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Genesis 2:19

  19 H127 And out of the soil H3068 the LORD H430 God H3335 [H8799] formed H2416 every beast H7704 of the field, H5775 and every fowl H8064 of the heaven; H935 [H8686] and brought H120 them to Adam H7200 [H8800] to see H7121 [H8799] what he would call H120 them: and whatever Adam H7121 [H8799] called H2416 every living H5315 breath, H1931 that H8034 was its name.

Genesis 1:1

  1 H7225 In the beginning H430 God H1254 H853 [H8804] created H8064 the heavens H853 and H776 the earth.

Genesis 1:1-11:32

  1 H7225 In the beginning H430 God H1254 H853 [H8804] created H8064 the heavens H853 and H776 the earth.
  2 H776 And the earth H1961 [H8804] was H8414 without form, H922 and void; H2822 and darkness H6440 was upon the face H8415 of the deep. H7307 And the Spirit H430 of God H7363 [H8764] moved H5921 upon H6440 the face H4325 of the waters.
  3 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H1961 [H8799] Let there be H216 light: H216 and there was light.
  4 H430 And God H7200 H853 [H8799] saw H216 the light, H3588 that H2896 it was good: H430 and God H914 H996 [H8686] divided H216 the light H996 from H2822 the darkness.
  5 H430 And God H7121 [H8799] called H216 the light H3117 Day, H2822 and the darkness H7121 [H8804] he called H3915 Night. H6153 And the evening H1242 and the morning H259 were the first H3117 day.
  6 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H7549 Let there be a firmament H8432 in the midst H4325 of the waters, H914 [H8688] and let it divide H4325 the waters H4325 from the waters.
  7 H430 And God H6213 [H8799] made H7549 the firmament, H914 [H8686] and divided H4325 the waters H834 which H8478 were under H7549 the firmament H4325 from the waters H834 which H5921 were above H7549 the firmament: H3651 and it was so.
  8 H430 And God H7121 [H8799] called H7549 the firmament H8064 Heaven. H6153 And the evening H1242 and the morning H8145 were the second H3117 day.
  9 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H4325 Let the waters H8064 under the heaven H6960 [H8735] be gathered together H413 into H259 one H4725 place, H3004 and let the dry H7200 [H8735] land appear: and it was so.
  10 H430 And God H7121 [H8799] called H3004 the dry H776 land Earth; H4723 and the gathering together H4325 of the waters H7121 [H8804] he called H3220 Seas: H430 and God H7200 [H8799] saw H2896 that it was good.
  11 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H776 Let the earth H1876 [H8686] bring forth H1877 grass, H6212 the herb H2232 [H8688] yielding H2233 seed, H6529 and the fruit H6086 tree H6213 [H8802] yielding H6529 fruit H4327 after its kind, H834 whose H2233 seed H776 is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
  12 H776 And the earth H3318 [H8686] brought forth H1877 grass, H6212 and herb H2232 [H8688] yielding H2233 seed H4327 after its kind, H6086 and the tree H6213 [H8802] yielding H6529 fruit, H2233 whose seed H4327 was in itself, after its kind: H430 and God H7200 [H8799] saw H2896 that it was good.
  13 H6153 And the evening H1242 and the morning H7992 were the third H3117 day.
  14 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H3974 Let there be lights H7549 in the firmament H8064 of the heaven H914 [H8687] to divide H3117 the day H3915 from the night; H226 and let them be for signs, H4150 and for seasons, H3117 and for days, H8141 and years:
  15 H3974 And let them be for lights H7549 in the firmament H8064 of the heaven H215 [H8687] to give light H776 upon the earth: and it was so.
  16 H430 And God H6213 [H8799] made H8147 two H1419 great H3974 lights; H1419 the greater H3974 light H4475 to rule H3117 the day, H6996 and the lesser H3974 light H4475 to rule H3915 the night: H3556 -- the stars also.
  17 H430 And God H5414 [H8799] set H7549 them in the firmament H8064 of the heaven H215 [H8687] to give light H776 upon the earth,
  18 H4910 [H8800] And to rule H3117 over the day H3915 and over the night, H914 [H8687] and to divide H216 the light H2822 from the darkness: H430 and God H7200 [H8799] saw H2896 that it was good.
  19 H6153 And the evening H1242 and the morning H7243 were the fourth H3117 day.
  20 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H4325 Let the waters H8317 [H8799] swarm H8318 the swarmers H5315 having a breath H2416 of life, H5775 and fowl H5774 [H8787] that may fly H5921 above H776 the earth H6440 in the open H7549 firmament H8064 of heaven.
  21 H430 And God H1254 [H8799] created H1419 great H8577 sea creatures, H2416 and every living H5315 breath H7430 [H8802] that moveth, H4325 which the waters H8317 [H8804] brought forth abundantly, H4327 after their kind, H3671 and every winged H5775 fowl H4327 after his kind: H430 and God H7200 [H8799] saw H2896 that it was good.
  22 H430 And God H1288 [H8762] blessed H559 [H8800] them, saying, H6509 [H8798] Be fruitful, H7235 [H8798] and multiply, H4390 [H8798] and fill H4325 the waters H3220 in the seas, H5775 and let fowl H7235 [H8799] multiply H776 in the earth.
  23 H6153 And the evening H1242 and the morning H2549 were the fifth H3117 day.
  24 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H776 Let the earth H3318 [H8686] bring forth H2416 the living H5315 breath H4327 after his kind, H929 cattle, H7431 and creeping thing, H2416 and the beast H776 of the earth H4327 after his kind: and it was so.
  25 H430 And God H6213 [H8799] made H2416 the beast H776 of the earth H4327 after his kind, H929 and cattle H4327 after their kind, H7431 and every thing that creepeth H127 upon the soil H4327 after his kind: H430 and God H7200 [H8799] saw H2896 that it was good.
  26 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H6213 [H8799] Let us make H120 man H6754 in our image, H1823 after our likeness: H7287 [H8799] and let them have dominion H1710 over the fish H3220 of the sea, H5775 and over the fowl H8064 of the heaven, H929 and over the cattle, H776 and over all the earth, H7431 and over every creeping thing H7430 [H8802] that creepeth H776 upon the earth.
  27 H430 So God H1254 [H8799] created H120 man H6754 in his own image, H6754 in the image H430 of God H1254 [H8804] created H2145 he him; male H5347 and female H1254 [H8804] created he them.
  28 H430 And God H1288 [H8762] blessed H430 them, and God H559 [H8799] said H6509 [H8798] to them, Be fruitful, H7235 [H8798] and multiply, H4390 [H8798] and fill H776 the earth, H3533 [H8798] and subdue it: H7287 [H8798] and have dominion H1710 over the fish H3220 of the sea, H5775 and over the fowl H8064 of the heaven, H2416 and over every living thing H7430 [H8802] that moveth H776 upon the earth.
  29 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H2009 Behold, H5414 [H8804] I have given H6212 you every herb H2232 [H8802] bearing H2233 seed, H6440 which is upon the face H776 of all the earth, H6086 and every tree, H6529 in which is the fruit H6086 of a tree H2232 [H8802] yielding H2233 seed; H1961 [H8799] to you it shall be H402 for food.
  30 H2416 And to every beast H776 of the earth, H5775 and to every fowl H8064 of the heaven, H7430 [H8802] and to every thing that creepeth H776 upon the earth, H5315 in which is breath H2416 of life, H3418 I have given every green H6212 herb H402 for food: and it was so.
  31 H430 And God H7200 [H8799] saw H834 every thing that H6213 [H8804] he had made, H3966 and, behold, it was very H2896 good. H6153 And the evening H1242 and the morning H8345 were the sixth H3117 day.

