Bible verses about "fashion" | Tyndale

Matthew 5:28

28 But I say vnto you that whosoeuer looketh on a wyfe lustynge after her hathe comitted advoutrie with hir alredy in his hert.

Leviticus 26:1-46

1 Ye shall make you no ydolles nor grauen ymage nether rere you vpp any piler nether ye shall sett vp any ymage of stone in youre lande to bowe youre selues there to: for I am the Lorde youre God. 2 kepe my sabbathes and feare my sanctuary. for I am the Lorde. 3 Yf ye shall walke in myne ordynaunces and kepe my commaundmentes and do them 4 then I will sende you rayne in the ryght ceason ad youre londe shall yelde hir encrease and the trees of the felde shall geue their frute. 5 And the threshynge shall reach vnto wyne haruest and the wyneharuest shall reach vnto sowyng tyme and ye shall eate youre bred in plenteousnes and shall dwell in youre lande peasably. 6 And I wil sende peace in youre londe that ye shall slepe, and no man shal make you afrayde. And I will ryd euell beestes out of youre londe, and there shall no swerde goo thorowe out youre lande. 7 And ye shall chace youre enemyes, and they shall fall before you vppon the swerde. 8 And fiue of you shall chace an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put .x. thousande to flighte, and youre enemyes shall fall before you apon the swerde. 9 And I wil turne vnto you and encrease you and multipye you, and sett vpp my testament with you. 10 And ye shall eate olde store, ad cast out the olde for plentuousnes of the newe. 11 I will make my dwellynge place amonge you, and my soule shall not loothe you. 12 And I will walke amonge you and wilbe youre God, and ye shalbe my people. 13 For I am the Lorde youre God, whiche broughte you out off the lande of the Egiptians, that ye shulde not be their bondemen, and I brake the bowes of youre yockes, and made you go vprighte. 14 But and yf ye will not harken vnto me, nor will do all these my commaundementes, 15 or yf ye shall despyse myne ordinaunces ether yf youre soules refuse my lawes, so that ye wil not do all my commaundnentes, but shall breake myne appoyntment: 16 then I will do this agayne vnto you: I will viset you with vexations, swellynge and feuers, that shall make youre eyes dasell and with sorowes of herte. And ye shall sowe youre seed in vayne, for youre enemyes shall eate it. 17 And I will set my face agenste you and ye shal fall before youre enemyes, and they that hate you shal raigne ouer you, ad ye shall flee whe no man foloweth you. 18 And yf ye will not yet for all this herken vnto me, than will I punish you seuen tymes more for youre synnes, 19 and will breake the pride off youre strength. For I will make the heaue ouer you as harde as yerne, and youre londe as hard as brasse. 20 And so youre laboure shalbe spent in vayne. For youre londe shall not geue hir encrease, nether the trees of the londe shall geue their frutes. 21 And yf ye walke contrary vnto me and will not herken vnto me, I will bringe seuen tymes moo plages apon you acordinge to your synnnes. 22 I will sende in wylde beestes apon you, which shall robbe you of youre childern and destroye youre catell, and make you so fewe in numbre that youre hye wayes shall growe vnto a wildernesse. 23 And yf ye will not be lerned yet for all this but shall walke contrarye vnto me, 24 then will I also walke contrarye vnto you and will punish you yet seuen tymes for youre synnes. 25 I will sende a swerde apon you, that shall avenge my testament with you. And when ye are fled vnto youre cities, I will sende the pestelence amonge you, ye shall be delyuered in to the handes of youre enemyes. 26 And when I haue broken the staffe of youre bred: that .x. wyues shall bake youre bred in one ouen and men shall delyuer you youre bred agayne by weyghte, tha shal ye eate and shall not be satisfied. 27 And yf ye will not yet for all this harken vnto me, but shall walke contrarye vnto me, 28 then I will walke contrary vnto you also wrathfully and will also chastice you seuen tymes for youre synnes: 29 so that ye shall eate the flesh of youre sonnes and the flesh of youre doughters. 30 And I will destroye youre alters bylt apon hye hylles, and ouerthrowe youre images, and cast youre carkasses apon the bodies of youre ydolles, and my soule shall abhorre you. 31 And I will make youre cities desolate, and bringe youre sanctuaries vnto nought, and will not smell the sauoures of youre swete odoures. 32 And I will bringe the londe vnto a wildernesse: so that youre enemyes which dwell therein shall wondre at it. 33 And I will strawe you amonge the heethen, and will drawe out a swerde after you, and youre lande shalbe wast, and youre cities desolate. 34 Then the lande shall reioyse in hir Sabbathes, as longe as it lyeth voyde and ye in youre enemies londe: euen then shall the londe kepe holye daye and reioyse in hir Sabbathes. 35 And as longe as it lyeth voyde it shall rest, for that it coude not reste in youre Sabbathes, when ye dwelt therein. 36 And vppon them that are left alyue of you I will sende a feyntnesse in to their hertes in the londe of their enemies: so that the sounde of a leef that falleth, shall chace them and they shall flee as though thei fled a swerde, and shall fall no man folowinge them. 37 And they shall fall one uppon another, as it were before a swerde euen no man folowinge them, and ye shall haue no power to stonde before youre enemyes: 38 And ye shall perish amonge the hethen, ad the londe of youre enemyes shall eate you vpp. 39 And thei that are left of you, shall pyne awaye in their vnrightuousnes, euen in their enemies londe, and also in the mysdeades of their fathers shall they consume. 40 And they shall confesse their misdedes and the misdeades of their fathers in their trespases which thei haue trespased against me, and for that also that thei haue walked contrary vnto me. 41 Therfore I also will walke contrary vnto them, and will brynge them in to the londe of their enemyes. And then at the leest waye their vncircumcysed hertes shall be tamed, ad then they shall make an attonement for their misdedes. 42 And I wil remembre my bonde with Iacob and my testamet with Isaac, and my testament with Abraham, and will thinke on the londe. 43 For the londe shall be lefte of them and shall haue pleasure in hir Sabbathes, while she lyeth wast without them, and they shall make an attonement for their misdeades, because they despysed my lawes and their soules refused myne ordinaunces. 44 And yet for all that when thei be in the londe of their enemyes, I will not so cast them awaye nor my soule shall not so abhorre them, that I will vtterlye destroye the ad breake myne appoyntment with them: for I am the Lorde their God. 45 I will therfore remebre vnto the the first couenaunt made when I broughte them out of the lond of Egipte in the sighte of the hethen to be their God: for I am the Lorde. 46 These are the ordinaunces, iudgemetes, ad lawes which the Lorde made betwene him ad the childern of Israel in mount Sinai by the hade of Moses.

