Matthew 9:13 Cross References - AUV

13 Go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not [only] sacrifice.’ For I did not come to call righteous people [to be my followers] but sinners.”

Matthew 3:2

2 “You must repent [i.e., change your hearts and lives], for the kingdom of heaven will soon be here.”

Matthew 3:8

8 Demonstrate by your lives that you have [really] repented,

Matthew 4:17

17 From that time onward Jesus began to preach, saying, “You people [must] repent [i.e., change your hearts and lives], for the kingdom of heaven is near.”

Matthew 11:20-21

20 Then Jesus began to rebuke the people of the towns where most of His powerful miracles were performed because they did not repent [when they saw Him perform them]. 21 [He said] “It will be too bad for you, Chorazin! It will be too bad for you, Bethsaida! For if the powerful miracles had been performed in [the cities of] Tyre and Sidon which were performed in your presence, they would have repented long ago, [demonstrating it] by wearing sackcloth [i.e., a coarse cloth made of goat hair] and throwing ashes [into the air].

Matthew 12:3

3 Jesus replied, “Have you not read what King David did when he and his men were hungry? [I Sam. 21:6]

Matthew 12:5

5 Or, have you not read in the law of Moses that the priests in the Temple defiled the Sabbath day [i.e., by doing the ‘work’ of offering sacrifices] and were not held guilty [of wrongdoing]? [See Num. 28:9-10]

Matthew 12:7

7 If you had [fully] understood what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not [only] sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned someone who was not guilty [of wrongdoing].

Matthew 18:10-13

10 Make sure you do not look down on any one of these little ones [i.e., humble followers of Christ]. For I tell you, their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven. {[{[Some ancient manuscripts include verse 11 For the Son of man came to save those who were lost.]}]} 12 What do you think? If anyone had a hundred sheep, and one of them wandered away, would he not leave the ninety-nine [safe ones] and go to the mountains looking for the one that wandered away? 13 Truly I tell you, if he happens to find it, he is happier over it than over the ninety-nine that had not wandered away.

Matthew 19:4

4 And He answered them, “Have you not read [Gen. 1:27; 5:2] that when God created [mankind as] male and female,

Matthew 21:28-32

28 But what do you think [about this]? A man had two sons; He went to the first one and said, ‘Son, go to work in my vineyard today.’ 29 The son answered, ‘No, I will not,’ but later changed his mind and went. 30 He went to the second son and said the same thing. That son replied, ‘[Yes], sir, I will,’ [but] then did not go. 31 Which of these two sons did what his father wanted?” They answered, “The first one.” Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, tax collectors and prostitutes [will] enter the kingdom of God ahead of you. 32 For John came to show you the way to be right with God, but you would not believe his message. Yet the tax collectors and prostitutes believed it, and when you saw this, even then you did not change your minds so as to believe his message.

Matthew 21:42

42 Jesus [then] said to the leading priests and elders of the Jewish people, “Did you not ever read in the Scriptures [Psa. 118:22-23], ‘The building block rejected by the builders is the same one that was made the principal stone by which the entire building was aligned. This was planned by the Lord and is a marvelous thing to us’?

Matthew 22:31-32

31 But concerning the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what God spoke to you, saying, [Ex. 3:6] 32 ‘I am Abraham’s God, and Isaac’s God and Jacob’s God.’ [So], He is not God to those who are [physically] dead, but [He is] God to those who are [still] alive.”

Mark 2:17

17 When Jesus heard [about] this, He said to them, “People who are healthy do not need a doctor, but [only] sick people do. I did not come to call those who do right, but sinners [instead].”

Mark 12:26

26 But concerning those who are raised from the dead, have you never read in the book of Moses, in the incident about the bush, how God spoke to him, saying [Ex. 3:6], ‘I am Abraham’s God, and Isaac’s God, and Jacob’s God?’

Luke 5:32

32 I did not come to call those who are doing right to repent [i.e., to change their hearts and lives], but [only those who are] sinners.”