Genesis 2:1-11:32

  1 H8064 Thus the heavens H776 and the earth H3615 [H8792] were finished, H6635 and all the host of them.
  2 H7637 And on the seventh H3117 day H430 God H3615 [H8762] ended H4399 his work H6213 [H8804] which he had made; H7673 [H8799] and he rested H7637 on the seventh H3117 day H4399 from all his work H6213 [H8804] which he had made.
  3 H430 And God H1288 [H8762] blessed H7637 the seventh H3117 day, H6942 [H8762] and sanctified H3588 it: because H7673 [H8804] that in it he had rested H4399 from all his work H430 which God H1254 [H8804] created H6213 [H8800] and made.
  4 H428 These H8435 are the generations H8064 of the heavens H776 and of the earth H1254 [H8736] when they were created, H3117 in the day H3068 that the LORD H430 God H6213 [H8800] made H776 the earth H8064 and the heavens,
  5 H7880 And every plant H7704 of the field H2962 before H776 it was in the earth, H6212 and every herb H7704 of the field H2962 before H6779 [H8799] it grew: H3588 for H3068 the LORD H430 God H3808 had not H4305 [H8689] caused it to rain H776 upon the earth, H369 and there was not H120 a man H5647 [H8800] to till H127 the soil.
  6 H5927 [H8799] But there went up H108 a mist H4480 from H776 the earth, H8248 [H8689] and watered H6440 the whole face H127 of the soil.
  7 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H3335 [H8799] formed H120 man H6083 of the dust H4480 of H127 the soil, H5301 [H8799] and blew H639 into his nostrils H5397 the breath H2416 of life; H120 and man H2416 became a living H5315 breath.
  8 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H5193 [H8799] planted H1588 a garden H6924 eastward H5731 in Eden; H8033 and there H7760 [H8799] he put H120 the man H834 whom H3335 [H8804] he had formed.
  9 H4480 And out H127 of the soil H6779 0 made H3068 the LORD H430 God H6779 [H8686] to grow H6086 every tree H2530 [H8737] that is desirable H4758 to the sight, H2896 and good H3978 for food; H6086 the tree H2416 of life H8432 also in the midst H1588 of the garden, H6086 and the tree H1847 of knowledge H2896 of good H7451 and evil.
  10 H5104 And a river H3318 [H8802] went out H5731 of Eden H8248 [H8687] to water H1588 the garden; H6504 [H8735] and from there it was parted, H702 and became into four H7218 heads.
  11 H8034 The name H259 of the first H6376 is Pison: H1931   H5437 [H8802] which goest around H776 the whole land H2341 of Havilah, H834 where H2091 there is gold;
  12 H2091 And the gold H1931 of that H776 land H2896 is good: H916 there is bdellium H7718 and the onyx H68 stone.
  13 H8034 And the name H8145 of the second H5104 river H1521 is Gihon: H5437 [H8802] the same that goest around H776 the whole land H3568 of Cush.
  14 H8034 And the name H7992 of the third H5104 river H2313 is Hiddekel: H1980 [H8802] which floweth toward H6926 the east H804 of Assyria. H7243 And the fourth H5104 river H6578 is Euphrates.
  15 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H3947 [H8799] took H120 the man, H3240 [H8686] and put him H1588 into the garden H5731 of Eden H5647 [H8800] to tend H8104 [H8800] it and to keep it.
  16 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H6680 [H8762] commanded H120 the man, H559 [H8800] saying, H6086 Of every tree H1588 of the garden H398 [H8800] thou mayest freely H398 [H8799] eat:
  17 H6086 But of the tree H1847 of the knowledge H2896 of good H7451 and evil, H398 [H8799] thou shalt not eat H3117 of it: for in the day H398 [H8800] that thou eatest H4191 [H8800] of it thou shalt surely H4191 [H8799] die.
  18 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H559 [H8799] said, H2896 It is not good H120 that the man H1961 [H8800] should be H6213 [H8799] alone; I will make H5828 him an help meet for him.
  19 H127 And out of the soil H3068 the LORD H430 God H3335 [H8799] formed H2416 every beast H7704 of the field, H5775 and every fowl H8064 of the heaven; H935 [H8686] and brought H120 them to Adam H7200 [H8800] to see H7121 [H8799] what he would call H120 them: and whatever Adam H7121 [H8799] called H2416 every living H5315 breath, H1931 that H8034 was its name.
  20 H120 And Adam H7121 [H8799] gave H8034 names H929 to all cattle, H5775 and to the fowls H8064 of the heaven, H2416 and to every beast H7704 of the field; H120 but for Adam H4672 [H8804] there was not found H5828 an help meet for him.
  21 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H5307 0 caused H8639 a deep sleep H5307 [H8686] to fall H121 upon Adam, H3462 [H8799] and he slept: H3947 [H8799] and he took H259 one H6763 of his ribs, H5462 [H8799] and closed up H1320 the flesh in its place;
  22 H6763 And the rib, H3068 which the LORD H430 God H3947 [H8804] had taken H120 from man, H1129 [H8799] he made H802 a woman, H935 [H8686] and brought H120 her to the man.
  23 H120 And Adam H559 [H8799] said, H2063 This H6471 is now H6106 bone H6106 of my bones, H1320 and flesh H1320 of my flesh: H2063 she H7121 [H8735] shall be called H802 Woman, H2063 because she H3947 [H8795] was taken H376 out of Man.
  24 H3651 Therefore H376 shall a man H5800 [H8799] leave H1 his father H517 and his mother, H1692 [H8804] and shall cleave H802 to his wife: H259 and they shall be one H1320 flesh.
  25 H8147 And they were both H6174 naked, H120 the man H802 and his wife, H954 [H8709] and were not pale.

Genesis 3:1-11:32

  1 H5175 Now the serpent H1961 [H8804] was H6175 more subtil H2416 than any beast H7704 of the field H3068 which the LORD H430 God H6213 [H8804] had made. H559 [H8799] And he said H802 to the woman, H637 Yea, H430 hath God H559 [H8804] said, H398 [H8799] Ye shall not eat H6086 of every tree H1588 of the garden?
  2 H802 And the woman H559 [H8799] said H5175 to the serpent, H398 [H8799] We may eat H6529 of the fruit H6086 of the trees H1588 of the garden:
  3 H6529 But of the fruit H6086 of the tree H8432 which is in the midst H1588 of the garden, H430 God H559 [H8804] hath said, H398 [H8799] Ye shall not eat H5060 [H8799] of it, neither shall ye touch H6435 it, lest H4191 [H8799] ye die.
  4 H5175 And the serpent H559 [H8799] said H802 to the woman, H4191 [H8800] Ye shall not surely H4191 [H8799] die:
  5 H430 For God H3045 [H8802] doth know H3117 that in the day H398 [H8800] ye eat H5869 of it, then your eyes H6491 [H8738] shall be opened, H430 and ye shall be as God, H3045 [H8802] knowing H2896 good H7451 and evil.
  6 H802 And when the woman H7200 [H8799] saw H6086 that the tree H2896 was good H3978 for food, H1931 and that it H8378 was pleasant H5869 to the eyes, H6086 and a tree H2530 [H8737] to be desired H7919 [H8687] to make one prudent, H3947 [H8799] she took H6529 of its fruit, H398 [H8799] and ate, H5414 [H8799] and gave H1571 also H376 to her husband H398 [H8799] with her; and he ate.
  7 H5869 And the eyes H8147 of them both H6491 [H8735] were opened, H1992 and they H3045 [H8799] knew H5903 that they were naked; H8609 0 and they sewed H8384 fig H5929 leaves H8609 [H8799] together, H6213 [H8799] and made for themselves H2290 aprons.
  8 H8085 [H8799] And they heard H6963 the voice H3068 of the LORD H430 God H1980 [H8693] walking H1588 in the garden H7307 in the spirit H3117 of the day: H120 and Adam H802 and his wife H2244 [H8691] hid themselves H6440 from the face H3068 of the LORD H430 God H8432 among H6086 the tree H1588 of the garden.
  9 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H7121 [H8799] called H120 to Adam, H559 [H8799] and said H335 to him, Where art thou?
  10 H559 [H8799] And he said, H8085 [H8804] I heard H6963 thy voice H1588 in the garden, H3372 [H8799] and I was afraid, H595 because I H5903 was naked; H2244 [H8735] and I hid myself.
  11 H559 [H8799] And he said, H4310 Who H5046 [H8689] told H5903 thee that thou wast naked? H398 [H8804] Hast thou eaten H6086 of the tree, H6680 [H8765] of which I commanded thee H1115 that thou shouldest not H398 [H8800] eat?
  12 H120 And the man H559 [H8799] said, H802 The woman H5414 [H8804] whom thou gavest H5978 to be with me, H1931 she H5414 [H8804] gave H6086 me of the tree, H398 [H8799] and I ate.
  13 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H559 [H8799] said H802 to the woman, H6213 [H8804] What is this that thou hast done? H802 And the woman H559 [H8799] said, H5175 The serpent H5377 [H8689] beguiled me, H398 [H8799] and I ate.
  14 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H559 [H8799] said H5175 to the serpent, H859 Because thou H6213 [H8804] hast done H779 [H8803] this, thou art cursed H929 above all cattle, H2416 and above every beast H7704 of the field; H1512 upon thy belly H3212 [H8799] shalt thou go, H6083 and dust H398 [H8799] shalt thou eat H3117 all the days H2416 of thy life:
  15 H7896 [H8799] And I will put H342 enmity H802 between thee and the woman, H2233 and between thy seed H2233 and her seed; H7779 [H8799] it shall bruise H7218 thine head, H7779 [H8799] and thou shalt bruise H6119 his heel.
  16 H802 To the woman H559 [H8804] he said, H7235 [H8687] I will greatly H7235 [H8686] multiply H6093 thy hard labour H2032 and thy conception; H6089 in sorrow H3205 [H8799] thou shalt bring forth H1121 sons; H8669 and thy desire H376 shall be to thy husband, H4910 [H8799] and he shall rule over thee.
  17 H121 And to Adam H559 [H8804] he said, H8085 [H8804] Because thou hast hearkened H6963 to the voice H802 of thy wife, H398 [H8799] and hast eaten H6086 of the tree, H834 of which H6680 [H8765] I commanded thee, H559 [H8800] saying, H398 [H8799] Thou shalt not eat H779 [H8803] of it: cursed H127 is the soil H9031 for thy H5668 sake; H9003 in H6093 hard labour H398 [H8799] shalt thou eat H3605 of it all H3117 the days H2416 of thy life;
  18 H6975 Thorns also H1863 and thistles H6779 [H8686] shall it bring forth H398 [H8804] to thee; and thou shalt eat H6212 the herb H7704 of the field;
  19 H2188 In the sweat H639 of thy nostrils H398 [H8799] shalt thou eat H3899 bread, H5704 till H7725 [H8800] thou shalt return H127 to the soil; H3947 [H8795] for out of it wast thou taken: H6083 for dust H859 thou H6083 art, and to dust H7725 [H8799] shalt thou return.
  20 H120 And Adam H7121 [H8799] called H802 his wife's H8034 name H2332 Eve; H517 because she was the mother H2416 of all living.
  21 H120 For Adam H802 also and for his wife H3068 the LORD H430 God H6213 [H8799] made H3801 coats H5785 of skins, H3847 [H8686] and clothed them.
  22 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H559 [H8799] said, H2005 Behold, H120 the man H259 hath become as one H3045 [H8800] of us, to know H2896 good H7451 and evil: H7971 [H8799] and now, lest he should put forth H3027 his hand, H3947 [H8804] and take H6086 also of the tree H2416 of life, H398 [H8804] and eat, H2425 [H8804] and live H5769 to the age:
  23 H3068 Therefore the LORD H430 God H7971 [H8762] sent him forth H1588 from the garden H5731 of Eden, H5647 [H8800] to till H127 the soil H3947 [H8795] from which he was taken.
  24 H1644 [H8762] So he drove out H120 the man; H7931 [H8686] and he placed H6924 at the east H1588 of the garden H5731 of Eden H3742 Cherubim, H3858 and a flaming H2719 sword H2015 [H8693] which turned every way, H8104 [H8800] to guard H1870 the way H6086 of the tree H2416 of life.

