1 Corinthians 6:2 Cross References - Bishops

2 Do ye not knowe that the saintes shall iudge the worlde? If the worlde shalbe iudged by you, are ye vnworthy to iudge the smallest matters

Psalms 49:14

14 (49:13) They shalbe put into a graue [dead] as a sheepe, death shall feede on them: but the ryghteous shall haue dominion of them in the mornyng, their beautie shall consume away, hell [shall receaue them] from their house

Psalms 149:5-9

5 The saintes shalbe ioyful with glory: they shal expresse a ioyfull noyse in their beddes 6 The hygh promotions of the Lorde shalbe in their mouth: and a two edged sworde in their handes 7 That they may take auengement of the heathen: and correction of the nations 8 That they may bynde their kynges in chaynes: and their nobles with iron fetters 9 That they may execute the iudgement prescribed: this honour shalbe to all his saintes. Prayse ye the Lorde

Daniel 7:18

18 But the High saintes shall receaue a kingdome, and possesse a kingdome for euer, euen for euer and euer

Daniel 7:22

22 Until the auncient of dayes came that the iudgement was geuen to the high sainctes, and till the time came that the sainctes had the kingdome in possession

Zechariah 14:5

5 And ye shall flee vnto the valley of my hylles, for the valley of the hylles shall reache vnto Asal: yea, flee shall ye lyke as ye fled for the earthquake in the dayes of Oziah king of Iuda: and the Lorde my God shall come, and all the sainctes with him

Matthew 19:28

28 Iesus sayde vnto them: veryly I say vnto you, that when the sonne of man shall syt in the throne of his maiestie, ye that haue folowed me in the regeneration, shall syt also vpon twelue seates, and iudge the twelue tribes of Israel

Luke 22:30

30 That ye may eate and drynke at my table in my kyngdome, & sit on seates iudgyng the twelue tribes of Israel

1 Corinthians 6:4

4 If then ye haue iudgement of thinges parteynyng to this lyfe, set vp them to iudge whiche are least esteemed in the Churche

2 Corinthians 4:18

18 Whyle we loke not on the thynges whiche are seene, but on the thynges which are not seene. For the thynges which are seene, are temporall: but the things which are not seene, are eternal

1 Thessalonians 3:13

13 To stablyshe your heartes vnblameable, in holynesse before God and our father, in the commyng of our Lorde Iesus Christe, with all his saintes

1 John 2:16-17

16 For all that is in the worlde, as the lust of the fleshe, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the father, but of the worlde 17 And the worlde passeth away, and the luste thereof: but he that fulfylleth the wyll of God, abydeth for euer

Jude 1:14-15

14 Enoch the seuenth from Adam, prophesied before of such, saying: Beholde, the Lorde shall come with thousandes of saintes 15 To geue iudgement agaynst all men, and to rebuke all that are vngodly among them, of all their vngodly deedes, which they haue vngodly committed, and of all their cruel speakynges, which vngodly sinners haue spoken agaynst hym

Revelation 2:26-27

26 And whosoeuer ouercommeth, and kepeth my workes vnto the ende, to hym wyll I geue power ouer nations 27 And he shall rule them with a rodde of yron: and as the vessels of a potter, shall they be broken to sheuers

Revelation 3:21

21 To hym that ouercommeth, wyll I graunt to sitte with me in my throne, euen as I ouercame, and haue sitten with my father in his throne

Revelation 20:4

4 And I sawe thrones, and they sate vpon them, and iudgement was geuen vnto them: and I sawe the soules of them that were beheaded for the witnesse of Iesus, and for the word of God, and whiche had not worshipped the beast neither his image, neither had taken his marke vpon their foreheads, or in their handes: and they lyued and raigned with Christe a thousand yeres

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.