Bible verses about "bondage" | Tyndale

Genesis 4:1-26

1 And Adam lay wyth Heua ys wyfe which conceaved and bare Cain and sayd: I haue goten a ma of the LORde. 2 And she proceded forth and bare hys brother Abell: And Abell became a sheperde And Cain became a ploweman. 3 And it fortuned in processe of tyme that Cain brought of the frute of the erth: an offerynge vnto the LORde. 4 And Abell he brought also of the fyrstlynges of hys shepe and of the fatt of them. And the LORde loked vnto Abell and to his offeynge: 5 but vnto Cain and vnto his offrynge looked he not. And Cain was wroth exceadingly and loured. 6 And the LORde sayd vnto Cain: why art thou angry and why loureste thou? Wotest thou not yf thou dost well thou shalt receave it? 7 But and yf thou dost evell by and by thy synne lyeth open in the dore. Not withstondyng let it be subdued vnto the ad see thou rule it. 8 And Cain talked wyth Abell his brother.And as soone as they were in the feldes Cain fell vppon Abell his brother and slewe hym 9 And ye LORde sayd vnto Cain: where is Abell thy brother? And he sayd: I can not tell am I my brothers keper? 10 And he sayd: What hast thou done? the voyce of thy brothers bloud cryeth vnto me out of the erth. 11 And now cursed be thou as pertaynyng to the erth which opened hyr mouth to receaue thy brothers bloud of thyne hande. 12 For when thou tyllest the grounde she shall heceforth not geve hyr power vnto the. A vagabunde and a rennagate shalt thou be vpon the erth. 13 And Cain sayd vnto the LORde: my synne is greater then that it may be forgeven. 14 Beholde thou castest me out thys day from of the face of the erth and fro thy syghte must I hyde my selfe ad I must be wandrynge and a vagabunde vpon the erth: Morover whosoever fyndeth me wyll kyll me, 15 And the LORde sayd vnto hi Not so but whosoever sleyth Cain shalbe punyshed .vij. folde. And ye LORde put a marke vpo Cain that no ma yt founde hym shulde kyll hym. 16 And Cain went out fro the face of the LORde and dwelt in the lande Nod on the east syde of Eden. 17 And Cain laye wyth hys wyfe which conceaved and bare Henoch. And he was buyldinge a cyte and called the name of it after the name of hys sonne Henoch. 18 And Henoch begat Irad. And Irad begat Mahuiael. And Mahuiael begat Mathusael. And Mathusael begat Lamech. 19 And Lamech toke hym two wyves: the one was called Ada and the other Zilla. 20 And Ada bare Iabal of whome came they that dwell in tentes ad possesse catell. 21 And hys brothers name was Iubal: of hym came all that excercyse them selves on the harpe and on the organs 22 And Zilla she also bare Tubalcain a worker in metall and a father of all that grave in brasse and yeron. And Tubalcains syster was called Naema. 23 Then sayd Lamech vnto hys wyves Ada ad Zilla: heare my voyce ye wyves of Lamech and herken vnto my wordes for I haue slayne a man and wounded my selfe and haue slayn a yongman and gotte my selfe strypes: 24 For Cain shall be avenged sevenfolde: but Lamech seventie tymes sevenfolde. 25 Adam also laye with hys wyfe yet agayne and she bare a sonne ad called hys name Seth For god (sayd she) hath geven me a nother sonne For Abell whom Cain slewe. 26 And Seth begat a sonne and called hys name Enos. And in that tyme began men to call on the name of the LORde.

Luke 10:30-37

30 Iesus answered and sayde: A certayne ma descended fro Hierusalem into Hierico and fell in to the hondes of theves which robbed him of his raymet and wounded him and departed levynge him halfe deed. 31 And by chaunce ther came a certayne preste that same waye and when he sawe him he passed by. 32 And lykewyse a Levite when he was come nye to the place wet and loked on him and passed by. 33 Then a certayne Samaritane as he iornyed came nye vnto him and when he sawe him had compassion on him 34 and went to and bounde vp his woundes and poured in oyle and wyne and put him on his awne beaste and brought him to a comen ynne and made provision for him. 35 And on the morowe when he departed he toke out two pece and gave them to the host and sayde vnto him. Take cure of him and whatsoever thou spedest moare when I come agayne I will recompence the. 36 Which now of these thre thynkest thou was neighbour vnto him yt fell into ye theves hondes? 37 And he sayde: he that shewed mercy on him. Then sayde Iesus vnto him. Goo and do thou lyke wyse.

