1 Corinthians 13:2 Cross References - Bishops

2 And though I coulde prophesie, and vnderstoode all secretes, and all knowledge: Yea, if I had all fayth, so that I coulde moue mountaynes out of their places, and haue not loue, I were nothyng

Numbers 24:15-24

15 And he toke vp his parable and sayd: Balaam the sonne of Beor hath sayde, the man whose eye is open, hath sayde 16 He hath said that heareth the wordes of God, and hath the knowledge of the most hygh, and beholdeth the vision of the almightie, and that falleth and his eyes are opened 17 I shall see him, but not nowe, I shall beholde him, but not nigh: There shall come a starre of Iacob, and ryse a scepter of Israel, & shall smyte the coastes of Moab, and vndermine all the chyldren of Seth 18 And Edom shalbe possessed, & Seir shall fall to the possession of their enemies, and Israel shall do manfully 19 Out of Iacob shall come he that shall haue dominion, and shall destroy the remnaunt of the citie 20 And when he loked on Amaleck, he toke vp his parable, and said: Amaleck is the first of the nations, but his latter ende shall perishe vtterly 21 And he loked on the Kenites, and toke vp his parable, and sayde: Strong is thy dwelling place, and thou puttest thy nest in a rocke 22 Neuerthelesse, the Kenite shalbe rooted out, vntyll Assur take thee prisoner 23 And he toke vp his parable, and sayd: Alas, who shall lyue when God doth this 24 The shippes also shall come out of the coast of Chittim, and subdue Assur, and subdue Eber, and he hym selfe shall perishe at the last

Matthew 7:22-23

22 Many wyll say to me in that day, Lorde Lorde, haue we not prophesied thorowe thy name? and thorowe thy name haue cast out deuyls? & done many great workes thorowe thy name 23 And then wyll I confesse vnto them, I neuer knewe you: Depart from me, ye that worke iniquitie

Matthew 13:11

11 He aunswered and sayde vnto them: because it is geuen vnto you, to knowe the secretes of the kyngdome of heauen, but to them, it is not geuen

Matthew 17:20

20 Iesus sayde vnto them: because of your vnbeliefe. For veryly I say vnto you: If ye haue fayth as a grayne of mustarde seede, ye shall say vnto this mountayne: remoue hence to yonder place, and it shall remoue, neither shall any thyng be vnpossible vnto you

Matthew 21:19

19 And when he sawe one fygge tree in the waye, he came to it, and founde nothyng theron but leaues only, & said vnto it: neuer fruite growe on thee henceforwarde. And anone the figge tree withered away

Matthew 21:21

21 Iesus aunswered, and saide vnto the: Ueryly I saye vnto you, yf ye haue fayth, and doubt not, ye shall not onlye do this [which is done] to the figge tree: but also, yf ye shall say vnto this mountayne, be thou remoued, and, be thou cast into the sea, it shalbe done

Mark 11:22-23

22 And Iesus aunswered, and sayde vnto them: haue fayth in God 23 For, veryly I say vnto you, that whosoeuer shall say vnto this mountayne: Be thou remoued, and be thou cast into the sea, & shall not doubt in his heart, but shall beleue yt those thynges which he sayth shall come to passe, whatsoeuer he sayth, shalbe vnto hym

Luke 17:5-6

5 And the Apostles sayde vnto the Lorde: increase our fayth 6 And the Lorde sayde: If ye had fayth [as much] as a grayne of mustarde seede, & should say vnto this Sycamine tree, plucke vp thy selfe by the rootes, and plant thy selfe in the sea, it shoulde obey you

Romans 11:25

25 For I woulde not brethren, that ye shoulde be ignoraunt of this misterie, (lest ye shoulde be wyse in your owne conceiptes,) that partly blyndnesse is happened in Israel, vntyll the fulnesse of the gentiles be come in

Romans 16:25

25 To hym that is of power to stablisshe you, according to my Gospell, and preachyng of Iesus Christe, by reuealyng of the misterie whiche was kept secrete sence the worlde began

