17 Because they haue forsaken me, and haue burnt incense vnto other gods, to anger me with all the workes of their handes: My wrath also shalbe kindled against this place, and shall not be quenched
2 Kings 22:17 Cross References - Bishops
Exodus 32:34
34 And nowe go thou, bryng the people vnto the place whiche I said vnto thee, behold, mine angell shal go before thee: Neuerthelater, in that day when I visite, I wyl visite their sinne vpo them
Deuteronomy 29:24-28
24 Euen then shal all nations say: Wherfore hath the Lord done on this fashion vnto this lande? O howe fierse is this great wrath
25 And men shall say: Because they haue forsaken the couenaunt of the Lorde God of their fathers, which he made with them when he brought them out of the lande of Egypt
26 For they went and serued straunge gods, and worshipped them, gods which they knewe not, and which had geuen them nothyng
27 And the wrath of the Lorde waxed hot agaynst this lande, to bryng vpon it all the curses that are written in this booke
28 And the Lorde cast them out of their lande in anger, wrath, and great indignation, and cast them into a straunge lande, as this day beareth witnesse
Deuteronomy 32:15-19
15 But he that shoulde haue ben vpright, when he waxed fat, spurned with his heele: Thou art well fed, thou art growen thicke, thou art euen laden with fatnesse: And he forsoke God his maker, and regarded not the God of his saluation
16 They prouoked hym to anger with straunge gods, euen with abhominations prouoked they hym
17 They offered vnto deuils, and not to God: euen to gods whom they knewe not, to newe gods that came newly vp, whom their fathers feared not
18 Of God that begat thee thou art vnmyndfull, and hast forgotten God that made thee
19 The Lorde therfore sawe it, and was angry: because of the prouokyng of his sonnes and his daughters
Deuteronomy 32:22
22 For fire is kindled in my wrath, and burneth vnto the bottome of hell, and hath consumed the earth with her increase, and set a fire the botomes of the mountaynes
Judges 2:12-14
12 And forsoke the Lord God of their fathers, whiche brought them out of the lande of Egypt, and folowed straunge goddes, euen of the goddes of the nations that were rounde about them, and bowed them selues vnto them, and angred the Lorde
13 They forsoke the Lorde, and serued Baal and Astharoth
14 And the wrath of the Lord waxed hot agaynst Israel, and he deliuered them into the handes of raueners, that spoyled them, & solde them into the handes of their enemies rounde about them, so that they had no power any longer to stande before their enemies
Judges 3:7-8
7 And the children of Israel did wickedly in the sight of the Lorde, and forgat the Lorde their God, and serued Baalim and Astheroth
8 Therfore the Lorde was angry with Israel, and he solde them into the handes of Chusan Risathaim king of Mesopotamia: and the children of Israel serued Chusan Risathaim eyght yeres
Judges 10:6-7
6 And the children of Israel wrought wickednesse yet agayne in the sight of the Lord, and serued Baalim and Astaroth, and the gods of Siria, the gods of Sidon, and the gods of Moab, the gods of the children of Ammon, and the gods of the Philistines, and forsoke the Lorde, and serued not him
7 And the Lord was wroth with Israel, and he solde them into the handes of the Philistines, and into the handes of the children of Ammon
Judges 10:10-14
10 And the children of Israel cryed vnto ye Lord, saying: We haue sinned against thee, for we haue forsaken our owne God, and haue carued Baalim
11 And the Lorde sayde vnto the childre of Israel: Dyd not I ryd you from the Egiptians and from the Amorites, from the children of Ammon, and from the Philistines
12 The Sidonites also, and the Amalekites, & the Maonites dyd oppresse you, and ye cryed to me, and I deliuered you out of their handes
13 And for all that, ye haue forsaken me and serued straunge gods, wherfore I will helpe you no more
14 Go and crye vnto the gods whiche ye haue chosen, and let them saue you in the tyme of your tribulation
1 Kings 9:6-9
6 But and if ye and your children turne away from me, and will not kepe my commaundementes and my statutes whiche I haue set before you, but go and serue other gods, & worship them
7 Then will I weede Israel out of the lande which I haue geuen them, and this house which I haue halowed for my name, will I cast out of my sight, and Israel shalbe a prouerbe and a fable among all nations
8 And this house shalbe taken away: so that euery one that passeth by it, shalbe astonied, and shall hysse, and they shall say: Why hath the Lord done thus vnto this lande, and to this house
9 And they shal aunswere: Because they forsoke the Lorde their God, whiche brought their fathers out of the land of Egypt, and haue taken hold vpon other gods, and haue worshipped them, and serued them: therfore hath the Lorde brought vpon them all this euyll
2 Kings 21:22
22 And he forsoke the Lord God of his fathers, and walked not in the way of the Lorde
2 Chronicles 36:16
16 But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his wordes, and misvsed his prophetes, vntill the wrath of the Lorde arose against his people, and till there was no remedie
Nehemiah 9:26-27
26 Neuerthelesse, they were disobedient, and rebelled against thee, and cast thy law behinde their backes, & slue their prophetes, which exhorted them earnestly that they might bring them againe vnto thee, and did great blasphemies