Genesis 4:1-11:32

  1 H120 And Adam H3045 H853 [H8804] knew H2332 Eve H802 his wife; H2029 [H8799] and she conceived, H3205 H853 [H8799] and bore H7014 Cain, H559 [H8799] and said, H7069 [H8804] I have gotten H376 a man H854 from H3068 the LORD.
  2 H3254 [H8686] And she again H3205 [H8800] bore H251 his brother H1893 Abel. H1893 And Abel H7462 [H8802] was a keeper H6629 of sheep, H7014 but Cain H5647 [H8802] was a tiller H127 of the soil.
  3 H7093 And in process H3117 of time H7014 it came to pass, that Cain H935 [H8686] brought H6529 of the fruit H127 of the soil H4503 an offering H3068 to the LORD.
  4 H1893 And Abel, H1931 he H935 [H8689] also brought H1062 of the firstlings H6629 of his flock H2459 and of its fat. H3068 And the LORD H8159 [H8799] gazed at H1893 Abel H4503 and his offering:
  5 H7014 But to Cain H4503 and to his offering H8159 [H8804] he gazed not. H7014 And Cain H3966 was very H2734 [H8799] angry, H6440 and his face H5307 [H8799] fell.
  6 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said H7014 to Cain, H2734 [H8804] Why art thou angry? H6440 and why is thy face H5307 [H8804] fallen?
  7 H518 If H3190 [H8686] thou doest well, H7613 shalt thou not be lifted up? H3190 [H8686] and if thou doest not well, H2403 sin H7257 [H8802] croucheth H6607 at the door. H8669 And to thee shall be his desire, H4910 [H8799] and thou shalt rule over him.
  8 H7014 And Cain H559 [H8799] talked H413 with H1893 Abel H251 his brother: H7704 and it came to pass, when they were in the field, H7014 that Cain H6965 [H8799] rose up H413 against H1893 Abel H251 his brother, H2026 [H8799] and slew him.
  9 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said H7014 to Cain, H335 Where H1893 is Abel H251 thy brother? H559 [H8799] And he said, H3045 [H8804] I know H251 not: Am I my brother's H8104 [H8802] keeper?
  10 H559 [H8799] And he said, H4100 What H6213 [H8804] hast thou done? H6963 the voice H251 of thy brother's H1818 blood H6817 [H8802] shrieketh H127 to me from the soil.
  11 H779 [H8803] And now art thou cursed H127 from the soil, H6475 [H8804] which hath opened H6310 her mouth H3947 [H8800] to receive H251 thy brother's H1818 blood H3027 from thine hand;
  12 H3588 When H5647 [H8799] thou tillest H127 the soil, H3254 [H8686] it shall not henceforth H5414 [H8800] give H3581 to thee its strength; H5128 [H8801] a fugitive H5110 [H8802] and a vagabond H776 shalt thou be in the earth.
  13 H7014 And Cain H559 [H8799] said H3068 to the LORD, H5771 My perversity H1419 is greater H5375 [H8800] than I can bear.
  14 H1644 [H8765] Behold, thou hast driven me H3117 this day H6440 from the face H127 of the soil; H5921 and from H6440 thy face H5641 [H8735] shall I be hid; H5128 [H8801] and I shall be a fugitive H5110 [H8802] and a vagabond H776 in the earth; H1961 [H8804] and it shall come to pass, H4672 [H8802] that any one that findeth me H2026 [H8799] shall slay me.
  15 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said H3651 to him, Therefore H2026 [H8802] whoever slayeth H7014 Cain, H5358 [H8714] vengeance shall be taken H7659 on him sevenfold. H3068 And the LORD H7760 [H8799] set H226 a mark H7014 upon Cain, H1115 lest H4672 [H8802] any finding H5221 [H8687] him should kill him.
  16 H7014 And Cain H3318 [H8799] went out H6440 from the face H3068 of the LORD, H3427 [H8799] and dwelt H776 in the land H5113 of Nod, H6926 on the east H5731 of Eden.
  17 H7014 And Cain H3045 [H8799] knew H802 his wife; H2029 [H8799] and she conceived, H3205 [H8799] and bore H2585 Enoch: H1129 [H8802] and he built H5892 a city, H7121 [H8799] and called H8034 the name H5892 of the city, H8034 after the name H1121 of his son, H2585 Enoch.
  18 H2585 And to Enoch H3205 [H8735] was born H5897 Irad: H5897 and Irad H3205 [H8804] begat H4232 Mehujael: H4232 and Mehujael H3205 [H8804] begat H4967 Methusael: H4967 and Methusael H3205 [H8804] begat H3929 Lamech.
  19 H3929 And Lamech H3947 [H8799] took H8147 to him two H802 wives: H8034 the name H259 of the one H5711 was Adah, H8034 and the name H8145 of the other H6741 Zillah.
  20 H5711 And Adah H3205 [H8799] bore H2989 Jabal: H1 he was the father H3427 [H8802] of such as dwell H168 in tents, H4735 and of such as have cattle.
  21 H251 And his brother's H8034 name H3106 was Jubal: H1 he was the father H8610 [H8802] of all such as handle H3658 the harp H5748 and flute.
  22 H6741 And Zillah, H3205 [H8804] she also bore H8423 Tubalcain, H3913 [H8803] an instructor H2794 of every craftsman H5178 in brass H1270 and iron: H269 and the sister H8423 of Tubalcain H5279 was Naamah.
  23 H3929 And Lamech H559 [H8799] said H802 to his wives, H5711 Adah H6741 and Zillah, H8085 [H8798] Hear H6963 my voice; H802 ye wives H3929 of Lamech, H238 [H8685] give ear H565 to my speech: H2026 [H8804] for I have slain H376 a man H6482 who wounded me, H3206 and a young man H2250 for hurting me.
  24 H3588 If H7014 Cain H5358 [H8714] shall be avenged H7659 sevenfold, H3929 truly Lamech H7657 seventy H7651 and sevenfold.
  25 H120 And Adam H3045 [H8799] knew H802 his wife H5750 again; H3205 [H8799] and she bore H1121 a son, H7121 [H8799] and called H8034 his name H8352 Seth: H430 For God, H7896 [H8804] said she, hath appointed H312 me another H2233 seed H8478 instead H1893 of Abel, H3588 whom H7014 Cain H2026 [H8804] slew.
  26 H8352 And to Seth, H1931 to him H3205 [H8795] also there was born H1121 a son; H7121 [H8799] and he called H8034 his name H583 Enos: H2490 [H8717] then began men H7121 [H8800] to call H8034 upon the name H3068 of the LORD.

Genesis 5:1-11:32

  1 H2088 This H5612 is the book H8435 of the generations H121 of Adam. H3117 In the day H430 that God H1254 [H8800] created H120 man, H1823 in the likeness H430 of God H6213 [H8804] made he him;
  2 H2145 Male H5347 and female H1254 [H8804] created H1288 [H8762] he them; and blessed H7121 [H8799] them, and called H8034 their name H120 Adam, H3117 in the day H1254 [H8736] when they were created.
  3 H121 And Adam H2421 [H8799] lived H3967 an hundred H7970 and thirty H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1823 a son in his own likeness, H6754 after his image; H7121 [H8799] and called H8034 his name H8352 Seth:
  4 H3117 And the days H121 of Adam H310 after H3205 [H8687] he had begotten H8352 Seth H8083 were eight H3967 hundred H8141 years: H3205 [H8686] and he begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters:
  5 H3117 And all the days H121 that Adam H2425 [H8804] lived H8672 were nine H3967 H8141 hundred H7970 and thirty H8141 years: H4191 [H8799] and he died.
  6 H8352 And Seth H2421 [H8799] lived H3967 H8141 an hundred H2568 and five H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H583 Enos:
  7 H8352 And Seth H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3205 [H8687] he begat H583 Enos H8083 eight H3967 H8141 hundred H7651 and seven H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters:
  8 H3117 And all the days H8352 of Seth H8672 were nine H3967 H8141 hundred H6240 H8147 and twelve H8141 years: H4191 [H8799] and he died.
  9 H583 And Enos H2421 [H8799] lived H8673 ninety H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H7018 Cainan:
  10 H583 And Enos H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3205 [H8687] he begat H7018 Cainan H8083 eight H3967 H8141 hundred H6240 H2568 and fifteen H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters:
  11 H3117 And all the days H583 of Enos H8672 were nine H3967 H8141 hundred H2568 and five H8141 years: H4191 [H8799] and he died.
  12 H7018 And Cainan H2421 [H8799] lived H7657 seventy H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H4111 Mahalaleel:
  13 H7018 And Cainan H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3205 [H8687] he begat H4111 Mahalaleel H8083 eight H3967 H8141 hundred H705 and forty H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters:
  14 H3117 And all the days H7018 of Cainan H8672 were nine H3967 H8141 hundred H6235 and ten H8141 years: H4191 [H8799] and he died.
  15 H4111 And Mahalaleel H2421 [H8799] lived H8346 H8141 sixty H2568 and five H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H3382 Jared:
  16 H4111 And Mahalaleel H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3205 [H8687] he begat H3382 Jared H8083 eight H3967 H8141 hundred H7970 and thirty H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters:
  17 H3117 And all the days H4111 of Mahalaleel H8083 were eight H3967 H8141 hundred H8673 ninety H2568 and five H8141 years: H4191 [H8799] and he died.
  18 H3382 And Jared H2421 [H8799] lived H3967 an hundred H8346 H8141 sixty H8147 and two H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and he begat H2585 Enoch:
  19 H3382 And Jared H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3205 [H8687] he begat H2585 Enoch H8083 eight H3967 hundred H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters:
  20 H3117 And all the days H3382 of Jared H8672 were nine H3967 H8141 hundred H8346 sixty H8147 and two H8141 years: H4191 [H8799] and he died.
  21 H2585 And Enoch H2421 [H8799] lived H8346 sixty H2568 and five H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H4968 Methuselah:
  22 H2585 And Enoch H1980 [H8691] walked H854 with H430 God H310 after H3205 H853 [H8687] he begat H4968 Methuselah H7969 three H3967 hundred H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters:
  23 H3117 And all the days H2585 of Enoch H7969 were three H3967 H8141 hundred H8346 sixty H2568 and five H8141 years:
  24 H2585 And Enoch H1980 [H8691] walked H430 with God: H430 and he was not; for God H3947 [H8804] took him.
  25 H4968 And Methuselah H2421 [H8799] lived H3967 H8141 an hundred H8084 eighty H7651 and seven H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H3929 Lamech:
  26 H4968 And Methuselah H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3205 [H8687] he begat H3929 Lamech H7651 seven H3967 H8141 hundred H8084 eighty H8147 and two H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters:
  27 H3117 And all the days H4968 of Methuselah H8672 were nine H3967 H8141 hundred H8346 sixty H8672 and nine H8141 years: H4191 [H8799] and he died.
  28 H3929 And Lamech H2421 [H8799] lived H3967 H8141 an hundred H8084 eighty H8147 and two H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 a son:
  29 H7121 [H8799] And he called H8034 his name H5146 Noah, H559 [H8800] saying, H5162 [H8762] This same shall comfort H4639 us concerning our work H6093 and hard labour H3027 of our hands, H4480 because H127 of the soil H3068 which the LORD H779 [H8765] hath cursed.
  30 H3929 And Lamech H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3205 [H8687] he begat H5146 Noah H2568 five H3967 H8141 hundred H8673 ninety H2568 and five H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters:
  31 H3117 And all the days H3929 of Lamech H7651 were seven H3967 H8141 hundred H7657 seventy H7651 and seven H8141 years: H4191 [H8799] and he died.
  32 H5146 And Noah H2568 was five H3967 hundred H8141 years H1121 old: H5146 and Noah H3205 [H8686] begat H8035 Shem, H2526 Ham, H3315 and Japheth.

