3 John 1:4 Cross References - BIB

4 μειζοτέραν (Greater) τούτων (than these things) οὐκ (not) ἔχω (I have) χαράν (joy), ἵνα (that) ἀκούω (I should hear of) τὰ (-) ἐμὰ (my) τέκνα (children) ἐν (in) τῇ (the) ἀληθείᾳ (truth) περιπατοῦντα (walking).

John 12:35-36

35 Εἶπεν (Said) οὖν (therefore) αὐτοῖς (to them) ὁ (-) Ἰησοῦς (Jesus), “Ἔτι (Yet) μικρὸν (a little) χρόνον (while) τὸ (the) φῶς (light) ἐν (with) ὑμῖν (you) ἐστιν (is). περιπατεῖτε (Walk) ὡς (while) τὸ (the) φῶς (light) ἔχετε (you have), ἵνα (so that) μὴ (not) σκοτία (darkness) ὑμᾶς (you) καταλάβῃ (might overtake). καὶ (And) ὁ (the one) περιπατῶν (walking) ἐν (in) τῇ (the) σκοτίᾳ (darkness) οὐκ (not) οἶδεν (knows) ποῦ (where) ὑπάγει (he is going). 36 ὡς (While) τὸ (the) φῶς (light) ἔχετε (you have), πιστεύετε (believe) εἰς (in) τὸ (the) φῶς (light), ἵνα (so that) υἱοὶ (sons) φωτὸς (of light) γένησθε (you may become).” Ταῦτα (These things) ἐλάλησεν (spoke) Ἰησοῦς (Jesus), καὶ (and) ἀπελθὼν (having gone away), ἐκρύβη (He was hidden) ἀπ’ (from) αὐτῶν (them).

1 Corinthians 4:14-15

14 Οὐκ (Not) ἐντρέπων (shaming) ὑμᾶς (you) γράφω (do I write) ταῦτα (these things), ἀλλ’ (but) ὡς (as) τέκνα (children) μου (my) ἀγαπητὰ (beloved), νουθετῶν (admonishing you). 15 ἐὰν (If) γὰρ (for) μυρίους (ten thousand) παιδαγωγοὺς (guardians) ἔχητε (you should have) ἐν (in) Χριστῷ (Christ), ἀλλ’ (yet) οὐ (not) πολλοὺς (many) πατέρας (fathers); ἐν (in) γὰρ (for) Χριστῷ (Christ) Ἰησοῦ (Jesus), διὰ (through) τοῦ (the) εὐαγγελίου (gospel), ἐγὼ (I) ὑμᾶς (you) ἐγέννησα (have begotten).

Galatians 2:14

14 Ἀλλ’ (But) ὅτε (when) εἶδον (I saw) ὅτι (that) οὐκ (not) ὀρθοποδοῦσιν (they are walking uprightly) πρὸς (according to) τὴν (the) ἀλήθειαν (truth) τοῦ (of the) εὐαγγελίου (gospel), εἶπον (I said) τῷ (-) Κηφᾷ (to Peter) ἔμπροσθεν (before) πάντων (all), “Εἰ (If) σὺ (you), Ἰουδαῖος (a Jew) ὑπάρχων (being), ἐθνικῶς (like a Gentile) καὶ (and) οὐκ (not) Ἰουδαϊκῶς (like a Jew) ζῇς (live), πῶς (why) τὰ (the) ἔθνη (Gentiles) ἀναγκάζεις (do you compel) ἰουδαΐζειν (to Judaize)?

Galatians 4:19

19 Τέκνα (Children) μου (of me), οὓς (of whom) πάλιν (again) ὠδίνω (I travail) μέχρις (until) οὗ (that) μορφωθῇ (shall have been formed) Χριστὸς (Christ) ἐν (in) ὑμῖν (you),

1 Timothy 1:2

2 Τιμοθέῳ (To Timothy), γνησίῳ (my true) τέκνῳ (child) ἐν (in) πίστει (the faith): Χάρις (Grace), ἔλεος (mercy), εἰρήνη (and peace) ἀπὸ (from) Θεοῦ (God) πατρὸς (the Father), καὶ (and) Χριστοῦ (Christ) Ἰησοῦ (Jesus), τοῦ (the) κυρίου (Lord) ἡμῶν (of us).

2 Timothy 1:2

2 Τιμοθέῳ (To Timothy) ἀγαπητῷ (my beloved) τέκνῳ (child): Χάρις (Grace), ἔλεος (mercy), εἰρήνη (and peace) ἀπὸ (from) Θεοῦ (God) Πατρὸς (the Father) καὶ (and) Χριστοῦ (Christ) Ἰησοῦ (Jesus) τοῦ (the) Κυρίου (Lord) ἡμῶν (of us).

Philemon 1:10

10 Παρακαλῶ (I exhort) σε (you) περὶ (for) τοῦ (-) ἐμοῦ (my) τέκνου (child), ὃν (whom) ἐγέννησα (I have begotten) ἐν (in) τοῖς (-) δεσμοῖς (chains), Ὀνήσιμον (Onesimus),

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.