2 Here is how to know [who is speaking from] the Holy Spirit of God: Every spirit [i.e., person] who proclaims that Jesus Christ has come [to earth] in a physical body is [speaking] from God. [See I Cor. 12:3].
1 John 4:2 Cross References - AUV
John 1:14
14 [Eventually] this Word became a human being and lived among us [Note: The word “lived” here refers to pitching a temporary tent]. (And we saw His splendor; such splendor as belongs to the Father’s only Son), full of God’s favor and truth.
John 16:13-15
13 However, when the Holy Spirit of truth comes, He will lead you [apostles] into all the truth. For He will not speak on His own authority, but will speak [only] what He hears [from the Father]. And He will tell you about the things that are to come.
14 He will honor me, for He will receive what belongs to me and will declare it to you.
15 Everything the Father has belongs to me. Therefore, I said that the Holy Spirit will receive what belongs to me and will declare it to you.
1 Corinthians 12:3
3 Therefore, I am telling you that no one who speaks under the influence of the Holy Spirit of God says, “Jesus is cursed!” And no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
1 Timothy 3:16
16 And without question the revealed secret of godly living is great. [It is this]: He [i.e., Christ, or God], who appeared in a fleshly body [was] vindicated [of false charges] by the Holy Spirit; [He was] seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed in throughout the world [and finally] was taken up into glory [i.e., heaven].
1 John 2:23
23 Every person who denies [the truth about] the Son [See 4:2-3], does not have the Father [living in his heart]; but, the person who confesses [the truth about] the Son has the Father [living in his heart] also.
1 John 4:3
3 But every spirit who does not proclaim [this truth about] Jesus is not [speaking] from God. And this [person] represents the spirit of the antichrist [See 2:18-22; II John 7], whom you have heard would come. Well, now he is already here!
1 John 5:1
1 Every person who believes that Jesus is the Christ [i.e., God’s specially chosen one] has been [spiritually] conceived [and eventually born] by God. And everyone who [continually] loves God, who did the conceiving, also [must continually] love the person whom God has [spiritually] conceived.