G2609 - new English-Greek & Hebrew Index and Concordance
Luke 5:11 when they had brought G2609 G5631
Acts 9:30 they brought G2609
Acts 9:30 down G2609 G5627
Acts 21:3 landed G2609 G5648
Acts 22:30 brought G2609
Acts 22:30 down, G2609 G5631
Acts 23:15 he bring G2609
Acts 23:15 down G2609 G5632
Acts 23:20 thou wouldest bring down G2609 G5632
Acts 23:28 I brought G2609
Acts 23:28 forth G2609 G5627
Acts 27:3 day we touched G2609 G5648
Acts 28:12 landing G2609 G5685
Romans 10:6 to bring G2609
Romans 10:6 down: G2609 G5629
Acts 9:30 they brought G2609
Acts 9:30 down G2609 G5627
Acts 21:3 landed G2609 G5648
Acts 22:30 brought G2609
Acts 22:30 down, G2609 G5631
Acts 23:15 he bring G2609
Acts 23:15 down G2609 G5632
Acts 23:20 thou wouldest bring down G2609 G5632
Acts 23:28 I brought G2609
Acts 23:28 forth G2609 G5627
Acts 27:3 day we touched G2609 G5648
Acts 28:12 landing G2609 G5685
Romans 10:6 to bring G2609
Romans 10:6 down: G2609 G5629
Distinct usage
2 | down |
1 | when they had brought |
1 | they brought |
1 | landed |
1 | he bring |
1 | thou wouldest bring down |
1 | I brought |
1 | forth |
1 | landing |
1 | day we touched |
1 | to bring |
1 | down: |
1 | brought |
1 | down, |