof, nor rent his clothes, neither the kyng hym selfe nor his seruauntes, though they hearde all these wordes

Jeremiah 44:16-17

16 As for the wordes that thou hast spoken vnto vs in the name of the Lorde, we wyll in no wise heare them 17 But whatsoeuer goeth out of our owne mouth, that wyll we do, we wyll do sacrifice, and offer oblations vnto the Queene of heauen, like as we and our forefathers, our kinges and our heades haue done in the cities of Iuda, and in the streetes of Hierusalem: for then had we plenteousnesse of vitailes, then were we in prosperitie, and no misfortune came vpon vs

Ezekiel 34:26

26 And I wyll set them [as] a blessing euen rounde about my hill, and I wyll cause raine to come downe in due season, [and] there shalbe raine of blessing

Daniel 2:28-30

28 But there is a God in heauen that reuealeth secretes, & sheweth the king Nabuchodonozor what is for to come in the latter dayes. Thy dreame and that whiche thou hast seene in thyne head vpon thy bed, is this 29 O king, when thou wast in thy bed, thoughtes came into thy mynde what should come hereafter: so he that is the opener of misteries, telleth thee what is for to come 30 As for me, this secrete is not shewed me for any wysdome that I haue more then any other liuing: but onely that I might shew the king the interpretation, and that thou mightest knowe the thoughtes of thyne owne heart

Daniel 2:46

46 Then the king Nabuchodonozor fell downe vpon his face, and bowed hym selfe vnto Daniel, and commaunded to ordeine rewardes and sweete odours for hym

Daniel 6:26

26 My commaundement is in all my dominion and kingdome, that men feare and stand in awe of Daniels God: for he is the liuing God which abideth euer, his kindgome shall not fayle, and his power is euerlasting

Hosea 4:17

17 Ephraim [is become] partaker of idols, let hym alone

Joel 2:23

23 Be glad then ye children of Sion, and reioyce in the Lorde your God: for he hath geuen you moderate rayne, & he wyll sende downe for you the rayne, [euen] the first rayne & the latter rayne, in the first [moneth.

Amos 2:4

4 Thus sayth the Lorde, For three wickednesses of Iuda, and for foure I will not spare hym: because they haue cast away the lawe of the Lord, and haue not kept his ordinaunces, and their lies caused them to erre, after the which their fathers walked

Jonah 2:8

8 They that holde vpon lying vanitie, forsake his mercie

Micah 4:5

5 Therfore all people wyll walke euery man in the name of his God: and we wyll walke in the name of our lord God for euer and euer

Micah 7:6

6 For the sonne dishonoreth his father, the daughter riseth against her mother, the daughter in law against her mother in lawe: and a mans foes are euen they of his owne housholde

Zechariah 12:1

1 The heauy burthen which the Lorde hath deuised for Israel. Thus saith the Lorde which spread the heauens abrode, layde the foundatio of the earth, and gaue man the breath of lyfe

Matthew 5:44

44 But I saye vnto you, loue your enemies, blesse them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, pray for the which hurt you, and persecute you 45 That ye may be the chyldren of your father, which is in heauen. For he maketh his sonne to aryse on the euyll, and on the good, and sendeth rayne on the iust, and on the vniust

Matthew 8:10

10 When Iesus hearde [him], he marueyled, & sayde to them that folowed [him]: Ueryly I say vnto you, I haue not founde so great fayth in Israel

Matthew 9:22

22 But Iesus turned hym about, and when he sawe her, he saide: Daughter be of good comfort, thy faith hath made thee safe. And the woman was made whole from that same houre.

Matthew 9:28-29

28 And whe he was come into the house, the blynde came to hym. And Iesus sayth vnto them: Beleue ye that I am able to do this? They sayde vnto hym, yea Lorde 29 Then touched he their eyes, saying: Accordyng to your fayth, be it vnto you

Matthew 10:21-22

21 The brother shall delyuer vp the brother to death, and the father the sonne, & the chyldren shall ryse agaynst their fathers, and mothers, and shall put them to death 22 And ye shalbe hated of all men, for my names sake: but he that endureth to the ende, shalbe saued 23 But, when they persecute you in this citie, flee ye into another. For verily I say vnto you, ye shall not ende all the cities of Israel, tyll the sonne of man be come

Matthew 10:34-36

34 Thinke not that I am come to sende peace into the earth. I came not to sende peace, but a sworde 35 For I am come to set a man at varyaunce agaynst his father, & the daughter agaynst her mother, and the daughter in lawe agaynst her mother in lawe 36 And a mans foes [shalbe] they of his owne householde

Matthew 10:38

38 And he that taketh not his crosse, & foloweth me, is not worthy of me

Matthew 13:58

58 And he did not many mightie workes there, because of their vnbeliefe

Matthew 15:28

28 Then Iesus aunswered, and sayde vnto her: O woman, great is thy fayth, be it vnto thee, euen as thou wylt. And her daughter was made whole, euen from that same tyme

Matthew 16:16

16 Simon Peter aunswered and sayde: Thou art Christe, the sonne of the lyuyng God

Matthew 16:24

24 Then sayde Iesus vnto his disciples: If any man wyll folowe me, let hym forsake him selfe, and take vp his crosse, and folowe me

Matthew 19:24

24 And agayne I say vnto you: it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a nedle, then for the riche, to enter into the kyngdome of God

Matthew 26:65

65 Then the hye priest rent his clothes, saying: He hath spoken blasphemie, what nede we of any mo witnesses? Beholde, now ye haue hearde his blasphemie

Matthew 27:20-25

20 But the chiefe priestes & elders perswaded the people, that they shoulde aske Barabbas, and destroy Iesus 21 The deputie aunswered, and saide vnto them: Whether of the twayne wyll ye that I let loose vnto you? They saide, Barabbas 22 Pilate sayde vnto them: What shall I do then with Iesus, whiche is called Christe? They all sayde vnto hym: let hym be crucified 23 The deputie sayde: What euyll hath he done? But they cryed the more, saying: let hym be crucified 24 When Pilate sawe that he coulde preuayle nothyng, but that more busynesse was made, he toke water, and washed his handes before the people, saying: I am innocent of the blood of this iust person, see ye to it 25 Then aunswered all the people, and sayde: His blood be on vs, and on our chyldren

Matthew 28:19

19 Go ye therfore, & teache all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the sonne, and of the holye ghost

Mark 1:40-41

40 And there came a leper to hym, besechyng him, and knelyng downe to him, and saying vnto hym: If thou wylt, thou canst make me cleane 41 And Iesus had compassion on hym, and put foorth his hande, touched hym, and sayth vnto hym: I wyll, be thou cleane

Mark 2:5

5 When Iesus sawe their fayth, he saide vnto the sicke of the paulsie: Sonne, thy synnes be forgeuen thee

Mark 2:11-12

11 I saye vnto thee, aryse, and take vp thy bedde, and get thee hence vnto thine house 12 And immediatly he arose, toke vp the bedde, and went foorth before them all: insomuch that they were all amazed, & glorified God, saying: we neuer sawe it on this fashion

Mark 3:14

14 And he ordeyned twelue, that they shoulde be with him, and that he might sende them foorth to preache

Mark 7:26

26 The woman was a Greke, out of the nation of Syrophenissa: & she besought hym, that he woulde cast out the deuyll from her daughter

Mark 9:23-24

23 Iesus sayde vnto hym: this thyng yf thou cans beleue, all thynges are possible to hym that beleueth 24 And strayghtwaye the father of the childe cryed with teares, saying: Lorde I beleue, helpe thou mine vnbeliefe