Exodus 20:1-26

1 And God spake all these wordes ad saide: 2 I am the Lorde thy God, which haue brought the out of the londe of Egipte ad out of the house of bondage. 3 Thou shalt haue none other goddes in my syght. 4 Thou shalt make the no grauen ymage, nether any symilitude that is in heauen aboue, ether in the erth beneth, or in the water that ys beneth the erth. 5 Se that thou nether bowe thy sylf vnto them nether serue them: for I the Lorde thy God, am a gelouse God, and viset the synne of the fathers vppon the childern vnto the third and fourth generacion of the that hate me: 6 and yet shewe mercie vnto thousandes amonge them that loue me and kepe my commaundmentes. 7 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vayne, for the Lord wil not holde him giltlesse that taketh his name in vayne. 8 Remebre the Sabbath daye that thou sanctifie it. 9 Sixe dayes mayst thou laboure ad do al that thou hast to doo: 10 but the seuenth daye is the Sabbath of the Lorde thy God, in it thou shalt do no maner worke: nether thou nor thy sonne, nor thy doughter, nether thy manservaunte nor thy maydeservaunte, nether thy catell nether yet the straunger that is within thi gates 11 For in sixe dayes the Lorde made both heauen and erth and the see and all that in them is and rested the seuenth daye: wherfore the Lorde blessed the Sabbath daye and halowed it. 12 Honoure thy father ad thy mother, that thy dayes may be loge in the lode which the Lorde thy God geueth the. 13 Thou shalt not kyll. 14 Thou shalt not breake wedlocke. 15 Thou shalt not steale. 16 Thou shalt bere no false witnesse agest thy neghboure 17 Thou shalt not couet thy neghbours housse: nether shalt couet thy neghbours wife, his maservaunte, his mayde, his oxe, his asse or oughte that is his. 18 And all the people sawe the thunder ad the lyghteninge and the noyse of the horne, ad howe the mountayne smoked. And whe the people sawe it, they remoued ad stode a ferre of 19 ad saide vnto Moses: talke thou with vs and we wil heare: but let not god talke with vs, lest we dye. 20 And Moses sayde vnto the people feare not, for God is come to proue you, and that his feare maye be amonge you that ye synne not. 21 And the people stode aferre of, ad Moses went in to the thicke clowde where God was 22 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: thus thou shalt saye vnto the childern of Israel: Ye haue sene how that I haue talked with you from out of heauen. 23 Ye shal not make therfore with me goddes of syluer nor goddes of golde: in no wyse shall ye do it. 24 An alter of erth thou shalt make vnto me ad there on offer thy burntofferinges ad thy peaceoffringes, and thy shepe ad thine oxen. And in all places where I shall put the remebraunce of my name, thither I will come vnto the and blesse the. 25 But and yf thou wilt make me an alter off stone, se thou make it not of hewed stone, for yf thou lyfte vp thy tole vpon it, thou shalt polute it. 26 Moreouer thou shalt not goo vp wyth steppes vnto myne alter, that thy nakednesse be not shewed there on.

