48 Ὁ (-) δὲ (And) εἶπεν (He said) αὐτῇ (to her), “Θυγάτηρ (Daughter), ἡ (the) πίστις (faith) σου (of you) σέσωκέν (has healed) σε (you); πορεύου (go) εἰς (in) εἰρήνην (peace).”
Luke 8:48 Cross References - BIB
Matthew 8:13
13 Καὶ (And) εἶπεν (said) ὁ (-) Ἰησοῦς (Jesus) τῷ (to the) ἑκατοντάρχῃ (centurion), “Ὕπαγε (Go), ὡς (as) ἐπίστευσας (you have believed), γενηθήτω (be it) σοι (to you).” καὶ (And) ἰάθη (was healed) ὁ (the) παῖς (servant) [αὐτοῦ] (of him) ἐν (in) τῇ (the) ὥρᾳ (hour) ἐκείνῃ (that).
Matthew 9:2
2 Καὶ (And) ἰδοὺ (behold), προσέφερον (they were bringing) αὐτῷ (to Him) παραλυτικὸν (a paralytic) ἐπὶ (on) κλίνης (a bed) βεβλημένον (lying). καὶ (And) ἰδὼν (having seen) ὁ (-) Ἰησοῦς (Jesus) τὴν (the) πίστιν (faith) αὐτῶν (of them), εἶπεν (He said) τῷ (to the) παραλυτικῷ (paralytic), “Θάρσει (Take courage), τέκνον (son); ἀφίενταί (have been forgiven) σου (of you) αἱ (the) ἁμαρτίαι (sins).”
Matthew 9:22
22 Ὁ (-) δὲ (And) Ἰησοῦς (Jesus), στραφεὶς (having turned) καὶ (and) ἰδὼν (having seen) αὐτὴν (her), εἶπεν (said), “Θάρσει (Take courage), θύγατερ (daughter); ἡ (the) πίστις (faith) σου (of you) σέσωκέν (has cured) σε (you).” καὶ (And) ἐσώθη (was cured) ἡ (the) γυνὴ (woman) ἀπὸ (from) τῆς (the) ὥρας (hour) ἐκείνης (very).
Matthew 12:20
20 κάλαμον (A reed) συντετριμμένον (bruised) οὐ (not) κατεάξει (He will break), καὶ (and) λίνον (a wick) τυφόμενον (smoldering) οὐ (not) σβέσει (He will quench), ἕως (until) ἂν (-) ἐκβάλῃ (He leads) εἰς (to) νῖκος (victory) τὴν (-) κρίσιν (justice).
Mark 5:34
34 Ὁ (-) δὲ (And) εἶπεν (He said) αὐτῇ (to her), “Θυγάτηρ (Daughter), ἡ (the) πίστις (faith) σου (of you) σέσωκέν (has healed) σε (you); ὕπαγε (go) εἰς (in) εἰρήνην (peace) καὶ (and) ἴσθι (be) ὑγιὴς (sound) ἀπὸ (from) τῆς (the) μάστιγός (affliction) σου (of you).”
Luke 7:50
50 Εἶπεν (He said) δὲ (then) πρὸς (to) τὴν (the) γυναῖκα (woman), “Ἡ (The) πίστις (faith) σου (of You) σέσωκέν (has saved) σε (you); πορεύου (go) εἰς (in) εἰρήνην (peace).”
Luke 17:19
19 καὶ (And) εἶπεν (He said) αὐτῷ (to him), “Ἀναστὰς (Having risen up) πορεύου (go forth); ἡ (the) πίστις (faith) σου (of you) σέσωκέν (has cured) σε (you)!”
Luke 18:42
42 Καὶ (And) ὁ (-) Ἰησοῦς (Jesus) εἶπεν (said) αὐτῷ (to him), “Ἀνάβλεψον (Receive sight)! ἡ (The) πίστις (faith) σου (of you) σέσωκέν (has healed) σε (you).”
Acts 14:9
9 οὗτος (This man) ἤκουσεν* (heard) τοῦ (-) Παύλου (Paul) λαλοῦντος (speaking), ὃς (who), ἀτενίσας (having looked intently) αὐτῷ (at him) καὶ (and) ἰδὼν (having seen) ὅτι (that) ἔχει (he has) πίστιν (faith) τοῦ (-) σωθῆναι (to be healed),
2 Corinthians 6:18
18 Καὶ (and) “Ἔσομαι (I will be) ὑμῖν (to you) εἰς (for) Πατέρα (a father), καὶ (and) ὑμεῖς (you) ἔσεσθέ (will be) μοι (to Me) εἰς (for) υἱοὺς (sons) καὶ (and) θυγατέρας (daughters), λέγει (says) Κύριος (the Lord) Παντοκράτωρ (Almighty).”
Hebrews 4:2
2 καὶ (And) γάρ (for) ἐσμεν (we are those) εὐηγγελισμένοι (having had the gospel preached) καθάπερ (just as) κἀκεῖνοι (they did); ἀλλ’ (but) οὐκ (not) ὠφέλησεν (did profit) ὁ (the) λόγος (message) τῆς (of their) ἀκοῆς (hearing) ἐκείνους (them), μὴ (not) συγκεκερασμένους* (having been united with) τῇ (the) πίστει (faith) τοῖς (of those) ἀκούσασιν (having heard).