Bible verses about "ungratefulness" | Wycliffe

2 Kings 1:1-18

1 Forsothe Moab trespasside ayens Israel, after that Achab was deed. 2 And Ocozie felde thorou the aleris of his soler, which he hadde in Samarie, and was sijk; and he sente messangeris, and seide to hem, Go ye, and councele Belzebub, god of Acharon, whether Y may lyue after this sijknesse of me. 3 Forsothe the aungel of the Lord spak to Elye of Thesbi, and seide, Rise thou, and go doun into the metynge of the messangeris of the kyng of Samarie; and thou schalt seie to hem, Whether God is not in Israel, that ye go to counsel Belzebub, god of Acharon? 4 For which thing the Lord seith these thingis, Thou schalt not go doun of the bed, on which thou stiedist. 5 And Elie yede. And the messangeris turneden ayen to Ocozie. And he seide to hem, Whi turneden ye ayen? 6 And thei answeriden to hym, A man mette vs, and seide to vs, Go ye, turne ye ayen to the kyng, that sente you; and ye schulen seie to him, The Lord seith these thingis, Whether for God was not in Israel, thou sendist, that Belzebub, god of Acharon, be counselid? Therfor thou schalt not go doun of the bed, on which thou stiedist, but thou schalt die bi deeth. 7 Which Ocozie seide to hem, Of what figure and abite is that man, that mette you, and spak to you these wordis? 8 And thei seiden, An heeri man, and gird with a girdil of skyn in the reynes. Which seide to hem, It is Elie of Thesbi. 9 And he sente to Elie a prince of fifti, and fifti men that weren vndur hym. Which prince stiede to hym, and seide to hym, sittynge in the cop of the hil, Man of God, the kyng comaundith, that thou come doun. 10 And Elie answeride, and seide to the prince of fifti men, If Y am the man of God, fier come doun fro heuene, and deuoure thee and thi fifti men. Therfor fier cam doun fro heuene, and deuouride hym, and the fifti men that weren with hym. 11 Eft he sente to Elie another prince of fifti, and fifti men with hym, which spak to Helye, Man of God, the kyng seith these thingis, Haste thou, come thou doun. 12 Elie answeride, and seide, If Y am the man of God, fier come doun fro heuene, and deuoure thee and thi fifti men. Therfor the fier of God cam doun fro heuene, and deuouride hym and hise fifti men. 13 Eft he sente the thridde prince of fifti men, and fifti men that weren with hym. And whanne this prynce hadde come, he bowide the knees ayens Elie, and preiede hym, and seide, Man of God, nyle thou dispise my lijf, and the lyues of thi seruauntis that ben with me. 14 Lo! fier cam doun fro heuene, and deuouride tweyne, the firste princis of fifti men, and the fifti men that weren with hem; but now, Y biseche, that thou haue mercy on my lijf. 15 Forsothe the aungel of the Lord spak to Helie of Thesbi, and seide, Go thou doun with hym; drede thou not. Therfor Elie roos, and cam doun with hym to the kyng; 16 and he spak to the kyng, The Lord seith thes thingis, For thou sentist messangeris to counsele Belzebub, god of Acharon, as if no God were in Israel, of whom thow myytist axe a word; therfor thou schalt not go doun of the bed, on which thou stiedist, but thou schalt die bi deeth. 17 Therfor he was deed bi the word of the Lord, which word Elie spak; and Joram, hys brothir, regnyde for hym, in the secounde yeer of Joram, the sone of Josephat, kyng of Juda; for Ocozie hadde no sone. 18 Sotheli the residue of wordis of Ocozie, whiche he wrouyte, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel?

