Daniel 10:9 Cross References - ASV

9 Yet heard I the voice of his words; and when I heard the voice of his words, then was I fallen into a deep sleep on my face, with my face toward the ground.

Genesis 2:21

21 And Jehovah God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof:

Genesis 15:12

12 And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, a horror of great darkness fell upon him.

Job 4:13

13 In thoughts from the visions of the night,
When deep sleep falleth on men,

Job 33:15

15 In a dream, in a vision of the night,
When deep sleep falleth upon men,
In slumberings upon the bed;

Song of Songs 5:2

2 I was asleep, but my heart waked:
It is the voice of my beloved that knocketh, [saying],
Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my undefiled;
For my head is filled with dew,
My locks with the drops of the night.

Daniel 8:18

18 Now as he was speaking with me, I fell into a deep sleep with my face toward the ground; but he touched me, and set me upright.

Luke 9:32

32 Now Peter and they that were with him were heavy with sleep: but when they were fully awake, they saw his glory, and the two men that stood with him.

Luke 22:45

45 And when he rose up from his prayer, he came unto the disciples, and found them sleeping for sorrow,

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.