Bible verses about "666" | Wycliffe

Deuteronomy 18:18

18 Y schal reise to hem a prophete, lijk thee, of the myddis of her britheren, and Y schal putte my wordis in his mouth, and he schal speke to hem alle thingis, whiche I schal comaunde to him.

Daniel 7:25

25 And he schal speke wordis ayens the hiy God, and he schal defoule the seyntis of the hiyeste; and he schal gesse, that he mai chaunge tymes and lawis; and thei schulen be youun in to his hondis, til to tyme, and times, and the half of tyme.

Revelation 20:4

4 And Y say seetis, and thei saten on hem, and doom was youun to hem. And the soulis of men biheedid for the witnessyng of Jhesu, and for the word of God, and hem that worschipiden not the beeste, nether the ymage of it, nethir token the carect of it in her forheedis, nethir in her hoondis. And thei lyueden, and regneden with Crist a thousynde yeeris.

Revelation 12:1-17

1 And a greet signe apperide in heuene; a womman clothid with the sunne, and the moone vndur hir feet, and in the heed of hir a coroun of twelue sterris. 2 And sche hadde in wombe, and sche crieth, trauelynge of child, and is turmentid, that sche bere child. 3 And another signe was seyn in heuene; and lo! a greet reede dragoun, that hadde seuene heedis, and ten hornes, and in the heedis of hym seuene diademes. 4 And the tail of hym drow the thridde part of sterris of heuene, and sente hem in to the erthe. And the dragoun stood bifore the womman, that was to berynge child, that whanne sche hadde borun child, he schulde deuoure hir sone. 5 And sche bar a knaue child, that was to reulinge alle folkis in an yrun yerde; and hir sone was rauyschid to God, and to his trone. 6 And the womman flei in to wildirnesse, where sche hath a place maad redi of God, that he fede hir there a thousynde daies two hundrid and sixti. 7 And a greet batel was maad in heuene, and Myyhel and hise aungels fouyten with the dragoun. And the dragoun fauyt, and hise aungels; 8 and thei hadden not myyt, nether the place of hem was foundun more in heuene. 9 And thilke dragoun was cast doun, the greet elde serpent, that is clepid the Deuel, and Sathanas, that disseyueth al the world; he was cast doun in to the erthe, and hise aungels weren sent with hym. 10 And Y herde a greet vois in heuene, seiynge, Now is maad helthe, and vertu, and kyngdom of oure God, and the power of his Crist; for the accuser of oure britheren is cast doun, which accuside hem bifor the siyte of oure God dai and nyyt. 11 And thei ouercamen hym for the blood of the lomb, and for the word of his witnessing; and thei louyden not her lyues til to deth. 12 Therfor, ye heuenes, be ye glad, and ye that dwellen in hem. Wo to the erthe, and to the see; for the fend is come doun to you, and hath greet wraththe, witynge that he hath litil tyme. 13 And after that the dragoun sai, that he was cast doun to the erthe, he pursuede the womman, that bare the knaue child. 14 And twei wengis of a greet egle weren youun to the womman, that sche schulde flee in to deseert, in to hir place, where sche is fed by tyme, and tymes, and half a tyme, fro the face of the serpent. 15 And the serpent sente out of his mouth aftir the womman watir as a flood, that he schulde make hir to be drawun of the flood. 16 And the erthe helpide the womman, and the erthe openyde his mouth, and soop up the flood, that the dragoun sente of his mouth. 17 And the dragoun was wrooth ayens the womman, and he wente to make batel with othere of hir seed, that kepen the maundementis of God, and han the witnessing of Jhesu Crist.

Revelation 13:17

17 ethir sille, but thei han the caracter, ether the name of the beeste, ethir the noumbre of his name.

2 Chronicles 9:13

13 Forsothe the weiyt of gold, that was brouyt to Salomon bi ech yeer, was sixe hundrid and sixe and sixti talentis of gold,