Matthew 5:1-48

1 When he sawe the people he went vp into a mountayne and when he was set his disciples came to hym 2 and he opened hys mouthe and taught them sayinge: 3 Blessed are the povre in sprete: for theirs is the kyngdome of heven. 4 Blessed are they that morne: for they shalbe conforted. 5 Blessed are the meke: for they shall inheret the erth. 6 Blessed are they which honger and thurst for rightewesnes: for they shalbe filled. 7 Blessed are ye mercifull: for they shall obteyne mercy. 8 Blessed are the pure in herte: for they shall se God. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shalbe called the chyldren of God. 10 Blessed are they which suffre persecucio for rightwesnes sake: for theirs ys the kyngdome of heuen. 11 Blessed are ye when men reuyle you and persecute you and shall falsly say all manner of yvell saynges agaynst you for my sake. 12 Reioyce and be glad for greate is youre rewarde in heven. + For so persecuted they ye Prophetes which were before youre dayes. 13 ye are ye salt of the erthe: but and yf ye salt have lost hir saltnes what can be salted ther with? It is thence forthe good for nothynge but to be cast oute and to be troade vnder fote of men. 14 Ye are ye light of the worlde. A cite yt is set on an hill cannot be hid 15 nether do men lyght a cadell and put it vnder a busshell but on a candelstick and it lighteth all that are in the house. 16 Let youre light so shyne before men yt they maye se youre good workes and glorify youre father which is in heven. 17 Thinke not yt I am come to destroye the lawe or the Prophets: no I am nott come to destroye them but to fulfyll them. 18 For truely I saye vnto you till heven and erth perisshe one iott or one tytle of the lawe shall not scape tyll all be fulfilled. 19 Whosoever breaketh one of these lest commaundmentes and teacheth men so he shalbe called the leest in the kyngdome of heve. But whosoever obserueth and teacheth ye same shal be called greate in the kyngdome of heven. 20 For I saye vnto you except youre rightewesnes excede the righetewesnes of ye Scribes and Pharises ye canot entre into ye kyngdome of heven. 21 Ye have herde howe it was sayd vnto the of ye olde tyme: Thou shalt not kyll. For whoso ever kylleth shall be in daunger of iudgemet. 22 But I say vnto you whosoever is angre with hys brother shalbe in daunger of iudgement. Whosoeuer sayeth vnto his brother Racha shalbe in dauger of a cousell. But whosoeuer sayeth thou fole shalbe in dauger of hell fyre. 23 Therfore whe thou offrest thy gifte at the altare and their remembrest that thy brother hath ought agaynst the: 24 leue there thyne offrynge before the altre and go thy waye first and be reconcyled to thy brother and then come and offre thy gyfte. 25 Agre with thyne adversary quicklye whyles thou arte in ye waye with hym lest that adversary deliver ye to ye iudge and ye iudge delivre ye to ye minister and the thou be cast into preson. 26 I say vnto ye verely: thou shalt not come out thece till thou have payed ye utmost farthige. 27 Ye haue hearde howe it was sayde to the of olde tyme: Thou shalt not comitt advoutrie. 28 But I say vnto you that whosoeuer looketh on a wyfe lustynge after her hathe comitted advoutrie with hir alredy in his hert. 29 Wherfore yf thy right eye offende ye plucke hym out and caste him from the. Better it is for the yt one of thy membres perisshe then that thy hole bodye shuld be cast into hell. 30 Also if thy right honde offend ye cut hym of and caste hym from the. Better yt ys that one of thy membres perisshe then that all thy body shulde be caste in to hell. 31 It ys sayd whosoever put awaye his wyfe let hym geve her a testymonyall also of the devorcement. 32 But I say vnto you: whosoever put awaye his wyfe (except it be for fornicacion) causeth her to breake matrymony. And whosoever maryeth her that is devorsed breaketh wedlocke. 33 Agayne ye haue hearde how it was sayd to the of olde tyme thou shalt not forsuere thy selfe but shalt performe thyne othe to God. 34 But I saye vnto you swere not at all nether by heue for it ys Goddes seate: 35 nor yet by the erth for it is his fote stole: nether by Ierusalem for it ys ye cyte of yt greate kynge: 36 nether shalt thou sweare by thy heed because thou canst not make one white heer or blacke: 37 But your comunicacion shalbe ye ye: nay nay. For whatsoeuer is more then yt cometh of yvell. 38 Ye have hearde how it ys sayd an eye for an eye: a tothe for a tothe. 39 But I saye to you that ye resist not wroge. But whosoever geve the a blowe on thy right cheke tourne to him the other. 40 And yf eny man will sue the at the lawe and take awaye thy coote let hym have thy cloocke also. 41 And whosoever wyll copell the to goo a myle goo wyth him twayne. 42 Geve to him that axeth and fro him that wolde borowe tourne not awaye. 43 Ye have hearde how it is sayde: thou shalt love thyne neghbour and hate thine enimy. 44 But I saye vnto you love youre enimies. Blesse the that coursse you. Do good to them that hate you. Praye for them which doo you wronge and persecute you 45 that ye maye be ye chyldern of youre father that is in heauen: for he maketh his sunne to aryse on ye yvell and on the good and sendeth his reyn on the iuste and vniuste. 46 For yf ye love them which love you: what rewarde shall ye have? Doo not the Publicans euen so? 47 And yf ye be frendly to youre brethren onlye: what singuler thynge doo ye? Do not the Publicans lyke wyse? ye shall therfore be perfecte eve as youre father which is in heauen is perfecte. 48 Take hede to youre almes. That ye geve it not in the syght of men to the intent that ye wolde be sene of them. Or els ye get no rewarde of youre father which is in heve.

