John 8:42 Cross References - BIB

42 Εἶπεν (Said) αὐτοῖς (to them) ὁ (-) Ἰησοῦς (Jesus), “Εἰ (If) ὁ (-) Θεὸς (God) Πατὴρ (Father) ὑμῶν (of you) ἦν (were), ἠγαπᾶτε (you would have loved) ἂν (-) ἐμέ (Me), ἐγὼ (I) γὰρ (for) ἐκ (from) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (God) ἐξῆλθον (came forth) καὶ (and) ἥκω (am here); οὐδὲ (not even) γὰρ (for) ἀπ’ (of) ἐμαυτοῦ (Myself) ἐλήλυθα (have I come), ἀλλ’ (but) ἐκεῖνός (He) με (Me) ἀπέστειλεν (sent).

John 1:14

14 Καὶ (And) ὁ (the) Λόγος (Word) σὰρξ (flesh) ἐγένετο (became) καὶ (and) ἐσκήνωσεν (dwelt) ἐν (among) ἡμῖν (us), καὶ (and) ἐθεασάμεθα (we beheld) τὴν (the) δόξαν (glory) αὐτοῦ (of Him), δόξαν (a glory) ὡς (as) μονογενοῦς (of an only begotten) παρὰ (from) Πατρός (the Father), πλήρης (full) χάριτος (of grace) καὶ (and) ἀληθείας (truth).

John 3:17

17 οὐ (Not) γὰρ (for) ἀπέστειλεν (sent) ὁ (-) Θεὸς (God) τὸν (-) Υἱὸν (His Son) εἰς (into) τὸν (the) κόσμον (world) ἵνα (that) κρίνῃ (He might judge) τὸν (the) κόσμον (world), ἀλλ’ (but) ἵνα (that) σωθῇ (might be saved) ὁ (the) κόσμος (world) δι’ (through) αὐτοῦ (Him).

John 5:23

23 ἵνα (so that) πάντες (all) τιμῶσι (may honor) τὸν (the) Υἱὸν (Son), καθὼς (even as) τιμῶσι (they honor) τὸν (the) Πατέρα (Father). ὁ (He who) μὴ (not) τιμῶν (is honoring) τὸν (the) Υἱὸν (Son), οὐ (not) τιμᾷ (is honoring) τὸν (the) Πατέρα (Father), τὸν (the One) πέμψαντα (having sent) αὐτόν (Him).

John 5:43

43 ἐγὼ (I) ἐλήλυθα (have come) ἐν (in) τῷ (the) ὀνόματι (name) τοῦ (of the) Πατρός (Father) μου (of Me), καὶ (and) οὐ (not) λαμβάνετέ (you receive) με (Me); ἐὰν (if) ἄλλος (another) ἔλθῃ (should come) ἐν (in) τῷ (the) ὀνόματι (name) τῷ (the) ἰδίῳ (own), ἐκεῖνον (him) λήμψεσθε (you will receive).

John 7:28-29

28 Ἔκραξεν (Cried out) οὖν (therefore) ἐν (in) τῷ (the) ἱερῷ (temple) διδάσκων (teaching) ὁ (-) Ἰησοῦς (Jesus), καὶ (and) λέγων (saying), “Κἀμὲ (Me) οἴδατε (you know), καὶ (and) οἴδατε (you know) πόθεν (from where) εἰμί (I am); καὶ (and) ἀπ’ (of) ἐμαυτοῦ (Myself) οὐκ (not) ἐλήλυθα (I have come), ἀλλ’ (but) ἔστιν (is) ἀληθινὸς (true) ὁ (the One) πέμψας (having sent) με (Me), ὃν (whom) ὑμεῖς (you) οὐκ (not) οἴδατε (know). 29 ἐγὼ (But I) οἶδα (know) αὐτόν (Him), ὅτι (because) παρ’ (from) αὐτοῦ (Him) εἰμι (I am), κἀκεῖνός (and He) με (Me) ἀπέστειλεν (sent).”