Genesis 6:1-11:32

  1 H120 And it came to pass, when men H2490 [H8689] began H7231 [H8800] to multiply H5921 on H6440 the face H127 of the soil, H1323 and daughters H3205 [H8795] were born to them,
  2 H1121 That the sons H430 of God H7200 [H8799] saw H1323 the daughters H120 of men H2007 that they H2896 were fair; H3947 [H8799] and they took H802 them wives H977 [H8804] of all whom they chose.
  3 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said, H7307 My spirit H5769 shall not always H1777 [H8799] strive H120 with man, H1571 H7683 [H8677] for that he also H1320 is flesh: H3117 yet his days H3967 shall be an hundred H6242 and twenty H8141 years.
  4 H5303 There were giants H776 in the earth H3117 in those days; H310 and also after H3651 that, H834 when H1121 the sons H430 of God H935 [H8799] came in H1323 to the daughters H120 of men, H3205 [H8804] and they bore H1992 children to them, the same H1368 became mighty men H5769 who were of old, H582 men H8034 of renown.
  5 H3068 And the LORD H7200 [H8799] saw H7451 that the evil H120 of man H7227 was great H776 in the earth, H3336 and that every imagination H4284 of the thoughts H3820 of his heart H7535 was only H7451 evil H3117 continually.
  6 H3068 And the LORD H5162 [H8735] sighed H6213 [H8804] that he had made H120 man H776 on the earth, H6087 [H8691] and it grieved H413 him at H3820 his heart.
  7 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said, H4229 [H8799] I will wipe H120 man H1254 [H8804] whom I have created H6440 from the face H127 of the soil; H120 both man, H5704 and H929 beast, H7431 and the creeping thing, H5775 and the fowls H8064 of the heaven; H5162 [H8738] for I sigh H6213 [H8804] that I have made them.
  8 H5146 But Noah H4672 [H8804] found H2580 grace H5869 in the eyes H3068 of the LORD.
  9 H8435 These are the generations H5146 of Noah: H5146 Noah H6662 was a just H376 man H8549 and perfect H1755 in his generations, H5146 and Noah H1980 [H8694] walked H430 with God.
  10 H5146 And Noah H3205 [H8686] begat H7969 three H1121 sons, H8035 Shem, H2526 Ham, H3315 and Japheth.
  11 H776 The earth H7843 [H8735] also was decayed H6440 at the face of H430 God, H776 and the earth H4390 [H8735] was filled H2555 with violence.
  12 H9001 And H430 God H7200 [H8799] saw H9009 the H776 earth, H9002 and, H2009 behold, H7843 [H8738] it was decayed; H3588 for H3605 all H1320 flesh H7843 [H8689] had decayed H9023 his H1870 way H5921 upon H9009 the H776 earth.
  13 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said H5146 to Noah, H7093 The end H1320 of all flesh H935 [H8804] is come H6440 before the face of me; H776 for the earth H4390 [H8804] is filled with H2555 violence H6440 through them; H7843 [H8688] and, behold, I will decay H854 them with H776 the earth.
  14 H6213 [H8798] Make H8392 thee an ark H1613 of gopher H6086 wood; H7064 rooms H6213 [H8799] shalt thou make H854 in H8392 the ark, H3722 [H8804] and shalt pitch H1004 it within H2351 and without H3724 with pitch.
  15 H6213 [H8799] And this is the fashion in which thou shalt make H753 it: The length H8392 of the ark H7969 shall be three H3967 hundred H520 cubits, H7341 the breadth H2572 of it fifty H520 cubits, H6967 and the height H7970 of it thirty H520 cubits.
  16 H6672 A window H6213 [H8799] shalt thou make H8392 to the ark, H520 and in a cubit H3615 [H8762] shalt thou finish H4605 it above; H6607 and the door H8392 of the ark H7760 [H8799] shalt thou set H6654 in its side; H8482 with lower, H8145 second, H7992 and third H6213 [H8799] stories shalt thou make it.
  17 H2009 And, behold, H589 I, H935 [H8688] even I, do bring H3999 a flood H4325 of waters H776 upon the earth, H7843 [H8763] to decay H1320 all flesh, H7307 in which is the spirit H2416 of life, H8478 from under H8064 heaven; H3605 and every thing H776 that is on the earth H1478 [H8799] shall expire.
  18 H6965 [H8689] But with thee will I raise H1285 my covenant; H935 [H8804] and thou shalt come H413 into H8392 the ark, H859 thou, H1121 and thy sons, H802 and thy wife, H1121 and thy sons' H802 wives with thee.
  19 H2416 And of every living thing H1320 of all flesh, H8147 two H935 [H8686] of every sort shalt thou bring H8392 into the ark, H2421 [H8687] to keep them alive H2145 with thee; they shall be male H5347 and female.
  20 H5775 Of fowls H4327 after their kind, H929 and of cattle H4327 after their kind, H7431 of every creeping thing H127 of the soil H4327 after its kind, H8147 two H935 [H8799] of every sort shall come H2421 [H8687] to thee, to keep them alive.
  21 H3947 [H8798] And take H3978 thou to thee of all food H398 [H8735] that is eaten, H622 [H8804] and thou shalt gather H402 it to thee; and it shall be for food for thee, and for them.
  22 H6213 [H8799] Thus did H5146 Noah; H430 according to all that God H6680 [H8765] commanded H6213 [H8804] him, so did he.

