36 And he built the inner court with three rowes of hewed stone, and one rowe of Cedar wood
1 Kings 6:36 Cross References - Bishops
Exodus 27:9-19
9 And thou shalt make the court of the tabernacle on the south side, euen full south: the curtaines for the court shalbe of whyte twined silke of an hundreth cubites long for one side
10 And twentie pillers therof, with their twentie sockets of brasse: but the knops of the pillers and their whopes shalbe siluer
11 In likewise on the north syde there shalbe curtaynes of an hundred cubites long, and twentie pillers, with their twentie sockets of brasse, and the knops and the whopes of siluer
12 And the breadth of the court whiche is westwarde, shall haue curtaynes of fiftie cubites, and the pillers of them shalbe ten, and the sockets of them ten
13 Fiftie cubites shalbe in the court eastwarde, euen full east
14 The curtaynes of one syde shalbe of fifteene cubites, the pillers of them three, and the sockets three
15 And likewise on the other side shalbe curtaines of fifteene cubites, with their three pillers and three sockets
16 And in the gate of the court shalbe a vayle of twentie cubites of blewe silke, purple, and scarlet, and white twyned silke wrought with needle worke, and foure pillers with their foure sockets
17 All the pillers rounde about the court shalbe whoped with siluer, and their knoppes shalbe of siluer, and their sockets of brasse
18 The length of the court shalbe an hundred cubites, and the breadth fiftie on euery side, and the heyght of the curtaynes shalbe fiue cubites of whyte twyned silke, and their sockettes of brasse
19 All the vessels of the tabernacle in all maner of seruice, and the pinnes therof, yea and all the pinnes also of the court, shalbe of brasse
Exodus 38:9-20
9 And he made the court on the south side, full south: and the hanginges of the court were of whyte twined silke, hauing a hundreth cubites
10 Their pillers were twentie, and their brasen sockettes twentie: but the knoppes of the pyllers and their hoopes were of siluer
11 And on the northsyde the hangynges were an hundred cubites, their pillers were twentie, and their sockettes of brasse twentie: but the knoppes and the hoopes of the pyllers were of siluer
12 On the west syde were hangynges of fiftie cubites, ten pillers, and their ten sockettes: but the knoppes and the hoopes of the pyllers were of siluer
13 And towarde the east syde full easte, were hangynges of fiftie cubites
14 The hangynges of the one syde of the gate were fifteene cubites long, with three pillers and three sockettes
15 And of the other side of the court gate, were hangynges also of fifteene cubites long, with three pillers & three sockets
16 All the hangynges of the court rounde about, were of whyte twyned silke
17 But the sockettes of the pillers were of brasse, and the knoppes & the hoopes were of siluer, and the coueryng of the heades was of siluer: and all the pillers of the court were hooped about with siluer
18 And the hangyng of the gate of the court was needle worke, of blewe silke, purple, scarlet, and whyte twyned silke: twentie cubites long, & fiue in breadth, ouer against the hanginges of the court
19 And their pillers were foure, and their foure sockettes of brasse, & the knoppes of siluer, and the heades ouerlayde with siluer, and hooped about with siluer
20 And all the pynnes of the tabernacle and of the court rounde about, were of brasse
1 Kings 7:12
12 And the great court round about, was with three rowes of hewed stones, and one rowe of Cedar planckes, after the maner of the inner court of the house of the Lorde, and of the porche of the temple
2 Chronicles 4:9
9 And he made the court of the priestes, and the great court, and doores to it, and ouerlayde the doores of them with brasse
2 Chronicles 7:7
7 Moreouer, Solomon halowed the middle of the court that was before the house of the Lorde, for there he offred burnt offringes: & the fat of the peace offringes, because the brasen aulter which Solomon had made, was not able to receaue the burnt offringes, and the meate offringes, and the fat
Revelation 11:2
2 But the court which is without the temple, cast out, and meate it not: for it is geuen vnto the gentiles, and the holy citie shall they treade vnder foote fourtie and two monethes