Ezra 6:1-22

1 Thanne kyng Darius comaundide, and thei rekenyden in the biblet of bokis, that weren kept in Babiloyne. 2 And o book was foundun in Egbatanys, which is a castel in the prouynce of Medena, and sich a sentence of the kyng was writun therynne. 3 In the first yeer of kyng Cirus, Cirus the kyng demyde, that, `Goddis hows, which is in Jerusalem, schulde be bildid in the place where thei offren sacrifices, and that thei sette foundementis supportynge the heiythe of sixti cubitis, and the lengthe of sixti cubitis, thre ordris of stonys vnpolischid, 4 and so ordris of newe trees. Sotheli costis schulen be youun of the kyngis hows. 5 But also the goldun and siluerne vessels of Goddis temple, whiche Nabugodonosor took fro the temple of Jerusalem, and brouyte tho in to Babiloyne, be yoldun, and borun ayen in to the temple of Jerusalem, and in to her place, whiche also be set in the temple of God. 6 Now therfor Tathannai, duyk of the cuntrei which is biyende the flood, and Starbusannai, and youre counseleris, Arphasacei, that ben byyende the flood, departe ye fer fro hem; 7 and suffre ye, that thilke temple of God be maad of the duyk of Jewis, and of the eldre men of hem; and that thei bilde that hows of God in his place. 8 But also it is comaundid of me, that that bihoueth to be maad of tho preestis of Jewys, that the hows of God be bildid, that is, that costis be youun bisili to tho men of the arke of the kyng, that is, of tributis, that ben youun of the contrei biyende the flood, lest the werk be lettid. 9 That if it be nede, yyue thei bothe calues, and lambren, and kidis in to brent sacrifice to God of heuene; wheete, salt, and wyn, and oile, bi the custom of preestis that ben in Jerusalem, be youun to hem bi ech dai, that no pleynt be in ony thing. 10 And offre thei offryngis to God of heuene; and preye thei for the lijf of the kyng and of hise sones. 11 Therfor the sentence is set of me, that if ony man chaungith this comaundement, a tre be takun of his hows, and be reisid, and be he hangid therynne; sotheli his hows be forfetid. 12 Forsothe God, that makith his name to dwelle there, distrie alle rewmes and puple, that holdith forth her hond to impugne and destrie thilke hows of God, which is in Jerusalem. I Darius haue demyd the sentence, which Y wole be fillid diligentli. 13 Therfor Tathannai, duyk of the `cuntrei biyende the flood, and Starbusannai, and hise counseleris, diden execucioun, `ether filliden, so diligentli, bi that that kyng Darius hadde comaundid. 14 Sotheli the eldre men of Jewis bildiden, and hadden prosperite, bi the profesie of Aggey, the profete, and of Zacarie, the sone of Ado; and thei bildiden, and maden, for God of Israel comaundide, and for Cirus, and Darius, and Artaxerses, kyngis of Persis, comaundiden; 15 and thei performyden this hows of God `til to the thridde dai of the monethe Adar, which is the sixte yeer of the rewme of king Darius. 16 Forsothe the sones of Israel, the preestis and dekenes, and the othere of the sones of transmygracioun, `that is, that camen fro transmigracioun, `ether caitifte, maden the halewyng of Goddis hows in ioie; 17 and offriden, `in the halewyng of Goddis hows, an hundrid caluys, twei hundryd wetheris, foure hundrid lambren, twelue buckis of geet for the synne of al Israel, bi the noumbre of lynagis of Israel. 18 And thei ordeyneden preestis in her ordris, and dekenes in her whilis, on the werkis of God in Jerusalem, as it is writun in the book of Moises. 19 Forsothe the sones of transmygracioun maden pask, in the fourtenthe dai of the firste monethe. 20 For the preestis and dekenes as o man weren clensid, alle weren clene for to offre pask to alle the sones of transmygracioun, and to her britheren preestis, and to hem silf. 21 And the sones of Israel eeten, that turneden ayen fro transmygracioun, and ech man eet, that hadde departid hym silf fro al the defoulyng of hethene men of the lond, for to seke the Lord God of Israel. 22 And thei maden solempnyte of therf looues seuene daies in gladnesse; for the Lord hadde maad hem glad, and hadde turned the herte of the kyng of Assur to hem, that he wolde helpe `her hondis in the werk of the hows of the Lord God of Israel.

Revelation 14:1-20

1 And Y sai, and lo! lomb stood on the mount of Sion, and with hym an hundrid thousynde and foure and fourti thousynde, hauynge his name, and the name of his fadir writun in her forhedis. 2 And Y herde a vois fro heuene, as the vois of many watris, and as the vois of a greet thundur; and the vois which is herd, was as of many harperis harpinge in her harpis. 3 And thei sungun as a newe song bifor the seete of God, and bifore the foure beestis, and senyouris. And no man miyte seie the song, but thei an hundrid thousynde and foure and fourti thousynde, that ben bouyt fro the erthe. 4 These it ben, that ben not defoulid with wymmen; for thei ben virgyns. These suen the lomb, whidir euer he schal go; these ben bouyt of alle men, the firste fruytis to God, and to the lomb; 5 and in the mouth of hem lesyng is not foundun; for thei ben with out wem bifor the trone of God. 6 And Y say another aungel, fliynge bi the myddil of heuene, hauynge an euerlastinge gospel, that he schulde preche to men sittynge on erthe, and on ech folk, and lynage, and langage, and puple; 7 and seide with a greet vois, Drede ye the Lord, and yyue ye to hym onour, for the our of his dom cometh; and worschipe ye hym, that made heuene and erthe, the see, and alle thingis that ben in hem, and the wellis of watris. 8 And anothir aungel suede, seiynge, Thilke greet Babiloyne fel doun, fel doun, which yaf drinke to alle folkis of the wyn of wraththe of her fornycacioun. 9 And the thridde aungel suede hem, and seide with a greet vois, If ony man worschipe the beeste, and the ymage of it, and takith the carecter in his forheed, ether in his hoond, 10 this schal drynke of the wyn of Goddis wraththe, that is meynd with clere wyn in the cuppe of his wraththe, and schal be turmentid with fier and brymston, in the siyt of hooli aungels, and bifore the siyt of the lomb. 11 And the smoke of her turmentis schal stie vp in to the worldis of worldis; nether thei han reste dai and niyt, whiche worschipiden the beeste and his ymage, and yf ony man take the carect of his name. 12 Here is the pacience of seyntis, whiche kepen the maundementis of God, and the feith of Jhesu. 13 And Y herde a vois fro heuene, seiynge to me, Write thou, Blessid ben deed men, that dien in the Lord; fro hennus forth now the spirit seith, that thei reste of her traueilis; for the werkis of hem suen hem. 14 And Y say, and lo! a white cloude, and aboue the cloude a sittere, lijk the sone of man, hauynge in his heed a goldun coroun, and in his hond a scharp sikil. 15 And another aungel wente out of the temple, and criede with greet vois to hym that sat on the cloude, Sende thi sikil, and repe, for the our cometh, that it be ropun; for the corn of the erthe is ripe. 16 And he that sat on the cloude, sente his sikil in to the erthe, and rap the erthe. 17 And another aungel wente out of the temple, that is in heuene, and he also hadde a scharp sikile. 18 And another aungel wente out fro the auter, that hadde power on fier and water; and he criede with a greet vois to hym that hadde the scharp sikil, and seide, Sende thi scharp sikil, and kitte awei the clustris of the vynyerd of the erthe, for the grapis of it ben ripe. 19 And the aungel sente his sikil in to the erthe, and gaderide grapis of the vynyerd of the erthe, and sente into the greet lake of Goddis wraththe. 20 And the lake was troddun without the citee, and the blood wente out of the lake til to the `bridels of horsis, bi furlongis a thousynd and six hundrid.

