2 Timothy 2:12 Cross References - Bishops

12 If we be patient, we shall also raigne with hym: If we denie hym, he also shall denie vs

Proverbs 30:9

9 Lest peraduenture I beyng full, shoulde denie thee, and say, who is the Lorde? or beyng oppressed with pouertie fall to stealyng, and forswere the name of my God

Matthew 10:33

33 But whosoeuer shall denye me before men, hym wyll I also denye, before my father, which is in heauens

Matthew 19:28-29

28 Iesus sayde vnto them: veryly I say vnto you, that when the sonne of man shall syt in the throne of his maiestie, ye that haue folowed me in the regeneration, shall syt also vpon twelue seates, and iudge the twelue tribes of Israel 29 And euery one that forsaketh house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wyfe, or chyldren, or landes, for my names sake, shall receaue an hundred folde, and shall inherite euerlastyng lyfe

Matthew 26:35

35 Peter sayde vnto hym: Though I shoulde dye with thee, yet wyll I not denie thee. Lykewyse also sayde all the disciples

Matthew 26:75

75 And Peter remembred the worde of Iesu, which sayde vnto hym, before the Cocke crowe, thou shalt denie me thrise: and he went out, and wept bytterly

Mark 8:38

38 Whosoeuer therfore shalbe ashamed of me, and of my wordes, in this adulterous and synnefull generation: of hym also shall the sonne of man be ashamed, when he commeth in the glorie of his father, with the holy Angels

Mark 10:33

33 Beholde, we go vp to Hierusalem, and the sonne of man shalbe delyuered vnto the hye priestes, & vnto the scribes and they shall condenme hym to death, and shall delyuer hym to the Gentiles

Luke 9:26

26 For whosoeuer shalbe ashamed of me, and of my wordes, of hym shall the sonne of man be ashamed, whe he commeth in his maiestie, and in the maiestie of his father, and of the holy angels

Luke 12:9

9 But he that denyeth me before men, shalbe denyed before the angels of God

Acts 14:22

22 And strengthed the disciples soules agayne, and exhorted them to continue in the fayth, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kyngdome of God

Romans 8:17

17 If we be sonnes, then are we also heyres, the heyres of God, and ioyntheyres with Christe: So that we suffer together, that we may be also glorified together

Philippians 1:28

28 And in nothyng fearyng your aduersaries, which is to them a token of perdition: but to you of saluatio, and that of God

2 Thessalonians 1:4-8

4 So that we our selues reioyce in you in the Churches of God, ouer your pacience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye suffer 5 [Which is] a token of the ryghteous iudgment of God, that ye may be counted woorthy of the kyngdome of God, for which ye also suffer 6 For it is a ryghteous thing with God, to recompence tribulation to them that trouble you 7 And to you whiche are troubled, reste with vs, in the reuelation of the Lorde Iesus from heauen, with the Angels of his power 8 In flamyng fire, rendryng vengeance vnto them that knowe not God, and that obey not the Gospell of our Lorde Iesus Christe

1 Peter 4:13-16

13 But reioyce, in as much as ye are partakers of Christes passions: that when his glory appeareth, ye maye be mery and glad 14 Yf ye be rayled vpon for the name of Christe, happy are ye. For the spirite of glory and of God, resteth vpon you: On their part he is euyll spoken of, but on your part he is glorified 15 See that none of you be punished as a murtherer, or as a thiefe, or an euyll doer, or as a busie body in other mens matters 16 Yf any [man suffer] as a Christian man, let hym not be ashamed, but let him glorifie God on this behalfe

1 John 2:22-23

22 Who is a lyer, but he that denieth that Iesus is Christe? The same is antichrist that denyeth the father and the sonne 23 Whosoeuer denyeth the sonne, the same hath not the father [But he that knowledgeth the sonne, hath the father also.

Jude 1:4

4 For there are certayne vngodly men craftily crept in, which were before of olde ordeyned to this condemnation: They turne the grace of our God vnto wantonnesse, and denye God which is the only Lorde, and our Lorde Iesus Christe

Revelation 1:6

6 And made vs kynges and priestes vnto God his father, be glorie and dominion for euermore. Amen

Revelation 1:9

9 I Iohn, your brother and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdome and patience of Iesus Christe, was in the Ile that is called Pathmos, for ye worde of God, and for the witnessyng of Iesus Christe

Revelation 2:13

13 I knowe thy workes, and where thou dwellest, euen where Satans seate is, and thou kepest my name, and hast not denyed my fayth: Euen in those dayes when Antipas my faythfull martir was slayne among you, where Satan dwelleth

Revelation 3:8

8 I knowe thy workes: Beholde, I haue set before thee an open doore, and no man can shut it, for thou hast a litle strength, & hast kept my sayinges: and hast not denyed my name

Revelation 5:10

10 And hast made vs vnto our God kinges and priestes, and we shall raigne on the earth

Revelation 20:4

4 And I sawe thrones, and they sate vpon them, and iudgement was geuen vnto them: and I sawe the soules of them that were beheaded for the witnesse of Iesus, and for the word of God, and whiche had not worshipped the beast neither his image, neither had taken his marke vpon their foreheads, or in their handes: and they lyued and raigned with Christe a thousand yeres

Revelation 20:6

6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: For on such shal the seconde death haue no power, but they shalbe the priestes of God and of Christe, and shall raigne with hym a thousande yeres

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.