1 Chronicles 29:3 Cross References - Bishops

3 And because I haue lust to the house of my God, I haue of myne owne proper good of golde and siluer which I haue geuen to the house of my God, beside all that I haue prepared for the holy house

1 Chronicles 21:24

24 And king Dauid sayde to Ornan: Not so, but I will bye it for as much money as it is worth: For I will not take that whiche is thyne for the Lorde, nor offer burnt offringes without coast

1 Chronicles 22:4-5

4 And Cedar trees without number: For the Zidons and they of Tyre brought much Cedar wood to Dauid 5 And Dauid sayde: Solomon my sonne is young and tender, and the house that is to be buylded for the Lorde must be magnificall, excellent, and of great fame and dignitie throughout all countreys: I wil therfore make ordinaunces for it. And so Dauid prepared many thinges before his death

1 Chronicles 22:14-16

14 Behold, according to my pouertie haue I also prepared for the house of the Lorde, an hundred thousande talentes of golde, and a thousande thousande talentes of siluer: and as for brasse & iron, it can not be nubred, (for it is verie much) And I haue prepared timber and stone, and thou mayest prouide more thereto 15 Moreouer, thou hast workemen with thee mowe, and masons, and carpenters [to worke in stone and timber,] & many men that be actiue for euery worke 16 And of golde, siluer, brasse, & iron, there is no number: Up therefore, and be doing, and the Lorde shalbe with thee

Psalms 26:8

8 O God, I haue loued the habitation of thine house: and the place where thine honour dwelleth

Psalms 27:4

4 I haue desired one thyng of God, whiche once agayne I wyll earnestly require: euen that I may dwell in the house of God all the dayes of my life, to beholde the beautifulnes of God, and to seeke [it] in his temple

Psalms 84:1

1 O how amiable are thy dwellinges: thou God of hoastes

Psalms 84:10

10 For one day in thy courtes, is better then a thousande [els where]: I had rather be a doore keper in the house of my God, then to dwell in [large] tabernacles of vngodlynes

Psalms 122:1-9

1 I was glad when they sayde vnto me: we wyll go into the house of God 2 Our feete shall stande in thy gates: O Hierusalem 3 Hierusalem is builded: as a citie that is well vnited together in it selfe 4 For the tribes do go vp thyther, euen the tribes of the Lorde: [which is] a testimonie vnto Israel for to prayse the name of God 5 For there is ordeyned the seate for iudgement: euen the seate of the house of Dauid 6 Pray for the peace of Hierusalem: they shall prosper that loue thee 7 Peace be within thy walles: and plenteousnesse within thy palaces 8 For my brethren and companions sakes: I wyll wyshe peace [to be] within thee 9 Yea because of the house of God our Lord: I wyll procure to do thee good

Proverbs 3:9-10

9 Honour the Lorde with thy substaunce, and with the firstlynges of all thyne encrease 10 So shall thy barnes be filled with plenteousnesse, and thy presses shall flowe ouer with sweete wine

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.