Genesis 7:1-11:32

  1 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said H5146 to Noah, H935 [H8798] Come H1004 thou and all thy house H8392 into the ark; H7200 [H8804] for thee have I seen H6662 righteous H6440 before the face of me H2088 in this H1755 generation.
  2 H2889 Of every clean H929 beast H3947 [H8799] thou shalt take H7651 to thee by sevens, H376 the male H802 and his female: H929 and of beasts H2889 H1931 that are not clean H8147 by two, H376 the male H802 and his female.
  3 H5775 Of fowls H8064 of the heaven H7651 also by sevens, H2145 the male H5347 and the female; H2421 0 to keep H2233 seed H2421 [H8763] alive H6440 on the face H776 of all the earth.
  4 H5750 For yet H7651 seven H3117 days, H4305 [H8688] and I will cause it to rain H776 upon the earth H705 forty H3117 days H705 and forty H3915 nights; H3605 and every H3351 living thing H6213 [H8804] that I have made H4229 [H8804] will I wipe H5921 from H6440 the face H127 of the soil.
  5 H5146 And Noah H6213 [H8799] did H3068 according to all that the LORD H6680 [H8765] commanded him.
  6 H5146 And Noah H8337 was six H3967 hundred H8141 years H1121 old H3999 when the flood H4325 of waters H776 was upon the earth.
  7 H5146 And Noah H935 [H8799] went in, H1121 and his sons, H802 and his wife, H1121 and his sons' H802 wives H8392 with him, into the ark, H6440 because of H4325 the waters H3999 of the flood.
  8 H2889 Of clean H929 beasts, H929 and of beasts H2889 that are not clean, H5775 and of fowls, H7430 [H8802] and of every thing that creepeth H127 upon the soil,
  9 H935 [H8804] There went in H8147 two H8147 and two H5146 to Noah H8392 into the ark, H2145 the male H5347 and the female, H834 as H430 God H6680 [H8765] had commanded H5146 Noah.
  10 H7651 And it came to pass after seven H3117 days, H4325 that the waters H3999 of the flood H776 were upon the earth.
  11 H8141 In H8337 the six H3967 hundredth H8141 year H5146 of Noah's H2416 life, H8145 in the second H2320 month, H7651 H6240 the seventeenth H3117 day H2320 of the month, H2088 the same H3117 day H4599 were all the fountains H7227 of the great H8415 deep H1234 [H8738] broken up, H699 and the windows H8064 of heaven H6605 [H8738] were opened.
  12 H1653 And the rain H776 was upon the earth H705 forty H3117 days H705 and forty H3915 nights.
  13 H6106 In the same H3117 day H935 [H8804] entered H5146 Noah, H8035 and Shem, H2526 and Ham, H3315 and Japheth, H1121 the sons H5146 of Noah, H5146 and Noah's H802 wife, H7969 and the three H802 wives H1121 of his sons H8392 with them, into the ark;
  14 H1992 They, H2416 and every beast H4327 after his kind, H929 and all the cattle H4327 after their kind, H7431 and every creeping thing H7430 [H8802] that creepeth H776 upon the earth H4327 after his kind, H5775 and every fowl H4327 after his kind, H6833 every bird H3671 of every sort.
  15 H935 [H8799] And they went in H5146 to Noah H8392 into the ark, H8147 two H8147 and two H1320 of all flesh, H834 in which H7307 is the spirit H2416 of life.
  16 H935 [H8802] And they that entered, H935 [H8804] went in H2145 male H5347 and female H1320 of all flesh, H430 as God H6680 [H8765] had commanded H3068 him: and the LORD H5462 [H8799] shut him in.
  17 H3999 And the flood H705 was forty H3117 days H776 upon the earth; H4325 and the waters H7235 [H8799] increased, H5375 [H8799] and bore up H8392 the ark, H7311 [H8799] and it was lifted H776 above the earth.
  18 H4325 And the waters H1396 [H8799] prevailed, H7235 [H8799] and were increased H3966 greatly H776 upon the earth; H8392 and the ark H3212 [H8799] moved H6440 upon the face H4325 of the waters.
  19 H4325 And the waters H1396 [H8804] prevailed H3966 exceedingly H776 upon the earth; H1364 and all the high H2022 mountains, H8478 that were under H8064 the whole heaven, H3680 [H8792] were covered.
  20 H6240 H2568 Fifteen H520 cubits H4605 upward H4325 did the waters H1396 [H8804] prevail; H2022 and the mountains H3680 [H8792] were covered.
  21 H1320 And all flesh H1478 [H8799] expired H7430 [H8802] that moved H776 upon the earth, H5775 both of fowl, H929 and of cattle, H2416 and of beast, H8318 and of every creeping thing H8317 [H8802] that creepeth H776 upon the earth, H120 and every man:
  22 H639 All in whose nostrils H5397 H7307 was the breath H2416 of life, H2724 of all that was on the dry H4191 [H8804] land, died.
  23 H3351 And every living thing H4229 [H8735] was wiped H6440 which was upon the face H127 of the soil, H120 both man, H929 and cattle, H7431 and the creeping things, H5775 and the fowl H8064 of heaven; H4229 [H8735] and they were wiped H776 from the earth: H5146 and Noah H389 only H7604 [H8735] remained H834 alive, and they that H8392 were with him in the ark.
  24 H4325 And the waters H1396 [H8799] prevailed H776 upon the earth H3967 an hundred H2572 and fifty H3117 days.

Genesis 8:1-11:32

  1 H430 And God H2142 [H8799] remembered H5146 Noah, H2416 and every living thing, H929 and all the cattle H8392 that were with him in the ark: H430 and God H5674 0 made H7307 a wind H5674 [H8686] to pass H5921 over H776 the earth, H4325 and the waters H7918 [H8799] abated;
  2 H4599 The fountains H8415 also of the deep H699 and the windows H8064 of heaven H5534 [H8735] were stopped, H1653 and the rain H8064 from heaven H3607 [H8735] was restrained;
  3 H4325 And the waters H7725 [H8799] returned H776 from off the earth H1980 H7725 [H8800] continually: H7097 and after the end H3967 of the hundred H2572 and fifty H3117 days H4325 the waters H2637 [H8799] were abated.
  4 H8392 And the ark H5117 [H8799] rested H7637 in the seventh H2320 month, H6240 H7651 on the seventeenth H3117 day H2320 of the month, H2022 upon the mountains H780 of Ararat.
  5 H4325 And the waters H2637 [H8800] decreased H1980 [H8800] continually H5704 till H6224 the tenth H2320 month: H6224 in the tenth H259 month, on the first H2320 day of the month, H7218 were the tops H2022 of the mountains H7200 [H8738] seen.
  6 H7093 And it came to pass at the end H705 of forty H3117 days, H5146 that Noah H6605 [H8799] opened H2474 the window H8392 of the ark H6213 [H8804] which he had made:
  7 H7971 [H8762] And he sent forth H6158 a raven, H3318 [H8799] which went forth H3318 [H8800] to H7725 [H8800] and fro, H4325 till the waters H3001 [H8800] were dried H776 from off the earth.
  8 H7971 [H8762] Also he sent forth H3123 a dove H7200 [H8800] from him, to see H4325 if the waters H7043 [H8804] were abated H6440 from off the face H127 of the soil;
  9 H3123 But the dove H4672 [H8804] found H4494 no rest H3709 for the sole H7272 of her foot, H7725 [H8799] and she returned H8392 to him into the ark, H4325 for the waters H6440 were on the face H776 of the whole earth: H7971 [H8799] then he put forth H3027 his hand, H3947 [H8799] and took her, H935 [H8686] and pulled her in H8392 to him into the ark.
  10 H2342 [H8799] And he stayed H312 yet other H7651 seven H3117 days; H3254 [H8686] and again H7971 [H8763] he sent forth H3123 the dove H8392 out of the ark;
  11 H3123 And the dove H935 [H8799] came in H6256 H6153 to him in the evening; H6310 and, lo, in her mouth H2132 was an olive H5929 leaf H2965 plucked off: H5146 so Noah H3045 [H8799] knew H4325 that the waters H7043 [H8804] were abated H776 from off the earth.
  12 H3176 [H8735] And he stayed H312 yet other H7651 seven H3117 days; H7971 [H8762] and sent forth H3123 the dove; H7725 [H8800] which returned H3254 [H8804] not again H5750 to him any more.
  13 H8337 And it came to pass in the six H3967 hundredth H8141 and first year, H7223 in the first H259 month, the first H2320 day of the month, H4325 the waters H2717 [H8804] were dried H776 from off the earth: H5146 and Noah H5493 [H8686] removed H4372 the covering H8392 of the ark, H7200 [H8799] and saw, H6440 and, behold, the face H127 of the soil H2717 [H8804] was dry.
  14 H8145 And in the second H2320 month, H7651 on the seven H6242 and twentieth H3117 day H2320 of the month, H776 was the earth H3001 [H8804] dried.
  15 H430 And God H1696 [H8762] spoke H5146 to Noah, H559 [H8800] saying,
  16 H3318 [H8798] Go forth H8392 from the ark, H802 thou, and thy wife, H1121 and thy sons, H1121 and thy sons' H802 wives with thee.
  17 H3318 [H8685] Bring forth H2416 with thee every living thing H1320 that is with thee, of all flesh, H5775 of fowl, H929 and of cattle, H7431 and of every creeping thing H7430 [H8802] that creepeth H776 upon the earth; H8317 [H8804] that they may breed abundantly H776 on the earth, H6509 [H8804] and be fruitful, H7235 [H8804] and multiply H776 on the earth.
  18 H5146 And Noah H3318 [H8799] went forth, H1121 and his sons, H802 and his wife, H1121 and his sons' H802 wives with him:
  19 H2416 Every beast, H7431 every creeping thing, H5775 and every fowl, H3605 and whatever H7430 [H8802] creepeth H776 upon the earth, H4940 after their kinds, H3318 [H8804] went H8392 out of the ark.
  20 H5146 And Noah H1129 [H8799] built H4196 an altar H3068 to the LORD; H3947 [H8799] and took H2889 of every clean H929 beast, H2889 and of every clean H5775 fowl, H5927 [H8686] and offered H5930 burnt offerings H4196 on the altar.
  21 H3068 And the LORD H7306 [H8686] smelled H5207 a sweet H7381 savour; H3068 and the LORD H559 [H8799] said H413 in H3820 his heart, H3254 [H8686] I will not again H7043 [H8763] curse H127 the soil H120 any more for man's H5668 sake; H3336 for the imagination H120 of man's H3820 heart H7451 is evil H5271 from his youth; H3254 [H8686] neither will I again H5221 [H8687] smite H2416 any more every living thing, H6213 [H8804] as I have done.
  22 H776 While the earth H3117 remaineth, H2233 seedtime H7105 and harvest, H7120 and cold H2527 and heat, H7019 and summer H2779 and winter, H3117 and day H3915 and night H7673 [H8799] shall not cease.

