Bible verses about "reflecting" | Tyndale

Romans 12:1-2

1 I beseche you therfore brethre by ye mercyfulnes of God that ye make youre bodyes aquicke sacrifise holy and acceptable vnto God which is youre resonable seruynge of god. 2 And fassion not youre selves lyke vnto this worlde: But be ye chaunged in youre shape by the renuynge of youre wittes that ye maye fele what thynge that good yt acceptable and perfaycte will of god is.

Luke 14:10-11

10 But rather when thou arte bidden goo and syt in the lowest roume that when he that bade the cometh he maye saye vnto the: frende syt vp hyer. Then shalt thou have worshippe in the presence of them that syt at meate with the. 11 For whosoever exalteth him sylfe shalbe brought lowe. And he yt hubleth him sylfe shalbe exalted

1 Corinthians 13:12

12 Now we se in a glasse even in a darke speakynge: but then shall we se face to face. Now I knowe vnparfectly: but then shall I knowe even as I am knowen.

2 Corinthians 3:18

18 But we all beholde the glorye of the Lorde with his face open and are chaunged vnto the same similitude from glory to glory even of the sprite of the Lorde.

1 Corinthians 11:1-34

1 Folowe me as I do Christ. 2 I commende you brethren that ye remeber me in all thinges and kepe the ordinaunces even as I delyvered them to you. 3 I wolde ye knew that Christ is the heed of every man. And the man is the womans heed. And God is Christes heed. 4 Eevery ma prayinge or prophesyinge havynge eny thynge on his heed shameth his heed. 5 Every woman that prayeth or prophisieth bare hedded dishonesteth hyr heed. For it is even all one and the very same thinge even as though she were shaven. 6 If the woman be not covered lett her also be shoren. If it be shame for a woma to be shorne or shave let her cover her heed. 7 A man ought not to cover his heed for as moche as he is the image and glory of God. The woman is the glory of the man. 8 For the man is not of the woman but the woman of the ma. 9 Nether was the man created for ye womas sake: but the woma for the mannes sake 10 For this cause ought the woma to have power on her heed for the angels sakes. 11 Neverthelesse nether is the ma with oute the woma nether the woma with out the man in the lorde. 12 For as the woman is of the man eve so is the man by the woman: but all is of God. 13 Iudge in youre selves whether it be coly yt a woman praye vnto god bare heeded. 14 Or els doth not nature teach you that it is a shame for a man 15 if he have longe heere: and a prayse to a woman yf she have longe heere? For her heere is geven her to cover her with all. 16 If there be eny man amonge you yt lusteth to stryve let him knowe that we have no soche custome nether the congregacions of God. 17 This I warne you of and commende not that ye come to gedder: not after a better maner but after a worsse. 18 Fyrst of all when ye come togedder in the cogregacion I heare that ther is dissencion amonge you: and I partly beleve it. 19 For ther must be sectes amonge you that they which are perfecte amonge you myght be knowen. 20 When ye come to gedder a man cannot eate the lordes supper. For every man begynneth a fore to eate his awne supper. 21 And one is hongrye and another is dronken. Have ye not houses to eate and to drinke in? 22 Or els despyse ye the congregacion of god and shame them that have not? What shall I saye vnto you? shall I prayse you: In this prayse I you not. 23 That which I delyvered vnto you I receaved of ye lorde. For ye lorde Iesus the same nyght in which he was betrayed toke breed: 24 and thanked and brake and sayde. Take ye and eate ye: this is my body which is broken for you. This do ye in the remembraunce of me. 25 After the same maner he toke the cup when sopper was done sayinge. This cup is the newe testament in my bloude. This do as oft as ye drynke it in the remebraunce of me. 26 For as often as ye shall eate this breed and drynke this cup ye shall shewe the lordes deeth tyll he come. 27 Wherfore whosoevere shall eate of this bred or drynke of the cup vnworthely shalbe giltie of the body and bloud of the Lorde 28 Let a ma therfore examen him silfe and so let hi eate of the breed and drynke of the cup. 29 For he yt eateth or drinketh vnworthely eateth and drynketh his awne damnacion because he maketh no difference of the lordis body. 30 For this cause many are weake and sicke amoge you and many slepe. 31 Yf we had truly iudged oure selves we shuld not have bene iudged. 32 But when we are iudged of the lorde we are chastened because we shuld not be daned with the worlde. 33 Wherfore my brethren when ye come to gedder to eate tary one for another. 34 Yf eny ma hoger let hi eate at home yt ye come not togedder vnto condenacio. Other thinges will I set in order whe I come.

Ephesians 5:1-33

1 Be ye folowers of god as dere children 2 and walke in love even as Christ loved vs and gave him silfe for vs an offerynge and a sacrifyce of a swete saver to god. 3 So that fornicacion and all vnclennes or coveteousnes be not once named amonge you as it be commeth saynctes: 4 nether filthynes nether folishe talkyng nether gestinge which are not comly: but rather gevynge of thankes 5 For this ye knowe yt no whormonger other vnclene person or coveteous person which is the worshipper of ymages hath eny inheritaunce in the kyngdome of Christ and of God. 6 Let no ma deceave you with vayne wordes. For thorow soche thinges cometh the wrath of God vpon the chyldre of vnbelefe. 7 Be not therfore companions with them. 8 Ye were once dercknes but are now light in the Lorde. Walke as chyldren of light. 9 For the frute of the sprete is in all goodnes rightewesnes and trueth. 10 Accept that which is pleasinge to the Lorde: 11 and have no fellishippe with the vnfrutfull workes of dercknes: but rather rebuke them. 12 For it is shame even to name those thinges which are done of them in secrete: 13 but all thinges when they are rebuked of the light are manifest. For whatsoever is manifest that same is light. 14 Wherfore he sayth: awake thou that slepest and stond vp from deeth and Christ shall geve the light. 15 Take hede therfore that ye walke circuspectly: not as foles: but as wyse 16 redemynge the tyme: for ye dayes are evyll. 17 Wherfore be ye not vnwyse but vnderstonde what the will of the Lorde is 18 and be not dronke with wyne wherin is excesse: but be fulfilled with the sprete 19 speakynge vnto youre selves in psalmes and ymnes and spretuall songes synginge and makinge melodie to ye Lorde in youre hertes 20 gevinge thankes all wayes for all thinges vnto God the father in the name of oure Lorde Iesu Christ: 21 submittinge youre selves one to another in the feare of God. 22 Wemen submit youre selves vnto youre awne husbandes as vnto the Lorde. 23 For the husbande is the wyves heed even as Christ is the heed of the congregacion and the same is the saveoure of the body. 24 Therfore as the cogregacion is in subieccion to Christ lykwyse let the wyves be in subieccion to their husbandes in all thinges. 25 Husbandes love youre wyves even as Christ loved the congregacion and gave him silfe for it 26 to sanctifie it and clensed it in the fountayne of water thorow the worde 27 to make it vnto him selfe a glorious congregacion with oute spot or wrynckle or eny soche thinge: but that it shuld be holy and with out blame. 28 So ought men to love their wyves as their awne bodyes. He that loveth his wyfe loveth him sylfe. 29 For no ma ever yet hated his awne flesshe: but norissheth and cherisseth it even as the lorde doth the congregacion. 30 For we are members of his body of his flesshe and of his bones. 31 For this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cotinue with his wyfe and two shalbe made one flesshe. 32 This is a great secrete but I speake bitwene Christ and the cogregacion. 33 Neverthelesse do ye so that every one of you love his wyfe truely even as him silfe. And let ye wyfe se that she feare her husbade.

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