27 Therefore thou gauest them ouer into the hand of their enemies that vexed them: And in the time of their trouble whe they cryed vnto thee thou heardest them from heauen, and through thy great mercie thou gauest them sauiours which helped them out of the hande of their enemies
Psalms 106:35-42
35 (106:33) But they were mingled amongst the Heathen: and learned their workes
36 (106:34) Insomuch that they dyd seruice vnto their idols: whiche were to the a snare
37 (106:35) Yea they sacrifised their sonnes: and their daughters vnto deuils
38 (106:36) And they shed innocent blood, euen the blood of their sonnes and of their daughters: whom they sacrifised vnto the idols of Chanaan, and the lande was defiled with blood
39 (106:37) Thus were they stayned with their owne workes: and went a whoryng with their owne inuentions
40 (106:38) Therfore was the wrath of God kindeled against his people: insomuch that he abhorred his owne inheritaunce
41 (106:39) And he gaue them ouer into the hand of the Heathen: and they that dyd hate them, were lordes ouer them
42 (106:40) Their enemies oppressed them: and brought them into subiection vnder their hande
Psalms 115:4-8
4 Their idols are siluer and gold: euen the workes of mens handes
5 They haue a mouth and speake not: they haue eyes and see not
6 They haue eares and heare not: they haue noses and smell not
7 They haue handes and handle not, they haue feete and walke not: and they vtter no sounde out of their throtes
8 They that make them are lyke vnto them: euery one that putteth his trust in them
Isaiah 2:8-9
Isaiah 33:14
14 The sinners at Sion are afrayde, a sodayne fearefulnesse is come vpon the hypocrites: What is he among vs say they that shall dwell by the consumyng fire? Which of vs may abyde the euerlasting heate
Isaiah 44:17-20
17 And of the residue he maketh hym a god, and grauen image for him selfe: he kneeleth before it, he worshippeth it, he prayeth vnto it, and saith, Deliuer me, for thou art my god
18 Yet men neither consider nor vnderstande, because their eyes be stopped that they can not see, and their heartes that they can not perceaue
19 They ponder not in their mindes, for they haue neither knowledge nor vnderstanding to thinke thus: I haue brent one peece in the fire, I haue baked bread with the coales thereof, I haue rosted fleshe withall, and eaten it: and I wyll nowe of the residue make an abhominable idoll, and fall downe before a rotten peece of wood
20 Thus doth he but lose his labour, and his heart whiche is deceaued doth turne hym aside, so that none of them can haue a free conscience to thinke, Do not I erre
Isaiah 46:5-8
5 whom wyll ye make me lyke, or to whom wyll ye make me equall or compare me, that I shoulde be like him
6 Take out siluer and gold out of your purses, and way it, and hyre a goldesmith to make a god of it, that men may kneele downe and worship it
7 Yet must he be taken on mens shoulders and borne, and set in his place, that he may stande, and not moue out of his place: And if one crye vnto hym, he geueth no aunswere, and deliuereth not the man that calleth vpon hym from his trouble
8 Consider this well, and be ashamed: go into your owne selues
Jeremiah 2:11-13
11 Whether the gentiles them selues haue chaunged their gods which yet are no gods in deede? but my people hath chaunged their honour for a thyng that may not helpe them
12 Be astonished O ye heauens, be afraide and abashed at such a thyng, saith the Lorde
13 For my people hath done two euils: they haue forsaken me the well of the water of lyfe, and digged them pittes, yea vile and broken pittes that can holde no water
Jeremiah 2:27-28
27 For they say to a stocke, Thou art my father, & to a stone, Thou hast begotten me: yea they haue turned their backe vpon me, and not their face: but in the tyme of their trouble, when they say, stande vp and helpe vs
28 [I shall aunswere them] Where are nowe thy gods that thou hast made thee? bid them stande vp, and helpe thee in the time of thy neede: For loke howe many cities thou hast O Iuda, so many gods hast thou also
Jeremiah 7:20
20 And therefore thus saith the Lorde God: Beholde, my wrath and indignation shalbe powred out vpon this place, vpon men and cattell, vpon trees in the fielde, and fruite of the lande: and it shall burne, so that no man may quench it
Jeremiah 17:27
27 But yf ye wyll not be obedient vnto me to halowe the Sabbath, so that ye wyll beare your burthens through the gates of Hierusalem vpon the Sabbath: then shall I set fire vpon the gates of Hierusalem, and it shall burne vp the houses of Hierusalem, and no man shalbe able to quenche it
Ezekiel 20:47-48
47 And say to the forest of the south, Heare the worde of the Lord, thus saith the Lorde God, Beholde I wyll kindle a fire in thee, that shall consume all the greene trees, with all the dry: the continuall flambe shall not be quenched, and euery face from the south to the north shalbe burnt therin
48 And all fleshe shall see that I the Lorde haue kindled it, and it shall not be quenched
Micah 5:13
13 Thyne idols and thyne images wyll I destroy out of thee, so that thou shalt no more bowe thy selfe vnto the workes of thyne owne handes
Zephaniah 1:18
18 Neither their siluer nor their gold shalbe able to deliuer them in that wrothful day of the Lorde, but the who e lande shalbe consumed thorowe the fire of his ielousie: for he shall soone make cleane riddaunce of all them that dwell in the lande
1 Thessalonians 2:16
16 And hynder vs to speake to the gentiles that they myght be saued, to fulfyll their sinnes alway. For the wrath [of God] is come on them to the vtmost