Mark 9:47

47 And if thine eye offend thee, plucke it out: It is better for thee to go into the kyngdome of God with one eye, then hauing two eyes, to be cast into hell fire

Mark 10:24-25

24 And the disciples were astonyed at his wordes. But Iesus aunswereth agayne, and sayth vnto them: Children, howe harde is it for the that trust in ryches, to enter into ye kyngdome of God 25 It is easier for a camel to go thorowe the eye of a needle, then for the riche to enter into the kyngdome of God

Mark 10:30

30 But he shall receaue an hundreth folde nowe at this present, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and chyldren, and landes, with persecutions, and in the worlde to come, eternall lyfe

Mark 10:52

52 Iesus sayde vnto hym: Go thy way, thy fayth hath saued thee. And immediatly he receaued his sight, & folowed Iesus in the way

Mark 14:63

63 Then the hye priest rent his clothes, and sayde: What neede we any further witnesses

Mark 15:10-11

10 For he knewe, that the hye priestes had delyuered hym of enuie 11 But the hye priestes moued the people, that he shoulde rather delyuer Barabbas vnto them

Mark 15:11-14

11 But the hye priestes moued the people, that he shoulde rather delyuer Barabbas vnto them 12 Pilate aunswered agayne, and sayde vnto them: What wyll ye then that I do vnto hym, whom ye call the kyng of the Iewes 13 And they cryed agayne, crucifie hym 14 Pilate sayde vnto them: What euyll hath he done? And they cryed the more feruently, crucifie hym

Mark 16:20

20 And they went foorth, and preached euerywhere, the Lorde workyng with them, and confirmyng the worde with signes folowyng

Luke 2:34

34 And Simeon blessed them, & saide vnto Marie his mother: beholde, this chylde is set to be the fall & vprysyng agayne of many in Israel, & for a signe which is spoken agaynst

Luke 6:28

28 Blesse them that curse you: And pray for the which wrongfully trouble you

Luke 6:35

35 But loue ye your enemies, & do good, and lende, lokyng for nothyng agayne: and your rewarde shalbe great, and ye shalbe the chyldren of the hyest: for he is kynde vnto the vnkynde, & to the euyll

Luke 7:14

14 And he came nye, & touched the beere, (and they that bare hym stoode styll) And he sayde: Young man, I say vnto thee, aryse

Luke 11:21-23

21 When a strong man armed, kepeth his palace, ye thynges that he possesseth are in peace 22 But whe a stronger then he commeth vpon hym, and ouercommeth hym, he taketh from him all his harnesse, wherin he trusted, and deuideth his goodes 23 He that is not with me, is against me: and he that gathereth not with me, scattereth [abrode.

Luke 12:51-53

51 Suppose ye that I am come to sende peace on earth? I tell you naye, but rather deuision 52 For fro hencefoorth there shalbe fyue in one house deuided, three against two, and two against three 53 The father shalbe deuided against the sonne, and the sonne against the father: The mother agaynst the daughter, and the daughter agaynst the mother: The mother in lawe against her daughter in lawe, and the daughter in lawe against her mother in lawe

Luke 13:11-13

11 And beholde, there was a woman, which had a spirite of infirmitie eyghteene yeres, and was bowed together, and coulde in no wyse lyft vp her head 12 When Iesus sawe her, he called her to hym, and sayde vnto her: Woman, thou art loosed from thy disease 13 And he layde his handes on her, and immediatly, she was made strayght, and glorified God

Luke 22:28-29

28 Ye are they, which haue bydden with me in my temptations 29 And I appoynt vnto you a kingdome, as my father hath appoynted vnto me

Luke 23:46

46 And when Iesus had cryed with a loude voyce, he sayde: Father into thy handes I commende my spirite. And when he thus had sayde, he gaue vp the ghost

Luke 24:26

26 Ought not Christe to haue suffered these thinges, & to enter into his glory

John 3:5

5 Iesus aunswered: Ueryly, veryly, I say vnto thee, except a man be borne of water and of the spirite, he can not enter into the kyngdome of God

John 3:36

36 He that beleueth on the sonne, hath euerlastyng lyfe: He that beleueth not the sonne, shall not see life, but the wrath of God abydeth on hym

John 4:48

48 Then sayde Iesus vnto hym: except ye see signes and wonders, ye wyll not beleue

John 5:3-5

3 In which lay a great multitude of sicke folke, of blynde, halt, & wythered, waytyng for the mouyng of the water 4 For an Angel went downe at a certayne season into the poole, and stirred the water: Whosoeuer then firste after the stirring of the water stepped in, was made whole of whatsoeuer disease he hadde 5 And a certaine man was there, which had ben diseased thirtie & eyght yeres

John 5:7

7 The sicke man aunswered him: Sir, I haue no man whe the water is troubled to put me into the poole: But in the meane time, while I am about to come, another steppeth downe before me 8 Iesus saith vnto him: Ryse, take vp thy bedde, and walke 9 And immediatly the man was made whole, and toke vp his bedde, & walked. And the same day was the Sabboth

John 5:26

26 For as the father hath lyfe in hym selfe: so lykewyse hath he geuen to the sonne, to haue lyfe in hym selfe

John 6:15

15 When Iesus therfore perceaued, that they would come and take him, to make hym kyng, he departed agayne into amountayne hym selfe alone

John 7:18

18 He that speaketh of hym selfe, seketh his owne praise: But he that seketh his praise that sent hym, the same is true, & no vnryghteousnes is in hym

John 7:35

35 Then sayde the Iewes among them selues: Whyther wyll he go, that we shall not fynde hym? Wyll he go vnto the dispearsed among the Gretians, & teache the gentiles

John 7:43

43 So was there discention among the people, because of hym

John 8:31-32

31 Then sayde Iesus to those Iewes which beleued on him: Yf ye continue in my word, then are ye my very disciples 32 And ye shall knowe the trueth, and the trueth shall make you free

John 9:1-2

1 And as Iesus passed by, he saw a man whiche was blynde fro his birth 2 And his disciples asked hym, saying: Maister, who did sinne, this man, or his father and mother, that he was borne blynde

John 9:10

10 Therfore sayde they vnto him: Howe are thyne eyes opened

John 12:20

20 There were certaine Grekes among them, that came to worship at the feast

John 12:25-26

25 He that loueth his lyfe, shall destroy it: and he that hateth his lyfe in this worlde, shall kepe it vnto lyfe eternall 26 If any man minister vnto me, let hym folowe me: And where I am, there shall also my minister be. If any man minister vnto me, hym wyll my father honour

John 14:12

12 Ueryly, veryly I say vnto you, he that beleueth on me, the workes that I do, the same shal he do also, and greater workes then these shall he do, because I go vnto the father

John 15:4-6

4 Byde in me, and I in you. As the braunche can not beare fruite of it selfe, except it byde in the vine: no more can ye, except ye abyde in me 5 I am the vine, ye are the braunches. He that abydeth in me, and I in hym, the same bryngeth foorth much fruite: For without me can ye do nothyng 6 Yf a man byde not in me, he is cast foorth as a braunch, and withereth, and men gather them, and cast them into the fyre, and they burne

John 15:9-10

9 As the father hath loued me, euen so haue I loued you: Continue ye in my loue 10 Yf ye kepe my commaundementes, ye shall abyde in my loue, euen as I haue kept my fathers commaundementes, and abyde in his loue

John 15:20

20 Remember the worde that I sayde vnto you: the seruaunt is not greater then the Lorde. If they haue persecuted me, they wyll also persecute you. If they haue kept my saying, they wyll kepe yours also

