Bible verses about "fallen angels" | new

Job 2:1

  1 H3117 Again there was a day H1121 when the sons H430 of God H935 [H8799] came H3320 [H8692] to present H3068 themselves before the LORD, H7854 and Satan H935 [H8799] came H8432 also among H3320 [H8692] them to present H3068 himself before the LORD.

John 8:44

  44 G5210 { Ye G2075 [G5748] are G1537 of G3962 your father G3588 the G1228 slanderer, G2532 and G1939 the lusts G5216 of your G3962 father G2309 [G5719] ye will G4160 [G5721] do. G1565 He G2258 [G5713] was G443 a murderer G575 from G746 the beginning, G2532 and G2476 [G5707] abode G3756 not G1722 in G225 the truth, G3754 because G2076 [G5748] there is G3756 no G225 truth G1722 in G846 him. G3752 When G2980 [G5725] he speaketh G5579 a lie, G2980 [G5719] he speaketh G1537 of G2398 his own: G3754 for G2076 [G5748] he is G5583 a liar, G2532 and G3962 the father G846 of it.}

2 Corinthians 11:14

  14 G2532 And G3756 no G2298 wonder; G1063 for G3588 the G4567 adversary G846 himself G3345 [G5731] is transformed G1519 into G32 a messenger G5457 of light.

Ephesians 6:12

  12 G3754 For G2254 we G3823 wrestle G3756 not G2076 G4314 [G5748] against G129 blood G2532 and G4561 flesh, G235 but G4314 against G746 principalities, G4314 against G1849 authorities, G4314 against G2888 world-rulers G4655 of the darkness G5127 of this G165 age, G4314 against G4152 spiritual G4189 wickedness G1722 in G2032 high places.

1 John 4:1

  1 G27 Beloved, G4100 [G5720] believe G3361 not G3956 every G4151 spirit, G235 but G1381 [G5720] try G4151 the spirits G1487 whether G2076 [G5748] they are G1537 of G2316 God: G3754 because G4183 many G5578 false prophets G1831 [G5758] have gone out G1519 into G2889 the world.

Jude 1:6-7

  6 G5037 And G3588 the G32 messengers G5083 [G5660] who kept G3361 not G1438 their G746 proper abode, G235 but G620 [G5631] left G2398 their own G3613 habitation, G5083 [G5758] he hath reserved G126 in everlasting G1199 bonds G5259 under G2217 gloom G1519 to G2920 the judgment G3173 of the great G2250 day.
  7 G5613 Even as G4670 Sodom G2532 and G1116 Gomorrah, G2532 and G4172 the cities G4012 about G846 them G3664 G5125 in like G5158 manner, G1608 [G5660] giving themselves over to gross immorality, G2532 and G565 [G5631] going G3694 after G2087 strange G4561 flesh, G4295 [G5736] are set forth for G1164 an example, G5254 [G5723] suffering G1349 the vengeance G166 of age-during G4442 fire.

1 Peter 5:8

  8 G3525 [G5657] Be sober, G1127 [G5657] be vigilant; G3754 because G3588   G5216 your G476 opponent G1228 the slanderer, G5613 as G5612 [G5740] a roaring G3023 lion, G4043 [G5719] walketh about, G2212 [G5723] seeking G5101 whom G2666 [G5632] he may swallow down:

Revelation 12:7-9

  7 G2532 And G1096 [G5633] there was G4171 war G1722 in G3772 heaven: G3413 Michael G2532 and G846 his G32 messengers G4170 [G5656] made war G2596 against G1404 the dragon; G2532 and G1404 the dragon G4170 [G5656] made war G2532 and G846 his G32 messengers,
  8 G2532 And G2480 [G5656] prevailed G3756 not; G3777 neither G2147 0 was G846 their G5117 place G2147 [G5681] found G2089 any more G1722 in G3772 heaven.
  9 G2532 And G3588 the G3173 great G1404 dragon G906 [G5681] was cast out, G3588 the G744 ancient G3588   G3789 serpent, G3588 the one G2564 [G5746] being called G1228 slanderer, G2532 and G4567 adversary, G3588 the one G4105 [G5723] leading astray G3588 the G3650 whole G3625 inhabitable world: G906 [G5681] he was cast out G1519 into G3588 the G1093 earth, G2532 and G3588   G846 his G32 messengers G906 [G5681] were cast out G3326 with G846 him.

