19 That prepareth his heart to seeke the Lorde God, the God of his fathers: though he be not [clensed] accordyng to the purification of the sanctuarie
2 Chronicles 30:19 Cross References - Bishops
Leviticus 12:4
4 And she shall then continue in ye blood of her purifiyng three and thirtie dayes: She shall touche no halowed thyng, nor come into the sanctuarie, vntyll the tyme of her purifiyng be out
Leviticus 15:31-33
31 Thus shall ye syft the chyldren of Israel from their vncleanenesse, that they dye not in their vncleanenesse: if they defyle my tabernacle that is among the
32 This is the lawe of hym that hath an issue, and of hym whose seede runneth from hym in his sleepe, and is defyled therin
33 Also of her that for her seperation is put apart, & of whosoeuer hath a runnyng issue, whether it be man or woman, and of hym that lyeth with her which is vncleane
Leviticus 21:17-23
17 Speake vnto Aaron, and say: Whosoeuer of thy seede in their generations hath any deformitie, let hym not prease for to offer bread vnto his God
18 For whosoeuer hath any blemishe, shall not come neare: as if he be blynde or lame, or that hath a brused nose, or that hath any misshapen member
19 Or is broken footed, or broken handed
20 Or is crooke backt, or bleare eyed, or haue a webbe or other blemishe in his eyes, or be skuruie, or skabbed, or hath his stones broken
21 No man that hath a blemishe, & is of the seede of Aaron the priest, shall come nye to offer the sacrifices of the Lorde made by fire: When he hath a deformitie, let him not prease to offer the bread of his God
22 Let him eate the bread of his God, euen of the most holy, and of the holy
23 Only let him not go in vnto ye vayle, nor come nye the aulter, because he is deformed, that he pollute not my sanctuarie: for I am the Lorde that sanctifie them
Leviticus 22:3-6
3 Say vnto them: Whosoeuer he be of all your seede among your generations after you, that goeth vnto the holy thinges whiche the chyldren of Israel halowe vnto the Lorde, hauing his vncleannes vpon hym, that soule shall be cut of from out of my sight: I am the Lorde
4 What man soeuer of the seede of Aaron is a leper, or hath a running issue, he shall not eate of the holy thinges, vntyll he be cleane: And who so toucheth any man that is vncleane [by reason] of a dead body, or a man whose seede runneth from hym in his sleepe
5 Or whosoeuer toucheth any creeping thyng, whereby he may be made vncleane, or a man, of whom he may take vncleannes, whatsoeuer vncleannes he hath
6 The same soule that hath touched any suche, shalbe vncleane vntyll euen, and shall not eate of the holy thynges, vntyll he haue washed his fleshe with water
Numbers 9:6
6 And certayne men were defiled by a dead man, that they myght not kepe the Passouer the same day, and they came before Moyses & Aaron the same day
Numbers 19:13-20
13 Whosoeuer toucheth the dead coarse of any man that is dead, & purgeth not hym selfe, defileth the tabernacle of the Lorde, and that soule shalbe cut of from Israel, because the water of seperation was not sprinckled vpon hym: he shalbe therfore vncleane, his vncleanesse is yet vpon hym
14 This is the lawe of a man that dyeth in a tent: All that come into the tent, and all that is in the tent, shalbe vncleane seuen dayes
15 And all the vessels that be open, which haue no coueryng bounde vpon them, shalbe vncleane
16 And whosoeuer toucheth one that is slayne with a sworde in the fieldes, or a dead person, or a bone of a dead man, or a graue, shalbe vncleane seuen dayes
17 Therfore, for an vncleane person they shal take of the burnt asshes of the sinne offeryng, and runnyng water shalbe put therto in a vessell
18 And let a cleane person take hysope, & dippe it in the water, and sprinckle it vpon the tent, and vpon all the vessels, and on the persons that were therin, and vpon hym that touched a bone, or a slaine person, or a dead body, or a graue
19 And the cleane person shall sprinckle vpon the vncleane the thirde day and the seuenth day: And the seuenth day he shall purifie hym selfe, and washe his clothes, & bathe hym selfe in water, and shalbe cleane at euen
20 But the man that is vncleane, and purifieth not him selfe, the same soule shalbe cut of from among the congregation: because he hath defiled the sanctuarie of the Lorde, and the water of seperation hath not ben sprinckled vpon hym, therfore shall he remayne vncleane
1 Samuel 7:3
3 And Samnel spake vnto al the house of Israel, saying: If ye be come agayne vnto the Lorde with all your heartes, then put away the straunge gods and Astaroth from among you, and prepare your heartes vnto the Lord, and serue him onely: For he shall ryd you out of the hand of the Philistines
1 Chronicles 29:18
18 O Lorde God of Abraham, Isahac, and of Israel our fathers, keepe this for euer in the desire of the thoughtes of the heart of thy people, & prepare their heartes vnto thee
2 Chronicles 19:3
3 Neuerthelesse, there are some good actes founde in thee, in that thou hast hewen downe the groues out of the lande, and hast prepared thyne heart to seke God
2 Chronicles 20:33
33 Howbeit the high places were not taken away: for the people had not yet prepared their heartes vnto the God of their fathers
Ezra 7:10
10 For Esdras prepared his heart to seeke the law of the Lorde, and to do it, and to teache the preceptes and iudgementes in Israel
Job 11:13
13 If thou preparedst thyne heart, and liftedst vp thyne handes towarde hym
Psalms 10:17
17 O God, thou hast hearde the desire of the afflicted: [and] thou wylt settle their heart
Proverbs 23:26
26 My sonne geue me thyne heart, and let thyne eyes haue pleasure in my wayes