19 And Samuel grewe, and the Lorde was with hym, and left none of his wordes vnperfourmed
1 Samuel 3:19 Cross References - Bishops
Genesis 21:22
22 And at the same season, Abimelech and Phicol his chiefe captayne spake vnto Abraham, saying, God [is] with thee in all that thou doest
Genesis 39:2
2 And God was with Ioseph, and he became a luckie man, continuyng in the house of his maister the Egyptian
Genesis 39:21-23
21 But the Lord was with Ioseph, and shewed hym mercie, and got hym fauour in the sight of the lord of the prison
22 And the keper of the prison committed to Iosephes hande all the prisoners that were in the prison house, and what so euer was done there, that dyd he
23 And the keper of the prison loked vnto nothyng that was vnder his hande, seyng that the Lord was with hym: For whatsoeuer he dyd, the Lorde made it to prosper
Judges 13:24
24 And the wyfe bare a sonne, and called his name Samson: And ye ladde grewe, and the Lorde blessed him
1 Samuel 2:21
21 And the Lorde visited Hanna, so that she conceaued, and bare three sonnes, & two daughters: And the childe Samuel grew before the Lorde
1 Samuel 9:6
6 He sayde vnto him: Behold, there is in this citie a man of God, & he is an honorable man, all that he sayth, commeth suerly to passe: Now then let vs go thyther, if so be he can shewe vs what way we may go
1 Samuel 18:14
14 And Dauid behaued him selfe wisely in all his wayes, and the Lorde was with him
1 Kings 8:56
56 Blessed be the Lorde that hath geuen rest vnto his people Israel, according to al that he promised: there hath not fayled one worde of all the good promise which he promised by the hand of Moyses his seruaunt
Isaiah 43:2
2 If thou goest thorow ye water, I wyl be with thee, the strong fluddes shal not ouerwhelme thee: and if thou walkest thorowe the fire, it shall not burne thee, & the flambe shal not kindle vpon thee
Isaiah 44:26
26 He doth set vp the purpose of his seruaunt, and fulfilleth the counsaile of his messengers concerning Hierusalem, he saith it shalbe inhabited, and of the cities of Iuda they shalbe buylded againe, and I will repayre their decayed places
Matthew 1:23
23 Behold, a virgin shalbe with childe, and shall bryng foorth a sonne, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, whiche is by interpretation, God with vs.
Luke 1:28
28 And the Angel went in vnto her, and sayde: Hayle [thou that art] freelie beloued, the Lorde is with thee, blessed art thou among women
Luke 1:80
80 And the chylde grewe, and waxed strong in spirite, and was in wildernesse till the day came when he should shewe hym selfe vnto the Israelites
Luke 2:40
40 And the chylde grewe, and waxed strong in spirite, and was fylled with wisdome: & the grace of God was vpon hym
Luke 2:52
52 And Iesus increased in wisedome and stature, and in fauour with God & men
2 Corinthians 13:11
11 Finally brethren, fare well, be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mynde, lyue in peace, and the God of loue and peace shalbe with you
2 Corinthians 13:14
14 { (13:13) All the saintes salute you} { The grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ, and the loue of God, and the comunion of the holy ghost, be with you all. Amen}
2 Timothy 4:22
22 The Lorde Iesus Christe [be] with thy spirite: Grace be with you. Amen