2 Chronicles 30:22 Cross References - Bishops

22 And Hezekia spake comfortablie vnto all the Leuites that had good knowledge [to sing] vnto the Lorde: and they did eate throughout that feast seuen dayes long, and offered peace offringes, and thanked the Lorde God of their fathers

Deuteronomy 26:3-11

3 And thou shalt come vnto the priest that shalbe in those dayes, and say vnto hym: I knowledge this day vnto the Lorde thy God, that I am come vnto the countrey whiche the Lorde sware vnto our fathers for to geue vs 4 And the priest shall take the basket out of thyne hande, and set it downe before the aulter of the Lorde thy God 5 And thou shalt aunswere and say before the Lorde thy God: The Syrians went about to destroy my father, and he went downe into Egypt, and so soiourned there with a fewe folke, and grewe there vnto a nation great, mightie, and full of people 6 And the Egyptians vexed vs, and troubled vs, and laded vs with most cruel bondage 7 And when we cryed vnto the Lorde God of our fathers, the Lorde hearde our voyce, and loked on our aduersitie, labour, and oppression 8 And the Lorde brought vs out of Egypt, in a mightie hand, and a stretched out arme, and in great terriblenesse, and signes, and wonders 9 And he hath brought vs into this place, and hath geuen vs this lande that floweth with mylke and hony 10 And nowe lo, I haue brought the first fruites of the lande whiche thou O Lord hast geuen me: And thou shalt set it before the Lorde thy God, and worship before the Lorde thy God 11 And reioyce in all the good thynges whiche the Lorde thy God hath geuen vnto thee and vnto thyne house, thou and the Leuite, and the straunger that it among you

Deuteronomy 33:10

10 They shall teache Iacob thy iudgementes, and Israel thy lawe: They shall put incense before thy nose, and the burnt sacrifice vpon thine aulter

2 Chronicles 15:3

3 Nowe for a long season Israel hath ben without the true God, and without priestes to teache, and without law

2 Chronicles 17:9

9 And they taught in Iuda, and had the booke of the lawe of God with them, and went about throughout all the cities of Iuda, and taught the people

2 Chronicles 32:6

6 And he set captaynes of warre ouer the people, and gathered them together to him in the large streete of the gate of the citie, and spake gentylly to them, saying

2 Chronicles 35:3

3 And sayd vnto the Leuites that taught all Israel, and were sanctified vnto the Lorde: Put the holy arke in the house whiche Solomon the sonne of Dauid king of Israel dyd buylde, it shalbe no more a burden vpon your shoulders: But now serue the Lord your God, and his people Israel

Ezra 7:10

10 For Esdras prepared his heart to seeke the law of the Lorde, and to do it, and to teache the preceptes and iudgementes in Israel

Ezra 7:25

25 And thou Esdras, after the wysdome of thy God that is in thyne hande, set iudges and arbitrers [by my aucthoritie] to iudge all the people that is beyond the water, euen all such as know the law of thy God: and them that knowe it not, those see that ye teache

Ezra 10:11

11 Confesse now therfore vnto the Lord God of our fathers, and do his pleasure: and separate your selues from the people of the lande, and from the straunge wyues

Nehemiah 8:7-8

7 And Iesua, Bani, Serebiah, Iamin, Accub, Sebbethai, Hodaia, Maasia, Celita, Azariah, Iozabad, Hanan, Pelaiah, & the Leuites caused the people to geue heede vnto the law: and the people stoode in their place 8 And they read in the booke of the lawe of God distinctly, and gaue the sense, and caused them to vnderstand the reading

Nehemiah 8:18

18 And euery day from the first day vnto the last, read Esdras in the booke of the lawe of God: And seuen dayes held they the feaste, and on the eyght day they gathered together, according vnto the maner

Nehemiah 9:3

3 And stoode vp in their place, & read in the booke of the law of the Lorde their God foure times on the day, and they knowledged and worshipped the Lord their God foure times on the day

Proverbs 2:6-7

6 For the Lorde geueth wisdome, out of his mouth commeth knowledge and vnderstandyng 7 He stirreth vp health for the righteous: and defendeth them that walke vprightly

Proverbs 8:6

6 Geue eare, for I wyll speake of great matters, and open my lippes to tell thinges that be right

Isaiah 40:1-2

1 Comfort my people [O ye prophetes] comfort my people, saith your God 2 Comfort Hierusalem at the heart, and tell her, that her trauayle is at an ende, that her offence is pardoned, that she hath receaued at the Lordes hande sufficient correction for all her sinnes

Hosea 2:14

14 Wherefore beholde, I wyll allure her and bryng her into the wildernesse, and speake frendly vnto her

John 17:3

3 This is lyfe eternall, that they myght knowe thee, the only true God, & Iesus Christe whom thou hast sent

2 Corinthians 4:6

6 For it is God that commaundeth the lyght to shine out of darknesse, whiche hath shined in our heartes, for to geue the lyght of the knowledge of the glorie of God, in the face of Iesus Christe

Philippians 3:8

8 Yea, I thynke all thynges but losse, for the excellencie of the knowledge of Christe Iesus my Lorde: For whom I haue counted all thyng losse, & do iudge the but vile, that I may winne Christe

2 Timothy 4:2

2 Preache the worde, be instant in season, out of season: Improue, rebuke, exhort in all long sufferyng and doctrine

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.