Genesis 9:1-11:32

  1 H430 And God H1288 [H8762] blessed H5146 Noah H1121 and his sons, H559 [H8799] and said H6509 [H8798] to them, Be fruitful, H7235 [H8798] and multiply, H4390 [H8798] and fill H776 the earth.
  2 H4172 And the fear of you H2844 and the dread of you H2416 shall be upon every beast H776 of the earth, H5775 and upon every fowl H8064 of the heaven, H7430 [H8799] upon all that moveth H127 on the soil, H1709 and upon all the fishes H3220 of the sea; H3027 into your hand H5414 [H8738] are they given.
  3 H7431 Every moving thing H2416 that liveth H402 shall be food H3418 for you; even as the green H6212 herb H5414 [H8804] have I given you all things.
  4 H389 But H1320 flesh H5315 with the breath H1818 of it, which is its blood H398 [H8799] shall ye not eat.
  5 H389 And surely H1818 your blood H5315 of your breaths H1875 [H8799] will I require; H3027 at the hand H2416 of every beast H1875 [H8799] will I require it, H3027 and at the hand H120 of man; H3027 at the hand H376 of every man's H251 brother H1875 [H8799] will I require H5315 the breath H120 of man.
  6 H8210 [H8802] Whoever sheddeth H120 man's H1818 blood, H120 by man H1818 shall his blood H8210 [H8735] be shed: H6754 for in the image H430 of God H6213 [H8804] made H120 he man.
  7 H6509 [H8798] And you, be ye fruitful, H7235 [H8798] and multiply; H8317 [H8798] bring forth abundantly H776 in the earth, H7235 [H8798] and multiply in it.
  8 H430 And God H559 [H8799] spoke H5146 to Noah, H1121 and to his sons H559 [H8800] with him, saying,
  9 H6965 [H8688] And I, behold, I raise H1285 my covenant H2233 with you, and with your seed H310 after you;
  10 H2416 And with every living H5315 creature H5775 that is with you, of the fowl, H929 of the cattle, H2416 and of every beast H776 of the earth H3318 [H8802] with you; from all that go out H8392 of the ark, H2416 to every beast H776 of the earth.
  11 H6965 [H8689] And I will raise H1285 my covenant H1320 with you; neither shall all flesh H3772 [H8735] be cut off H4325 any more by the waters H3999 of a flood; H3999 neither shall there any more be a flood H7843 [H8763] to decay H776 the earth.
  12 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H226 This is the token H1285 of the covenant H589 which I H5414 [H8802] make H2416 between me and you and every living H5315 creature H5769 that is with you, for perpetual H1755 generations:
  13 H5414 [H8804] I do set H7198 my bow H6051 in the cloud, H226 and it shall be for a token H1285 of a covenant H776 between me and the earth.
  14 H6049 [H8763] And it shall come to pass, when I bring H6051 a cloud H776 over the earth, H7198 that the bow H7200 [H8738] shall be seen H6051 in the cloud:
  15 H2142 [H8804] And I will remember H1285 my covenant, H2416 which is between me and you and every living H5315 creature H1320 of all flesh; H4325 and the waters H5750 shall no more H3999 become a flood H7843 [H8763] to decay H1320 all flesh.
  16 H7198 And the bow H6051 shall be in the cloud; H7200 [H8804] and I will look upon it, H2142 [H8800] that I may remember H5769 the everlasting H1285 covenant H996 between H430 God H996 and H2416 every living H5315 creature H1320 of all flesh H776 that is upon the earth.
  17 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said H5146 to Noah, H226 This is the token H1285 of the covenant, H6965 [H8689] which I have raised H1320 between me and all flesh H776 that is upon the earth.
  18 H1121 And the sons H5146 of Noah, H3318 [H8802] that went forth H8392 from the ark, H8035 were Shem, H2526 and Ham, H3315 and Japheth: H2526 H1931 and Ham H1 was the father H3667 of Canaan.
  19 H7969 These three H1121 were the sons H5146 of Noah: H776 and from them was the whole earth H5310 [H8804] overspread.
  20 H5146 And Noah H2490 [H8686] began H376 H127 to be a farmer, H5193 [H8799] and he planted H3754 a vineyard:
  21 H8354 [H8799] And he drank H3196 of the wine, H7937 [H8799] and was drunk; H1540 [H8691] and he was uncovered H8432 within H168 his tent.
  22 H2526 And Ham, H1 the father H3667 of Canaan, H7200 [H8799] saw H6172 the nakedness H1 of his father, H5046 [H8686] and told H8147 his two H251 brethren H2351 outside.
  23 H8035 And Shem H3315 and Japheth H3947 [H8799] took H8071 a garment, H7760 [H8799] and laid H8147 it upon both H7926 their shoulders, H3212 [H8799] and went H322 backward, H3680 [H8762] and covered H6172 the nakedness H1 of their father; H6440 and their faces H322 were backward, H7200 [H8804] and they saw H1 not their father's H6172 nakedness.
  24 H5146 And Noah H3364 [H8799] awoke H3196 from his wine, H3045 [H8799] and knew H6996 what his younger H1121 son H6213 [H8804] had done to him.
  25 H559 [H8799] And he said, H779 [H8803] Cursed H3667 be Canaan; H5650 a servant H5650 of servants H251 shall he be to his brethren.
  26 H559 [H8799] And he said, H1288 [H8803] Blessed H3068 be the LORD H430 God H8035 of Shem; H3667 and Canaan H1961 [H8799] shall be H5650 his servant.
  27 H430 God H6601 [H8686] shall enlarge H3315 Japheth, H7931 [H8799] and he shall dwell H168 in the tents H8035 of Shem; H3667 and Canaan H5650 shall be his servant.
  28 H5146 And Noah H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3999 the flood H7969 three H3967 H8141 hundred H2572 and fifty H8141 years.
  29 H3117 And all the days H5146 of Noah H8672 were nine H3967 H8141 hundred H2572 and fifty H8141 years: H4191 [H8799] and he died.

Genesis 10:1-11:32

  1 H8435 Now these are the generations H1121 of the sons H5146 of Noah, H8035 Shem, H2526 Ham, H3315 and Japheth: H1121 and to them were sons H3205 [H8735] born H310 after H3999 the flood.
  2 H1121 The sons H3315 of Japheth; H1586 Gomer, H4031 and Magog, H4074 and Madai, H3120 and Javan, H8422 and Tubal, H4902 and Meshech, H8494 and Tiras.
  3 H1121 And the sons H1586 of Gomer; H813 Ashkenaz, H7384 and Riphath, H8425 and Togarmah.
  4 H1121 And the sons H3120 of Javan; H473 Elishah, H8659 and Tarshish, H3794 Kittim, H1721 and Dodanim.
  5 H339 By these were the isles H1471 of the nations H6504 [H8738] divided in H776 their lands; H376 every one H3956 after his tongue, H4940 after their families, H1471 in their nations.
  6 H1121 And the sons H2526 of Ham; H3568 Cush, H4714 and Mizraim, H6316 and Phut, H3667 and Canaan.
  7 H1121 And the sons H3568 of Cush; H5434 Seba, H2341 and Havilah, H5454 and Sabtah, H7484 and Raamah, H5455 and Sabtecha: H1121 and the sons H7484 of Raamah; H7614 Sheba, H1719 and Dedan.
  8 H3568 And Cush H3205 [H8804] begat H5248 Nimrod: H2490 [H8689] he began H1961 [H8800] to be H1368 a mighty one H776 in the earth.
  9 H1368 He was a mighty H6718 hunter H6440 at the face of H3068 the LORD: H3651 therefore H559 [H8735] it is said, H5248 Even as Nimrod H1368 the mighty H6718 hunter H6440 at the face of H3068 the LORD.
  10 H7225 And the beginning H4467 of his kingdom H894 was Babel, H751 and Erech, H390 and Accad, H3641 and Calneh, H776 in the land H8152 of Shinar.
  11 H776 Out of that land H3318 [H8804] went forth H804 Asshur, H1129 [H8799] and built H5210 Nineveh, H5892 and the city H7344 Rehoboth, H3625 and Calah,
  12 H7449 And Resen H5210 between Nineveh H3625 and Calah: H1419 the same is a great H5892 city.
  13 H4714 And Mizraim H3205 [H8804] begat H3866 Ludim, H6047 and Anamim, H3853 and Lehabim, H5320 and Naphtuhim,
  14 H6625 And Pathrusim, H3695 and Casluhim, H3318 [H8804] (out of whom came H6430 Philistim,) H3732 and Caphtorim.
  15 H3667 And Canaan H3205 [H8804] begat H6721 Sidon H1060 his firstborn, H2845 and Heth,
  16 H2983 And the Jebusite, H567 and the Amorite, H1622 and the Girgasite,
  17 H2340 And the Hivite, H6208 and the Arkite, H5513 and the Sinite,
  18 H721 And the Arvadite, H6786 and the Zemarite, H2577 and the Hamathite: H310 and afterward H4940 were the families H3669 of the Canaanites H6327 [H8738] dispersed.
  19 H1366 And the border H3669 of the Canaanites H6721 was from Sidon, H935 [H8800] as thou comest H1642 to Gerar, H5804 to Gaza; H935 [H8800] as thou goest, H5467 to Sodom, H6017 and Gomorrah, H126 and Admah, H6636 and Zeboim, H3962 even to Lasha.
  20 H1121 These are the sons H2526 of Ham, H4940 after their families, H3956 after their tongues, H776 in their lands, H1471 and in their nations.
  21 H8035 To Shem H1 also, the father H1121 of all the sons H5677 of Eber, H251 the brother H3315 of Japheth H1419 the elder, H3205 [H8795] even to him were children born.
  22 H1121 The sons H8035 of Shem; H5867 Elam, H804 and Asshur, H775 and Arphaxad, H3865 and Lud, H758 and Aram.
  23 H1121 And the sons H758 of Aram; H5780 Uz, H2343 and Hul, H1666 and Gether, H4851 and Mash.
  24 H775 And Arphaxad H3205 [H8804] begat H7974 Salah; H7974 and Salah H3205 [H8804] begat H5677 Eber.
  25 H5677 And to Eber H3205 [H8795] were born H8147 two H1121 sons: H8034 the name H259 of one H6389 was Peleg; H3117 for in his days H776 was the earth H6385 [H8738] divided; H251 and his brother's H8034 name H3355 was Joktan.
  26 H3355 And Joktan H3205 [H8804] begat H486 Almodad, H8026 and Sheleph, H2700 and Hazarmaveth, H3392 and Jerah,
  27 H1913 And Hadoram, H187 and Uzal, H1853 and Diklah,
  28 H5745 And Obal, H39 and Abimael, H7614 and Sheba,
  29 H211 And Ophir, H2341 and Havilah, H3103 and Jobab: H1121 all these were the sons H3355 of Joktan.
  30 H4186 And their dwelling H4852 was from Mesha, H935 [H8800] as thou goest H5611 to Sephar H2022 a mount H6924 of the east.
  31 H1121 These are the sons H8035 of Shem, H4940 after their families, H3956 after their tongues, H776 in their lands, H1471 after their nations.
  32 H4940 These are the families H1121 of the sons H5146 of Noah, H8435 after their generations, H1471 in their nations: H1471 and by these were the nations H6504 [H8738] divided H776 in the earth H310 after H3999 the flood.