John 16:1-2

1 These thynges haue I sayde vnto you, because ye shoulde not be offended 2 They shall excomunitate you: yea the time shall come, that who so euer kylleth you, wyll thynke that he doth God seruice

John 16:33

33 These wordes haue I spoken vnto you, that in me ye myght haue peace. For in the worlde shall ye haue tribulation: but be of good cheare, I haue ouercome the worlde

Acts 1:22

22 Begynnyng from the baptisme of Iohn, vnto that same day that he was take vp from vs, must one be ordeyned, to be a witnesse with vs of his resurrection

Acts 2:22

22 Ye men of Israel, heare these wordes: Iesus of Nazareth, a man approued of God among you, with miracles, wonders, and signes, which God dyd by hym in the middes of you, as ye your selues also knowe

Acts 3:2

2 And a certayne man, that was lame from his mothers wombe, was brought, whom they layde dayly at the gate of the temple which is called beawtifull, to aske almes of them that entred into the temple

Acts 3:4

4 And Peter fastenyng his eyes vpon hym with Iohn, sayde: Loke on vs

Acts 3:6-8

6 Then sayde Peter: Syluer and golde haue I none, but such as I haue, geue I thee: In the name of Iesus Christe of Nazareth, ryse vp, and walke 7 And he toke hym by the ryght hande, and lyft hym vp. And immediatly his feete and ancle bones receaued strength 8 And he sprang, stoode, and walked, and entred with them into the temple, walkyng, and leaping, & praysyng God

Acts 3:12-13

12 And when Peter sawe that, he aunswered vnto the people: Ye men of Israel, why maruayle ye at this, or why loke ye so on vs, as though by our owne power or godlynesse, we had made this man to go 13 The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Iacob, the God of our fathers hath glorified his sonne Iesus, whom ye betrayed and denyed in the presence of Pilate, when he had iudged hym to be loosed

Acts 4:9

9 If we this day be examined of the good deede done to the sicke man, by what meanes he is made whole

Acts 4:24

24 And when they hearde that, they lyft vp their voyces to God with one accorde, and sayde: Lorde, thou art God, which hast made heauen and earth, the sea, and all that in them is 25 Which by the mouth of thy seruaunt Dauid, hast sayde: Why dyd the Heathen rage, & the people imagine vayne thynges 26 The kynges of the earth stoode vp, and the rulers came together, agaynst the Lorde, and agaynst his Christe 27 And of a trueth, agaynst thy holye chylde Iesus, who thou hast anoynted, both Herode and also Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people of Israel, gathered them selues together 28 For to do whatsoeuer thy hande & thy counsel determined before to be done 29 And nowe Lorde, beholde their threatnynges, & graunt vnto thy seruauntes, that with all boldensse they may speake thy worde

Acts 4:29-29

29 And nowe Lorde, beholde their threatnynges, & graunt vnto thy seruauntes, that with all boldensse they may speake thy worde 30 So that thou stretch foorth thyne hande, that healyng, and signes, and wonders, be done by the name of thy holy chylde Iesus

Acts 5:12-14

12 And by the handes of the Apostles, were many signes & wonders shewed among the people. (And they were all together with one accord in Solomons porche 13 And of other durst no man ioyne hym selfe to them, neuerthelesse, the people magnified them 14 The number of them that beleued in the Lorde, both of men and women, grewe more and more.

Acts 5:32

32 And we are recordes of these thynges which we say, & so is also the holy ghost, whom God hath geuen to them that obey hym

Acts 6:7

7 And the worde of God encreased, & the number of ye disciples multiplied in Hierusalem greatly, and a great companie of the priestes were obedient to ye fayth

Acts 7:26

26 And the next day he shewed hym selfe vnto them as they stroue, and woulde haue set them at one agayne, saying: Sirs, ye are brethren, why do ye wrong one to another

Acts 7:58

58 And cast hym out of the citie, and stoned him. And ye witnesses layde downe their clothes at a young mans feete, whose name was Saul

Acts 8:4

4 Therfore, they that were scattered abrode, went euery where preachyng the worde of God

Acts 8:10

10 Whom they regarded from the least to the greatest, saying: This man is the great power of God

Acts 9:16

16 For I wyl shew hym how great thinges he must suffer for my names sake

Acts 9:20

20 And strayghtway he preached Christe in the synagogues, that he was ye sonne of God

Acts 9:24

24 But their laying awayte was knowen of Saule. And they watched ye gates day and nyght to kyll hym

Acts 9:33-34

33 And there he founde a certayne man, named Eneas, which had kept his bed eyght yeres, & was sicke of the paulsie 34 And Peter sayde vnto hym, Eneas, Iesus Christe make thee whole: aryse, and make thy bedde. And he arose immediatly

Acts 10:25

25 And it came to passe, as Peter came in, Cornelius met hym, & fell downe at his feete, and worshipped [hym. 26 But Peter toke him vp, saying: stande vp, I my selfe also am a man

Acts 11:18

18 When they hearde these thynges, they helde their peace, and glorified God, saying: Then hath God also to ye Gentiles, graunted repentaunce vnto lyfe 19 They also which were scattered abrode through the affliction that arose about Steuen, walked throughout vnto Phenices, and Cypers, and Antioche, preachyng the worde to no man, but vnto the Iewes only

Acts 11:21

21 And the hande of the Lorde was with them, and a great number beleued and turned vnto the Lorde

Acts 11:23

23 Which when he came, and had seene the grace of God, was glad, and exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they woulde cleaue vnto the Lorde

Acts 11:26

26 And when he had founde hym, he brought hym vnto Antioche. And it came to passe, that a whole yere they had their couersation with the Church there, & taught much people: in so much, that the disciples of Antioche, were the first that were called Christians

Acts 11:30

30 Which thyng they also dyd, and sent it to the elders by the handes of Barnabas and Saul

Acts 12:17

17 And when he had beckened vnto the with the hande, that they myght holde their peace, he tolde them by what meanes the Lorde had brought hym out of the pryson. And he sayde: Go shewe these thynges vnto Iames and to the brethren. And he departed, and went into another place

Acts 12:22

22 And the people gaue a shout [saying] It is the voyce of God, & not of a man

Acts 12:22-23

22 And the people gaue a shout [saying] It is the voyce of God, & not of a man 23 And immediatly the Angel of ye Lorde smote hym, because he gaue not God ye honour, & he was eaten of wormes, and gaue vp the ghost

Acts 13:1-3

1 There was also in the Churche that was at Antioche, certayne prophetes, and teachers: as Barnabas and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manahen, which had ben norisshed vp with Herode the tetrarch, and Saul 2 As they ministred to the Lorde and fasted, the holy ghost sayde: Separate me Barnabas and Saul, for the worke wherunto I haue called them

Acts 13:2-3

2 As they ministred to the Lorde and fasted, the holy ghost sayde: Separate me Barnabas and Saul, for the worke wherunto I haue called them 3 And when they had fasted & prayed, & layde their hades on the, they let the go

Acts 13:5

5 And when they were at Salamine, they preached the worde of God in the synagogues of the Iewes: And they had also Iohn to their minister

Acts 13:13-14

13 Nowe when they that were with Paul, were departed fro Paphos, they came to Perga in Pamphylia: And Iohn departed from them, and returned to Hierusalem 14 But when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioche in Pisidia, and went into the synagogue on ye Sabboth day, and sate downe