John 12:49

49 Ὅτι (For) ἐγὼ (I) ἐξ (from) ἐμαυτοῦ (Myself) οὐκ (not) ἐλάλησα (spoke), ἀλλ’ (but) ὁ (the) πέμψας (having sent) με (Me) Πατὴρ (Father) αὐτός (Himself), μοι (Me) ἐντολὴν (a commandment) δέδωκεν (gave) τί (what) εἴπω (I should say) καὶ (and) τί (what) λαλήσω (I should speak).

John 14:10

10 οὐ (Not) πιστεύεις (believe you) ὅτι (that) ἐγὼ (I am) ἐν (in) τῷ (the) Πατρὶ (Father), καὶ (and) ὁ (the) Πατὴρ (Father) ἐν (in) ἐμοί (Me) ἐστιν (is)? τὰ (The) ῥήματα (words) ἃ (that) ἐγὼ (I) λέγω (speak) ὑμῖν (to you), ἀπ’ (from) ἐμαυτοῦ (Myself) οὐ (not) λαλῶ (I speak), ὁ (-) δὲ (but) Πατὴρ (the Father) ἐν (in) ἐμοὶ (Me) μένων (dwelling) ποιεῖ (does) τὰ (the) ἔργα (works) αὐτοῦ (of Him).

John 15:23-24

23 Ὁ (The one) ἐμὲ (Me) μισῶν (hating), καὶ (also) τὸν (the) Πατέρα (Father) μου (of Me) μισεῖ (hates). 24 εἰ (If) τὰ (the) ἔργα (works) μὴ (not) ἐποίησα (I had done) ἐν (among) αὐτοῖς (them) ἃ (that) οὐδεὶς (no) ἄλλος (other) ἐποίησεν (has done), ἁμαρτίαν (sin) οὐκ (not) εἴχοσαν (they would have had); νῦν (now) δὲ (however) καὶ (both) ἑωράκασιν (they have seen) καὶ (and) μεμισήκασιν (have hated) καὶ (both) ἐμὲ (Me) καὶ (and) τὸν (the) Πατέρα (Father) μου (of Me).

John 16:27-28

27 αὐτὸς (Himself) γὰρ (for) ὁ (the) Πατὴρ (Father) φιλεῖ (loves) ὑμᾶς (you), ὅτι (because) ὑμεῖς (you) ἐμὲ (Me) πεφιλήκατε (have loved) καὶ (and) πεπιστεύκατε (have believed) ὅτι (that) ἐγὼ (I) παρὰ (from) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (God) ἐξῆλθον (came forth). 28 ἐξῆλθον (I came forth) ἐκ (from) τοῦ (the) Πατρὸς (Father) καὶ (and) ἐλήλυθα (have come) εἰς (into) τὸν (the) κόσμον (world); πάλιν (again) ἀφίημι (I leave) τὸν (the) κόσμον (world) καὶ (and) πορεύομαι (go) πρὸς (to) τὸν (the) Πατέρα (Father).”

John 17:8

8 ὅτι (for) τὰ (the) ῥήματα (words) ἃ (that) ἔδωκάς (You have given) μοι (Me), δέδωκα (I have given) αὐτοῖς (them), καὶ (and) αὐτοὶ (they) ἔλαβον (received them) καὶ (and) ἔγνωσαν (knew) ἀληθῶς (truly) ὅτι (that) παρὰ (from) σοῦ (You) ἐξῆλθον (I came forth); καὶ (and) ἐπίστευσαν (they believed) ὅτι (that) σύ (You) με (Me) ἀπέστειλας (sent).

John 17:25

25 Πάτερ* (Father) δίκαιε (righteous), καὶ (although) ὁ (the) κόσμος (world) σε (You) οὐκ (not) ἔγνω (has known), ἐγὼ (I) δέ (now) σε (You) ἔγνων (have known), καὶ (and) οὗτοι (these) ἔγνωσαν (have known) ὅτι (that) σύ (You) με (Me) ἀπέστειλας (sent).