Revelation 20:2-5

  2 G2532 And G2902 [G5656] he laid hold on G3588 the G1404 dragon, G3588 the G744 ancient G3789 serpent, G3739 who G2076 [G5748] is G1228 slanderer, G2532 and G3588 the G4567 adversary, G3588 the one G4105 [G5723] leading astray G3588 the G3650 entire G3625 inhabitable world, G2532 and G1210 [G5656] bound G846 him G5507 a thousand G2094 years,
  3 G2532 And G906 [G5627] cast G846 him G1519 into G3588 the G12 bottomless pit, G2532 and G2808 0 shut G846 him G2808 [G5656] up, G2532 and G4972 [G5656] set a seal G1883 upon G846 him, G3363 0 that G4105 0 he should lead G3588 the G1484 nations G4105 [G5661] astray G3363 no G2089 more, G891 till G5507 the thousand G2094 years G5055 [G5686] should be fulfilled: G2532 and G3326 after G5023 that G846 he G1163 [G5748] must G3089 [G5683] be loosed G3398 a little G5550 time.
  4 G2532 And G1492 [G5627] I saw G2362 thrones, G2532 and G2523 [G5656] they sat G1909 upon G846 them, G2532 and G2917 judgment G1325 [G5681] was given G846 to them: G2532 and G1492 0 I saw G5590 the breaths G3990 [G5772] of them that were beheaded G1223 for G3141 the witness G2424 of Jesus, G2532 and G1223 for G3056 the word G2316 of God, G2532 and G3748 who G4352 0 had G3756 not G4352 [G5656] worshipped G2342 the beast, G3777 neither G846 his G1504 image, G2532   G3756 neither G2983 [G5627] had received G5480 his mark G1909 upon G846 their G3359 foreheads, G2532 or G1909 in G846 their G5495 hands; G2532 and G2198 [G5656] they lived G2532 and G936 [G5656] reigned G3326 with G5547 Anointed G5507 a thousand G2094 years.
  5 G1161 But G3062 the rest G3498 of the dead G326 0 lived G3756 not G2193 until G5507 the thousand G2094 years G5055 [G5686] were finished. G3778 This G4413 is the first G386 resurrection.

Revelation 12:9

  9 G2532 And G3588 the G3173 great G1404 dragon G906 [G5681] was cast out, G3588 the G744 ancient G3588   G3789 serpent, G3588 the one G2564 [G5746] being called G1228 slanderer, G2532 and G4567 adversary, G3588 the one G4105 [G5723] leading astray G3588 the G3650 whole G3625 inhabitable world: G906 [G5681] he was cast out G1519 into G3588 the G1093 earth, G2532 and G3588   G846 his G32 messengers G906 [G5681] were cast out G3326 with G846 him.

