Bible verses about "popularity" | Wycliffe

2 Samuel 3:36

36 And al the puple herde; and alle thingis which the kyng dide in the siyt of al the puple plesiden hem;

Proverbs 29:23

23 Lownesse sueth a proude man; and glorie schal vp take a meke man of spirit.

1 Peter 5:8

8 Be ye sobre, and wake ye, for youre aduersarie, the deuel, as a rorynge lioun goith aboute, sechinge whom he schal deuoure.

James 4:4

4 Auowtreris, witen not ye, that the frenschip of this world is enemye to God? Therfor who euere wole be frend of this world, is maad the enemye of God.

1 Samuel 16:7

7 And the Lord seide to Samuel, Biholde thou not his cheer, nethir hiynesse of his stature; for Y castide hym awei, and Y demyde not bi `the siyt of man; for a man seeth tho thingis that ben opyn, but the Lord biholdith the herte.

Proverbs 3:1-4

1 Mi sone, foryete thou not my lawe; and thyn herte kepe my comaundementis. 2 For tho schulen sette to thee the lengthe of daies, and the yeeris of lijf, and pees. 3 Merci and treuthe forsake thee not; bynde thou tho to thi throte, and write in the tablis of thin herte. 4 And thou schalt fynde grace, and good teching bifore God and men.

Proverbs 29:25

25 He that dredith a man, schal falle soon; he that hopith in the Lord, shal be reisid.

James 2:1-13

1 Mi britheren, nyle ye haue the feith of oure Lord Jhesu Crist of glorie, in accepcioun of persoones. 2 For if a man `that hath a goldun ring, and in a feire clothing, cometh in youre cumpany, and a pore man entrith in a foul clothing, 3 and if ye biholden in to hym that is clothid with clere clothing, and if ye seie to hym, Sitte thou here wel; but to the pore man ye seien, Stonde thou there, ethir sitte vndur the stool of my feet; whether ye demen not anentis you silf, 4 and ben maad domesmen of wickid thouytis? 5 Heere ye, my moost dereworthe britheren, whethir God chees not pore men in this world, riche in feith, and eiris of the kyngdom, that God bihiyte to men that louen him? 6 But ye han dispisid the pore man. Whether riche men oppressen not you bi power, and thei drawen you to domes? 7 Whether thei blasfemen not the good name, that is clepid to help on you? 8 Netheles if ye performen the kingis lawe, bi scripturis, Thou schalt loue thi neiybour as thi silf, ye don wel. 9 But if ye taken persones, ye worchen synne, and ben repreued of the lawe, as trespasseris. 10 And who euere kepith al the lawe, but offendith in oon, he is maad gilti of alle. 11 For he that seide, Thou schalt do no letcherie, seide also, Thou schalt not sle; that if thou doist not letcherie, but thou sleest, thou art maad trespassour of the lawe. 12 Thus speke ye, and thus do ye, as bigynnynge to be demyd bi the lawe of fredom. 13 For whi dom with out merci is to hym, that doith no mercy; but merci aboue reisith dom.

Luke 6:26

26 Wo to you, whanne alle men schulen blesse you; aftir these thingis the fadris of hem diden to profetis.

Romans 12:2

2 And nyle ye be confourmyd to this world, but be ye reformed in newnesse of youre wit, that ye preue which is the wille of God, good, and wel plesynge, and parfit.

Proverbs 13:20

20 He that goith with wijs men, schal be wijs; the freend of foolis schal be maad lijk hem.

Luke 14:7-14

7 He seide also a parable to men bodun to a feeste, and biheld hou thei chesen the first sittyng placis, and seide to hem, 8 Whanne thou art bodun to bridalis, sitte not `at the mete in the firste place; lest perauenture a worthier than thou be bodun of hym, 9 and lest he come that clepide thee and hym, and seie to thee, Yyue place to this, and thanne thou schalt bigynne with schame to holde the lowest place. 10 But whanne thou art bedun to a feste, go, and sitte doun in the laste place, that whanne he cometh, that bad thee to the feeste, he seie to thee, Freend, come hiyer. Thanne worschip schal be to thee, bifor men that sitten at the mete. 11 For ech that enhaunsith hym, schal be lowid; and he that meketh hym, schal be hiyed. 12 And he seide to hym, that hadde bodun hym to the feeste, Whanne thou makist a mete, or a soper, nyle thou clepe thi freendis, nether thi britheren, nethir cosyns, nethir neiyboris, ne riche men; lest perauenture thei bidde thee ayen to the feeste, and it be yolde ayen to thee. 13 But whanne thou makist a feeste, clepe pore men, 14 feble, crokid, and blynde, and thou schalt be blessid; for thei han not wherof to yelde thee, for it schal be yoldun to thee in the risyng ayen of iust men.

Luke 9:25

25 And what profitith it to a man, if he wynne al the world, and leese hymsilf, and do peiryng of him silf.

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