1 Corinthians 16:22

22 Εἴ (If) τις (anyone) οὐ (not) φιλεῖ (loves) τὸν (the) Κύριον (Lord), ἤτω (let him be) ἀνάθεμα (accursed). Μαράνα* (Marana) θά* (tha)!

Galatians 4:4

4 Ὅτε (When) δὲ (however) ἦλθεν (had come) τὸ (the) πλήρωμα (fullness) τοῦ (of the) χρόνου (time), ἐξαπέστειλεν (sent forth) ὁ (-) Θεὸς (God) τὸν (the) Υἱὸν (Son) αὐτοῦ (of him), γενόμενον (having been born) ἐκ (of) γυναικός (a woman), γενόμενον (having been born) ὑπὸ (under) νόμον (the Law),

1 John 4:9-10

9 Ἐν (In) τούτῳ (this) ἐφανερώθη (has been revealed) ἡ (the) ἀγάπη (love) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (of God) ἐν (among) ἡμῖν (us), ὅτι (that) τὸν (the) Υἱὸν (Son) αὐτοῦ (of Him), τὸν (the) μονογενῆ (one and only), ἀπέσταλκεν (has sent) ὁ (-) Θεὸς (God) εἰς (into) τὸν (the) κόσμον (world), ἵνα (so that) ζήσωμεν (we might live) δι’ (through) αὐτοῦ (Him). 10 ἐν (In) τούτῳ (this) ἐστὶν (is) ἡ (-) ἀγάπη (love), οὐχ (not) ὅτι (that) ἡμεῖς (we) ἠγαπήκαμεν (loved) τὸν (-) Θεόν (God), ἀλλ’ (but) ὅτι (that) αὐτὸς (He) ἠγάπησεν (loved) ἡμᾶς (us) καὶ (and) ἀπέστειλεν (sent) τὸν (the) Υἱὸν (Son) αὐτοῦ (of Him) ἱλασμὸν (as a propitiation) περὶ (for) τῶν (the) ἁμαρτιῶν (sins) ἡμῶν (of us).

1 John 4:14

14 καὶ (And) ἡμεῖς (we) τεθεάμεθα (have seen) καὶ (and) μαρτυροῦμεν (testify) ὅτι (that) ὁ (the) Πατὴρ (Father) ἀπέσταλκεν (has sent) τὸν (the) Υἱὸν (Son as) Σωτῆρα (Savior) τοῦ (of the) κόσμου (world).

1 John 5:1-2

1 Πᾶς (Everyone) ὁ (-) πιστεύων (believing) ὅτι (that) Ἰησοῦς (Jesus) ἐστιν (is) ὁ (the) Χριστὸς (Christ), ἐκ (of) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (God) γεγέννηται (has been born), καὶ (and) πᾶς (everyone) ὁ (-) ἀγαπῶν (loving) τὸν (the One) γεννήσαντα (having begotten Him), ἀγαπᾷ (loves) ‹καὶ› (also) τὸν (the one) γεγεννημένον (having been begotten) ἐξ (from) αὐτοῦ (Him). 2 ἐν (By) τούτῳ (this) γινώσκομεν (we know) ὅτι (that) ἀγαπῶμεν (we love) τὰ (the) τέκνα (children) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (of God), ὅταν (when) τὸν (-) Θεὸν (God) ἀγαπῶμεν (we love) καὶ (and) τὰς (the) ἐντολὰς (commandments) αὐτοῦ (of Him) ποιῶμεν (keep).

Revelation 22:1

1 Καὶ (And) ἔδειξέν (he showed) μοι (me) ποταμὸν (a river) ὕδατος (of water) ζωῆς (of life), λαμπρὸν (clear) ὡς (as) κρύσταλλον (crystal), ἐκπορευόμενον (flowing) ἐκ (out of) τοῦ (the) θρόνου (throne) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (of God) καὶ (and) τοῦ (of the) Ἀρνίου (Lamb).

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