Acts 13:14-14

14 But when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioche in Pisidia, and went into the synagogue on ye Sabboth day, and sate downe

Acts 13:32

32 And we declare vnto you, howe that the promise which was made vnto the fathers

Acts 13:43

43 Nowe when the congregation was broken vp, many of the Iewes and vertuous proselytes folowed Paul & Barnabas, which spake to them, and exhorted them to continue in the grace of God

Acts 13:45

45 But when the Iewes sawe the people, they were full of indignation, and spake agaynst those thynges which were spoken of Paul, speakyng against, and raylyng 46 Then Paul and Barnabas wared bolde, and sayde: It was meete that the worde of God shoulde first haue ben spoken to you: but seeyng ye put it from you, and thynke your selues vnworthy of euerlastyng lyfe, loe, we turne to the Gentiles

Acts 13:50

50 But the Iewes moued the deuout and honest women, and the chiefe men of the citie, and raysed persecution agaynst Paule and Barnabas, and expelled them out of their coastes

Acts 13:50-51

50 But the Iewes moued the deuout and honest women, and the chiefe men of the citie, and raysed persecution agaynst Paule and Barnabas, and expelled them out of their coastes 51 But they shoke of the dust of their feete against them, and came vnto Iconium

Acts 13:51-51

51 But they shoke of the dust of their feete against them, and came vnto Iconium

Acts 14:1

1 And it came to passe in Iconium, that they went both together into the synagogue of the Iewes, & so spake, that a great multitude both of the Iewes, & also of the Grekes beleued 2 But the vnbeleuyng Iewes, stirred vp, and corrupted the myndes of the Gentiles agaynst the brethren

Acts 14:4

4 But the multitude of the citie was deuided: and part helde with the Iewes, and part with the Apostles 5 And when there was an assault made both of the gentiles, and also of the Iewes, with their rulers, to do them violence, and to stone them 6 They were ware of it, and fled vnto Lystra & Derbe, cities of Lycaonia, and vnto the regio that lieth rounde about 7 And there preached the Gospell 8 And there sate a certayne man at Lystra, weake in his feete, beyng a creple from his mothers wombe, and neuer had walked

Acts 14:14

14 Which when the Apostles, Barnabas & Paul heard of, they rent their clothes, and ran in among the people, crying 15 And saying: Sirs, why do ye these thynges? We are mortall men lyke vnto you, and preach vnto you, that ye shoulde turne from these vanities, vnto the lyuyng God, which made heauen and earth, and the sea, and all thynges that are therin

Acts 14:19

19 Then thyther came certayne Iewes from Antioche and Iconium: which, whe they had perswaded the people, and had stoned Paule, drewe hym out of the citie, supposyng he had ben dead 20 Howbeit, as the disciples stoode round about hym, he arose vp, and came into the citie: And the next day, he departed with Barnabas to Derbe 21 And when they had preached to that citie, and had taught many, they returned agayne to Lystra, and to Iconium, and Antioche

Acts 14:21-21

21 And when they had preached to that citie, and had taught many, they returned agayne to Lystra, and to Iconium, and Antioche 22 And strengthed the disciples soules agayne, and exhorted them to continue in the fayth, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kyngdome of God 23 And when they had ordeyned them elders by election in euery Churche, and had prayed, with fastyng, they commended them to the Lorde, on whom they beleued

Acts 14:26

26 And thence departed by shippe to Antioche, from whence they were committed vnto the grace of God, to the worke which they fulfylled

Acts 14:28

28 And there they abode long tyme with the disciples

Acts 15:3-6

3 And after they were brought on their way by ye Churche, they passed through Phenices and Samaria, declaryng the conuersation of the gentiles, and they brought great ioy vnto all the brethen 4 And when they were come to Hierusalem, they were receaued of ye Church, and of the Apostles and elders: And they declared all thynges that God had done with them

Acts 15:4-6

4 And when they were come to Hierusalem, they were receaued of ye Church, and of the Apostles and elders: And they declared all thynges that God had done with them 5 Then rose vp certayne of the sect of the pharisees, which dyd beleue, saying that it was needefull to circumcise the, and to commaunde to kepe the lawe of Moyses 6 And the Apostles and elders came together, for to consider of this matter

Acts 15:6-6

6 And the Apostles and elders came together, for to consider of this matter

Acts 15:12

12 Then all the multitude was scilent, and gaue audience to Barnabas and Paul, which tolde what signes and wonders, God had shewed among the gentiles by them

Acts 15:22

22 Then pleased it the Apostles & elders, with the whole Church, to sende chosen me of their owne companie to Antioch, with Paul and Barnabas: [That is] Iudas, whose sirname was Barsabas, and Silas, which were chiefe men among the brethren 23 And wrote letters by them, after this maner

Acts 15:30

30 Nowe therfore, when they were departed, they came to Antioche, and gathered the multitude together, and delyuered the epistle

Acts 15:32

32 And Iudas, and Silas, beyng prophetes, exhorted ye brethren with many wordes, and strengthed them

Acts 15:35

35 Paul also and Barnabas continued in Antioche, teachyng and preachyng the worde of the Lorde, with other many 36 But after a certayne space, Paul sayde vnto Barnabas: Let vs go agayne, and visite our brethren, in euery citie where we haue shewed ye worde of the Lorde, [and see] howe they do

Acts 15:38

38 But Paul woulde not take hym vnto their companie, which departed from them from Pamphylia, and went not with them to the worke

Acts 15:40

40 And Paul chose Silas, and departed, beyng committed of the brethren vnto the grace of God 41 And he went through Cyria & Cilicia, stablisshyng the Churches

Acts 16:1

1 Then came he to Derbe and to Lystra: And beholde, a certayne disciple was there, named Timotheus, a womans sonne which was a Iewesse, and beleued: but his father was a Greke

Acts 16:1-2

1 Then came he to Derbe and to Lystra: And beholde, a certayne disciple was there, named Timotheus, a womans sonne which was a Iewesse, and beleued: but his father was a Greke 2 Of whom the brethren that were at Lystra and Iconium, reported well

Acts 16:2

2 Of whom the brethren that were at Lystra and Iconium, reported well

Acts 16:10

10 And after he had seene ye visio, immediatly we prepared to go into Macedonia, beyng certified that ye Lorde had called vs, for to preache the Gospel vnto them

Acts 16:30

30 And brought them out, & sayde: Syrs, what must I do to be saued

Acts 16:40

40 And they went out of the pryson, and entred into the [house] of Lydia, & when they had seene the brethren, they comforted them, and departed

Acts 17:1-2

1 As they made their iourney thorowe Amphipolis, and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where was a synagogue of the Iewes 2 And Paul, as his maner was, went in vnto them, and three Sabboth dayes disputed with the out of the scriptures

Acts 17:2

2 And Paul, as his maner was, went in vnto them, and three Sabboth dayes disputed with the out of the scriptures

Acts 17:4

4 And some of them beleued, and ioyned with Paul and Silas, and of the deuout Grekes a great multitude, and of the chiefe women not a fewe

Acts 17:4-5

4 And some of them beleued, and ioyned with Paul and Silas, and of the deuout Grekes a great multitude, and of the chiefe women not a fewe 5 But the Iewes whiche beleued not, moued with enuie, toke vnto them certaine vagaboundes and euyll men, and gathered a companie, and set all the citie on a rore, and made assault vnto the house of Iason, & sought to bryng them out to the people

Acts 17:5-5

5 But the Iewes whiche beleued not, moued with enuie, toke vnto them certaine vagaboundes and euyll men, and gathered a companie, and set all the citie on a rore, and made assault vnto the house of Iason, & sought to bryng them out to the people