Luke 16:19-31

19 Ther was a certayne ryche man which was clothed in purple and fyne bysse and fared deliciously every daye. 20 And ther was a certayne begger named Lazarus whiche laye at his gate full of soores 21 desyringe to be refresshed with the cromes whiche fell from the ryche manes borde. Neverthelesse the dogges came and licked his soores. 22 And yt fortuned that the begger dyed and was caried by the angelles into Abrahas bosome. The riche man also died and was buried. 23 And beinge in hell in tormetes he lyfte vp his eyes and sawe Abraham a farre of and Lazarus in his bosome 24 and he cryed and sayd: father Abraham have mercy on me and sende Lazarus that he maye dippe the tippe of his fynger in water and cole my tonge: for I am tourmented in this flame. 25 But Abraha sayd vnto him Sonne remembre that thou in thy lyfe tyme receavedst thy pleasure and contrary wyse Lazarus payne. Now therfore is he comforted and thou art punysshed. 26 Beyonde all this bitwene you and vs ther is a greate space set so that they which wolde goo from thence to you cannot: nether maye come from thence to vs. 27 Then he sayd: I praye the therfore father send him to my fathers housse. 28 For I have fyve brethren: for to warne the left they also come into this place of tourmet. 29 Abraha sayd vnto him: they have Moses and the Prophetes let them heare them. 30 And he sayd: naye father Abraham but yf one came vnto the from the ded they wolde repent. 31 He sayd vnto him: If they heare not Moses and ye prophetes nether will they beleve though one roose from deeth agayne.

Matthew 6:19-21

19 But gaddre ye treasure togeder in heve where nether rust nor mothes corrupte and where theves nether breake vp nor yet steale. 20 For where soever youre treasure ys there will youre hertes be also. 21 The light of the body is thyne eye. Wher fore if thyne eye besyngle all thy body shalbe full of light.

1 Timothy 6:17-19

17 Charge them that are ryche in this worlde that they be not excedynge wyse and that they trust not in the vncertayne ryches but in the livynge god which geveth vs aboundantly all thynges to enioye them 18 and that they do good and be ryche in good workes and redy to geve and to distribute 19 layinge vp in store for them selves a good foundacio agaynst the tyme to come yt they maye obteyne eternall lyfe

Luke 12:33-34

33 Sell that ye have and geve almes. And make you bagges which wexe not olde and treasure that fayleth not in heaven where noo these commeth nether moth corrupteth. 34 For where youre treasure is there will youre hertes be also.

Romans 12:2

2 And fassion not youre selves lyke vnto this worlde: But be ye chaunged in youre shape by the renuynge of youre wittes that ye maye fele what thynge that good yt acceptable and perfaycte will of god is.

1 Timothy 2:9-10

9 Lykwyse also the wemen that they araye them selves in comlye aparell with shamfastnes and discrete behaveour not with broyded heare other golde or pearles or costly araye: 10 but with suche as becometh wemen that professe the worshippynge of God thorow good workes.

1 Peter 3:3-4

3 Whose apparell shall not be outwarde with broyded heare and hanginge on of golde other in puttinge on of gorgious aparell: 4 but let the hyd man of the herte be incorrupt with a meke and a quyet sprete which sprete is before God a thinge moche set by.

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