18 I give you this instruction, my son Timothy, in keeping with the previously spoken prophecies [i.e., predictions] about you, so that by [following] them you will fight the good battle,
1 Timothy 1:18 Cross References - AUV
2 Corinthians 10:3-4
3 For although we live in the world [i.e., in a human body], we do not wage war [i.e., for God and against evil] on a worldly level [i.e., by using the tactics of unsaved people].
4 For the weapons of our warfare are not like the world’s [i.e., which rely on human ingenuity and unspiritual principles], but they are empowered by God to overthrow [Satanic] fortifications.
Ephesians 6:12-18
12 For our struggle is not [actually] against human beings, but against rulers and authorities and leaders of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. [Note: “Heavenly realms” here refers to the struggle against Satanic powers which permeates life around us].
13 Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that you can withstand [the devil, See verse 11] when the evil day comes. And, after you have done everything you can, still remain standing firm [in the faith].
14 So, you people should stand firm [in the faith], with the belt of truth firmly buckled around you, and with the “flack jacket” of righteousness on your chest.
15 And put on your shoes, ready to [go and] spread the Gospel of peace.
16 And along with everything else, take up the shield of faith, with which you will be able to extinguish all the fire-tipped arrows of the evil one.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Holy Spirit, which is God’s word.
18 [Then] offer all kinds of prayers and requests in [harmony with] the Holy Spirit at all times, and be alert constantly in making requests for all the saints [i.e., God’s holy people].
Philippians 2:22
22 But you people know about his proven reliability, how he served with me in advancing [the work of] the Gospel just like a son working with his father.
1 Timothy 1:2
2 [It is being sent] to Timothy, my true son in the faith [i.e., in the realm of Christianity, not in a physical sense]. May you have unearned favor, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.
1 Timothy 1:11-12
1 Timothy 4:4
4 For everything created by God is permitted [to be eaten] and nothing should be refused, if it is received with gratitude,
1 Timothy 4:14
14 Do not neglect [using] the gift [i.e., of serving as an evangelist. See II Tim. 4:5], which was given to you in response to a prophetic message [or, prediction], along with the laying on of the elders’ hands [i.e., signifying your appointment].
1 Timothy 6:12-14
12 Fight the good battle of the faith; take hold of never ending life, to which you were called [i.e., by the Gospel. See II Thess. 2:14], [when] you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. [Note: This “confession” probably refers to a person’s acknowledgment of Jesus as Lord and Christ prior to his immersion. See Acts 2:36; Rom. 10:9-10].
13 I [solemnly] urge you in the presence of God, who gives life to everything, and of Christ Jesus, who made the good confession when He testified in front of Pontius Pilate [See John 18:37; Matt. 27:17],
14 to obey this command without [moral] blemish or blame. [Note: This “command” probably refers to Timothy’s responsibility to fulfill his ministry. See verses 11-12; II Tim. 4:1-2]. [Do this] until our Lord Jesus Christ returns,
1 Timothy 6:20
20 [So], Timothy, guard [the Gospel message] which has been entrusted to you, while avoiding worldly, empty chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called “knowledge,”
2 Timothy 1:2
2 [It is being sent] to Timothy, my dearly loved son. May you have unearned favor, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.
2 Timothy 2:1-5
1 So, may you, my son, be strengthened through the unearned favor that comes from [your fellowship with] Christ Jesus.
2 And the things that you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, you should pass on to trustworthy men who will be able to teach other people also.
3 [Be willing to] suffer hardship with me like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.
4 No soldier on active duty, gets himself involved in the affairs of civilian life, so that he can please the person who enlisted him [i.e., his commanding officer].
5 And if a person competes as an athlete, he is not awarded the victor’s crown unless he competes according to the rules.
2 Timothy 4:1-3
1 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge [both] those still alive and those who have already died, and in view of His appearing [i.e., at His second coming] and His kingdom [i.e., when it is revealed in its eternal splendor], I solemnly urge you:
2 Preach the [Gospel] message; be prepared [to do it both] when it is convenient and when it is inconvenient; reprove [i.e., convince people of their wrongdoing], rebuke [i.e., convict people of their sin], and exhort [i.e., urge people to act], with great patience and teaching.
3 For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound teaching, but will assemble to themselves teachers who will satisfy what their “itching ears” want to hear.
2 Timothy 4:7
7 I have fought the good battle; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith [i.e., I have been true to my commitment].
Titus 1:4
4 [It is being sent] to Titus, my true son, [who shares] in a common faith. [May you have] unearned favor and peace [which come] from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior.
Philemon 1:10
10 I appeal to you on behalf of my son, Onesimus, whom I [spiritually] conceived while [here] in prison.