Revelation 13:16-18

16 And he schal make alle, smale and grete, and riche and pore, and fre men and bonde men, to haue a carecter in her riythoond, ethir in her forheedis; that no man may bie, 17 ethir sille, but thei han the caracter, ether the name of the beeste, ethir the noumbre of his name. 18 Here is wisdom; he that hath vndurstonding, acounte the noumbre of the beeste; for it is the noumbre of man, and his noumbre is sixe hundrid sixti and sixe.

Revelation 13:1-18

1 And Y sai a beeste stiynge vp of the see, hauynge seuene heedis, and ten hornes; and on hise hornes ten diademes, and on hise heedis the names of blasfemye. 2 And the beeste, whom Y sai, was lijk a pard, and hise feet as the feet of a beere, and his mouth as the mouth of a lioun; and the dragoun yaf his vertu and greet power to hym. 3 And Y sai oon of hise heedis, as slayn in to deth; and the wounde of his deth was curid. And al erthe wondride after the beeste. 4 And thei worschipiden the dragoun, that yaf power to the beeste; and thei worschipeden the beeste, and seiden, Who is lijk the beeste, and who schal mowe fiyte with it? 5 And a mouth spekynge grete thingis, and blasfemyes, was youun `to it; and power was youun to it, to do two and fourti monethis. 6 And it openyde his mouth in to blasfemyes to God, to blasfeme his name, and his tabernacle, and hem that dwellen in heuene. 7 And it was youun to hym to make batel with seyntis, and to ouercome hem; and power was youun to hym in to ech lynage, and puple, and langage, and folk. 8 And alle men worschipiden it, that dwellen in erthe, whos names ben not writun in the book of lijf of the lomb, that was slayn fro the bigynnyng of the world. 9 If ony man hath eeris, here he. 10 He that ledith in to caitifte, schal go in to caitifte; he that sleeth with swerd, it bihoueth hym to be slayn with swerd. This is the pacience and the feith of seyntis. 11 And Y sai another beeste stiynge vp fro the erthe, and it hadde two hornes, lijk the lomb; and it spak as the dragoun, 12 and dide al the power of the formere beeste, in his siyt. And it made the erthe, and men dwellinge in it, to worschipe the firste beeste, whos wounde of deth was curid. 13 And it dide grete signes, that also it made fier to come doun fro heuene in to the erthe, in the siyt of alle men. 14 And it disseyueth men, that dwellen in erthe, for signes whiche ben youun `to it to do in the siyt of the beeste; seiynge to men dwellinge in erthe, that thei make an ymage of the beeste, that hath the wounde of swerd, and lyuede. 15 And it was youun to hym, that he schulde yyue spirit to the ymage of the beeste, and that the ymage of the beeste speke. And he schal make, that who euere honouren not the ymage of the beeste, be slayn. 16 And he schal make alle, smale and grete, and riche and pore, and fre men and bonde men, to haue a carecter in her riythoond, ethir in her forheedis; that no man may bie, 17 ethir sille, but thei han the caracter, ether the name of the beeste, ethir the noumbre of his name. 18 Here is wisdom; he that hath vndurstonding, acounte the noumbre of the beeste; for it is the noumbre of man, and his noumbre is sixe hundrid sixti and sixe.

Revelation 13:18

18 Here is wisdom; he that hath vndurstonding, acounte the noumbre of the beeste; for it is the noumbre of man, and his noumbre is sixe hundrid sixti and sixe.

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