Bible verses about "apathy" | Wycliffe

Ecclesiastes 9:10

10 Worche thou bisili, what euer thing thin hond mai do; for nether werk, nether resoun, nethir kunnyng, nether wisdom schulen be at hellis, whidir thou haastist.

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

1 But, britheren, of tymes and momentis ye neden not that Y write to you. 2 For ye silf witen diligentli, that the dai of the Lord schal come, as a theef in the niyt. 3 For whanne thei schulen seie pees is, and sikirnesse, thanne sudeyn deth schal come on hem, as sorewe to a womman that is with child, and thei schulen not scape. 4 But, britheren, ye ben not in derknessis, that the ilke dai as a theef catche you. 5 For alle ye ben the sones of liyt, and sones of dai; we ben not of niyt, nether of derknessis. 6 Therfor slepe we not as othere; but wake we, and be we sobre. 7 For thei that slepen, slepen in the niyt, and thei that ben drunkun, ben drunkun in the niyt. 8 But we that ben of the dai, ben sobre, clothid in the haburioun of feith and of charite, and in the helme of hope of heelthe. 9 For God puttide not vs in to wraththe, but in to the purchasing of heelthe bi oure Lord Jhesu Crist, that was deed for vs; 10 that whether we waken, whether we slepen, we lyue togidere with him. 11 For which thing comforte ye togidere, and edefie ye ech other, as ye doon.

Hebrews 5:11-12

11 Of whom ther is to vs a greet word for to seie, and able to be expowned, for ye ben maad feble to here. 12 For whanne ye ouyten to be maistris for tyme, eftsoone ye neden that ye be tauyt, whiche ben the lettris of the bigynnyng of Goddis wordis. And ye ben maad thilke, to whiche is nede of mylk, and not sad mete.

1 John 3:17-18

17 He that hath the catel of this world, and seeth that his brothir hath nede, and closith his entrailis fro hym, hou dwellith the charite of God in hym? 18 Mi litle sones, loue we not in word, nethir in tunge, but in werk and treuthe.

Hebrews 11:6

6 And it is impossible to plese God without feith. For it bihoueth that a man comynge to God, bileue that he is, and that he is rewardere to men that seken hym.

Mark 14:38-41

38 Wake ye, and `preie ye, that ye entre not in to temptacioun; for the spirit is redi, but the fleische is sijk. 39 And eftsoone he yede, and preiede, and seide the same word; 40 and turnede ayen eftsoone, and foond hem slepynge; for her iyen weren heuyed. And thei knewen not, what thei schulden answere to hym. 41 And he cam the thridde tyme, and seide to hem, Slepe ye now, and reste ye; it suffisith. The hour is comun; lo! mannus sone schal be bitraied in to the hondis of synful men.

John 5:39-40

39 Seke ye scripturis, in which ye gessen to haue euerlastynge lijf; and tho it ben, that beren witnessyng of me. 40 And ye wolen not come to me, that ye haue lijf.

James 4:17

17 Therfor it is synne to hym, that kan do good, and doith not.

Proverbs 15:19

19 The weie of slow men is an hegge of thornes; the weie of iust men is with out hirtyng.

Romans 12:9-13

9 Loue with outen feynyng, hatynge yuel, drawynge to good; 10 louynge togidere the charite of britherhod. Eche come bifore to worschipen othere; 11 not slow in bisynesse, feruent in spirit, seruynge to the Lord, 12 ioiynge in hope, pacient in tribulacioun, bisy in preier, 13 yyuynge good to the nedis of seyntis, kepynge hospitalite.

Ephesians 5:16

16 not as vnwise men, but as wise men, ayenbiynge tyme, for the daies ben yuele.

Revelation 3:15-16

15 I woot thi werkis, for nether thou art cold, nether thou art hoot; Y wolde that thou were could, ethir hoot; 16 but for thou art lew, and nether cold, nether hoot, Y schal bigynne to caste thee out of my mouth.

Ephesians 6:10-12

10 Her aftirward, britheren, be ye coumfortid in the Lord, and in the miyt of his vertu. 11 Clothe you with the armere of God, that ye moun stonde ayens aspiynges of the deuel. 12 For whi stryuyng is not to vs ayens fleisch and blood, but ayens princis and potestatis, ayens gouernours of the world of these derknessis, ayens spiritual thingis of wickidnesse, in heuenli thingis.

2 Timothy 4:3-4

3 For tyme schal be, whanne men schulen not suffre hoolsum teching, but at her desiris thei schulen gadere `togidere to hem silf maistris yitchinge to the eeris. 4 And treuli thei schulen turne awei the heryng fro treuthe, but to fablis thei schulen turne.

Revelation 3:2

2 Be thou wakynge, and conferme thou othere thingis, that weren to diynge; for Y fynde not thi werkis fulle bifore my God.

Zephaniah 1:12-13

12 And it schal be, in that tyme Y schal seke Jerusalem with lanternes, and Y schal visite on alle men piyt in her darstis, whiche seien in her hertis, The Lord schal not do wel, and he schal not do yuele. 13 And the strengthe of hem schal be in to rauyschyng, and the housis of hem in to desert; and thei schulen bilde housis, and schulen not enhabite; and thei schulen plaunte vyneyerdis, and thei schulen not drynke the wyn of hem.

Romans 12:11

11 not slow in bisynesse, feruent in spirit, seruynge to the Lord,

Revelation 3:16

16 but for thou art lew, and nether cold, nether hoot, Y schal bigynne to caste thee out of my mouth.

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