2 Chronicles 32:19 Cross References - Bishops

19 And they spake against the God of Hierusalem, as against the gods of the nations of the earth, [whiche were] the workes of the handes of men

Deuteronomy 4:28

28 And there ye shall serue gods which are the worke of mans hande, wood and stone, which neither see, nor heare, nor eate, nor smell

Deuteronomy 27:15

15 Cursed be the man that maketh any carued or moulten image, an abhomination vnto the Lorde, the worke of the handes of the craftesman, and putteth it in a secrete place: and all the people shall aunswere and say, Amen

1 Samuel 17:36

36 And so thy seruaunte slue both the lion, and the beare: And trulie this vncircumcised Philistine shalbe as one of them, seing he hath rayled on the hoast of the liuyng God

2 Kings 19:18

18 And haue set fire on their gods: For they were no gods, but the worke of the handes of man, euen of wood and stone: and they destroyed them

2 Chronicles 6:6

6 Sauing that I haue chosen Hierusalem, that my name might be there, and haue chosen Dauid to be ouer my people Israel

2 Chronicles 32:13-17

13 Knowe ye not what I and my fathers haue done vnto the people of all landes? Were the gods of the people of other landes, able or mightie to saue their landes out of my hande 14 Which of all the gods of those nations that my fathers destroyed, could deliuer his people out of my hande? And shall your God be able to deliuer you out of my hande 15 Wherfore nowe let not Hezekia deceaue you, nor persuade you of this fassion, nor yet beleue him: For as no god among all nations and kingdomes, was able to rid his people out of my hand and out of the hand of my fathers: Howe much lesse shall your gods be able to kepe you out of my hande 16 And yet mo thinges did his seruauntes speake against the Lorde God, and against his seruaunt Hezekia 17 And Sennacherib also wrote a letter to rayle on the Lord God of Israel, and spake against him, saying: As the gods of the nations of [other] landes haue not ben able to deliuer their people out of my hande: euen so shal not the God of Hezekia deliuer his people out of my hande

Job 15:25-26

25 For he hath stretched out his hande against God, and armed him selfe against the almightie 26 He runneth proudly vpon him, & with a stiffe necke fighteth he against him

Psalms 10:13-14

13 Wherefore shoulde the wicked blaspheme the Lorde: [whyle] he sayeth in his heart, that thou wylt not call to accompt 14 Surely thou hast seene [this] for thou beholdest labour and spite: that thou mayest take the matter into thy hands, he that is weake leaueth it for thee, [for] thou art the helper of the fatherlesse

Psalms 73:8-11

8 They make other dissolute, they speake oppression with iniurie: they talke proudely and presumptuously 9 For they stretch foorth their mouth vnto the heauen: and their tongue goeth through the worlde 10 Therfore [God] his people turneth thither: and there is drawen vnto them waters in a full [cuppe. 11 And they say, howe shoulde God perceaue it? is there knowledge in the most hyghest

Psalms 76:1-2

1 In Iurie is God knowen: his name is great in Israel 2 At Shalem is his tabernacle: and his dwellyng in Sion

Psalms 78:68

68 But he chose the tribe of Iuda: euen the hill of Sion which he loued

Psalms 87:1-3

1 (87:1b) [for] her foundations are vpon the holy hilles 2 (87:1a) God loueth the gates of Sion more then all the dwellynges of Iacob 3 (87:2) Uery excellent thinges are spoken of thee: O thou citie of God. Selah

Psalms 115:4-8

4 Their idols are siluer and gold: euen the workes of mens handes 5 They haue a mouth and speake not: they haue eyes and see not 6 They haue eares and heare not: they haue noses and smell not 7 They haue handes and handle not, they haue feete and walke not: and they vtter no sounde out of their throtes 8 They that make them are lyke vnto them: euery one that putteth his trust in them

Psalms 132:13-14

13 For God hath chosen [to be in] Sion: he had a desire that it might be an habitation for hym 14 This [is sayeth he] my rest for euer: heare I wyll dwell, for I haue a desire to it

Psalms 135:15-18

15 As for the idols of the Heathen they are but siluer and golde: the worke of mens handes 16 They haue a mouth and speake not: they haue eyes but they see not 17 They haue eares and they heare not: yea there is no breath in their mouth 18 They that make them are lyke vnto them: [and] euery one that putteth his trust in them

Psalms 139:19-20

19 For truely thou wylt slay O Lord the wicked man: and the blood thirstie men [to whom I euer say] depart ye from me 20 Who do speake vnto thee in guilefull maner: [thou art O God] exalted in vayne to thyne enemies

Isaiah 2:8

8 Their lande also is full of vayne gods, and before the worke of their owne handes they haue bowed them selues, yea euen before the thyng that their owne fingers haue made

Isaiah 14:32

32 What shall one then aunswere the messengers of the Gentiles? For the Lorde hath stablished Sion, and the poore of his people that be therein shall put their trust in it

Isaiah 37:19

19 And cast their gods in the fire: for those were no gods, but the workes of mens handes, of wood or stone, therfore haue they destroyed them

Isaiah 44:16-20

16 One peece he burneth in the fire, with another he rosteth fleshe, that he may eate roste his belly full: with the thirde he warmeth him selfe, and saith, Aha, I am well warmed, I haue ben at the fire 17 And of the residue he maketh hym a god, and grauen image for him selfe: he kneeleth before it, he worshippeth it, he prayeth vnto it, and saith, Deliuer me, for thou art my god 18 Yet men neither consider nor vnderstande, because their eyes be stopped that they can not see, and their heartes that they can not perceaue 19 They ponder not in their mindes, for they haue neither knowledge nor vnderstanding to thinke thus: I haue brent one peece in the fire, I haue baked bread with the coales thereof, I haue rosted fleshe withall, and eaten it: and I wyll nowe of the residue make an abhominable idoll, and fall downe before a rotten peece of wood 20 Thus doth he but lose his labour, and his heart whiche is deceaued doth turne hym aside, so that none of them can haue a free conscience to thinke, Do not I erre

Jeremiah 1:16

16 And through them shall I declare my iudgement, vpo all the wickednesse of those men that haue forsaken me, that haue burnt incense vnto straunge gods, and worshipped the workes of their owne handes

Jeremiah 10:3

3 Yea all the customes and lawes of the gentiles are nothing but vanitie: They hewe downe a tree in the wood with the handes of the workeman, and fashion it with the axe

Jeremiah 10:9

9 Siluer is brought out of Tharsis, and beaten to plates, and gold from Ophir, a worke that is made with the hande of the craftesman, and they are clothed with yelowe silke and scarlet: all these are the worke of cunning men

Jeremiah 32:30

30 For the chyldren of Israel and the chyldren of Iuda haue only ben doyng wickednesse before me from their youth vp, they haue ben only prouoking me to wrath with the workes of their owne handes, saith the Lorde

Hosea 8:5-6

5 Thy Calfe O Samaria hath cast thee of, for my wrathfull indignation is gone foorth agaynst them: howe long wyll they be without innocencie 6 For [the calfe] came from Israel, the workman made it, therfore can it be no God: but euen in peeces shall the calfe of Samaria be broken

Hebrews 12:22

22 But ye are come vnto ye mount Sion, and to the citie of the lyuyng God, the celestiall Hierusalem, and to an innumerable companie of Angels

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