Isaiah 1:1-31

1 The visioun, ether profesie, of Ysaie, the sone of Amos, which he siy on Juda and Jerusalem, in the daies of Osie, of Joathan, of Achas, and of Ezechie, kyngis of Juda. 2 Ye heuenes, here, and thou erthe, perseyue with eeris, for the Lord spak. Y haue nurschid and Y haue enhaunsid sones; sotheli thei han dispisid me. 3 An oxe knew his lord, and an asse knew the cratche of his lord; but Israel knewe not me, and my puple vndurstood not. 4 Wo to the synful folk, to the puple heuy in wickidnesse, to the weiward seed, to the cursid sones; thei han forsake the Lord, thei han blasfemyd the hooli of Israel, thei ben aliened bacward. 5 On what thing schal Y smyte you more, that encreessen trespassyng? Ech heed is sijk, and ech herte is morenynge. 6 Fro the sole of the foot til to the nol, helthe is not ther ynne; wounde, and wannesse, and betyng bolnynge is not boundun aboute, nether curid bi medicyn, nether nurschid with oile. 7 Youre lond is forsakun, youre citees ben brent bi fier; aliens deuouren youre cuntrei bifore you, and it schal be disolat as in the distriyng of enemyes. 8 And the douytir of Sion, `that is, Jerusalem, schal be forsakun as a schadewynge place in a vyner, and as an hulke in a place where gourdis wexen, and as a citee which is wastid. 9 If the Lord of oostis hadde not left seed to vs, we hadden be as Sodom, and we hadden be lijk as Gomorre. 10 Ye princes of men of Sodom, here the word of the Lord; and ye puple of Gommorre, perseyue with eeris the lawe of youre God. 11 Wherto offren ye to me the multitude of youre sacrifices? seith the Lord. Y am ful; Y wolde not the brent sacrifices of wetheris, and the ynnere fatnesse of fatte beestis, and the blood of calues, and of lambren, and of buckis of geet. 12 Whanne ye camen bifore my siyt, who axide of youre hondis these thingis, that ye schulden go in myn hallys? 13 Offre ye no more sacrifice in veyn; encense is abhomynacioun to me; Y schal not suffre neomenye, and sabat, and othere feestis. 14 Youre cumpenyes ben wickid; my soule hatith youre calendis and youre solempnytees; tho ben maad diseseful to me, Y trauelide suffrynge. 15 And whanne ye stretchen forth youre hondis, Y schal turne awei myn iyen fro you; and whanne ye multiplien preyer, Y schal not here; for whi youre hondis ben ful of blood. 16 Be ye waischun, be ye clene; do ye awei the yuel of youre thouytis fro myn iyen; ceesse ye to do weiwardli, lerne ye to do wel. 17 Seke ye doom, helpe ye hym that is oppressid, deme ye to the fadirles and modirles child, defende ye a widewe. 18 And come ye, and repreue ye me, seith the Lord. Thouy youre synnes ben as blood reed, tho schulen be maad whijt as snow; and thouy tho ben reed as vermylioun, tho schulen be whijt as wolle. 19 If ye wolen, and heren me, ye schulen ete the goodis of erthe. 20 That if ye nylen, and ye terren me to wrathfulnesse, swerd schal deuoure you; for whi the mouth of the Lord spak. 21 Hou is the feithful citee ful of dom maad an hoore? riytfulnesse dwellide ther ynne; but now menquelleris dwellen ther ynne. 22 Thi siluer is turned in to dros, ether filthe; thi wyn is medlid with watir. 23 Thi princes ben vnfeithful, the felowis of theuys; alle louen yiftis, suen meedis; thei demen not to a fadirles child, and the cause of a widewe entrith not to hem. 24 For this thing, seith the Lord God of oostis, the stronge of Israel, Alas! Y schal be coumfortid on myn enemyes, and Y schal be vengid on myn enemyes. 25 And Y schal turne myn hond to thee, and Y schal sethe out thi filthe to the cleene, and Y schal do awei al thi tyn. 26 And Y schal restore thi iuges, as thei weren bifor to, and thi counselours, as in elde tyme. Aftir these thingis thou schalt be clepid the citee of the riytful, a feithful citee. 27 Sion schal be ayen bouyt in dom, and thei schulen bringe it ayen in to riytfulnesse; 28 and God schal al to-breke cursid men and synneris togidere, and thei that forsoken the Lord, schulen be wastid. 29 For thei schulen be aschamed of idols, to whiche thei maden sacrifice; and ye shulen be aschamid on the orcherdis, whiche ye chesiden. 30 Whanne ye schulen be as an ook, whanne the leeues fallen doun, and as an orcherd with out watir. 31 And youre strengthe schal be as a deed sparcle of bonys, `ether of herdis of flex, and youre werk schal be as a quyk sparcle; and euer either schal be brent togidere, and noon schal be that schal quenche.