John 14:15

15 If ye love me kepe my comaundementes

James 1:14

14 But every ma is tepted drawne awaye and entysed of his awne concupiscece.

Leviticus 26:1-46

1 Ye shall make you no ydolles nor grauen ymage nether rere you vpp any piler nether ye shall sett vp any ymage of stone in youre lande to bowe youre selues there to: for I am the Lorde youre God. 2 kepe my sabbathes and feare my sanctuary. for I am the Lorde. 3 Yf ye shall walke in myne ordynaunces and kepe my commaundmentes and do them 4 then I will sende you rayne in the ryght ceason ad youre londe shall yelde hir encrease and the trees of the felde shall geue their frute. 5 And the threshynge shall reach vnto wyne haruest and the wyneharuest shall reach vnto sowyng tyme and ye shall eate youre bred in plenteousnes and shall dwell in youre lande peasably. 6 And I wil sende peace in youre londe that ye shall slepe, and no man shal make you afrayde. And I will ryd euell beestes out of youre londe, and there shall no swerde goo thorowe out youre lande. 7 And ye shall chace youre enemyes, and they shall fall before you vppon the swerde. 8 And fiue of you shall chace an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put .x. thousande to flighte, and youre enemyes shall fall before you apon the swerde. 9 And I wil turne vnto you and encrease you and multipye you, and sett vpp my testament with you. 10 And ye shall eate olde store, ad cast out the olde for plentuousnes of the newe. 11 I will make my dwellynge place amonge you, and my soule shall not loothe you. 12 And I will walke amonge you and wilbe youre God, and ye shalbe my people. 13 For I am the Lorde youre God, whiche broughte you out off the lande of the Egiptians, that ye shulde not be their bondemen, and I brake the bowes of youre yockes, and made you go vprighte. 14 But and yf ye will not harken vnto me, nor will do all these my commaundementes, 15 or yf ye shall despyse myne ordinaunces ether yf youre soules refuse my lawes, so that ye wil not do all my commaundnentes, but shall breake myne appoyntment: 16 then I will do this agayne vnto you: I will viset you with vexations, swellynge and feuers, that shall make youre eyes dasell and with sorowes of herte. And ye shall sowe youre seed in vayne, for youre enemyes shall eate it. 17 And I will set my face agenste you and ye shal fall before youre enemyes, and they that hate you shal raigne ouer you, ad ye shall flee whe no man foloweth you. 18 And yf ye will not yet for all this herken vnto me, than will I punish you seuen tymes more for youre synnes, 19 and will breake the pride off youre strength. For I will make the heaue ouer you as harde as yerne, and youre londe as hard as brasse. 20 And so youre laboure shalbe spent in vayne. For youre londe shall not geue hir encrease, nether the trees of the londe shall geue their frutes. 21 And yf ye walke contrary vnto me and will not herken vnto me, I will bringe seuen tymes moo plages apon you acordinge to your synnnes. 22 I will sende in wylde beestes apon you, which shall robbe you of youre childern and destroye youre catell, and make you so fewe in numbre that youre hye wayes shall growe vnto a wildernesse. 23 And yf ye will not be lerned yet for all this but shall walke contrarye vnto me, 24 then will I also walke contrarye vnto you and will punish you yet seuen tymes for youre synnes. 25 I will sende a swerde apon you, that shall avenge my testament with you. And when ye are fled vnto youre cities, I will sende the pestelence amonge you, ye shall be delyuered in to the handes of youre enemyes. 26 And when I haue broken the staffe of youre bred: that .x. wyues shall bake youre bred in one ouen and men shall delyuer you youre bred agayne by weyghte, tha shal ye eate and shall not be satisfied. 