Acts 17:12

12 Therfore many of them beleued. Also of honest women which were Grekes, and of men not a fewe 13 But when the Iewes of Thessalonica had knowledge that ye worde of God was preached of Paul at Berea, they came thyther and moued the people

Acts 17:13-14

13 But when the Iewes of Thessalonica had knowledge that ye worde of God was preached of Paul at Berea, they came thyther and moued the people 14 And then immediatly the brethren sent away Paul, to go as it were to the sea: but Silas & Timotheus abode there styll

Acts 17:16-18

16 Whyle Paul wayted for them at Athens, his spirite was moued in hym, when he sawe the citie geue to worshippyng of idoles 17 Therfore disputed he in the synagogue with the Iewes, and with the deuout persons, and in the market dayly with them that came vnto hym by chaunce

Acts 17:17-18

17 Therfore disputed he in the synagogue with the Iewes, and with the deuout persons, and in the market dayly with them that came vnto hym by chaunce 18 Then certaine philosophers of the Epicures, and of the Stoickes disputed with hym. And some saide: What wyll this babler say? Other some, he seemeth to be a setter foorth of newe gods: because he preached vnto them Iesus, and the resurrection

Acts 17:24-30

24 God that made the worlde, & all that are in it, seing that he is Lorde of heaue and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with handes 25 Neither is worshipped with mens handes, as though he needed of any thing, seing he him selfe geueth life and breath to all, euery where 26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men, for to dwell on all ye face of the earth, & hath determined the tymes before appoynted, and also the boundes of their habitation 27 That they shoulde seke the Lorde, yf perhappes they myght haue felt and founde hym, though he be not farre fro euery one of vs

Acts 17:27-28

27 That they shoulde seke the Lorde, yf perhappes they myght haue felt and founde hym, though he be not farre fro euery one of vs 28 For in hym we liue, and moue, & haue our beyng, as certaine of your owne poetes sayde: for we are also his offpryng

Acts 17:28-28

28 For in hym we liue, and moue, & haue our beyng, as certaine of your owne poetes sayde: for we are also his offpryng 29 Forasmuch then as we are the offpring of God, we ought not to thynke that the Godhead is lyke vnto golde, siluer, or stone, grauen by art, and mans deuice 30 And the tyme of this ignoraunce God wyncked at: but nowe byddeth all men euery where to repent

Acts 17:30

30 And the tyme of this ignoraunce God wyncked at: but nowe byddeth all men euery where to repent

Acts 18:4

4 And he disputed in the synagogue euery Sabboth, and exhorted the Iewes and the Grekes

Acts 18:8

8 And one Crispus the chiefe ruler of the synagogue beleued on the Lorde, with all his housholde: and many of the Corinthians hearyng, beleued, and were baptized 9 Then spake the Lorde to Paul in the nyght by a vision: Be not afrayde, but speake, and holde not thy peace 10 For I am with thee, and no man shal inuade thee to hurt thee. For I haue much people in this citie 11 And he continued there a yere and sixe monethes, and taught the word of God among them 12 And when Gallio was the deputie of Achaia, the Iewes made insurrection with one accord against Paul, & brought hym to the iudgement seate

Acts 18:23

23 And whe he had taried there a while, he departed, and went ouer al the countrey of Galatia and Phrygia by order, strengthyng all the disciples

Acts 19:8

8 And he went into the synagogue, and spake boldlye for the space of three monethes, disputyng & perswadyng those thynges that appertayne to the kyngdome of God 9 But when diuers waxed harde hearted, and beleued not, but spake euyll of the way [of the Lorde) and that before the multitude, he departed from them, & seperated ye disciples. And he disputed dayly in the scoole of one called Tyrannus 10 And this continued by the space of two yeres, so that all they whiche dwelt in Asia, hearde the worde of the Lord Iesu, both Iewes and Grekes

Acts 19:10-12

10 And this continued by the space of two yeres, so that all they whiche dwelt in Asia, hearde the worde of the Lord Iesu, both Iewes and Grekes 11 And God wrought speciall miracles by the handes of Paul 12 So that from his body, were brought vnto the sicke, napkins, and partlettes, and the diseases departed from them, & the euyll spirites went out of them

Acts 19:17

17 And this was knowen to all ye Iewes & Grekes also which dwelt at Ephesus, and feare came on them all, & the name of the Lorde Iesus was magnified

Acts 19:35

35 And when the towne clarke had pacified the people, he sayde: Ye men of Ephesus, what man is it that knoweth not how that the citie of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great goddesse Diana, and of the [image] whiche came downe from Iupiter

Acts 20:1

1 And after the vprore was ceassed, Paul called the disciples, & toke his leaue of them, and departed, for to go into Macedonia

Acts 20:9-12

9 And there sate in a window a certaine young man, named Eutychus, being fallen into a deepe sleepe: And as Paul was long reasonyng, he was the more ouercome with sleepe, and fell downe from the thirde loft, and was taken vp dead 10 But whe Paul went downe, he fell on hym, and imbraced hym, & saide: make nothyng a do, for his lyfe is in hym 11 And so when he was come vp againe, and had broken bread and eaten, & talked a long while, euen tyll the morning, and so he departed 12 And they brought the young man alyue, and were not a litle comforted

Acts 20:17

17 And from Miletum, he sent to Ephesus, and called the elders of the Church

Acts 20:21

21 Witnessyng both to the Iewes & also to the Grekes, the repentaunce that is towarde God, and the fayth whiche is towarde our Lorde Iesus

Acts 20:24

24 But none of these thynges moue me, neither is my lyfe deare vnto my selfe, so that I myght fulfyll my course with ioy, and the ministerie whiche I haue receaued of the Lorde Iesu, to testifie the Gospell of the grace of God

Acts 20:32

32 And nowe brethren I commende you to God, and to the worde of his grace, which is able to buylde further, and to geue you an inheritaunce among all the which are sanctified

Acts 21:19-22

19 And when he had saluted them, he tolde by order all thinges that God had wrought among the gentiles by his ministerie 20 And when they hearde it, they glorified the Lorde, & sayde vnto hym: Thou seest brother, howe many thousande Iewes there are which beleue, & they are all earnest folowers of the lawe 21 And they are infourmed of thee, that thou teachest all the Iewes whiche are among the Gentiles to forsake Moyses, and sayest that they ought not to circucise their chyldren, neither to walke after the customes 22 What is it therefore? The multitude must needes come together: For they shall heare that thou art come

Acts 21:27-30

27 And when the seuen dayes were almost ended, the Iewes which were of Asia, when they sawe hym in the temple, moued al the people, & layde handes on hym 28 Crying: Men of Israel helpe. This is the man that teacheth all men euery where against the people, and the lawe, and this place: He hath also brought Grekes into the temple, and hath polluted this holy place

Acts 21:28-30

28 Crying: Men of Israel helpe. This is the man that teacheth all men euery where against the people, and the lawe, and this place: He hath also brought Grekes into the temple, and hath polluted this holy place 29 For they had seene before with hym in the citie Trophimus an Ephesian, whom they supposed that Paul had brought into the temple 30 And all the citie was moued, and the people swarmed together: And they toke Paul & drewe hym out of the temple, & foorthwith the doores were shut

Acts 22:20

20 And when the blood of thy wytnesse Steuen was shedde, I also stoode by, and consented vnto his death, and kept the rayment of them that slue hym