Romans 1:21

21 For whanne thei hadden knowe God, thei glorifieden hym not as God, nether diden thankyngis; but thei vanyschiden in her thouyts, and the vnwise herte of hem was derkid.

Philippians 4:8

8 Fro hennus forth, britheren, what euere thingis ben sothe, what euere thingis chast, what euere thingis iust, what euere thingis hooli, what euere thingis able to be louyd, what euere thingis of good fame, if ony vertu, if ony preising of discipline, thenke ye these thingis,

1 Timothy 2:1-15

1 Therfor Y biseche first of alle thingis, that bisechingis, preieris, axyngis, doyngis of thankyngis, ben maad for alle men, 2 for kingis and alle that ben set in hiynesse, that we leden a quyet and a pesible lijf, in al pite and chastite. 3 For this thing is good and acceptid bifor God, 4 oure sauyour, that wole that alle men ben maad saaf, and that thei come to the knowyng of treuthe. 5 For o God and a mediatour is of God and of men, a man Crist Jhesus, 6 that yaf him silf redempcioun for alle men. Whos witnessing is confermyd in his tymes; 7 in which Y am set a prechour and an apostle. For Y seye treuthe, and Y lie not, that am a techere of hethene men in feith and in treuthe. 8 Therfor Y wole, that men preye in al place, liftinge vp clene hondis with outen wraththe and strijf. 9 Also wymmen in couenable abite, with schamefastnesse and sobrenesse araiynge hem silf, not in writhun heeris, ethir in gold, ethir peerlis, ethir preciouse cloth; but that that bicometh wymmen, 10 biheetinge pite bi good werkis. 11 A womman lerne in silence, with al subieccioun. 12 But Y suffre not a womman to teche, nether to haue lordschip on the hosebonde, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was first formed, aftirward Eue; 14 and Adam was not disseyued, but the womman was disseyued, in breking of the lawe. 15 But sche schal be sauyd bi generacioun of children, if sche dwellith perfitli in feith, and loue, and hoolynesse, with sobrenesse.

2 Timothy 3:2

2 coueitouse, hiy of bering, proude, blasfemeris, not obedient to fadir and modir, vnkynde,

1 John 2:16

16 For al thing that is in the world, is coueitise of fleisch, and coueitise of iyen, and pride of lijf, which is not of the fadir, but it is of the world.

Numbers 11:4-6

4 And the comyn puple of `malis and femalis, that hadde stied with hem, brent with desire of fleischis, and sat, and wepte with the sones of Israel ioyned togidere to hem, and seide, Who schal yyue to vs fleischis to ete? 5 We thenken on the fischis whiche we eten in Egipt freli; gourdis, and melouns, and lekis, and oyniouns, and garlekis comen in to mynde `to vs; 6 oure soule is drie; oure iyen byholden noon other thing `no but manna.

2 Timothy 3:1-5

1 But wite thou this thing, that in the laste daies perelouse tymes schulen neiye, and men schulen be louynge hem silf, 2 coueitouse, hiy of bering, proude, blasfemeris, not obedient to fadir and modir, vnkynde, 3 cursid, with outen affeccioun, with out pees, false blameris, vncontynent, vnmylde, 4 with out benygnyte, traitouris, ouerthwert, bollun with proude thouytis, blynde, loueris of lustis more than of God, 5 hauynge the licknesse of pitee, but denyynge the vertu of it. And eschewe thou these men.

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