27 And yf ye will not yet for all this harken vnto me, but shall walke contrarye vnto me, 28 then I will walke contrary vnto you also wrathfully and will also chastice you seuen tymes for youre synnes: 29 so that ye shall eate the flesh of youre sonnes and the flesh of youre doughters. 30 And I will destroye youre alters bylt apon hye hylles, and ouerthrowe youre images, and cast youre carkasses apon the bodies of youre ydolles, and my soule shall abhorre you. 31 And I will make youre cities desolate, and bringe youre sanctuaries vnto nought, and will not smell the sauoures of youre swete odoures. 32 And I will bringe the londe vnto a wildernesse: so that youre enemyes which dwell therein shall wondre at it. 33 And I will strawe you amonge the heethen, and will drawe out a swerde after you, and youre lande shalbe wast, and youre cities desolate. 34 Then the lande shall reioyse in hir Sabbathes, as longe as it lyeth voyde and ye in youre enemies londe: euen then shall the londe kepe holye daye and reioyse in hir Sabbathes. 35 And as longe as it lyeth voyde it shall rest, for that it coude not reste in youre Sabbathes, when ye dwelt therein. 36 And vppon them that are left alyue of you I will sende a feyntnesse in to their hertes in the londe of their enemies: so that the sounde of a leef that falleth, shall chace them and they shall flee as though thei fled a swerde, and shall fall no man folowinge them. 37 And they shall fall one uppon another, as it were before a swerde euen no man folowinge them, and ye shall haue no power to stonde before youre enemyes: 38 And ye shall perish amonge the hethen, ad the londe of youre enemyes shall eate you vpp. 39 And thei that are left of you, shall pyne awaye in their vnrightuousnes, euen in their enemies londe, and also in the mysdeades of their fathers shall they consume. 40 And they shall confesse their misdedes and the misdeades of their fathers in their trespases which thei haue trespased against me, and for that also that thei haue walked contrary vnto me. 41 Therfore I also will walke contrary vnto them, and will brynge them in to the londe of their enemyes. And then at the leest waye their vncircumcysed hertes shall be tamed, ad then they shall make an attonement for their misdedes. 42 And I wil remembre my bonde with Iacob and my testamet with Isaac, and my testament with Abraham, and will thinke on the londe. 43 For the londe shall be lefte of them and shall haue pleasure in hir Sabbathes, while she lyeth wast without them, and they shall make an attonement for their misdeades, because they despysed my lawes and their soules refused myne ordinaunces. 44 And yet for all that when thei be in the londe of their enemyes, I will not so cast them awaye nor my soule shall not so abhorre them, that I will vtterlye destroye the ad breake myne appoyntment with them: for I am the Lorde their God. 45 I will therfore remebre vnto the the first couenaunt made when I broughte them out of the lond of Egipte in the sighte of the hethen to be their God: for I am the Lorde. 46 These are the ordinaunces, iudgemetes, ad lawes which the Lorde made betwene him ad the childern of Israel in mount Sinai by the hade of Moses.

Romans 6:6-7

6 This we must remeber that oure olde man is crucified with him also that the body of synne myght vtterly be destroyed that hence forth we shuld not be servauntes of synne. 7 For he that is deed ys iustified from synne.

James 4:7

7 Submit youre selves to god and resist the devyll and he will flye from you.

Hebrews 13:8

8 Iesus Christ yesterdaye and to daye and the same continueth for ever.

Romans 12:2

2 And fassion not youre selves lyke vnto this worlde: But be ye chaunged in youre shape by the renuynge of youre wittes that ye maye fele what thynge that good yt acceptable and perfaycte will of god is.

1 John 1:9

9 Yf we knowledge oure synnes he is faythfull and iust to forgeve vs oure synnes and to clense vs from all vnrightewesnes.

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