H4673 - new English-Greek & Hebrew Index and Concordance

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Joshua 4:3 stood H4673
Joshua 4:9 stood: H4673
1 Samuel 13:23 And the garrison H4673
1 Samuel 14:1 to the garrison H4673
1 Samuel 14:4 to the garrison H4673
1 Samuel 14:6 to the garrison H4673
1 Samuel 14:11 themselves to the garrison H4673
1 Samuel 14:15 the garrison, H4673
2 Samuel 23:14 and the garrison H4673
Isaiah 22:19 thee from thy station, H4673

Distinct usage

3 to the garrison
2 And the garrison
1 stood
1 stood:
1 themselves to the garrison
1 thee from thy station,
1 the garrison,