Bible verses about "popularity" | Tyndale

1 Peter 5:8

8 Be sober and watch for youre adversary ye devyll as a rorynge lion walketh about sekynge whom he maye devoure:

James 4:4

4 Ye advouterars and wemen that breke matrimonie: knowe ye not how yt the freshippe of ye worlde is ennimite to god warde? Whosoever wilbe a frende of the worlde is made the enemie of god.

James 2:1-13

1 Brethren have not the fayth of oure lorde Iesus Christ the lorde of glory in respecte of persons. 2 Yf ther come into youre company a man with a golden rynge and in goodly aparell and ther come in also a poore man in vyle rayment 3 and ye have a respecte to him that weareth the gaye clothynge and saye vnto him. Sit thou here in a good place: and saye vnto the poore stonde thou there or sit here vnder my fotestole: 4 are ye not parciall in youre selves and have iudged after evyll thoughtes? 5 Harken my deare beloved brethren. Hath not God chosen the poore of this worlde which are ryche in fayth and heyres of the kyngdom which he promysed to them that love him? 6 But ye have despised the poore. Are not the rych they which opresse you: and they which drawe you before iudges? 7 Do not they speake evyll of that good name after which ye be named. 8 Yf ye fulfill the royall lawe accordynge to the scripture which sayth. Thou shallt love thyne neghbour as thy silfe ye do well. 9 But yf ye regarde one person more then another ye commit synne and are rebuked of the lawe as transgressours. 10 Whosoever shall kepe the whole lawe and yet fayle in one poynt he is gyltie in all. 11 For he that sayd. Thou shallt not commit adulterie sayed also: thou shallt not kyll. Though thou do none adulterie yet yf thou kill thou arte a transgresser of the lawe. 12 So speake ye and so do as they that shalbe iudged by the lawe of libertie. 13 For ther shalbe iudgement merciles to him that sheweth no mercy and mercy reioyseth agaynst iudgement:

Luke 6:26

26 Wo be to you when all men prayse you: for so dyd their fathers to the false prophetes.

Romans 12:2

2 And fassion not youre selves lyke vnto this worlde: But be ye chaunged in youre shape by the renuynge of youre wittes that ye maye fele what thynge that good yt acceptable and perfaycte will of god is.

Luke 14:7-14

7 He put forthe a similitude to ye gestes whe he marked how they preased to the hyest roumes and sayd vnto the: 8 When thou arte bidde to a weddynge of eny man syt not doune in ye hyest roume lest a more honorable man then thou be bidden of him 9 and he that bade bothe him and the come and saye to the: geve this man roume and thou then beginne with shame to take the lowest roume. 10 But rather when thou arte bidden goo and syt in the lowest roume that when he that bade the cometh he maye saye vnto the: frende syt vp hyer. Then shalt thou have worshippe in the presence of them that syt at meate with the. 11 For whosoever exalteth him sylfe shalbe brought lowe. And he yt hubleth him sylfe shalbe exalted 12 Then sayde he also to him that had desyred him to diner: When thou makest a diner or a supper: call not thy frendes nor thy brethre nether thy kinsmen nor yet ryche neghbours: lest they bidde the agayne and a recompence be made the. 13 But when thou makest afeast call the poore the maymed the lame and the blynde 14 and thou shalt be happy for they cannot recompence the. But thou shalt be recompensed at the resurreccion of the iuste men.

Luke 9:25

25 For what avauntageth it a man to wynne the whole worlde yf he loose him sylfe or runne in domage of him sylfe?

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