6 And there are a variety of [Christian] activities, but the same God provides the power for everyone to do all of them [i.e., it is God who empowers every person who has a gift].
1 Corinthians 12:6 Cross References - AUV
John 5:17
17 But Jesus said to them, “My Father is continuing to work and I am working.”
1 Corinthians 3:7
7 So then, it does not matter who plants or who waters, but [it is] God who matters, for He makes the seed grow.
1 Corinthians 12:11
11 Now all of these [supernatural gifts] are the work of one and the same Holy Spirit, who distributes them to each person individually as He desires.
1 Corinthians 15:28
28 And after everything [else] has been subjected to Christ, then the Son Himself will also be subjected [i.e., He will subject Himself] to God, who subjected everything to Christ, so that God may rule over everything.
Ephesians 1:19-23
19 and what God’s tremendous power [working] in us believers is. [This power is] the same as that utilized by God’s mighty strength,
20 which He exerted when raising Christ from the dead and seating Him at His right side in the heavenly realms [i.e., heaven itself].
21 [There He is exalted] high above all rulers and authorities and powers and dominion and every name [i.e., title of honor] that can be given, not only in this present age but [also] in the one to come.
22 And God placed everything in subjection under His [i.e., Christ’s] feet, and appointed Him to be head over all things to the church,
23 which is His [spiritual] body. The church is completely filled by Christ [or, “Christ is completely filled by God”], who completely fills everything in every way.
Ephesians 4:6
6 and one God and Father of all, who is over all and [works] through all and is in all [obedient believers].
Philippians 2:13
13 for it is God who is at work in you, both to motivate the desire and to carry out what pleases Him.
Colossians 1:29
29 This is the reason that I work hard and struggle also, using God’s mighty power which is at work in me.
Colossians 3:11
11 [In this state] there cannot be [such distinctions as] Greek [i.e., Gentile] and Jew; circumcised people and non-circumcised people; barbarian and Scythian [Note: These last two words refer to foreigners whose language was unintelligible and who were uncivilized heathens], or slave and free person; but Christ is all [that is important] and [He is] in all [of His people].
Hebrews 13:21
21 equip you with every good deed for doing God’s will. [May He] work in us [to accomplish] what is very pleasing in His sight through [the power of] Jesus Christ. May there be praise to Him forever and ever. May it be so.