Bible verses about "sin" | Wycliffe

Genesis 4:7

7 Whether not if thou schalt do wel, thou schalt resseyue; but if thou doist yuele, thi synne schal be present anoon in the yatis? but the desir therof schal be vndur thee, and thou schalt be lord therof.

Matthew 5:48

48 Therfore be ye parfit, as youre heuenli fadir is parfit.

John 3:16-17

16 For God louede so the world, that he yaf his `oon bigetun sone, that ech man that bileueth in him perische not, but haue euerlastynge lijf. 17 For God sente not his sone in to the world, that he iuge the world, but that the world be saued bi him.

Galatians 5:19-21

19 And werkis of the fleisch ben opyn, whiche ben fornicacioun, vnclennes, vnchastite, letcherie, seruice of false goddis, 20 witchecraftis, enmytees, striuyngis, indignaciouns, wraththis, chidingis, discenciouns, sectis, enuyes, 21 manslauytris, dronkennessis, vnmesurable etyngis, and thingis lijk to these, whiche Y seie to you, as Y haue told to you `to fore, for thei that doon suche thingis, schulen not haue the kyngdom of God.

Galatians 5:16

16 And Y seie you in Crist, walke ye in spirit, and ye schulen not performe the desiris of the fleisch.

1 John 3:4

4 Ech man that doith synne, doith also wickidnesse, and synne is wickidnesse.

1 John 5:17

17 Ech wickidnesse is synne, and ther is synne to deth.

2 Timothy 3:1-5

1 But wite thou this thing, that in the laste daies perelouse tymes schulen neiye, and men schulen be louynge hem silf, 2 coueitouse, hiy of bering, proude, blasfemeris, not obedient to fadir and modir, vnkynde, 3 cursid, with outen affeccioun, with out pees, false blameris, vncontynent, vnmylde, 4 with out benygnyte, traitouris, ouerthwert, bollun with proude thouytis, blynde, loueris of lustis more than of God, 5 hauynge the licknesse of pitee, but denyynge the vertu of it. And eschewe thou these men.

James 1:15

15 Aftirward coueityng, whanne it hath conseyued, bringith forth synne; but synne, whanne it is fillid, gendrith deth.

Psalms 51:5

5 Thou louedist malice more than benygnite; `thou louedist wickidnesse more than to speke equite.

Mark 7:20-23

20 But he seide, The thingis that gon out of a man, tho defoulen a man. 21 For fro with ynne, of the herte of men comen forth yuel thouytis, auowtries, 22 fornycaciouns, mansleyingis, theftis, auaricis, wickidnessis, gile, vnchastite, yuel iye, blasfemyes, pride, foli. 23 Alle these yuels comen forth fro with ynne, and defoulen a man.

1 Corinthians 10:13

13 Temptacioun take `not you, but mannus temptacioun; for God is trewe, which schal not suffre you to be temptid aboue that that ye moun; but he schal make with temptacioun also purueyaunce, that ye moun suffre.

James 4:7

7 Therfor be ye suget to God; but withstonde ye the deuel, and he schal fle fro you.

Romans 3:23

23 For alle men synneden, and han nede to the glorie of God;

1 John 1:8-10

8 If we seien, that we han no synne, we disseyuen vs silf, and treuthe is not in vs. 9 If we knowlechen oure synnes, he is feithful and iust, that he foryyue to vs oure synnes, and clense vs from al wickidnesse. 10 And if we seien, we han not synned, we maken hym a liere, and his word is not in vs.

James 4:17

17 Therfor it is synne to hym, that kan do good, and doith not.

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