Genesis 11:1-32

  1 H776 And the whole earth H259 was of one H8193 language, H259 and of one H1697 speech.
  2 H5265 [H8800] And it came to pass, as they journeyed H6924 from the east, H4672 [H8799] that they found H1237 a plain H776 in the land H8152 of Shinar; H3427 [H8799] and they dwelt there.
  3 H559 [H8799] And they said H376 one H7453 to another, H3051 [H8798] come, H3835 [H8799] let us make H3843 brick, H8313 [H8799] and burn H8316 them thoroughly. H3843 And they had brick H68 for stone, H2564 and slime H1961 [H8804] had H2563 they for mortar.
  4 H559 [H8799] And they said, H3051 [H8798] come, H1129 [H8799] let us build H5892 us a city H4026 and a tower, H7218 whose top H8064 may reach to heaven; H6213 [H8799] and let us make H8034 us a name, H6327 [H8799] lest we should be scattered abroad H6440 upon the face H776 of the whole earth.
  5 H3068 And the LORD H3381 [H8799] came down H7200 [H8800] to see H5892 the city H4026 and the tower, H1121 which the sons H120 of men H1129 [H8804] were building.
  6 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said, H5971 Behold, the people H259 is one, H259 and they have all one H8193 language; H2490 [H8687] and this they begin H6213 [H8800] to do: H3808 H3605 and now nothing H1219 [H8735] will be withheld H2161 [H8799] from them, which they have imagined H6213 [H8800] to do.
  7 H3051 [H8798] Come, H3381 [H8799] let us go down, H1101 [H8799] and there mix H8193 their language, H834 that H8085 [H8799] they may not hear H376 one H7453 another's H8193 speech.
  8 H3068 So the LORD H6327 [H8686] scattered them abroad H8033 from there H6440 upon the face H776 of all the earth: H2308 [H8799] and they stopped H1129 [H8800] building H5892 the city.
  9 H8034 Therefore is the name of it H7121 [H8804] called H894 Babel; H3068 because the LORD H1101 [H8804] there mixed H8193 the language H776 of all the earth: H6327 0 and from there did H3068 the LORD H6327 [H8689] scatter them abroad H6440 upon the face H776 of all the earth.
  10 H8435 These are the generations H8035 of Shem: H8035 Shem H3967 was an hundred H8141 years H1121 old, H3205 [H8686] and begat H775 Arphaxad H8141 two years H310 after H3999 the flood:
  11 H8035 And Shem H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3205 [H8687] he begat H775 Arphaxad H2568 five H3967 hundred H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters.
  12 H775 And Arphaxad H2425 [H8804] lived H2568 five H7970 and thirty H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H7974 Salah:
  13 H775 And Arphaxad H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3205 [H8687] he begat H7974 Salah H702 four H3967 H8141 hundred H7969 and three H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters.
  14 H7974 And Salah H2425 [H8804] lived H7970 thirty H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H5677 Eber:
  15 H7974 And Salah H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3205 [H8687] he begat H5677 Eber H702 four H3967 H8141 hundred H7969 and three H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters.
  16 H5677 And Eber H2421 [H8799] lived H702 four H7970 and thirty H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H6389 Peleg:
  17 H5677 And Eber H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3205 [H8687] he begat H6389 Peleg H702 four H3967 H8141 hundred H7970 and thirty H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters.
  18 H6389 And Peleg H2421 [H8799] lived H7970 thirty H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H7466 Reu:
  19 H6389 And Peleg H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3205 [H8687] he begat H7466 Reu H3967 H8141 two hundred H8672 and nine H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters.
  20 H7466 And Reu H2421 [H8799] lived H8147 two H7970 and thirty H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H8286 Serug:
  21 H7466 And Reu H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3205 [H8687] he begat H8286 Serug H3967 H8141 two hundred H7651 and seven H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters.
  22 H8286 And Serug H2421 [H8799] lived H7970 thirty H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H5152 Nahor:
  23 H8286 And Serug H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3205 [H8687] he begat H5152 Nahor H3967 two hundred H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters.
  24 H5152 And Nahor H2421 [H8799] lived H8672 nine H6242 and twenty H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H8646 Terah:
  25 H5152 And Nahor H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3205 [H8687] he begat H8646 Terah H3967 H8141 an hundred H6240 H8672 and nineteen H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters.
  26 H8646 And Terah H2421 [H8799] lived H7657 seventy H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H87 Abram, H5152 Nahor, H2039 and Haran.
  27 H8435 Now these are the generations H8646 of Terah: H8646 Terah H3205 [H8689] begat H87 Abram, H5152 Nahor, H2039 and Haran; H2039 and Haran H3205 [H8689] begat H3876 Lot.
  28 H2039 And Haran H4191 [H8799] died H6440 at the face of H1 his father H8646 Terah H776 in the land H4138 of his nativity, H218 in Ur H3778 of the Chaldees.
  29 H87 And Abram H5152 and Nahor H3947 [H8799] took H802 them wives: H8034 the name H87 of Abram's H802 wife H8297 was Sarai; H8034 and the name H5152 of Nahor's H802 wife, H4435 Milcah, H1323 the daughter H2039 of Haran, H1 the father H4435 of Milcah, H1 and the father H3252 of Iscah.
  30 H8297 But Sarai H6135 was barren; H2056 she had no child.
  31 H8646 And Terah H3947 [H8799] took H87 Abram H1121 his son, H3876 and Lot H1121 the son H2039 of Haran H1121 his son's H1121 son, H8297 and Sarai H3618 his daughter in law, H1121 his son H87 Abram's H802 wife; H3318 [H8799] and they went forth H218 with them from Ur H3778 of the Chaldees, H3212 [H8800] to go H776 into the land H3667 of Canaan; H935 [H8799] and they came H2771 to Haran, H3427 [H8799] and dwelt there.
  32 H3117 And the days H8646 of Terah H3967 H8141 were two hundred H2568 and five H8141 years: H8646 and Terah H4191 [H8799] died H2771 in Haran.

Jeremiah 4:23

  23 H7200 [H8804] I beheld H776 the earth, H8414 and, lo, it was without form, H922 and void; H8064 and the heavens, H216 and they had no light.

John 1:3

  3 G3956 All things G1096 [G5633] were made G1223 by G846 him; G2532 and G5565 without G846 him G1096 0 was G3761 not G1520 any thing G1096 [G5633] made G3739 that G1096 [G5754] was made.

Genesis 2:1-25

  1 H8064 Thus the heavens H776 and the earth H3615 [H8792] were finished, H6635 and all the host of them.
  2 H7637 And on the seventh H3117 day H430 God H3615 [H8762] ended H4399 his work H6213 [H8804] which he had made; H7673 [H8799] and he rested H7637 on the seventh H3117 day H4399 from all his work H6213 [H8804] which he had made.
  3 H430 And God H1288 [H8762] blessed H7637 the seventh H3117 day, H6942 [H8762] and sanctified H3588 it: because H7673 [H8804] that in it he had rested H4399 from all his work H430 which God H1254 [H8804] created H6213 [H8800] and made.
  4 H428 These H8435 are the generations H8064 of the heavens H776 and of the earth H1254 [H8736] when they were created, H3117 in the day H3068 that the LORD H430 God H6213 [H8800] made H776 the earth H8064 and the heavens,
  5 H7880 And every plant H7704 of the field H2962 before H776 it was in the earth, H6212 and every herb H7704 of the field H2962 before H6779 [H8799] it grew: H3588 for H3068 the LORD H430 God H3808 had not H4305 [H8689] caused it to rain H776 upon the earth, H369 and there was not H120 a man H5647 [H8800] to till H127 the soil.
  6 H5927 [H8799] But there went up H108 a mist H4480 from H776 the earth, H8248 [H8689] and watered H6440 the whole face H127 of the soil.
  7 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H3335 [H8799] formed H120 man H6083 of the dust H4480 of H127 the soil, H5301 [H8799] and blew H639 into his nostrils H5397 the breath H2416 of life; H120 and man H2416 became a living H5315 breath.
  8 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H5193 [H8799] planted H1588 a garden H6924 eastward H5731 in Eden; H8033 and there H7760 [H8799] he put H120 the man H834 whom H3335 [H8804] he had formed.
  9 H4480 And out H127 of the soil H6779 0 made H3068 the LORD H430 God H6779 [H8686] to grow H6086 every tree H2530 [H8737] that is desirable H4758 to the sight, H2896 and good H3978 for food; H6086 the tree H2416 of life H8432 also in the midst H1588 of the garden, H6086 and the tree H1847 of knowledge H2896 of good H7451 and evil.
  10 H5104 And a river H3318 [H8802] went out H5731 of Eden H8248 [H8687] to water H1588 the garden; H6504 [H8735] and from there it was parted, H702 and became into four H7218 heads.
  11 H8034 The name H259 of the first H6376 is Pison: H1931   H5437 [H8802] which goest around H776 the whole land H2341 of Havilah, H834 where H2091 there is gold;
  12 H2091 And the gold H1931 of that H776 land H2896 is good: H916 there is bdellium H7718 and the onyx H68 stone.
  13 H8034 And the name H8145 of the second H5104 river H1521 is Gihon: H5437 [H8802] the same that goest around H776 the whole land H3568 of Cush.
  14 H8034 And the name H7992 of the third H5104 river H2313 is Hiddekel: H1980 [H8802] which floweth toward H6926 the east H804 of Assyria. H7243 And the fourth H5104 river H6578 is Euphrates.
  15 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H3947 [H8799] took H120 the man, H3240 [H8686] and put him H1588 into the garden H5731 of Eden H5647 [H8800] to tend H8104 [H8800] it and to keep it.
  16 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H6680 [H8762] commanded H120 the man, H559 [H8800] saying, H6086 Of every tree H1588 of the garden H398 [H8800] thou mayest freely H398 [H8799] eat:
  17 H6086 But of the tree H1847 of the knowledge H2896 of good H7451 and evil, H398 [H8799] thou shalt not eat H3117 of it: for in the day H398 [H8800] that thou eatest H4191 [H8800] of it thou shalt surely H4191 [H8799] die.
  18 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H559 [H8799] said, H2896 It is not good H120 that the man H1961 [H8800] should be H6213 [H8799] alone; I will make H5828 him an help meet for him.
  19 H127 And out of the soil H3068 the LORD H430 God H3335 [H8799] formed H2416 every beast H7704 of the field, H5775 and every fowl H8064 of the heaven; H935 [H8686] and brought H120 them to Adam H7200 [H8800] to see H7121 [H8799] what he would call H120 them: and whatever Adam H7121 [H8799] called H2416 every living H5315 breath, H1931 that H8034 was its name.
  20 H120 And Adam H7121 [H8799] gave H8034 names H929 to all cattle, H5775 and to the fowls H8064 of the heaven, H2416 and to every beast H7704 of the field; H120 but for Adam H4672 [H8804] there was not found H5828 an help meet for him.
  21 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H5307 0 caused H8639 a deep sleep H5307 [H8686] to fall H121 upon Adam, H3462 [H8799] and he slept: H3947 [H8799] and he took H259 one H6763 of his ribs, H5462 [H8799] and closed up H1320 the flesh in its place;
  22 H6763 And the rib, H3068 which the LORD H430 God H3947 [H8804] had taken H120 from man, H1129 [H8799] he made H802 a woman, H935 [H8686] and brought H120 her to the man.
  23 H120 And Adam H559 [H8799] said, H2063 This H6471 is now H6106 bone H6106 of my bones, H1320 and flesh H1320 of my flesh: H2063 she H7121 [H8735] shall be called H802 Woman, H2063 because she H3947 [H8795] was taken H376 out of Man.
  24 H3651 Therefore H376 shall a man H5800 [H8799] leave H1 his father H517 and his mother, H1692 [H8804] and shall cleave H802 to his wife: H259 and they shall be one H1320 flesh.
  25 H8147 And they were both H6174 naked, H120 the man H802 and his wife, H954 [H8709] and were not pale.

