Bible verses about "romance" | Tyndale

Exodus 20:14

14 Thou shalt not breake wedlocke.

Romans 12:21

21 Be not overcome of evyll: But overcome evyll wt goodnes.

1 Peter 4:8

8 But above all thinges have fervet love amoge you. For love covereth the multitude of synnes.

1 Corinthians 13:13

13 Now abideth fayth hope and love even these thre: but the chefe of these is love.

1 Peter 3:7

7 Lyke wyse ye men dwell with them accordinge to knowledge gevinge honoure vnto the wyfe as vnto the weaker vessell and as vnto them that are heyres also of the grace of lyfe that youre prayers be not let.

Genesis 2:18

18 And the LORde God sayd: it is not good that man shulde be alone I will make hym an helper to beare him company:

Genesis 2:24

24 For this cause shall a man leve father and mother and cleve vnto his wyfe and they shall be one flesh.

1 Corinthians 13:1-13

1 Though I spake with the tonges of me and angels and yet had no love I were eve as soundinge brasse: or as a tynklynge Cymball. 2 And though I coulde prophesy and vnderstode all secretes and all knowledge: yee yf I had all fayth so that I coulde move moutayns oute of ther places and yet had no love I were nothynge. 3 And though I bestowed all my gooddes to fede ye poore and though I gave my body even that I burned and yet had no love it profeteth me nothinge. 4 Love suffreth longe and is corteous. Love envieth not. Love doth not frowardly swelleth not dealeth 5 not dishonestly seketh not her awne is not provoked to anger thynketh not evyll 6 reioyseth not in iniquite: but reioyseth in ye trueth 7 suffreth all thynge beleveth all thynges hopeth all thynges endureth in all thynges. 8 Though that prophesyinge fayle other tonges shall cease) or knowledge vanysshe awaye yet love falleth never awaye 9 For oure knowledge is vnparfect and oure prophesyinge is vnperfet. 10 But when yt which is parfect is come then yt which is vnparfet shall be done awaye. 11 When I was a chylde I spake as a chylde I vnderstode as a childe I ymagened as a chylde. But assone as I was a man I put awaye childesshnes. 12 Now we se in a glasse even in a darke speakynge: but then shall we se face to face. Now I knowe vnparfectly: but then shall I knowe even as I am knowen. 13 Now abideth fayth hope and love even these thre: but the chefe of these is love.

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