Genesis 6:1-22

  1 H120 And it came to pass, when men H2490 [H8689] began H7231 [H8800] to multiply H5921 on H6440 the face H127 of the soil, H1323 and daughters H3205 [H8795] were born to them,
  2 H1121 That the sons H430 of God H7200 [H8799] saw H1323 the daughters H120 of men H2007 that they H2896 were fair; H3947 [H8799] and they took H802 them wives H977 [H8804] of all whom they chose.
  3 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said, H7307 My spirit H5769 shall not always H1777 [H8799] strive H120 with man, H1571 H7683 [H8677] for that he also H1320 is flesh: H3117 yet his days H3967 shall be an hundred H6242 and twenty H8141 years.
  4 H5303 There were giants H776 in the earth H3117 in those days; H310 and also after H3651 that, H834 when H1121 the sons H430 of God H935 [H8799] came in H1323 to the daughters H120 of men, H3205 [H8804] and they bore H1992 children to them, the same H1368 became mighty men H5769 who were of old, H582 men H8034 of renown.
  5 H3068 And the LORD H7200 [H8799] saw H7451 that the evil H120 of man H7227 was great H776 in the earth, H3336 and that every imagination H4284 of the thoughts H3820 of his heart H7535 was only H7451 evil H3117 continually.
  6 H3068 And the LORD H5162 [H8735] sighed H6213 [H8804] that he had made H120 man H776 on the earth, H6087 [H8691] and it grieved H413 him at H3820 his heart.
  7 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said, H4229 [H8799] I will wipe H120 man H1254 [H8804] whom I have created H6440 from the face H127 of the soil; H120 both man, H5704 and H929 beast, H7431 and the creeping thing, H5775 and the fowls H8064 of the heaven; H5162 [H8738] for I sigh H6213 [H8804] that I have made them.
  8 H5146 But Noah H4672 [H8804] found H2580 grace H5869 in the eyes H3068 of the LORD.
  9 H8435 These are the generations H5146 of Noah: H5146 Noah H6662 was a just H376 man H8549 and perfect H1755 in his generations, H5146 and Noah H1980 [H8694] walked H430 with God.
  10 H5146 And Noah H3205 [H8686] begat H7969 three H1121 sons, H8035 Shem, H2526 Ham, H3315 and Japheth.
  11 H776 The earth H7843 [H8735] also was decayed H6440 at the face of H430 God, H776 and the earth H4390 [H8735] was filled H2555 with violence.
  12 H9001 And H430 God H7200 [H8799] saw H9009 the H776 earth, H9002 and, H2009 behold, H7843 [H8738] it was decayed; H3588 for H3605 all H1320 flesh H7843 [H8689] had decayed H9023 his H1870 way H5921 upon H9009 the H776 earth.
  13 H430 And God H559 [H8799] said H5146 to Noah, H7093 The end H1320 of all flesh H935 [H8804] is come H6440 before the face of me; H776 for the earth H4390 [H8804] is filled with H2555 violence H6440 through them; H7843 [H8688] and, behold, I will decay H854 them with H776 the earth.
  14 H6213 [H8798] Make H8392 thee an ark H1613 of gopher H6086 wood; H7064 rooms H6213 [H8799] shalt thou make H854 in H8392 the ark, H3722 [H8804] and shalt pitch H1004 it within H2351 and without H3724 with pitch.
  15 H6213 [H8799] And this is the fashion in which thou shalt make H753 it: The length H8392 of the ark H7969 shall be three H3967 hundred H520 cubits, H7341 the breadth H2572 of it fifty H520 cubits, H6967 and the height H7970 of it thirty H520 cubits.
  16 H6672 A window H6213 [H8799] shalt thou make H8392 to the ark, H520 and in a cubit H3615 [H8762] shalt thou finish H4605 it above; H6607 and the door H8392 of the ark H7760 [H8799] shalt thou set H6654 in its side; H8482 with lower, H8145 second, H7992 and third H6213 [H8799] stories shalt thou make it.
  17 H2009 And, behold, H589 I, H935 [H8688] even I, do bring H3999 a flood H4325 of waters H776 upon the earth, H7843 [H8763] to decay H1320 all flesh, H7307 in which is the spirit H2416 of life, H8478 from under H8064 heaven; H3605 and every thing H776 that is on the earth H1478 [H8799] shall expire.
  18 H6965 [H8689] But with thee will I raise H1285 my covenant; H935 [H8804] and thou shalt come H413 into H8392 the ark, H859 thou, H1121 and thy sons, H802 and thy wife, H1121 and thy sons' H802 wives with thee.
  19 H2416 And of every living thing H1320 of all flesh, H8147 two H935 [H8686] of every sort shalt thou bring H8392 into the ark, H2421 [H8687] to keep them alive H2145 with thee; they shall be male H5347 and female.
  20 H5775 Of fowls H4327 after their kind, H929 and of cattle H4327 after their kind, H7431 of every creeping thing H127 of the soil H4327 after its kind, H8147 two H935 [H8799] of every sort shall come H2421 [H8687] to thee, to keep them alive.
  21 H3947 [H8798] And take H3978 thou to thee of all food H398 [H8735] that is eaten, H622 [H8804] and thou shalt gather H402 it to thee; and it shall be for food for thee, and for them.
  22 H6213 [H8799] Thus did H5146 Noah; H430 according to all that God H6680 [H8765] commanded H6213 [H8804] him, so did he.

Jude 1:6

  6 G5037 And G3588 the G32 messengers G5083 [G5660] who kept G3361 not G1438 their G746 proper abode, G235 but G620 [G5631] left G2398 their own G3613 habitation, G5083 [G5758] he hath reserved G126 in everlasting G1199 bonds G5259 under G2217 gloom G1519 to G2920 the judgment G3173 of the great G2250 day.

2 Peter 2:4

  4 G1063 For G1487 if G2316 God G5339 [G5662] spared G3756 not G32 the messengers G264 [G5660] that sinned, G235 but G5020 [G5660] cast them down to Tartarus, G3860 [G5656] and delivered G4577 them into chains G2217 of gloom, G5083 [G5772] to be reserved G1519 to G2920 judgment;

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