Colossians 1:16

  16 G3754 For G1722 by G846 him G2936 0 were G3956 all things G2936 [G5681] created, G1722 that are in G3772 heaven, G2532 and G1909 that are upon G1093 earth, G3707 visible G2532 and G517 invisible, G1535 whether G2362 thrones, G1535 or G2963 dominions, G1535 or G746 principalities, G1535 or G1849 authorities: G3956 all things G2936 [G5769] were created G1223 by G846 him, G2532 and G1519 for G846 him:

Isaiah 45:12

  12 H6213 [H8804] I have made H776 the earth, H1254 [H8804] and created H120 man H3027 upon it: I, even my hands, H5186 [H8804] have stretched out H8064 the heavens, H6635 and all their host H6680 [H8765] have I commanded.

Hebrews 11:3

  3 G4102 Through faith G3539 [G5719] we comprehend G165 that the ages G2675 [G5771] were prepared G4487 by the utterence G2316 of God, G1519 so G3588 that things which G991 [G5746] are seen G1096 0 were G3361 not G1096 [G5755] made G1537 of G5316 [G5730] things which are visible.

Genesis 1:1-31

  1 H7225 In the beginning H430 God H1254 H853 [H8804] created H8064 the heavens H853 and H776 the earth.
  2 H776 And the earth H1961 [H8804] was H8414 without form, H922 and void; H2822 and darkness H6440 was upon the face H8415 of the deep. H7307 And the Spirit H430 of God H7363 [H8764] moved H5921 upon H6440 the face H4325 of the waters.
  3 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H1961 [H8799] Let there be H216 light: H216 and there was light.
  4 H430 And God H7200 H853 [H8799] saw H216 the light, H3588 that H2896 it was good: H430 and God H914 H996 [H8686] divided H216 the light H996 from H2822 the darkness.
  5 H430 And God H7121 [H8799] called H216 the light H3117 Day, H2822 and the darkness H7121 [H8804] he called H3915 Night. H6153 And the evening H1242 and the morning H259 were the first H3117 day.
  6 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H7549 Let there be a firmament H8432 in the midst H4325 of the waters, H914 [H8688] and let it divide H4325 the waters H4325 from the waters.
  7 H430 And God H6213 [H8799] made H7549 the firmament, H914 [H8686] and divided H4325 the waters H834 which H8478 were under H7549 the firmament H4325 from the waters H834 which H5921 were above H7549 the firmament: H3651 and it was so.
  8 H430 And God H7121 [H8799] called H7549 the firmament H8064 Heaven. H6153 And the evening H1242 and the morning H8145 were the second H3117 day.
  9 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H4325 Let the waters H8064 under the heaven H6960 [H8735] be gathered together H413 into H259 one H4725 place, H3004 and let the dry H7200 [H8735] land appear: and it was so.
  10 H430 And God H7121 [H8799] called H3004 the dry H776 land Earth; H4723 and the gathering together H4325 of the waters H7121 [H8804] he called H3220 Seas: H430 and God H7200 [H8799] saw H2896 that it was good.
  11 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H776 Let the earth H1876 [H8686] bring forth H1877 grass, H6212 the herb H2232 [H8688] yielding H2233 seed, H6529 and the fruit H6086 tree H6213 [H8802] yielding H6529 fruit H4327 after its kind, H834 whose H2233 seed H776 is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
  12 H776 And the earth H3318 [H8686] brought forth H1877 grass, H6212 and herb H2232 [H8688] yielding H2233 seed H4327 after its kind, H6086 and the tree H6213 [H8802] yielding H6529 fruit, H2233 whose seed H4327 was in itself, after its kind: H430 and God H7200 [H8799] saw H2896 that it was good.
  13 H6153 And the evening H1242 and the morning H7992 were the third H3117 day.
  14 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H3974 Let there be lights H7549 in the firmament H8064 of the heaven H914 [H8687] to divide H3117 the day H3915 from the night; H226 and let them be for signs, H4150 and for seasons, H3117 and for days, H8141 and years:
  15 H3974 And let them be for lights H7549 in the firmament H8064 of the heaven H215 [H8687] to give light H776 upon the earth: and it was so.
  16 H430 And God H6213 [H8799] made H8147 two H1419 great H3974 lights; H1419 the greater H3974 light H4475 to rule H3117 the day, H6996 and the lesser H3974 light H4475 to rule H3915 the night: H3556 -- the stars also.
  17 H430 And God H5414 [H8799] set H7549 them in the firmament H8064 of the heaven H215 [H8687] to give light H776 upon the earth,
  18 H4910 [H8800] And to rule H3117 over the day H3915 and over the night, H914 [H8687] and to divide H216 the light H2822 from the darkness: H430 and God H7200 [H8799] saw H2896 that it was good.
  19 H6153 And the evening H1242 and the morning H7243 were the fourth H3117 day.
  20 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H4325 Let the waters H8317 [H8799] swarm H8318 the swarmers H5315 having a breath H2416 of life, H5775 and fowl H5774 [H8787] that may fly H5921 above H776 the earth H6440 in the open H7549 firmament H8064 of heaven.
  21 H430 And God H1254 [H8799] created H1419 great H8577 sea creatures, H2416 and every living H5315 breath H7430 [H8802] that moveth, H4325 which the waters H8317 [H8804] brought forth abundantly, H4327 after their kind, H3671 and every winged H5775 fowl H4327 after his kind: H430 and God H7200 [H8799] saw H2896 that it was good.
  22 H430 And God H1288 [H8762] blessed H559 [H8800] them, saying, H6509 [H8798] Be fruitful, H7235 [H8798] and multiply, H4390 [H8798] and fill H4325 the waters H3220 in the seas, H5775 and let fowl H7235 [H8799] multiply H776 in the earth.
  23 H6153 And the evening H1242 and the morning H2549 were the fifth H3117 day.
  24 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H776 Let the earth H3318 [H8686] bring forth H2416 the living H5315 breath H4327 after his kind, H929 cattle, H7431 and creeping thing, H2416 and the beast H776 of the earth H4327 after his kind: and it was so.
  25 H430 And God H6213 [H8799] made H2416 the beast H776 of the earth H4327 after his kind, H929 and cattle H4327 after their kind, H7431 and every thing that creepeth H127 upon the soil H4327 after his kind: H430 and God H7200 [H8799] saw H2896 that it was good.
  26 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H6213 [H8799] Let us make H120 man H6754 in our image, H1823 after our likeness: H7287 [H8799] and let them have dominion H1710 over the fish H3220 of the sea, H5775 and over the fowl H8064 of the heaven, H929 and over the cattle, H776 and over all the earth, H7431 and over every creeping thing H7430 [H8802] that creepeth H776 upon the earth.
  27 H430 So God H1254 [H8799] created H120 man H6754 in his own image, H6754 in the image H430 of God H1254 [H8804] created H2145 he him; male H5347 and female H1254 [H8804] created he them.
  28 H430 And God H1288 [H8762] blessed H430 them, and God H559 [H8799] said H6509 [H8798] to them, Be fruitful, H7235 [H8798] and multiply, H4390 [H8798] and fill H776 the earth, H3533 [H8798] and subdue it: H7287 [H8798] and have dominion H1710 over the fish H3220 of the sea, H5775 and over the fowl H8064 of the heaven, H2416 and over every living thing H7430 [H8802] that moveth H776 upon the earth.
  29 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said, H2009 Behold, H5414 [H8804] I have given H6212 you every herb H2232 [H8802] bearing H2233 seed, H6440 which is upon the face H776 of all the earth, H6086 and every tree, H6529 in which is the fruit H6086 of a tree H2232 [H8802] yielding H2233 seed; H1961 [H8799] to you it shall be H402 for food.
  30 H2416 And to every beast H776 of the earth, H5775 and to every fowl H8064 of the heaven, H7430 [H8802] and to every thing that creepeth H776 upon the earth, H5315 in which is breath H2416 of life, H3418 I have given every green H6212 herb H402 for food: and it was so.
  31 H430 And God H7200 [H8799] saw H834 every thing that H6213 [H8804] he had made, H3966 and, behold, it was very H2896 good. H6153 And the evening H1242 and the morning H8345 were the sixth H3117 day.

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