12 οὕτως (Thus) δὲ (then) ἁμαρτάνοντες (sinning) εἰς (against) τοὺς (the) ἀδελφοὺς (brothers) καὶ (and) τύπτοντες (wounding) αὐτῶν (their) τὴν (-) συνείδησιν (conscience) ἀσθενοῦσαν (being weak), εἰς (against) Χριστὸν (Christ) ἁμαρτάνετε (you sin).
1 Corinthians 8:12 Cross References - BIB
Matthew 12:49-50
49 καὶ (And) ἐκτείνας (having stretched out) τὴν (the) χεῖρα (hand) αὐτοῦ (of Him) ἐπὶ (to) τοὺς (the) μαθητὰς (disciples) αὐτοῦ (of Him), εἶπεν (He said), “Ἰδοὺ (Behold), ἡ (the) μήτηρ (mother) μου (of Me) καὶ (and) οἱ (the) ἀδελφοί (brothers) μου (of Me).
50 ὅστις (Whoever) γὰρ (for) ἂν (-) ποιήσῃ (shall do) τὸ (the) θέλημα (will) τοῦ (the) Πατρός (Father) μου (of Me) τοῦ (who is) ἐν (in) οὐρανοῖς (the heavens), αὐτός (he) μου (My) ἀδελφὸς (brother) καὶ (and) ἀδελφὴ (sister) καὶ (and) μήτηρ (mother) ἐστίν (is).”
Matthew 18:6
6 Ὃς (Whoever) δ’ (then) ἂν (-) σκανδαλίσῃ (shall cause to stumble) ἕνα (one) τῶν (of the) μικρῶν (little ones) τούτων (of these) τῶν (-) πιστευόντων (believing) εἰς (in) ἐμέ (Me), συμφέρει (it is better) αὐτῷ (for him) ἵνα (that) κρεμασθῇ (should be hung) μύλος (a millstone) ὀνικὸς (heavy) περὶ (around) τὸν (the) τράχηλον (neck) αὐτοῦ (of him), καὶ (and) καταποντισθῇ (he be sunk) ἐν (in) τῷ (the) πελάγει (depth) τῆς (of the) θαλάσσης (sea).
Matthew 18:10
10 Ὁρᾶτε (See that) μὴ (not) καταφρονήσητε (you despise) ἑνὸς (one) τῶν (of the) μικρῶν (little ones) τούτων (of these). λέγω (I say) γὰρ (for) ὑμῖν (to you) ὅτι (that) οἱ (the) ἄγγελοι (angels) αὐτῶν (of them) ἐν (in) οὐρανοῖς (the heavens) διὰ (continually) παντὸς (always) βλέπουσι (behold) τὸ (the) πρόσωπον (face) τοῦ (of the) Πατρός (Father) μου (of me), τοῦ (who is) ἐν (in) οὐρανοῖς (the heavens).
Matthew 18:21
21 Τότε (Then) προσελθὼν (having come), «ὁ (-) Πέτρος (Peter) εἶπεν» (said) αὐτῷ (to Him), “Κύριε (Lord), ποσάκις (how often) ἁμαρτήσει (will sin) εἰς (against) ἐμὲ (me) ὁ (the) ἀδελφός (brother) μου (of me), καὶ (and) ἀφήσω (I will forgive) αὐτῷ (him)? ἕως (Up to) ἑπτάκις (seven times)?”
Matthew 25:40
40 Καὶ (And) ἀποκριθεὶς (answering), ὁ (the) Βασιλεὺς (King) ἐρεῖ (will say) αὐτοῖς (to them), ‘Ἀμὴν (Truly) λέγω (I say) ὑμῖν (to you), ἐφ’ (to the extent) ὅσον (as much as) ἐποιήσατε (you did it) ἑνὶ (to one) τούτων (of these) τῶν (the) ἀδελφῶν (brothers) μου (of Me) τῶν (the) ἐλαχίστων (least), ἐμοὶ (to Me) ἐποιήσατε (you did it).’
Matthew 25:45
45 Τότε (Then) ἀποκριθήσεται (will He answer) αὐτοῖς (them), λέγων (saying), ‘Ἀμὴν (Truly) λέγω (I say) ὑμῖν (to you), ἐφ’ (to the extent) ὅσον (that) οὐκ (not) ἐποιήσατε (you did it) ἑνὶ (to one) τούτων (of these) τῶν (the) ἐλαχίστων (least), οὐδὲ (neither) ἐμοὶ (to Me) ἐποιήσατε (did you).’
Acts 9:4-5
4 καὶ (And) πεσὼν (having fallen) ἐπὶ (on) τὴν (the) γῆν (ground), ἤκουσεν (he heard) φωνὴν (a voice) λέγουσαν (saying) αὐτῷ (to him), “Σαοὺλ (Saul), Σαούλ (Saul), τί (why) με (Me) διώκεις (do you persecute)?”
5 Εἶπεν (He said) δέ (then), “Τίς (Who) εἶ (are You), Κύριε (Lord)?” Ὁ (-) δέ (And He said), “Ἐγώ (I) εἰμι (am) Ἰησοῦς (Jesus), ὃν (whom) σὺ (you) διώκεις (are persecuting).
1 Corinthians 12:12
12 Καθάπερ (Just as) γὰρ (for) τὸ (the) σῶμα (body) ἕν (one) ἐστιν (is), καὶ (and) μέλη (members) πολλὰ (many) ἔχει (has), πάντα (all) δὲ (now) τὰ (the) μέλη (members) τοῦ (of the) σώματος (body), πολλὰ (many) ὄντα (being), ἕν (one) ἐστιν (are) σῶμα (body); οὕτως (so) καὶ (also is) ὁ (-) Χριστός (Christ).