Luke 10:26

26 And Jesus said to him, “What is written in the law of Moses? How do you read it?”

Luke 15:3-10

3 So, Jesus told them this parable, saying, 4 “Which one of you who has a hundred sheep, and loses one of them, would not leave the ninety-nine in a deserted place and go looking for the lost one until he finds it? 5 And when he finds it, he places it on his shoulders [i.e., to return it], and is so glad. 6 And when he gets home, he calls his friends and neighbors together and says to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I found my sheep that was lost.’ 7 I tell you that, in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinful person who repents [i.e., changes his heart and life], than over ninety-nine persons who do not need to repent. 8 Or what woman, who has ten silver coins [Note: These coins each amounted to about one day of a farm laborer’s pay, or about $60-$84 in 1994], and if she loses one of them, would not light a lamp, sweep the house and search for it diligently until she finds it? 9 And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together, saying, ‘Rejoice with me, for I found the coin I had lost.’ 10 In the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels [i.e., in heaven ?] over one sinful person who repents.”

Luke 19:10

10 For the Son of man came to search for and save those who were lost.”

Luke 24:47

47 And [the need for] a change of heart and life in order to receive the forgiveness of sins [from God] will be preached in Jesus’ name [i.e., by His authority] to people of all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.

John 10:34

34 Jesus replied to them, “Is it not written in your law [Psa. 82:6], ‘I said, you people are gods’?

Acts 2:38

38 And Peter replied, "Every one of you must repent [i.e., change your hearts and lives] and be immersed in the name of Jesus Christ [i.e., by His authority] so that your sins will be forgiven [by God] and then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit [to live in your hearts].

Acts 3:19

19 Therefore, you people [must] repent [i.e., change your hearts and lives] and turn [back] again [to God] so that your sins will be blotted out and so that you may enjoy times of [spiritual] refreshment from the presence of the Lord [i.e., through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit].

Acts 5:31

31 But God exalted Him at His right side to be a Prince and Savior and to give the people of Israel [an opportunity] to repent [i.e., change their hearts and lives] and [receive] forgiveness of [their] sins [through Him].

Acts 11:18

18 So, when the apostles and the brothers from Judea heard these things, they stopped arguing [See verse 2] and gave honor to God, saying, “[This means] that God has permitted the Gentiles also [as well as the Jews] to repent [i.e., change their hearts and lives] so they, too, could have [the promise of never ending] life.”

Acts 17:30-31

30 Now God made allowance for the times when people were still uninformed [about His complete will], but now [in the Gospel age] He requires all people everywhere to repent [i.e., change their hearts and lives]. 31 For He has appointed a [certain] day when He will judge the people of the world according to [a standard of] true justice by the man [i.e., Jesus] whom He has appointed [as Judge, See II Tim. 4:8]. [And] He has given assurance to all people [that He will do this] by raising Jesus from the dead."

Acts 20:21

21 [You know how] I testified to both Jews and Greeks [i.e., Gentiles], that they must repent [i.e., change their attitudes and behavior] toward God, and have faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.

Acts 26:18-20

18 to open their eyes [to the truth] so they will turn from darkness to light and from the power [i.e., the influence] of Satan to God. [Then] they can receive the forgiveness of sins and the inheritance [of never ending life], along with [all] those who are set apart [for God] by trusting in Me.' 19 "As a result of this, O King, I did not disobey [the mandate of] this vision from heaven 20 but, [instead] declared to the people of Damascus first, [then] to the people of Jerusalem, and [finally to those] throughout all of the district of Judea, as well as to the Gentiles [everywhere] that they should repent [i.e., change their hearts and lives] and turn to God, doing deeds which demonstrate their repentance.

Romans 2:4-6

4 Or, do you despise the abundance of God’s kindness and tolerance and patience [toward you], not realizing that His kindness is intended to cause you to repent? [i.e., to change your hearts and lives]. 5 But your stubbornness and refusal to repent are storing up wrath [i.e., punishment] for yourselves, [to be experienced] on the Day of Wrath [i.e., the day of judgment] when God’s just judgment will be revealed. 6 He will repay every person for what he has done. [See Psa. 62:12].