Acts 23:12-22

12 And when it was day, certayne of the Iewes gathered them selues together, and made a vowe, saying that they woulde neither eate nor drynke, tyl they had kylled Paul 13 And they were mo then fourtie men, which had made this conspiracie 14 And they came to the chiefe priestes and elders, and sayde: We haue bounde our selues with a vowe, that we wyll eate nothyng vntyll we haue slayne Paul 15 Nowe therfore geue ye knowledge to the vpper captayne, and to the counsell, that he bryng hym foorth vnto you to morrowe, as though ye woulde knowe somethyng more perfectly of hym: And we, or euer he come neare, are redy to kyll hym 16 And when Paules sisters sonne heard of their laying awaite, he went & entred into the castle, and tolde Paul 17 And Paul called one of the vnder captaynes vnto hym, and sayde: Bryng this young man vnto the hye captayne, for he hath a certayne thyng to shewe hym 18 And he toke hym, and brought hym to the hye captayne, and sayde: Paul the prisoner called me vnto him, and prayed me to bryng this young man vnto thee, which hath a certayne matter to shewe thee 19 Then the hye captayne toke hym by the hande, and went with hym out of the way, and asked hym: What is it that thou hast to tell me 20 And he sayde: The Iewes are determined to desire thee, that thou wouldest bryng foorth Paul to morowe into the counsell, as though they would enquire somewhat of hym more perfectly 21 But folowe not thou their myndes: For there lye in wayte for him, of them, mo the fourtie men, which haue bounde themselues with a vowe, that they will neither eate nor drynke, tyll they haue kylled hym. And nowe are they redy, and loke that thou shouldest promise 22 The vpper captayne then let ye young man depart, and charged hym, see thou tell it out to no man, that thou hast shewed these thynges to me

Acts 26:17-20

17 Delyueryng thee from the people, and from the gentiles, vnto whom nowe I sende thee 18 To open their eyes, that they may be turned from darknesse to lyght, & from the power of Satan vnto God, that they may receaue forgeuenes of sinnes, & inheritaunce among them which are sanctified by fayth that is towarde me 19 Wherfore, O kyng Agrippa, I was not disobedient vnto the heauenly visio 20 But shewed first vnto them of Damascus, & at Hierusalem, and throughout all the coastes of Iurie, and then to the gentiles, that they shoulde repent, and turne to God, and do such workes as become them that repent

Acts 27:10

10 And sayde vnto them: Syrs, I perceaue that this vyage will be with hurt and much damage, not of the ladyng and shippe only, but also of our lyues

Acts 27:21

21 But after long abstinence, Paul stoode foorth in the middes of them, and sayde: Syrs, ye shoulde haue harkened to me, & not to haue loosed fro Candie, neither to haue brought vnto vs this harme and losse

Acts 27:25

25 Wherfore syrs be of good cheare: for I beleue God, that it shalbe euen as it was tolde me

Acts 28:6

6 Howbeit, they wayted whe he shoulde haue swolne, or fallen downe dead sodenlie: But after they had loked a great while, and sawe no harme come to him, they chaunged their myndes, and sayde that he was a God

Acts 28:24

24 And some were perswaded in the thynges which were spoken, and some beleued not

Romans 1:16

16 For I am not ashamed of the Gospell of Christ, because it is the power of God vnto saluation to all that beleue, to the Iewe first, and also to the Greke

Romans 1:19-20

19 For that that may be knowen of God, is manifest among them, because God hath shewed it vnto them 20 For his inuisible thinges, being vnderstanded by his workes, through the creation of the worlde, are seene, that is, both his eternall power and godhead: So that they are without excuse

Romans 1:20-20

20 For his inuisible thinges, being vnderstanded by his workes, through the creation of the worlde, are seene, that is, both his eternall power and godhead: So that they are without excuse 21 Because that when they knewe God, they glorified hym not as God, neither were thankefull, but waxed full of vanities in their imaginations, and their foolishe heart was blynded

Romans 1:21-25

21 Because that when they knewe God, they glorified hym not as God, neither were thankefull, but waxed full of vanities in their imaginations, and their foolishe heart was blynded 22 When they counted them selues wyse, they became fooles

Romans 1:22-25

22 When they counted them selues wyse, they became fooles 23 And turned the glorie of the immortall God, vnto an image, made not only after the similitude of a mortal man, but also of birdes, and foure footed beastes, and of crepyng beastes

Romans 1:23-25

23 And turned the glorie of the immortall God, vnto an image, made not only after the similitude of a mortal man, but also of birdes, and foure footed beastes, and of crepyng beastes 24 Wherefore God gaue them vp to vncleanenesse, through the lustes of their owne heartes, to defyle their owne bodies among them selues 25 Whiche chaunged his trueth for a lye, and worshipped and serued the creature, more then the creator, which is to be praysed for euer. Amen

Romans 1:28

28 And as they regarded not to knowe God: euen so God deliuered them vp vnto a leude mynde, that they should do those thinges which were not comely

Romans 8:17

17 If we be sonnes, then are we also heyres, the heyres of God, and ioyntheyres with Christe: So that we suffer together, that we may be also glorified together

Romans 10:12

12 There is no difference betwene the Iewe & the Greke: for the same Lorde ouer al, is riche vnto al yt call vpon him

Romans 15:18

18 For I dare not speake of any of those thinges which Christ hath not wrought by me, to make the gentiles obedient with worde and deede 19 In myghtie signes and wonders, by the power of the spirite of God: so that from Hierusalem, & the coastes rounde about, vnto Illyricum, I haue fullye preached the Gospell of Christe

1 Corinthians 1:8

8 Whiche shall also strength you vnto the ende, that ye may be blamelesse in the day of our Lord Iesus Christ

1 Corinthians 1:22-24

22 For the Iewes require a signe, & the Grekes seke after wisedome 23 But we preache Christe crucified, vnto the Iewes a stumblyng blocke, and vnto the Grekes foolyshnesse 24 But vnto them which are called both of the Iewes and Grekes [we preache] Christe the power of God, and the wisedome of God

1 Corinthians 3:5-9

5 What is Paul? what is Apollo? Only ministers are they by whom ye beleued, euen as the Lorde gaue to euery man 6 I haue planted, Apollo watered: but God gaue the encrease 7 So then, neither is he that planteth any thyng, neither he that watreth: but God that geueth the encrease 8 He that planteth, & he that watreth, are one, and euery man shal receaue his rewarde accordyng to his labour 9 For we together are Gods labourers, ye are Gods husbandrie [ye are] Gods buyldyng

1 Corinthians 5:4

4 In the name of our Lorde Iesus Christe, when ye are gathered together and my spirite, with the power of the Lorde Iesus Christe

1 Corinthians 8:4

4 As concerning the eating of those thinges that are offered vnto idols, we are sure that an idoll is nothing in the worlde, and that there is none other God but one

1 Corinthians 9:5

5 Haue we not power to leade about a sister a woman as well as other Apostles, and as the brethren of the Lord, and Cephas

1 Corinthians 9:5-6

5 Haue we not power to leade about a sister a woman as well as other Apostles, and as the brethren of the Lord, and Cephas 6 Either only I and Barnabas haue not power this to do

1 Corinthians 11:18

18 For first of all, when ye come together in the Churche, I heare that there is dissention among you, and I partly beleue it

1 Corinthians 14:23

23 If therfore, when all the Churche is come together in one, & all speake with tongues, there come in they that are vnlearned, or they which beleue not: wyll they not say yt ye are out of your wittes

1 Corinthians 15:10

10 But by the grace of God, I am that I am: And his grace which is in me, was not in vayne: But I laboured more aboundauntly then they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which is with me

