Bible verses about "afterlife" | WestSaxon990

Matthew 25:41

41 Þonne segþ he þam þe beoð on hys wynstran healfe; Gewitað awyrgyde fram me on þt ëce fyr. þe ys deofle & hys englum gegearwud;

Luke 16:19-31

19 [Note: Ðis godspel ge-byrað on þone oðerne sunnan-dæg ofer pentecosten. Homo quidam erat diues. A. ] Sum welig man wæs. & he wæs gescrydd mid purpuran & mid twine. & dæghwamlice riclice gewist-fullude; 20 And sum wædla wæs on naman lazarus. se læg on his dura swyðe forwundon. 21 & wilnode þt he hine of his crumum gefylde þe of his beode feollun. & him nan man ne sealde. ac hundas comon & his wunda liccodon; 22 Ða wæs geworden þt se wædla forðferde & hine englas bæron on habrahames greadan; Þa wearð se welega dead & wæs on helle bebyrged; 23 Ða ahof he his eagan upp þa he on þam tintregum wæs. & geseah feorran abraham & lazarum on his greadan; 24 Ða hrymde he & cwæð. eala fæder abraham gemilsa me. & send lazarum þt he dyppe his fingres lið on wætere. & mine tungan gehæle. forþam þe ic eom on þis lïge cwylmed; 25 Ða cwæð abraham. eala sunu geþenc þt þu god onfenge on þinum lïfe. & gelïce lazarus on-feng yfel. nu ys þes gefrefryd & þu eart cwylmed; 26 And on eallum þissum betwux üs & eow is mycel dwolma getrymed. þa ðe willað heonon to eow faran ne magon. ne þanun faran hidere; 27 Ða cwæð he fæder. ic bidde þe þt ðu sende hine to mines fæder hüse. 28 ic hæbbe fïf gebroþru þt he cyðe him þt hig ne cumon on þissa tintrega stowe; 29 Þa sæde abraham him. hïg habbað moysen & witegan. hig hlyston him; 30 Ða cwæð he. nese fæder abraham. ac hig doð dædbote gif hwylc of deaðe to him færð; 31 Ða cwæð he. gif hig ne gehyraþ moysen & þa witegan. ne hig ne gelyfað þeah hwylc of deaðe arïse;

Matthew 10:28

28 & ne ondræde ge þa ðe eowyrne lic-haman of-sleaþ. ne magon hig soþlice þa sawle ofslean. ac ondrædað mä þone þe mæg sawle & lichaman fordön on helle.

John 14:2

2 On mines fæder huse synt manega eardung-stowa ne sæde ic eow. hyt ys lytles wana þt ic fare & wylle eow eardung-stowe gearwian;

Luke 23:43

43 Ða cwæþ se hælend to him; To-dæg þu bist mid me on paradiso;

Matthew 25:46

46 & þonne farað hig on ece susle & þa rihtwisan on þt ece lif;

John 3:16

16 [Note: Ðys sceal on oðerne pentecostenes mæsse-dæg. Sic enim deus dilexit mundum. A. ] God lufode middan-eard swa þt he sealde his ancennendan (sic) sunu. þt nän ne forwurðe þe on hine gelyfð. ac hæbbe þt ece lïf;

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