14 And Dauid asked againe at God: And God said to him, Go not vp after them, but turne away from them that thou mayest come vpon them ouer against the peretrees
1 Chronicles 14:14 Cross References - Bishops
Joshua 8:2-7
2 And thou shalt do to Ai and her kyng, as thou dyddest vnto Iericho and her king. Neuerthelesse, the spoyle & cattell thereof, shall ye take vnto your selues: Thou shalt lye in wayte agaynst the citie, on the backside thereof
3 And so Iosuah arose, and all the men of warre, to go vp agaynst Ai: And Iosuah chose out thirtie thousande strong men and valiaunt, and sent them away by nyght
4 And he commaunded them, saying: Beholde, ye shall lye in wayte agaynst the towne on the backside thereof: Go not verie farre from the citie, but be all redie
5 And I, and al the people that are with me, wyll approche vnto the citie: And when they come out against vs, as they dyd at the first tyme, then wyll we flee before them
6 For they wyll come out after vs tyll we haue brought them out of the citie. For they wyll say, They flee before vs, as at the first tyme: and we will flee before them
7 In the meane tyme shall ye ryse vp from lying in wayte, and destroy the citie: for the Lorde your God wyll delyuer it into your hande
1 Chronicles 14:10
10 And Dauid asked counsaile at God, saying: Shall I go against the Philistines? and wilt thou deliuer them into myne hand
Psalms 27:4
4 I haue desired one thyng of God, whiche once agayne I wyll earnestly require: euen that I may dwell in the house of God all the dayes of my life, to beholde the beautifulnes of God, and to seeke [it] in his temple
John 9:6-7
6 Assoone as he had thus spoke, he spat on the grounde, and made claye of the spittle, and he annoynted with the claye the eyes of the blynde
7 And sayde vnto hym: Go, washe thee in the poole of Siloe, whiche by interpretation, is [as much to say, as] sent. He went his way therefore, & washed, and came agayne, seyng