Romans 3:10-24

10 as it is written [Psa. 14:1ff; 53:1ff], “No one [always] does what is right; not even one person. 11 No one understands [everything]. No one looks to God [all the time]. 12 Everyone has turned away [from God]. All of them have become worthless. No one is [always] kind; no, not even one person.” 13 [Psa. 5:9 says], “Their throats are like open graves [i.e., they are foul-mouthed]. They have spoken deceitfully.” [Psa. 90:3 says], “There is snake venom under their lips [i.e., their words are deadly].” 14 [Psa. 10:7 says], “Their speech is full of cursing and bitterness.” 15 [Isa. 59:7ff says], “Their feet [take them where they] are quick to commit murder. 16 Their pathways are strewn with ruin and misery [i.e., caused by them]. 17 They have not known [how to walk on] a peaceful pathway.” 18 [Psa. 36:1 says], “They do not view God with reverence.” 19 Now we [all] know that everything the law says applies to those who are under [obligation to obey] that law, [Note: Here “the law” appears to refer to the Old Testament Scriptures generally, since Psalms and Isaiah are quoted. See verses 10-18]. This is so that the mouth of every objector may be stopped [i.e., from making excuses for his sin], and thereby bring the entire world under God’s judgment [i.e., both Jews and Gentiles]. 20 This is because no human being can be considered right with God by [obeying] the requirements of a law. [Note: It is difficult to determine the exact sense in which “law” is used in these verses. It may be law generally, or the law of Moses specifically. See Bruce, pages 52-58]. For the knowledge of what sin is comes from the law of Moses. 21 But now [i.e., under the Gospel age], a way of being considered right with God apart from [any] law has been made known. [The writings of] the law [i.e., the Pentateuch] and the prophets bear witness to this. 22 Being considered right with God is [obtained] through faith in Jesus Christ by every person who believes [in Him], for there is no favoritism [with God], 23 for everyone has sinned and falls short of God’s glory [i.e., His approval, or His perfect character]. 24 But people are made right with Him as a free gift by His unearned favor, through being bought back [from Satan] by Christ Jesus.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

9 Or, do you not know that evil people will not possess God’s kingdom? Do not be misled: neither will sexually immoral people, nor idolaters, nor those who are sexually unfaithful to their mates, nor homosexual perverts. [Note: The Greek uses two words here, denoting both the passive and active partners in male homosexual acts]. 10 And neither will thieves, nor greedy people, nor drunkards, nor abusive talkers, nor swindlers possess God’s kingdom. 11 And some of you have practiced such things, but you were washed [i.e., from your sins. See Acts 22:16]; you were dedicated [i.e., set apart for God’s service]; you were made right with God in the name [i.e., by the authority] of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by the Holy Spirit of our God.

1 Timothy 1:13-16

13 [even] though I had previously spoken against Christ, and persecuted [Christians] and acted outrageously. However, I obtained mercy because I acted out of ignorance, not believing [in Christ]. 14 [But] the unearned favor of our Lord was given to me in great abundance, producing faith and love which are [found] in [the fellowship of] Christ Jesus. 15 This saying is trustworthy and deserves to be fully accepted: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, and I am the worst of them all. 16 However, even though I was the worst, I obtained mercy so that the patience of Jesus Christ could be shown toward the worst [of sinners] as an example for those people who would later believe in Him in order to [receive] never ending life.

2 Timothy 2:25-26

25 [He must] gently correct those people who oppose [him], in hope that God will give them [opportunity for] repentance, leading to a [full] knowledge of the truth, 26 and that they will come to their senses and escape from being trapped by the devil, who had captured them to do what he wanted.

2 Peter 3:9

9 The Lord is not slow about keeping His promise, like some people are, but is [simply] being patient with you, since He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but He wants everyone to repent [i.e., change their hearts and lives].

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.