3 And Solomon went to Hamath Zoba, and strengthed it
2 Chronicles 8:3 Cross References - Bishops
Numbers 13:21
21 And so they went vp, and searched out the lande from the wildernesse of Zin, vnto Rehob, as men come to Hemath
Numbers 34:8
8 And from mount Hor, ye shall describe your border, tyll it come vnto Hemath, & the end of the coast shalbe at Zedada
2 Samuel 8:3
3 Dauid smote also Hadarezer ye sonne of Rehob king of Zoba, as he went to recouer his border at the ryuer Pherath
1 Kings 11:23-25
23 And God stirred him vp another aduersarie, one Rezon the sonne of Eliada, whiche fled from his lorde Hadadezer king of Zoba
24 And he gathered men vnto him, and became captayne ouer the companie when Dauid slue them: And they went to Damasco, and dwelt there, and raigned in Damasco
25 Therfore was he an aduersarie to Israel all the dayes of Solomon, and this was the mischiefe, in that Hadad dyd abhorre Israel and raigned ouer Syria
1 Chronicles 18:3
3 And Dauid smote Hadarezer king of Zoba vnto Hanath, as he went to stablishe his dominion by the riuer Euphrates