1 Corinthians 15:31

31 By our reioycyng which I haue in Christe Iesu our Lorde, I dye dayly

1 Corinthians 16:8-9

8 I wyll tarie at Ephesus vntyll whytsontyde 9 For a great doore and effectuall is opened vnto me, and there are many aduersaries

1 Corinthians 16:9

9 For a great doore and effectuall is opened vnto me, and there are many aduersaries

2 Corinthians 1:9-10

9 Yea, we receaued the sentence of death in our selues, that we should not put our trust in our selues, but in God, whiche rayseth the dead 10 Who delyuered vs from so great a death, and doth deliuer: On whom we trust that yet hereafter he wyll deliuer

2 Corinthians 1:12

12 For our reioycyng is this, the testimonie of our conscience, that in simplicitie & godly purenesse, and not in fleshely wisdome, but by the grace of God, we haue had our conuersatio in the worlde, and most of all to you wardes

2 Corinthians 2:12

12 Furthermore, when I came to Troada, to [preache] Christes Gospell, and a doore was opened vnto me of the lorde

2 Corinthians 4:10-12

10 We alwayes beare about in the body the dying of the Lorde Iesus, that the lyfe of Iesus myght also appeare in our bodie 11 For we which lyue, are alwayes deliuered vnto death for Iesus sake, that the lyfe also of Iesu myght appeare in our mortall flesshe 12 So then, death worketh in vs, but life in you

2 Corinthians 6:9

9 As vnknowen, and yet knowen, as dying, and beholde we lyue, as chastened, and not kylled

2 Corinthians 11:23

23 They are the ministers of Christe, (I speake as a foole) I am more: in labours more aboundant, in stripes aboue measure, in pryson more plenteouslie, in death oft

2 Corinthians 11:25

25 Thryse was I beaten with roddes, once stoned, thrise I suffred shipwracke, nyght and day haue I ben in ye depth

Galatians 2:3

3 But neither Titus which was with me, beyng a Greke, was compelled to be circumcised

Galatians 2:11

11 But whe Peter was come to Antioche, I withstoode him to the face, because he was to be blamed

Galatians 3:28

28 There is no Iewe, neither Greke, there is neither bonde nor free, there is neither male, nor female: For ye are all one in Christe Iesu

Ephesians 2:12

12 That at that tyme ye were without Christe, beyng aliauntes from the common wealth of Israel, and straungers fro the testamentes of promise, hauyng no hope, & without God in this worlde

Ephesians 4:17

17 This I say therfore, and testifie in the Lorde, that ye hencefoorth walke not as other gentiles walke, in vanitie of their mynde

Ephesians 6:18-20

18 Praying alwayes in all prayer and supplication in the spirite, and watche thervnto with all instaunce and supplication, for all saintes 19 And for me, that vtteraunce may be geue vnto me, yt I may open my mouth freely, to vtter ye secretes of the Gospell 20 Whereof I am messenger in bondes, that therein I may speake freely, as I ought to speake

Colossians 1:23

23 If ye continue grounded & stablisshed in the fayth, and be not moued away from the hope of the Gospell, which ye haue hearde howe it is preached to euery creature which is vnder heauen, wherof I Paul am made a minister

Colossians 1:25

25 Wherof I am made a minister, accordyng to the dispensation of God, which is geuen to me to youwarde, to fulfyll the worde of God

Colossians 1:28

28 Whom we preache, warnyng euery man, and teachyng euery man in all wisdome, to present all men perfect in Christe Iesus

Colossians 3:11

11 Where is neither Greke nor Iewe, circumcision nor vncircumcision, Barbarian, Sythian, bonde, free: but Christe is all, and in all

Colossians 4:3

3 Praying also for vs, that God may open vnto vs the doore of vtteraunce, that we may speake ye misterie of Christ, wherfore I am also in bondes

Colossians 4:17

17 And say to Archippus: take heede to the ministerie that thou hast receaued in the Lorde, that thou fulfyll it

1 Thessalonians 1:9

9 For they them selues shewe of you, what maner of entryng in we had vnto you, and howe ye turned to God from images, to serue the lyuyng and true God

1 Thessalonians 2:2

2 But euen after that we had suffred before, and were shamefully entreated as ye knowe, at Philippos, we were bolde in our God, to speake vnto you the Gospell of God, in much stryuyng

1 Thessalonians 2:15-16

15 Who both kylled the Lorde Iesus, and their owne prophetes, & haue persecuted vs: and God they please not, and are contrarie to all men 16 And hynder vs to speake to the gentiles that they myght be saued, to fulfyll their sinnes alway. For the wrath [of God] is come on them to the vtmost

1 Thessalonians 3:2-4

2 And sent Timotheus, our brother and minister of God, and felowe labourer in the Gospell of Christe, to stablishe you & to comfort you concernyng your faith 3 That no man shoulde be moued in these afflictions: For ye your selues knowe, that we are appoynted therevnto 4 For veryly when we were with you, we tolde you before that we shoulde suffer tribulation, euen as it came to passe, and [as] ye knowe

1 Thessalonians 3:12-13

12 And the Lorde encrease you, & make you abounde in loue one towarde another, and towarde all men, euen as we also towarde you 13 To stablyshe your heartes vnblameable, in holynesse before God and our father, in the commyng of our Lorde Iesus Christe, with all his saintes

1 Thessalonians 3:13-13

13 To stablyshe your heartes vnblameable, in holynesse before God and our father, in the commyng of our Lorde Iesus Christe, with all his saintes

2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

16 Our Lorde Iesus Christe, and God and our father, whiche hath loued vs, and hath geuen vs euerlastyng consolation, and good hope in grace 17 Comfort your heartes, and stablysshe you in all good saying and doyng

1 Timothy 3:15

15 But yf I tary long, that thou mayest knowe howe thou oughtest to behaue thy selfe in the house of God, whiche is the Church of the lyuyng God, the pyller and grounde of trueth

1 Timothy 5:1

1 Rebuke not an elder, but exhort him as a father, the younger men as brethren

1 Timothy 5:17-19

17 The elders that rule well are worthy of double honour, most speciallye they which labour in the worde & teachyng 18 For the scripture sayth: Thou shalt not moosel the oxe that treadeth out the corne: And, the labourer is worthy of his rewarde 19 Agaynst an elder receaue none accusation, but vnder two or three witnesses

1 Timothy 5:22

22 Lay handes sodenly on no man, neither be partaker of other mens sinnes. Kepe thy selfe chaste

1 Timothy 6:17

17 Charge them which are riche in this world, that they be not hie minded, nor trust in vncertayne riches: but in ye lyuyng God, which geueth vs aboundauntly all thinges to enioy

2 Timothy 1:8

8 Be not thou therfore ashamed of the testimonie of our Lorde, neither of me his prisoner: but suffer thou aduersitie with the Gospell, accordyng to the power of God

2 Timothy 1:12

12 For the which cause I also suffer these thynges. Neuerthelesse, I am not ashamed: For I knowe whom I haue beleued, and I am perswaded that he is able to kepe that which I haue committed to hym, agaynst that day

2 Timothy 2:2

2 And the thynges that thou haste hearde of me by many witnesses, the same commit thou to faythfull men, which shalbe apt to teache other also

2 Timothy 2:11-12

11 It is a faythfull saying: for yf we be dead with hym, we shall also lyue with hym 12 If we be patient, we shall also raigne with hym: If we denie hym, he also shall denie vs

