1 Corinthians 7:29 Cross References - AUV

29 But I say this, brothers; there is not much time left [i.e., before the crisis arrives in full fury. See verse 26]. From now on those men who are married should live as though they were single.

Romans 13:11-12

11 Now this [is another reason for observing the law of love]: You should know that it is about time to wake up out of your [spiritual] sleep, because [the day of our final] salvation is now nearer to us than when we first believed [in Christ]. 12 The night is almost over and the day is near. So, we should stop doing the deeds of darkness [i.e., sinful things] and we should arm ourselves with the weapons of light [i.e., virtues for right living].

1 Corinthians 7:31

31 And those who make use of the things of the world [should live] as though they were not [really] involved with them. For the world as we know it is passing away. [Note: The five “as though’s” of verses 29-31 are intended to emphasize that Christians should live with eternity in mind and not to become preoccupied with even legitimate earthly circumstances].

Hebrews 13:13-14

13 So, we should go out to Him, outside of the camp [Note: This probably signifies separating from the whole system of Judaism, as well as full commitment to Christ], bearing the abuse that He suffered. 14 For we do not have a lasting city here on earth [i.e., such as Jerusalem] but we are looking for the city to come [i.e., heaven. See 10:11].

James 4:13-16

13 Come on now, you people who are saying, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this [or that] city, spend a year there, do business and make some money.” 14 [For actually] you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. What is your life? For you are [like] a mist that appears briefly and then vanishes. 15 Instead, you should be saying, “If it is what the Lord wants, we will live and do this or that.” 16 But, as it is, you people are boasting in your arrogance [and] all such boasting is evil.

1 Peter 1:24

24 For all forms of flesh are similar to grass, and all the splendor of [a person’s] flesh is like the flower [which blossoms] from the grass. [But as with] grass, [a person’s flesh] withers, and its flower [i.e., his splendor] falls off.

1 Peter 4:7

7 But the end of everything [as far as your lives are concerned] is near, so be sensible, and sober [so as to be] prayerful.

2 Peter 3:8-9

8 But do not forget this one thing, my dearly loved ones, that as the Lord [counts time], one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day. 9 The Lord is not slow about keeping His promise, like some people are, but is [simply] being patient with you, since He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but He wants everyone to repent [i.e., change their hearts and lives].

1 John 2:17

17 And the world, with its [physical and material] desires, is passing away, but the person who does what God wants will continue to live forever.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.