1 Corinthians 4:1

1 Let a man so esteeme of vs, as the ministers of Christe, and disposers of the secretes of God

1 Corinthians 7:19

19 Circumcision is nothing, and vncircumcision is nothing, but the keping of the commaundementes of God

1 Corinthians 8:4

4 As concerning the eating of those thinges that are offered vnto idols, we are sure that an idoll is nothing in the worlde, and that there is none other God but one

1 Corinthians 12:8-10

8 For to one is geuen by the spirite, the worde of wisdome, to another the word of knowledge, by the same spirite 9 To another [is geuen] fayth, by the same spirite: to another the giftes of healyng by the same spirite 10 To another, power to do miracles, to another, prophesie, to another [iudgement] to discerne spirites, to another, diuers kyndes of tongues, to another, the interpretation of tongues

1 Corinthians 12:28

28 And God hath ordayned some in the Churche, first Apostles, secondarely, prophetes, thirdely teachers, then them that do miracles: after that, the giftes of healyng, helpers, gouernours, diuersitie of tongues

1 Corinthians 13:1

1 Though I speake with the tongues of men and of Angels, and haue not loue, I am [as] soundyng brasse, or [as] a tincklyng Cimball

1 Corinthians 13:3

3 And though I bestowe all my goodes to feede the poore, and though I geue my body that I burned, and haue not loue, it profiteth me nothyng

1 Corinthians 14:1-2

1 Folowe after loue, and couet spirituall [giftes] but most chiefelie that ye may prophesie 2 For he that speaketh with the tongue, speaketh not vnto men, but vnto God: For no man heareth [hym]. Howbeit, in the spirite he speaketh misteries

1 Corinthians 14:6-9

6 Nowe brethren, yf I come vnto you speakyng with tongues, what shall I profite you, except I speake to you eyther by reuelation, or by knowledge, or by prophesiyng, or by doctrine 7 Moreouer, thynges without lyfe geuing sound, whether [it be] a pipe or an harpe, except they make a distinction in the soundes, howe shall it be knowen what is piped or harped 8 And also yf the trumpe geue an vncertayne sounde, who shall prepare him selfe to the warre 9 Euen so lykewyse, when ye speake with tongues, except ye speake wordes that haue signification, howe shall it be vnderstande what is spoken? For ye shall speake into the ayer

1 Corinthians 14:39

39 Wherfore brethren, couet to prophesie, and forbyd not to speake with tongues

1 Corinthians 16:22

22 Yf any man loue not the Lorde Iesus Christe, the same be Anathema maranatha

2 Corinthians 12:11

11 I am become a foole [in] gloriyng. Ye haue compelled me: for I ought to haue ben commended of you. For nothyng was I inferiour vnto the chiefe Apostles, though I be nothyng

Galatians 5:16

16 Then I say, walke in the spirite, and ye shall not fulfyll the lust of the flesshe

Galatians 5:22

22 But the fruite of the spirite is, loue, ioye, peace, long sufferyng, gentlenesse, goodnesse, fayth

Galatians 6:3

3 For if any man seeme to him selfe that he is somewhat, when he is nothyng, the same deceaueth hymselfe in his owne fansie

Ephesians 3:4

4 Whereby, when ye reade, ye may vnderstande my knowledge in the misterie of Christe

Ephesians 6:19

19 And for me, that vtteraunce may be geue vnto me, yt I may open my mouth freely, to vtter ye secretes of the Gospell

Colossians 1:26

26 The misterie hyd sence the worlde began, and [sence the begynnyng of] generations: but nowe is opened to his saintes

1 Timothy 3:16

16 And without doubt, great is that misterie of godlynesse: God was shewed in the flesshe, was iustified in the spirite, was seene among the angels, was preached vnto the gentiles, was beleued on in the worlde, and was receaued vp in glorie

1 John 4:8

8 He that loueth not, knoweth not God: for God is loue

1 John 4:20-21

20 If a man say, I loue God, & yet hate his brother, he is a lyer: For how can he yt loueth not his brother whom he hath seene, loue God who he hath not seene 21 And this commaundement haue we of hym: that he which loueth God, shoulde loue his brother also

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