2 Timothy 3:11

11 Persecutions, afflictions, which came vnto me at Antioche, at Iconium, at Lystra, which persecutions I suffred patiently: And from them all, the Lord deliuered me 12 Yea, and all that wyll lyue godly in Christe Iesus, shall suffer persecution

2 Timothy 4:2

2 Preache the worde, be instant in season, out of season: Improue, rebuke, exhort in all long sufferyng and doctrine

2 Timothy 4:5-8

5 But watche thou in all thynges, suffer afflictions, do the worke of an Euangelist, fulfyll thy ministerie 6 For I am nowe redie to be offered, & the tyme of my dissolution is at hande 7 I haue fought a good fyght, I haue fulfylled [my] course, I haue kept ye faith 8 Hencefoorth there is layde vp for me a crowne of ryghteousnesse, which the Lorde, the ryghteous iudge, shall geue me at that day: not to me only, but vnto the also yt haue loued his appearyng

Titus 1:5

5 For this cause left I thee in Creta, that thou shouldest refourme ye thynges that are left, and ordayne elders in euerye citie, as I had appoynted thee

Hebrews 2:4

4 God bearyng witnesse therto both with signes & wonders also, and with diuers powers and gyftes of the holy ghost, accordyng to his owne wyll

Hebrews 3:12

12 Take heede brethren, lest at any tyme there be in you an euyll heart of vnbeliefe, to depart from the lyuyng God

Hebrews 13:12-13

12 Therfore Iesus also, that he myght sanctifie ye people with his owne blood, suffered without the gate 13 Let vs go foorth therfore vnto hym out of the tentes, bearyng his reproche

James 5:14

14 Is any diseased among you? let hym call for the elders of the Churche, and let them pray for him, and annoynt him with oyle in the name of the Lorde

James 5:17

17 Elias was a man vnder infirmities euen as we are, and he prayed in his prayer that it myght not rayne: and it rayned not on the earth by the space of three yeres and sixe monethes

James 5:17-18

17 Elias was a man vnder infirmities euen as we are, and he prayed in his prayer that it myght not rayne: and it rayned not on the earth by the space of three yeres and sixe monethes 18 And he prayed againe, and the heauen gaue rayne, & the earth brought foorth her fruite

1 Peter 4:3

3 For it is sufficient for vs that we haue spent the tyme that is paste of the lyfe, after the wyll of the gentiles, walkyng in wantonnesse, lustes, in excesse of wynes, in excesse of eatyng, in excesse of drynkyng, and abominable idolatrie

1 Peter 4:12-16

12 Dearely beloued, thinke it not straunge concerning the fierie triall, which thing is to trye you, as though some straunge thyng happened vnto you 13 But reioyce, in as much as ye are partakers of Christes passions: that when his glory appeareth, ye maye be mery and glad 14 Yf ye be rayled vpon for the name of Christe, happy are ye. For the spirite of glory and of God, resteth vpon you: On their part he is euyll spoken of, but on your part he is glorified 15 See that none of you be punished as a murtherer, or as a thiefe, or an euyll doer, or as a busie body in other mens matters 16 Yf any [man suffer] as a Christian man, let hym not be ashamed, but let him glorifie God on this behalfe

1 Peter 5:1

1 The elders which are among you, I exhort, whiche am also an elder, & a wytnesse of the afflictions of Christe, and also a partaker of the glory that shalbe opened

1 Peter 5:10

10 But the God of all grace whiche hath called vs vnto his eternall glory by Christe Iesus, shal his owne selfe, after that ye haue suffred a litle affliction, make you perfite, setle, strength, and stablyshe you

2 Peter 1:11

11 Yea, and by this meanes an entryng in shalbe ministred vnto you aboudantlye, into the euerlastyng kyngdome of our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christe

2 John 1:1

1 The elder to the elect Lady & her chyldren, whom I loue in the trueth: and not I only, but also all that haue knowen ye trueth

3 John 1:1

1 The elder vnto ye beloued Gaius, whom I loue in the trueth

3 John 1:6-8

6 Which beare witnesse of thy loue before the Churche. Which brethren, yf thou bryng forwardes of their iourney after a godly sorte, thou shalt do well 7 Because that for his names sake they went foorth, and toke nothyng of the gentiles 8 We therfore ought to receaue such, that we myght be helpers to the trueth

Jude 1:3

3 Beloued, when I gaue all diligence to write vnto you of the common saluation, it was nedeful for me to write vnto you, to exhorte you, that ye shoulde earnestly contende for the fayth which was once geuen vnto the saintes

Jude 1:20-21

20 But ye dearely beloued, edifie your selues in your most holy fayth, praying in the holy ghost 21 And kepe your selues in the loue of God, lokyng for the mercie of our Lord Iesus Christe, vnto eternall lyfe

Revelation 1:9

9 I Iohn, your brother and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdome and patience of Iesus Christe, was in the Ile that is called Pathmos, for ye worde of God, and for the witnessyng of Iesus Christe

Revelation 2:10

10 Feare none of those thynges, which thou shalt suffer: Beholde, the deuyll shall caste some of you into prison, to tempt you, and ye shall haue tribulation ten dayes. Be faythfull vnto the death, and I wyll geue thee a crowne of lyfe

Revelation 3:7-8

7 And write vnto ye Angel of the Church of Philadelphia, this sayth he that is holy and true, which hath the key of Dauid, which openeth, and no man shutteth, and shutteth, and no man openeth 8 I knowe thy workes: Beholde, I haue set before thee an open doore, and no man can shut it, for thou hast a litle strength, & hast kept my sayinges: and hast not denyed my name

Revelation 7:14

14 And he sayde vnto hym, Lorde thou wotest. And he sayde to me: These are they which came out of great tribulation, and haue wasshed their long robes, and made them whyte by the blood of the lambe

Revelation 11:7-12

7 And whe they haue finished their testimonie, the beast that commeth out of the bottomlesse pit, shall make warre against them, and shal ouercome them, and kyll them 8 And their bodyes shall lye in ye streates of the great citie, which spiritually is called Sodome and Egypt, where our Lorde was crucified 9 And they of the people, and kinredes, and tongues, and they of the nations, shall see their bodyes three dayes and an halfe, & shall not suffer their bodyes to be put in graues 10 And they that dwell vpon the earth shal reioyce ouer them, and be glad, and shall sende gyftes one to another: for these two prophetes vexed them that dwelt on the earth 11 And after three dayes and an halfe, the spirite of lyfe [commyng] from God, shall enter into them: And they shall stande vp vpon their feete, & great feare shall come vpon the which sawe them 12 And they shall heare a great voyce from heauen, saying vnto them, come vp hyther. And they shall ascende vp to heauen in a cloude, and their enemies shall see them

Revelation 14:7

7 Saying with a loude voyce: Feare God, and geue honour to hym, for the houre of his iudgement is come: and worshippe hym that made heauen and earth, and the sea, and fountaynes of water

Revelation 19:10

10 And I fell at his feete to worship him. And he saide vnto me: See thou do it not, for I am thy felowe seruaunt, and of thy brethren, euen of them that haue the testimonie of Iesus. Worship God: For the testimonie of Iesus, is the spirite of prophesie

Revelation 19:19

19 And I sawe the beast, and the kinges of the earth, and their warryers gathered together, to make battayle agaynst hym that sate on the horse, and agaynst his souldyers

Revelation 22:9

9 And he sayde vnto me: see thou do it not, for I am thy felowe seruaunt, and the felowe seruaunt of thy brethren the prophetes, and of them which kepe the sayinges of this booke: But worshippe God

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