2 Kings 6:11 Cross References - Bishops

11 And the heart of the king of Syria was troubled for this thing, and he called for his seruauntes, and said vnto them: Wil ye not shewe me, whiche of our men [betrayght me] to the king of Israel

1 Samuel 22:8

8 That ye haue also conspired agaynst me, & there is none that telleth me that my sonne hath made a couenaunt with the sonne of Isai, and there is none of you yt is sory for me, or sheweth me that my sonne hath stirred vp my seruaunt to lye in wayte agaynst me [as appeareth] this day

1 Samuel 28:21

21 And the woman came vnto Saul, & sawe that he was sore troubled, & sayde vnto him: See, thyne handmayde hath obeyed thy voyce, & haue put my soule in my hand, and haue hearkened vnto thy wordes which thou sayedst vnto me

Job 18:7-11

7 The steppes of his strength shalbe restrayned, and his owne counsaile shall cast him downe 8 For his feete are taken [as it were] in the net, & he walketh vpon the snares 9 The grinne shall take him by the heele, and it shall catche him that is thirstie of blood 10 The snare is layde for him in the grounde, and a pitfall in the way 11 Fearefulnesse shall make him afraide on euery side, and shall driue him to his feete

Psalms 48:4-5

4 (48:4a) For lo kinges did assemble, and passe by together 5 (48:4b) they them selues sawe it, lykewyse they marueyled, they were astonyed with feare, and sodenly in haste they were gone away

Isaiah 57:20-21

20 But the wicked are lyke the raging sea that can not rest, whose water fometh with the mire and grauell 21 Euen so the wicked haue no peace, saith God

Matthew 2:3-12

3 When Herode the kyng had hearde these thynges, he was troubled, and all [the citie of] Hierusalem with hym 4 And when he hadde gathered all the chiefe Priestes and Scribes of the people together, he demaunded of them where Christe shoulde be borne 5 And they saide vnto him: At Bethlehem in Iurie. For thus it is written by the prophete 6 And thou Bethlehem [in] the lande of Iuda, art not the least among the princes of Iuda. For out of thee shall there come a capitain, that shal gouerne my people Israel 7 Then Herode, when he had priuilye called the wyse men, inquired of the diligently, what tyme the starre appeared 8 And he sent them to Bethlehem, and sayde: Go, and search diligently for the young childe, and when ye haue founde hym, bryng me worde agayne, that I may come, and worship hym also 9 When they had hearde the kyng, they departed, and loe, the starre which they sawe in the east, went before them, tyl it came & stoode ouer [the place] wherin the young chylde was 10 When they sawe the starre, they reioyced excedyngly with great ioy 11 And went into the house, and founde the young chylde with Marie his mother, and fell downe, and worshypped hym, and opened their treasures, and presented vnto hym gyftes, golde, and frankensence, and mirre 12 And after they were warned of God in a dreame, that they shoulde not go agayne to Herode, they returned into their owne countrey another way

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.