1 Corinthians 10:11 Cross References - BIB

11 Ταῦτα (These things) δὲ (now) τυπικῶς (as types) συνέβαινεν (happened) ἐκείνοις (to them), ἐγράφη (were written) δὲ (then) πρὸς (for) νουθεσίαν (admonition) ἡμῶν (of us), εἰς (to) οὓς (whom) τὰ (the) τέλη (ends) τῶν (of the) αἰώνων (ages) κατήντηκεν (are arrived).

Romans 4:23

23 Οὐκ (Not) ἐγράφη (it was written) δὲ (now) δι’ (on account of) αὐτὸν (him) μόνον (alone) ὅτι (that) “Ἐλογίσθη (it was credited) αὐτῷ (to him),”

Romans 13:11

11 Καὶ (And) τοῦτο (this), εἰδότες (knowing) τὸν (the) καιρόν (time), ὅτι (that it is the) ὥρα (hour) ἤδη (already) ὑμᾶς (for you) ἐξ (out of) ὕπνου (sleep) ἐγερθῆναι (to awaken); νῦν (now) γὰρ (for) ἐγγύτερον (nearer) ἡμῶν (is of us) ἡ (the) σωτηρία (salvation) ἢ (than) ὅτε (when first) ἐπιστεύσαμεν (we believed).

Romans 15:4

4 ὅσα (Whatever) γὰρ (for) προεγράφη (was written in the past), (πάντα) (all) εἰς (for) τὴν (-) ἡμετέραν (our) διδασκαλίαν (instruction) ἐγράφη (was written), ἵνα (so that) διὰ (through) τῆς (-) ὑπομονῆς (endurance) καὶ (and) διὰ (through) τῆς (the) παρακλήσεως (encouragement) τῶν (of the) γραφῶν (Scriptures), τὴν (-) ἐλπίδα (hope) ἔχωμεν (we might have).

1 Corinthians 7:29

29 Τοῦτο (This) δέ (now) φημι (I say), ἀδελφοί (brothers): ὁ (The) καιρὸς (season) συνεσταλμένος (shortened) ἐστίν (is). τὸ (-) λοιπὸν (From now on) ἵνα (that) καὶ (both) οἱ (those) ἔχοντες (having) γυναῖκας (wives), ὡς (as) μὴ (none) ἔχοντες (having) ὦσιν (should be);

1 Corinthians 9:10

10 ἢ (Or) δι’ (because of) ἡμᾶς (us) πάντως (entirely) λέγει (is He speaking)? δι’ (For sake of) ἡμᾶς (us) γὰρ (for) ἐγράφη (it was written), ὅτι (because) ὀφείλει (ought) ἐπ’ (in) ἐλπίδι (hope) ὁ (the one) ἀροτριῶν (plowing) ἀροτριᾶν (to plow), καὶ (and) ὁ (the one) ἀλοῶν (threshing), ἐπ’ (in) ἐλπίδι (hope) τοῦ (-) μετέχειν (to partake).

Philippians 4:5

5 τὸ (The) ἐπιεικὲς (gentleness) ὑμῶν (of you) γνωσθήτω (let be known) πᾶσιν (to all) ἀνθρώποις (men). ὁ (The) Κύριος (Lord) ἐγγύς (is near).

Hebrews 10:25

25 μὴ (not) ἐγκαταλείποντες (forsaking) τὴν (the) ἐπισυναγωγὴν (assembling together) ἑαυτῶν (of ourselves) καθὼς (as) ἔθος (is the custom) τισίν (with some), ἀλλὰ (but) παρακαλοῦντες (encouraging one another), καὶ (and) τοσούτῳ (so much) μᾶλλον (more) ὅσῳ (as) βλέπετε (you see) ἐγγίζουσαν (drawing near) τὴν (the) ἡμέραν (Day).

Hebrews 10:37

37 ἔτι (Yet) γὰρ (for), “Μικρὸν (A little) ὅσον (very) ὅσον (while), ὁ (the One) ἐρχόμενος (coming) ἥξει (will come), καὶ (and) οὐ (not) χρονίσει (will delay).

1 John 2:18

18 Παιδία (Little children), ἐσχάτη (the last) ὥρα (hour) ἐστίν (it is), καὶ (and) καθὼς (as) ἠκούσατε (you have heard) ὅτι (that) ἀντίχριστος (antichrist) ἔρχεται (is coming), καὶ (even) νῦν (now) ἀντίχριστοι (antichrists) πολλοὶ (many) γεγόνασιν (have arisen), ὅθεν (whereby) γινώσκομεν (we know) ὅτι (that) ἐσχάτη (the last) ὥρα (hour) ἐστίν (it is).

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.